Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #6

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Oh, okay. I haven't ever seen zipper backs before, but I guess I should have added that I was fixated on the double stripes also with zippers in the back. :blushing:

What do you think about the possibility of her having stripes up the back legs, too? I guess they could be, if only sewn around the part where the zippers are. Otherwise, that would look quite strange if they went all the way up to the butt. The stripes that is.

I am currently wearing tights like that. Back zipper up to the calf, and then stripes a bit beyond.

However, Jodi is wearing cheap pants. She even told EF she got a bargain. She said she had 2 pairs. They even look like the cheap kind of pant. They have the stripe and the zipper at the side. The pant legs are rotated slightly because of the position of the body.

She probably actually got those pants at Walmart. They are a knit, with at least some polyester, IMO. Not a thick fabric. Maybe someone would like to go shopping at Walmart aka sleuthing tomorrow? Lol. I'd go, but I work.
True, true, true. They could have set it up before her mom left and Jodi didn't include that in her journal. Another truth is that Jodi didn't invite her mom all the way down there just for moral support. Her mom also probably wanted to make sure Jodi would actually come home and not wind up somewhere else. And to make sure that her infiniti (by "her" I mean her mother) got back to Yreka. I'm convinced that her mother bought her that car and probably made the payments, too. And Jodi had to get the tow thing because mom was gone.

I think Jodi did something to make her mom mad or starting making her own "stupid excuses" about how she couldn't pack and leave as quickly as her mom thought it would happen, and her mom was like, "I'm outty if you are going to procrastinate on my time after I flew down here to help you."

It's mighty, mighty hinky that her mom came to help her move at the March 27th, but JA doesn't leave until April 4th.

I reread the journal entry about it. There's no indication that her mother had a return flight already. Sounds like to me, her mom got there with the mission to move JA, saw that JA hadn't done jack crap to move. Her mom probably didn't want to be stuck in Mesa for an unknown period of time, sleeping on an air mattress, while Jodi ran in behind Travis, a man Jodi probably wouldn't even take her mother to meet.

Here's what info JA gives after picking her mom up from the airport March 27th (there has been no mention of car trading in the texts or journal for this time period).

In the Sunday the 30th journal entry, she said:

The next morning,(Friday morning) I woke up and asked her not to be negative because I can't handle it. She didn't say anything. I left for Travis' to clean my Infiniti since I'm returning it (to your mom maybe? LOL).

I visited with Travis for a while. When I got back, she said she was getting a plane ticket home. I appreciate all her help, but we just fight when we're around each other. it brings me down. So yesterday morning, I drove her to the airport, and she's home now.

I don't recall a word about her mom's visit in the journal prior to this. in text messages:

Firstly, she's texting Travis all night instead of paying attention to her mother. He invites her for pizza Saturday. she says:

JA: I wish I could but my mom is Hitler and would freak out if I left the task at hand even for a short time.
TA: Tell your mom to fly home then. Is she here to help or to hurt? If you aren't allowed to say goodbye to friends or go to church, something is wrong.

JA: I agree. In hind sight, I would rather she didn't come at all. There are just boxes. I can do it all myself. But...that day in the car "mom" sounded like such a comforting thing.

TA: Sorry. I feel bad. I wish we didn't argue over stupid things. (What's this referring to, wasnt_me wonders....)
JA: Don't. We're over it. It's better now. Space is good. I'll miss you though.

She says good night, but that's not the end. She also texts a thanks for the air mattress and tells him it's her "happy time now." I'm afraid of what that means. Travis tells her to tell her mom she's running an errand so they can do the pizza thing.

In the morning:
1030am--Jodi texts that she feels like an ingrate and loves her mom.

Next, she tells him about how her roommates are fixing a toilet. Then she asks him to text her Ruby Tuesday's phone number. Isn't she supposed to be working there? Why does he have to text her the number of her job?

1110am--Hey, the pizza place might be a go for us tomorrow. Things are changing. I'll fill you in soon!

Fyi, she started the "mom" journal entry off by saying she no longer works at Ruby Tuesday. She just left it at the one sentence. Why am I imagining that she called Ruby Tuesday to call in sick for Saturday so she could go to lunch with Travis, and it really wasn't going to be her mother, but actually work that would get in the way of the pizza event?

1156am--she texts from her mom's phone that the air mattress rocks.

Where is her phone? Why would she put Travis' number in her mom's phone and vice versa? Then tells him not to message back on the number. smh.

1254pm--texting him back that she likes his new voicemail msg and she hadn't wanted anything, just to see what was up.
137pm--texting him that her mom doesn't like her hair color.
137pm-- he says whatever to her mom's comments because it isn't her mom's hair.

She tries to engage him about Eddie Snell.
154pm--he asks her about his ring and watch that he hasn't seen since tuesday.
No text reply about that one.
446pm--she wants to show him something that will take 15 minutes of his time.

450pmHe asks what it is.

There's no more texting etc until 1136pm, where she asks if TS Elliot is mormon. Claims her texts she sent earlier didn't go through and she'd wanted to show him a video. She found another poem and wants him to call her that night or in the morning. He texts back a no on TS. The rest of the time, he intensely texts Elisa. At almost 4am, he texts that Jodi didn't bring him breakfast.

So in reading this, I don't see where she went over to Travis' house to wash the car on Friday morning. He did sent her a text that didn't go through until 8:54am, but because it said get some sleep and good night at the end of it, I was thinking it was somehow delayed sent. With her first text being at 1031am about her mom, I'm thinking she and her mom woke up and had the conversation. No car washing or visiting Travis.

Saturday is the day the BMW gets blown up.
805am--she hopes he's hungry.
9:40am--asking if he got his last set of tires as Discount tires.
1106am--texts him "no problem" for some reason
2:00pm texting him about wheels at Discount tire that would look good on his car. She didn't say BMW. She just said "car."

604pm--she's texting him the address of papa johns and their phone number. This address happens to be a two minute drive from a Uhaul center.

Mind you, Travis is planning to go to Michele and Dallin's party that night. Not his own UFC like I said previously.
He does go to the party. at 842pm, he texts Taylor that people are just arriving.

1:10am--Jodi texts about her charger being in his car.
No text response.

Weird thing is this. At 950am Sunday morning, they are arguing about her moaning about making PC. She's all hurt that he's swearing at her.

1036am--she's telling him she wouldn't have hung up on him if she'd been more coherent. She hates it when he's right. Maybe she would have made a better decision. But she already apologized twice and he hadn't even once. He just chooses to be stubborn and remain pissed off.

1038am--he wants not another freaking word from her unless it's an apology and thanks for taking care of her never ceasing problems.
312pm--she has the nerve to text that he didn't even want to hear her poem.

So this reminds me of arguments I used to have with my ex. He'd do something upset-worthy to me, and then he'd talk about BS that had nothing to do with the problem. Next thing I know, I'm upset about the problem AND upset at the new thing he's trying to deflect to. Sounds like that happened to Travis about "moaning about making PC." I'm sure he didn't want to hear that crap after what happened to his car Saturday. She claims in Monday's entry that he took her for pizza on Sunday. So bizarre.

I don't know how I got all off into this topic, but I believe that journal entry is fake and she wrote it in there after talking to Flores on the phone. I don't know how it's fake and how she crammed it in between any of the others, but I will say this--she stopped journaling consistently on April 9th. She didn't pick it up again, according to what we have on file, until May 14th.

What if she's stopped journaling some time in March instead and after telling Flores certain things, she went back and wrote or even re-wrote March 2008 entirely or in part? I don't trust what was written in March. I'm going to investigate this more.

Maybe even fake as far back at the end of February because that BS she wrote in the last days about Mimi and Travis was puke-worthy.

Yes, I think the journal entries were all retroactive. IIRC, Hope went through them and demonstrated, but I might not have recalled this correctly.
And DB walks out on her eighteen months later in December 2006.. So, they hadn't had the house for long.

When was it that someone gave her the dvd about making millions (PPL?) while she was at work, and she threw it in a drawer, and retrieved it later? Was that when the Mormon's showed up at her doorstep? She met Travis at the PPL event September 10 - 13 IIRC. She'd already met Abe, and wasn't that at another PPL event?

Evidently, the plan to marry a rich Mormon—e.g. a PPLer—was in place by late spring 2006. I don't know how we'd look it up, but Hope had a whole timeline on this upthread.

I'm starting to rethink my earlier assumptions about the Infiniti and her failing to make payments. I STILL think she stopped making payments -- at least towards the end -- but now I'm leaning towards the car being a lease, and that the lease was about to expire. The timing of which must have added to the cataclysmic events of June 4.

I used to work at a car dealership, and was privy to conversations where they'd talk about how to get the most money (profit) off of customers. They took great pride in convincing people to lease rather than buying. You get a nice new car, but with cheaper monthly payments and less money down. But of course, the fine print includes all sorts of language favorable to the dealership, which is how they make money, e.g., penalties for going over the mileage limit, not having performed regular maintenance, etc. Typically, they get the car back after a few years and can re-sell it for a good price.

I also believe that leasing (since it's a limited term), can be done without having great credit, because the total dollar amount on the contract is much less than a purchase would be. Plus, back in 2004, credit restrictions were much laxer than they are now...

I can totally see her wanting the car DB's wife had, but, not being able to afford to buy it, getting talked into a lease situation and thinking she was "winning." JMO

Yeah. Makes sense, and leasing "fits" her nomad personality. That could explain the "cleaning it" statement, too, though I don't believe she cleaned it the day she said. But having the knowledge that she had to return it clean, being a lease, it would make sense that she'd write it--even if it was a lie on that particular day. Since you have some firsthand knowledge about this stuff, what do they do if you trashed the car on a lease? You know, it's dirty, you wore out the brakes, etc. Are their penalties for the return condition?
I am currently wearing tights like that. Back zipper up to the calf, and then stripes a bit beyond.

However, Jodi is wearing cheap pants. She even told EF she got a bargain. She said she had 2 pairs. They even look like the cheap kind of pant. They have the stripe and the zipper at the side. The pant legs are rotated slightly because of the position of the body.

She probably actually got those pants at Walmart. They are a knit, with at least some polyester, IMO. Not a thick fabric. Maybe someone would like to go shopping at Walmart aka sleuthing tomorrow? Lol. I'd go, but I work.

Maybe. I took some photos the other night in my "cheap" ones to demonstrate my left foot theory. It worked, but I'm embarrassed to put them up because of ALL the dog hair on the floor! I have two siberian huskies as you see from my avatar, and OMG, when I put the lamp on the floor for lighting! smh.

I will try again after I clean, but what I figured out from it is that the black thing in front of Travis is a black house shoe or mule. It covers the top of the foot, but slopes down, so if a foot is in the shoe and could be seen, one would see the side of the foot. If you look at the very top of the shoe in the murder photo, you will see that there is a shadow there, indicating the shoe is empty. Behind it, Travis' body, and his blood spilling over his shoulder, is evident in that white space there. If you look at the hem of the pant leg and follow it closely down the slope of the shoe, you can see the shoe's mule-like design.

Back at the top of the shoe, there's what appears to be a movement trail of the pant leg, just like we see movement trails in that new, brighter ceiling picture.

So this is what I think happened. However the camera got there, falling out of her pants pocket or whatever, she was pulling, or somehow struggling with Travis. Whatever movement she was doing caused her to come out of her right shoe, which is sideways in the photo. Her right foot (now minus the shoe) could have hit the camera or it's right next to the camera, but her left foot landed, perpendicular on the back of the right shoe. We can't see the rest of the left foot because it is out of the picture viewing area. (It might or might not have a shoe on it, but I think it does because of those bloody foot stamping prints at the base of the shower. It looks like she was pushing against the shower with that foot to shove the body into the shower.)

I took a picture just like this with and without my right foot in the picture. Because the camera is so close to the subjects, the right foot doesn't have to be far away at all. For my purposes, I left my whole left foot in it, but then I made a new picture, cropping my foot out. Her pants are also long. We can't see under them. Mine that I used are incredibly long. I rolled them 3 times to hike them up enough to make the picture take note that it was the left foot for illustration purposes.

I'll post them anyways. Dog hair is dog hair, huh? foot photo theory

I put in there the shoe I used (the heel is bent down. It's not really a mule), the murder photo, the murder photo with a highlight on where I'm saying I determined there is no foot actually in the shoe, the photos of both my feet in the my theory shot, and a cropped photo of just my left foot with most of the actual foot removed. I'm adding pics of possible shoe impressions and foot impressions from the evidence.

Just my theory. Again, excuse the dog hair. With two huskies, I can clean every hour and not get it all.
I am currently wearing tights like that. Back zipper up to the calf, and then stripes a bit beyond.

However, Jodi is wearing cheap pants. She even told EF she got a bargain. She said she had 2 pairs. They even look like the cheap kind of pant. They have the stripe and the zipper at the side. The pant legs are rotated slightly because of the position of the body.

She probably actually got those pants at Walmart. They are a knit, with at least some polyester, IMO. Not a thick fabric. Maybe someone would like to go shopping at Walmart aka sleuthing tomorrow? Lol. I'd go, but I work.

Giggling at "Rick" wearing tights. Maybe I should change it to "Rickette." :blushing: No wonder you were so caught off guard when I called you Rick a few months back! LOL
Yeah. Makes sense, and leasing "fits" her nomad personality. That could explain the "cleaning it" statement, too, though I don't believe she cleaned it the day she said. But having the knowledge that she had to return it clean, being a lease, it would make sense that she'd write it--even if it was a lie on that particular day. Since you have some firsthand knowledge about this stuff, what do they do if you trashed the car on a lease? You know, it's dirty, you wore out the brakes, etc. Are their penalties for the return condition?

Here is the link to the Infiniti Lease FAQs regarding returning the vehicle when your lease is up:

Of note:

There is an inspection of the vehicle prior to or upon surrender. There are penalties for going over the mileage allowance (which I am fairly certain she did). Also, there is a clause regarding "Excess Wear and Use," wherein the responsible parties are to pay for those repairs.

Having heard from multiple sources that she: 1) thought nothing of jumping in her car and driving to Mesa, AZ (275 miles each way) on the spur of the moment, and, 2) she apparently didn't do any kind of regular maintenance on that poor car, I would wager that she knew she was facing huge penalties had she turned the car in voluntarily in the state that it was in. Even were she to make the repairs (putting aside the mileage overage charges for the moment), it likely would have cost a few thousand $$ at a minimum.

Even before premeditating and carrying out the murder, what would be her motivation to make payments or do anything more than put gas in it, much less cleaning it? That was just the story she told Travis, IMO.
Maybe. I took some photos the other night in my "cheap" ones to demonstrate my left foot theory. It worked, but I'm embarrassed to put them up because of ALL the dog hair on the floor! I have two siberian huskies as you see from my avatar, and OMG, when I put the lamp on the floor for lighting! smh.

I will try again after I clean, but what I figured out from it is that the black thing in front of Travis is a black house shoe or mule. It covers the top of the foot, but slopes down, so if a foot is in the shoe and could be seen, one would see the side of the foot. If you look at the very top of the shoe in the murder photo, you will see that there is a shadow there, indicating the shoe is empty. Behind it, Travis' body, and his blood spilling over his shoulder, is evident in that white space there. If you look at the hem of the pant leg and follow it closely down the slope of the shoe, you can see the shoe's mule-like design.

Back at the top of the shoe, there's what appears to be a movement trail of the pant leg, just like we see movement trails in that new, brighter ceiling picture.

So this is what I think happened. However the camera got there, falling out of her pants pocket or whatever, she was pulling, or somehow struggling with Travis. Whatever movement she was doing caused her to come out of her right shoe, which is sideways in the photo. Her right foot (now minus the shoe) could have hit the camera or it's right next to the camera, but her left foot landed, perpendicular on the back of the right shoe. We can't see the rest of the left foot because it is out of the picture viewing area. (It might or might not have a shoe on it, but I think it does because of those bloody foot stamping prints at the base of the shower. It looks like she was pushing against the shower with that foot to shove the body into the shower.)

I took a picture just like this with and without my right foot in the picture. Because the camera is so close to the subjects, the right foot doesn't have to be far away at all. For my purposes, I left my whole left foot in it, but then I made a new picture, cropping my foot out. Her pants are also long. We can't see under them. Mine that I used are incredibly long. I rolled them 3 times to hike them up enough to make the picture take note that it was the left foot for illustration purposes.

I'll post them anyways. Dog hair is dog hair, huh? foot photo theory

I put in there the shoe I used (the heel is bent down. It's not really a mule), the murder photo, the murder photo with a highlight on where I'm saying I determined there is no foot actually in the shoe, the photos of both my feet in the my theory shot, and a cropped photo of just my left foot with most of the actual foot removed. I'm adding pics of possible shoe impressions and foot impressions from the evidence.

Just my theory. Again, excuse the dog hair. With two huskies, I can clean every hour and not get it all.

BBM As a mom to two Sibes myself, I can empathize completely! I call them my "hair factory".
Just got proof of another JA lie.

I was looking for that footprint in carpet and ran across the pics of the living room and dining room. Jodi claimed that she "happened" to walk up on the patio and see Travis with a woman on the sofa, rehooking bra, etc.

You can't see that couch from the sliding door--unless he rearranged the furniture from how it was during the murder. You have to be meaning to look in the house because what's in front of that door is more like the dining table. The coach is diagonal from the door.

In my opinion, you have to have face up on the glass to look in and see this couch.


  • travis living room dining room.JPG
    travis living room dining room.JPG
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  • carpeet cleaner.jpg
    carpeet cleaner.jpg
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Here is the link to the Infiniti Lease FAQs regarding returning the vehicle when your lease is up:

Of note:

There is an inspection of the vehicle prior to or upon surrender. There are penalties for going over the mileage allowance (which I am fairly certain she did). Also, there is a clause regarding "Excess Wear and Use," wherein the responsible parties are to pay for those repairs.

Having heard from multiple sources that she: 1) thought nothing of jumping in her car and driving to Mesa, AZ (275 miles each way) on the spur of the moment, and, 2) she apparently didn't do any kind of regular maintenance on that poor car, I would wager that she knew she was facing huge penalties had she turned the car in voluntarily in the state that it was in. Even were she to make the repairs (putting aside the mileage overage charges for the moment), it likely would have cost a few thousand $$ at a minimum.

Even before premeditating and carrying out the murder, what would be her motivation to make payments or do anything more than put gas in it, much less cleaning it? That was just the story she told Travis, IMO.

If she even went over there to clean it at all. I don't think she did.

I recall though (I believe) her telling Flores she had to give it back to the bank. Are financial institutions involved in leases?

Being a lease could explain the carpooling with Travis. She could have been telling him that she didn't want to put more miles on it and she was at her limit with miles, etc.
And DB walks out on her eighteen months later in December 2006.. So, they hadn't had the house for long.

When was it that someone gave her the dvd about making millions (PPL?) while she was at work, and she threw it in a drawer, and retrieved it later? Was that when the Mormon's showed up at her doorstep? She met Travis at the PPL event September 10 - 13 IIRC. She'd already met Abe, and wasn't that at another PPL event?

She got that DVD while working at the california pizza kitchen. She hadn't paid it any attention until she was cleaning up either for a move or to go to Big Sur to work in the Spring of 2006 around the time of convention. Whomever gave it to her was no longer with PPL and they referred her to someone else. THAT person wasn't with PPL anymore, either, (God was trying to prevent her from getting in with PPL apparently) so she went and signed up on the site independently.

Her director, Michelle called her while at conference. JA was about to give up on it by fall of 2006 when the director urged her to go to conference. I believe by then, Jodi had been to some other training thing--where she met Abe.

There's dispute about when the people came to her house regarding the mormon religion. She tried to place it after meeting Travis, but I believe Darryl placed it earlier. She might have met Abe at a Super Saturday event.

If the DVD story is true, which it might not be because it's too coincidental to get involved with PPL at the time of convention and then to have NONE of the people who referred you to it still in it? I think she might have heard about PPL because it was convention season and took it upon herself to sign herself up. But that's just me being cynical toward the killer.
If she even went over there to clean it at all. I don't think she did.

I recall though (I believe) her telling Flores she had to give it back to the bank. Are financial institutions involved in leases?


I think that was a euphemism on her part, but yes, other than cash sales, all auto transactions (whether leasing or buying with a car loan) involve financial institutions. (For example, if you buy a car from a GM dealership, you go through their credit company, which is GMAC -- or you could get a loan from your own bank or credit union, but I doubt she had the smarts or good enough credit to do her homework on that). So, she probably got notices from an Infiniti-related finance company, not the dealership where she bought the car or Infiniti itself.

Fried fish with cream sauce
She got that DVD while working at the california pizza kitchen. She hadn't paid it any attention until she was cleaning up either for a move or to go to Big Sur to work in the Spring of 2006 around the time of convention. Whomever gave it to her was no longer with PPL and they referred her to someone else. THAT person wasn't with PPL anymore, either, (God was trying to prevent her from getting in with PPL apparently) so she went and signed up on the site independently.

Her director, Michelle called her while at conference. JA was about to give up on it by fall of 2006 when the director urged her to go to conference. I believe by then, Jodi had been to some other training thing--where she met Abe.

There's dispute about when the people came to her house regarding the mormon religion. She tried to place it after meeting Travis, but I believe Darryl placed it earlier. She might have met Abe at a Super Saturday event.

If the DVD story is true, which it might not be because it's too coincidental to get involved with PPL at the time of convention and then to have NONE of the people who referred you to it still in it? I think she might have heard about PPL because it was convention season and took it upon herself to sign herself up. But that's just me being cynical toward the killer.

Regarding the DVD, I would guess she is trying to manipulate dates to make it seem as though she got involved in PPL way later than she did.

She evidently was involved with the Mormon church way before she met TA. IIRC, she became involved in PPL way before she got into Mormonism, like in the spring of 2006. She had already set up her plan to find a rich Mormon PPL-er.

Per Abe, IIRC, Jodi had wormed her way onto the Executive table at the event where he met her. This was before she met TA.

I'm guessing she stalked TA to the convention planning it before she got there, and the whole "I didn't bring a dress" thing (you just know she did) was a Cinderella set up with Sky playing Fairy Godmother by fussing over her and providing a dress.

Per Hope, IIRC, she was dating other guys into the spring of 2007. She was not boyfriend/girlfriend with TA at the beginning of February as she claims.

The gifts she got from TA were never boyfriend/girlfriend kind of gifts.
Payment to court in January. Almost certainly wasn't foreclosure related.

Foreclosure law varies by state, but falls into two general categories- judicial and nonjudicial (goes through court or not).

California foreclosures are nonjudicial by law, no courts involved, so court payment was for something else. Guessing a speeding ticket or the like.
Maybe. I took some photos the other night in my "cheap" ones to demonstrate my left foot theory. It worked, but I'm embarrassed to put them up because of ALL the dog hair on the floor! I have two siberian huskies as you see from my avatar, and OMG, when I put the lamp on the floor for lighting! smh.

I will try again after I clean, but what I figured out from it is that the black thing in front of Travis is a black house shoe or mule. It covers the top of the foot, but slopes down, so if a foot is in the shoe and could be seen, one would see the side of the foot. If you look at the very top of the shoe in the murder photo, you will see that there is a shadow there, indicating the shoe is empty. Behind it, Travis' body, and his blood spilling over his shoulder, is evident in that white space there. If you look at the hem of the pant leg and follow it closely down the slope of the shoe, you can see the shoe's mule-like design.

Back at the top of the shoe, there's what appears to be a movement trail of the pant leg, just like we see movement trails in that new, brighter ceiling picture.

So this is what I think happened. However the camera got there, falling out of her pants pocket or whatever, she was pulling, or somehow struggling with Travis. Whatever movement she was doing caused her to come out of her right shoe, which is sideways in the photo. Her right foot (now minus the shoe) could have hit the camera or it's right next to the camera, but her left foot landed, perpendicular on the back of the right shoe. We can't see the rest of the left foot because it is out of the picture viewing area. (It might or might not have a shoe on it, but I think it does because of those bloody foot stamping prints at the base of the shower. It looks like she was pushing against the shower with that foot to shove the body into the shower.)

I took a picture just like this with and without my right foot in the picture. Because the camera is so close to the subjects, the right foot doesn't have to be far away at all. For my purposes, I left my whole left foot in it, but then I made a new picture, cropping my foot out. Her pants are also long. We can't see under them. Mine that I used are incredibly long. I rolled them 3 times to hike them up enough to make the picture take note that it was the left foot for illustration purposes.

I'll post them anyways. Dog hair is dog hair, huh? foot photo theory

I put in there the shoe I used (the heel is bent down. It's not really a mule), the murder photo, the murder photo with a highlight on where I'm saying I determined there is no foot actually in the shoe, the photos of both my feet in the my theory shot, and a cropped photo of just my left foot with most of the actual foot removed. I'm adding pics of possible shoe impressions and foot impressions from the evidence.

Just my theory. Again, excuse the dog hair. With two huskies, I can clean every hour and not get it all.

That is some decent detective work on your part but try as I might I cannot see the things you describe. Not trying to argue as I respect your opinion but I see a pant leg over a foot that is wearing either a sock or a shoe. In my opinion, it is a shoe.

Some photos have been posted in these forums and analyzed down to minute details and I was shocked at a few because once analyzed I could see it too! But with this photo, I do not see an empty "house shoe" like you do. I may come around with a bit more convincing but for's her right leg wearing a striped sweat-style pant and her shoe protruding as she drags TA's body along a tiled floor. Things look a bit skewed due to the angle of the camera and the not well focused shot.
She got that DVD while working at the california pizza kitchen. She hadn't paid it any attention until she was cleaning up either for a move or to go to Big Sur to work in the Spring of 2006 around the time of convention. Whomever gave it to her was no longer with PPL and they referred her to someone else. THAT person wasn't with PPL anymore, either, (God was trying to prevent her from getting in with PPL apparently) so she went and signed up on the site independently.

Her director, Michelle called her while at conference. JA was about to give up on it by fall of 2006 when the director urged her to go to conference. I believe by then, Jodi had been to some other training thing--where she met Abe.

There's dispute about when the people came to her house regarding the mormon religion. She tried to place it after meeting Travis, but I believe Darryl placed it earlier. She might have met Abe at a Super Saturday event.

If the DVD story is true, which it might not be because it's too coincidental to get involved with PPL at the time of convention and then to have NONE of the people who referred you to it still in it? I think she might have heard about PPL because it was convention season and took it upon herself to sign herself up. But that's just me being cynical toward the killer.

She related an incident to Det. Flores of DB messing with her mind. I wonder why that was not brought up in court or him being confronted by her account in his news interviews.

JA: I’ve had arguments. Travis and I…

DF: Well, everybody has arguments. I’m talking about anger -- absolute anger where you lose it sometimes.

JA: No, I had a nervous breakdown once.

DF: Are you taking any medication or anything?

JA: Well I had a nervous breakdown when a boyfriend and I were arguing once and umm and he began to argue with me in a way that was totally different from how we had ever argued before, and he was just like, and every time I would say something he was like “Blah…Blah,” you know, it was kind of weird like, every time I tried to formulate a thought and I was just sad and I was crying, every time I tried to formulate a thought he would interject and then twist it and it was like the weirdest psychological thing that had ever happened, and the way I reacted was, I went into my room, this was the guy I bought a house with, I went into my room and shut the door. We had separate bedrooms, and I was in his room and went down the hall into my room and shut the door and I just remember hyperventilating, and that’s all. I don’t know. I was crying, and then umm…I went to get something out of my car and when he saw that, he umm… maybe thought I was going to leave, so he asked me for the key to his truck and pulled behind my car, because he thought that because I was upset that I shouldn’t be driving anywhere. That I’m nuts…Other than arguments, no anger issues – none I can remember.

I wonder when this was. The Mormon's were already coming to the house, and she was saving herself for a Mormon man. It's a shame that ALV didn't read that interview, and ask DB and Jodi about it.
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