Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #6

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I thought Nurmi provided some insight into his client's manipulative, attention seeking brain. Her recorded jail calls berating her mom. He told the defense team he thought if Jodi walked out of the jail there would be 20 men waiting for her with roses, each thinking they were her one true soulmate.

I did like the release of those key tidbits, but was confused if KN authored his material because he felt it therapeutic or if needed to lash out (as opposed to defend his reputation). I don’t blame him if JA and her camp were the targets, quite honestly, he likes to insult Juan, TA, and DeMarte, tasteless. He is a narcissist himself, he knows better than everyone, and is victim to all. *vomit
Came back here originally to post this wee update:

From the COA docket. Amended motion granted, attorneys are to receive the full court record by May 2. Next step: Their review of the record, writing of appellate briefs, no input from required. If the wants to dictate strategy this time, I'm afraid she'll have to do so vicariously. :)

Ahh, and damn, today I came home and saw I got a Jury Summons.

As much respect as I have for the process, I don't feel I can 'deliberate' for a while to come..

Damn it, plus it's still tax season for me...
Well smack me hard and wake me the hell up. I wonder what the arsonist is up to with this BS? She has been bragging B.K. up, so stay tuned. Duh-Rama. :laughing:

Donavan B. announced that she no longer supports the butcheress. She will be doing an interview, letting people know why.
Oh, the shame, :shame:!
I wonder, if JA stopped writing her.. Whenever Donovan makes it a point to mention just how much agony Jodi is really* in, I figure JA reaches for her Tylenol…

“Nooo, Donovan, I am ecstatic! I have friends, fame, candy, and now, air conditioning!”

I don’t think DB suddenly developed a conscience about what was done to Travis.
DB = Drama indeed! I don't know why she is important in this entire case. I guess to increase her 15 minutes of fame. I don't get the adulation there, meaning why everyone hangs onto everything she says and gives her a special platform.
I gathered from his book that he approaches everything trial-related in a similarly exquisitely focused, minimalist fashion. I think he didn’t write his personal thoughts about Nurmi (did he ever even mention JW by name in his book?) or virtually anyone else because his chosen court MO is not to go there, period. He doesn’t have co-counsel, he doesn’t socialize with opposing counsel, he doesn’t pay attention to jury or judge when he’s up, he doesn’t allow Flores to speak to him during tesrtimony. Work is work and when he walks out of the courtroom he’s a private person who insists upon his privacy.

I think what he chose to write reflects those personal and professional choices. IMO what he delivered, brilliantly, is exactly what he said was the purpose of writing the book—insight into his strategic thinking, and his decisions about key evidence and his cross examination of the .

My loving the book probably has a great deal to do with my fascination for exactly those aspects of trial…. 


JM being human and all, I think he had to have been angered by the relentless stream of personal attacks on his integrity and ethics by Nurmi, especially in PP2.
I think his reply to Tricia on TRC about Nurmi criticizing him for deciding against bringing in her jail calls (IIRC) revealed a bit of what he felt—it was cutting, had a flash of ego, irritation, and contempt, but it was also brief then done, and JM moved right on.

I feel he revealed quite a bit of his strategy too. The ability to keep information about the receipts out of KN’s reach (he debunked her travel/route/destinations, consumed his research on the basis she was lying), Deanna Reid (knew Nurmi was lying, already prepped her for trial, in essence), and how he proceeded with JA on stand (accounting for her desire to most likely feign emotion and soapbox for the jury), etc.

And because he has an active docket, I doubt very much he feels comfortable revealing anything about his associations over a trial or affiliation with his colleagues to any great detail. He has yet to retire and feel so comfortable? To echo someone else’s sentiments from earlier, I don’t think he’s the type to anecdote either way… Strategy, opportunity for fame, all these things can be used (albeit, with minimal importance) against him. As it were he revealed practically nothing, any evidence of his associations to the TA camp were photos posted by other people’s accounts…

The most interesting thing about his personality was my take at how he handled catching Arias’ gimmick in prison. “She’s f*ing up to something.” Brilliant.

Sure, I wish he’d have talked about some other things, maybe he can return to Tricia’s show one day? :)
Yes. It's a tribute to Aggie former students who passed away the previous year. A time to remember our friends, our time spent together on campus, in the Armed Forces, at Aggie football games or bonfire.
There's a roll call and a friend answers "here" for his buddy.

LOL about being more than willing to settle for just one little crumb of detail. I actually fantasized at one point of sending JM a summary of all my many timelines along with a self addressed stamped postcard asking him to check off one of the two boxes:

Yes, I would hire you to do trial research, though I do all my own research
No, I wouldn't hire you to do trial research, but you might want to look into a waitressing career

How long have you been stuck inside? Are helicopters with relief supplies circling above yet?

I'm :laughcry: here - but DO send it!! :)
snipped by me...
Either way, I figure the target reader roamed an aisle at B&N, saw her mugshot, couldn’t place JM, and ended up finding the book an eye-opening read. IMO, Tricia’s interview came the closest to pulling out the answers to the more involved trial watcher’s questions…. That was nice. I still do wonder what’s under seal…

Yep me too - that's why I'm here - but still :waiting:
Yep, what the heck. Throw us a bone, Mr. Martinez, please sir!
DH just let me know...Candidate X met with DH and a few other vets for 30 minutes. Really remarkable, given how precious time is to any political candidate, much less one running for president facing multiple upcoming primaries. No selfies, not sure why. :)
replying to my own post:

Awkward, I know...

BUT, did any of you listen to this interview? I was tickled at how down-to-earth JM was with these women. Made me smile!

I liked it too. One of my favorite exchanges-

Interviewer: who would you choose to sleep with- Nancy Grace or the ?
JM (after a moment): Well, I guess Nancy Grace, because I'd want to wake up in the morning.

And I imagine this will be the only book interview he'll give when he discusses Dante's Inferno....
I liked it too. One of my favorite exchanges-

Interviewer: who would you choose to sleep with- Nancy Grace or the ?
JM (after a moment): Well, I guess Nancy Grace, because I'd want to wake up in the morning.

And I imagine this will be the only book interview he'll give when he discusses Dante's Inferno....

That was funny! Throughout all the interviews he's given, I've been so impressed with his quick wit and sense of humor.
The way they were found in the middle of the bedroom floor was odd to me, they were shower sandals and due to the pics, he took a shower, why were they in the bedroom and not worn into the bathroom? Also, now knowing there was carpet glued to them suggests an answer to what looked like carpet fibers scattered around the tiled floor (but no visible damaged carpeting) - but it also brings the question of - if the fibers came from the sandals during the murder, how did they get back into the bedroom with no blood on them (at least none visible and none mentioned during the trial, or even in JM's book where he mentions them)?


Who glues carpet to swim shoes?
I liked it too. One of my favorite exchanges-

Interviewer: who would you choose to sleep with- Nancy Grace or the ?
JM (after a moment): Well, I guess Nancy Grace, because I'd want to wake up in the morning.

And I imagine this will be the only book interview he'll give when he discusses Dante's Inferno....

Dang, I need new speakers, I had my sound up to max and just couldn't hear most of it. :(

Who glues carpet to swim shoes?

When I first saw those my first thought was they were a gift from someone who had also made herself the ugliest pair of panties I've ever seen...

**goes back to lurking**
When I first saw those my first thought was they were a gift from someone who had also made herself the ugliest pair of panties I've ever seen...

**goes back to lurking**

LOL I really hadn't paid much attention to the inside soles, I was too curious as to why they were lying in an untidy heap when they should be have been near the shower, like his robe was.
LOL I really hadn't paid much attention to the inside soles, I was too curious as to why they were lying in an untidy heap when they should be have been near the shower, like his robe was.

He left them in the bedroom to put on after his shower when his feet were dry?
Timeline for the ’s COA appeal. Disclaimer: I'm not a licensed attorney, but I do practice law vicariously. :D

1. The trial record is complete, and must be delivered to appellate attorneys by May 2.

2. Appellate briefs must be filed with the COA within 40 days for non-capital cases, 90 days for capital cases. Not sure which category hers fits into, given the LWOP rather than DP sentence, but since DP convictions automatically go to the AZC, I’m assuming hers is reviewed as a capital case. If that’s accurate, the ’s brief isn’t due until August 2.

3. The COA doesn’t like giving extensions (continuances). The Court permits one 30-day automatic continuance (as in, a no questions “yes” if requested), but is highly unlikely to grant a second request. Given her voluminous trial record, it’s probably a safe assumption her attys will go for the continuance; brief then due to the COA by September 2.

Upon receipt of briefs, the COA Clerk will set ’s case on the next available calendar of one of the COA’s 5 panels of judges. Case calendars are posted on the COA’s website “at least one month ahead.”

((Process: panels meet weekly. Before meeting, each of the 3 judges on the panel reads briefs, does research, and reviews any relevant parts of the trial record. If appellant attorneys have asked for and been granted oral argument (not routine) the panel will hear that argument on the same day as case conference. Panels typically decide the appeal on the same day as well, although the process of writing their decision takes a great deal longer, and can be delayed still further if a panel judge dissents or if the appeals issues are complex, or for a number of other reasons.))

COA isn’t obligated by law to dispose of appeals within any set time but has set “best practice” goals:

1. 375 days. Filing to Disposition (initial post-sentencing filing of appeal through COA’s written decision). In 2015 that goal was met 58% of the time. Delays are mostly due to what we’ve seen in ’s case---a backlog of obtaining trial record transcriptions.

2. 150 days. At-Issue through Disposition (time from trial record completion through written decision). In 2015, the COA met their At-Issue goal 84% of the time.

3. 90 days. Under Advisement to Disposition (time from a panel’s calendared conference through written decision). In 2015 that goal was met 78% of the time.

Based on the above…the earliest we’ll hear that her appeal has been denied is 90 days after conference, December 3, plus whatever amount of time elapses between the COA’s receipt of briefs through the date of the 3-judge panel’s conference to discuss her appeal (no less than one month, given the dates for conference are posted on COA’s website “at least one month prior”).

Sadly for ’s fans, then, she won’t be coming home for Christmas this year either. Perhaps she’ll treat herself to extra packages of sardines as she rings in her new year at Perryville, still waiting for the COA to get back to her on that appeals thing.
Timeline for the ’s COA appeal. Disclaimer: I'm not a licensed attorney, but I do practice law vicariously. :D

1. The trial record is complete, and must be delivered to appellate attorneys by May 2.

2. Appellate briefs must be filed with the COA within 40 days for non-capital cases, 90 days for capital cases. Not sure which category hers fits into, given the LWOP rather than DP sentence, but since DP convictions automatically go to the AZC, I’m assuming hers is reviewed as a capital case. If that’s accurate, the ’s brief isn’t due until August 2.

3. The COA doesn’t like giving extensions (continuances). The Court permits one 30-day automatic continuance (as in, a no questions “yes” if requested), but is highly unlikely to grant a second request. Given her voluminous trial record, it’s probably a safe assumption her attys will go for the continuance; brief then due to the COA by September 2.

Upon receipt of briefs, the COA Clerk will set ’s case on the next available calendar of one of the COA’s 5 panels of judges. Case calendars are posted on the COA’s website “at least one month ahead.”

((Process: panels meet weekly. Before meeting, each of the 3 judges on the panel reads briefs, does research, and reviews any relevant parts of the trial record. If appellant attorneys have asked for and been granted oral argument (not routine) the panel will hear that argument on the same day as case conference. Panels typically decide the appeal on the same day as well, although the process of writing their decision takes a great deal longer, and can be delayed still further if a panel judge dissents or if the appeals issues are complex, or for a number of other reasons.))

COA isn’t obligated by law to dispose of appeals within any set time but has set “best practice” goals:

1. 375 days. Filing to Disposition (initial post-sentencing filing of appeal through COA’s written decision). In 2015 that goal was met 58% of the time. Delays are mostly due to what we’ve seen in ’s case---a backlog of obtaining trial record transcriptions.

2. 150 days. At-Issue through Disposition (time from trial record completion through written decision). In 2015, the COA met their At-Issue goal 84% of the time.

3. 90 days. Under Advisement to Disposition (time from a panel’s calendared conference through written decision). In 2015 that goal was met 78% of the time.

Based on the above…the earliest we’ll hear that her appeal has been denied is 90 days after conference, December 3, plus whatever amount of time elapses between the COA’s receipt of briefs through the date of the 3-judge panel’s conference to discuss her appeal (no less than one month, given the dates for conference are posted on COA’s website “at least one month prior”).

Sadly for ’s fans, then, she won’t be coming home for Christmas this year either. Perhaps she’ll treat herself to extra packages of sardines as she rings in her new year at Perryville, still waiting for the COA to get back to her on that appeals thing.

Thanks for bringing us some understanding regarding the appeals process. It really sounds unnecessarily complicated.

Also, I question whether or not she falls into the category of a capital case? But your guess is as good as mine...

But back to the sardines (she also had pistachios on her list). These are really good whole foods. I only buy pistachios every now and then because they're EXPENSIVE!

It's still beyond reason to me that she's able to buy these kinds of foods. Is this on the AZ taxpayers dime, or is this about her getting money from her fans? And if that's the case, what happened to the Alexander's getting their money off the top?

Clearly, I don't understand.
I don't think she would be categorized as a capital case anymore. No, sadly Preshus won't be home for Christmas this year either, nor any to come.
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