Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #7

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Leaving for Mesa in an hour or so. On the for sure list: TA's house (and where she may have parked, etc.) check out Mimi's cafe and distance to TA's house, and TA's Mormon temple. Maybe: the garage where TA's BMW was kept, that special pizza place (ditzing-- what was the name if it again????) and Perryville.

Does anyone know/ remember the address of where the lived after staying with Rachel?

I'm going to leave Mesa via 60 then 93 to Kingman, Hoover Dam, and Las Vegas. Perryville is ironically just a short drive off that route.

I'll try to post as I go along, in case anyone wants me to follow up on anything. It helps that it's Saturday, so no rush hours to deal with. :)
Leaving for Mesa in an hour or so. On the for sure list: TA's house (and where she may have parked, etc.) check out Mimi's cafe and distance to TA's house, and TA's Mormon temple. Maybe: the garage where TA's BMW was kept, that special pizza place (ditzing-- what was the name if it again????) and Perryville.

Does anyone know/ remember the address of where the lived after staying with Rachel?

I'm going to leave Mesa via 60 then 93 to Kingman, Hoover Dam, and Las Vegas. Perryville is ironically just a short drive off that route.

I'll try to post as I go along, in case anyone wants me to follow up on anything. It helps that it's Saturday, so no rush hours to deal with. :)

I can't recall ever having seen the address she lived at after Rachel's so I'm no help there.

Her route was rather prophetic, huh? lol How hot is it going to be there today?
Leaving for Mesa in an hour or so. On the for sure list: TA's house (and where she may have parked, etc.) check out Mimi's cafe and distance to TA's house, and TA's Mormon temple. Maybe: the garage where TA's BMW was kept, that special pizza place (ditzing-- what was the name if it again????) and Perryville.

Does anyone know/ remember the address of where the lived after staying with Rachel?

I'm going to leave Mesa via 60 then 93 to Kingman, Hoover Dam, and Las Vegas. Perryville is ironically just a short drive off that route.

I'll try to post as I go along, in case anyone wants me to follow up on anything. It helps that it's Saturday, so no rush hours to deal with. :)

I think you know this already, but take a lot of photos of TA's roofline, soffit, window placement, eaves.... Have fun!
I'm in Globe, AZ for the night, which is about an hour and a half east from Mesa. I'll go to Mesa tomorrow morning, fairly early. I was hoping to be there around 5:30pm to check out the amount of day light on the bathroom side of the house, but am not going to idle away a day for that. There's hope for me yet. :)

I can't believe I'm almost there. Can't wait to search for hidey parking places near TA's house.

Go early to avoid the heat! It's supposed to be a hot one here in CA today.
I'm parked around the corner from TA's house. This feels WEIRD. Folks are home at his house. Taking pics feels like it would be intrusive. But.........

The little park across from his house has no place for cars to park. She could theoretically have parked where I am now, a little alley of sorts, not in frobt of anyone's house.
His garage door is open. It's very small inside. I can see the door to the laundry room.
I can't imagine where she parked, except this little in -between street, or on his driveway after she knew roommates left.

Cars parked on the street here are OBVIOUS. Stick out like a sore thumb obvious, especially with CA plates or plates off. I have a theory.....
I can't imagine where she parked, except this little in -between street, or on his driveway after she knew roommates left.

Cars parked on the street here are OBVIOUS. Stick out like a sore thumb obvious, especially with CA plates or plates off. I have a theory.....


JA originally parked further off, like a few blocks away. She took a few of her things (like the backpack). While TA was out biking, she waited in his garage. Surprised him. At some point, she goes back to her car, with TA thinking she's left for good. She returns with the car and surprises TA in the shower.

Presumably, this would require that JA's car and a roommate not be at TA's at the same time...

JA originally parked further off, like a few blocks away. She took a few of her things (like the backpack). While TA was out biking, she waited in his garage. Surprised him. At some point, she goes back to her car, with TA thinking she's left for good. She returns with the car and surprises TA in the shower.

Presumably, this would require that JA's car and a roommate not be at TA's at the same time...

Yes, since Zach came back between 3 and 4:00 her car couldn't have been in the drive way then.

I hope you got a pic of that little in between street...and expound on your theory once you're inside somewhere cool, Hope.
It's 110 degrees! SO HOT! I'm trying to get the heck out of the Phoenix area. I think I know what route she took..It took me 1 hour to get from TA's house to where 17 goes north to flagstaff, and that is in midday sat traffic, not rush hour. Heading to wickenburg now,stopped for an ice cold drink....
well do stop by and have tea with the princess... with the new AC, i hear its the 'coolest' spot in Arizona... :jail: heeheehee. NOT
It's 110 degrees! SO HOT! I'm trying to get the heck out of the Phoenix area. I think I know what route she took..It took me 1 hour to get from TA's house to where 17 goes north to flagstaff, and that is in midday sat traffic, not rush hour. Heading to wickenburg now,stopped for an ice cold drink....

That's really burn-y weather! Do you think it's doubtful she could have gotten to Kingman when she did if she left around 6:00 during the end of rush hour traffic? I don't remember if we time-lined her route up there and how long it would have taken depending on which route she took. Oh - she did stop for gas in Mesquite, NV - are you going that way?

Here's the legend of her stops, just in case it's helpful:

That's really burn-y weather! Do you think it's doubtful she could have gotten to Kingman when she did if she left around 6:00 during the end of rush hour traffic? I don't remember if we time-lined her route up there and how long it would have taken depending on which route she took. Oh - she did stop for gas in Mesquite, NV - are you going that way?

Here's the legend of her stops, just in case it's helpful:

View attachment 98693

OK. I arrived in kingman about 10 minutes ago. I left Mesa at 12:20pm, arrived about 4:20, rounded off. Four hours driving, and I'm in kingman, not across the Nevada border where she would have been when she began making calls.

I'm thinking she went on 60 (had to have), so at least one hour on that to get to 17 north. I kept going on 60, but figured out fairly quickly that she wouldn't have. 45 mph, traffic lights every other block, extremely congested, and she would have known that because 60 goes through PPL meeting burbs of Phoenix.

She had a choice of going up 17 all the way to I-40, then going east towards Las Vegas, or of going up 17 to bypass local traffic then cutting over to 60 on an east-west route that would have been 36 miles.

Going over to 60 would have put her on a fairly isolated road, especially that time of night, which may or may not have been an advantage. She could speed like crazy, but she also would have been more obvious because of the very light to no traffic.

Going 17 to 40 would have kept her most annoymous, part of a driving herd, and it's a fast route anyway, especially on 40 (75 mph).

I used to think she went 60 and then 93 so she could toss the gun and knife in the desert, but very much doubt now that she took that chance. There aren't very many side roads she could have taken along the way, and the few she would have had to go on to feel confident they wouldn't be found are roads she wouldn't have dared to go on in a economy rental car (low clearance) after dark, IMO.

I think she still had all the incriminating evidence on her when she made those first calls, and given the time frame, she must have driven very fast the whole way, not stopped to dispose of anything, and made calls at the very first opportunity. It's possible, imo, but not if anything went wrong, like an accident on 17 or 40 and a long back traffic backup.
I'm trying to get this hotel's wifi to work so I can post some photos of TA's house. Hopefully will ASAP.

Also- from TA's house to Mimi's is 20 minutes, more in traffic, and from his house to his temple takes about 15 minutes, ditto the traffic, of which there seemed to be a constant flow. Mesa looks like an uber congested kind of place, at least midday on a Saturday.
Will post pics one by one. This is the side street I mentioned. It is around the corner from TA's house, and there are 2 houses between his and the corner (e queensborough and I think quad, but will double check.


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This is the side of his house, garage door open. Houses are very close to one another, and close to the street (short driveways, short distance front door to curb)


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That side street is the only place anywhere near his house she could have parked without being extremely obviously out of place, and even then, having CA plates or no plates on a car sitting there all day wouldn't have been a very good choice for someone who took so many precautions to avoid leaving any traces in AZ.
When I get photos uploading again, I took several of the street that is a border of sorts to the east side of his housing development, that border being an absolute one in the sense there's nothing but desert beyond it. There is a place to park there, out of his neighborhood, but to do so would have meant walking the equivalent of 4-5 city blocks through his development. IMO, not likely on June 4th, but I can absolutely imagine her parking there on those routine nights when she waited for everyone to go to sleep before sneaking in to crash on his couch downstairs.
BTW, Geevee, because of your interest Walgreens kinda things, I took a pic of the one I'm sure TA would have gone to, as it is pretty close to his house (half mile or so) on S. Signal Butte Rd. ;)
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