Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #8

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Uh huh. I can't imagine the Gilbert scenario would be appealable unless decided she should have had that juror and he would have voted a lesser charge (I believe he said he would have voted for conviction as charged). Just as a note, I'm impressed that JSS involved that many individuals in deciding whether to remove that juror. Man, she had her bases covered. I suppose could try to argue that his DUI was somehow prejudicial, he fanned the flames of publicity, etc. But in fact, he kept quiet until the trial was over. He was definitely no idiot.

MDLR only worked that many hours in the guilt phase? How is that possible? That would be enough to cause most anyone with a smidgen of an unethical streak to resort to bribes.

What case at Superior Court was the AG note in reference to? doesn't have an open case in Superior Court, surely? If it pertained to her case, would that item be in the transcripts for the Appeal? Maybe it just reflects an ongoing investigation and AG just put it in there so it would be a matter of record in the appeal? A legal way of sticking it to ?

Maybe I should change my user name to RickSis? We don't seem to have migrated very far.....

Dear RickSis--. ;)

As you know, it's her attorneys' job to scour the record looking for anything at all they can argue is a basis for prejudice, abuse of discretion, etc. Perhaps they intend to use the Gilbert-juror episode to support a jury related argument. Dunno.

MDLR and a hundred hours. That number seemed low to me too. She was in court most days. It never occurred to me to think of the trial's length in hours, not days, but I would have guessed it lasted far longer than 100 hours, and we know MDLR put in extra hours outside of court, playing with SM and the 's fan club, though maybe she did the latter gratis.

The AG has been conducting a secret investigation into something or person(s) related to the 's trial, but not anything or anyone that has anything to do with the 's appeal.

This we know because the AG went to the COA and requested and was granted (unspecified) trial records (almost a year ago, in October, 2015). The request was made and granted ex parte, a fact the 's attorneys objected to, strenuously.

Her attorneys wanted the COA to keep all trial records sealed and out of the AG's hands. The COA denied these motions. Then her attorneys demanded to know which records the AG had requested.

The COA denied that motion too, writing that the nature of the investigation warranted secrecy and that her attorneys had no right to know what records were being requested, given that the investigation had no bearing on the 's appeals.

I was happy to see the AG's note in her Superior Court docket, because it seems to suggest the investigation went on for months, at least, and may still be ongoing. The note appears only in her Superior Court docket, not on the COA's, because it isn't related to her appeals.

Last, nope, haven't migrated very far and may well not anytime soon, if at all. My neurological thing has been worsening over the past few months, and has definitely further compromised my ability to concentrate/focus. Old grooves are more forgiving than trying to forge new paths.
Dear RickSis--. ;)

As you know, it's her attorneys' job to scour the record looking for anything at all they can argue is a basis for prejudice, abuse of discretion, etc. Perhaps they intend to use the Gilbert-juror episode to support a jury related argument. Dunno.

MDLR and a hundred hours. That number seemed low to me too. She was in court most days. It never occurred to me to think of the trial's length in hours, not days, but I would have guessed it lasted far longer than 100 hours, and we know MDLR put in extra hours outside of court, playing with SM and the 's fan club, though maybe she did the latter gratis.

The AG has been conducting a secret investigation into something or person(s) related to the 's trial, but not anything or anyone that has anything to do with the 's appeal.

This we know because the AG went to the COA and requested and was granted (unspecified) trial records (almost a year ago, in October, 2015). The request was made and granted ex parte, a fact the 's attorneys objected to, strenuously.

Her attorneys wanted the COA to keep all trial records sealed and out of the AG's hands. The COA denied these motions. Then her attorneys demanded to know which records the AG had requested.

The COA denied that motion too, writing that the nature of the investigation warranted secrecy and that her attorneys had no right to know what records were being requested, given that the investigation had no bearing on the 's appeals.

I was happy to see the AG's note in her Superior Court docket, because it seems to suggest the investigation went on for months, at least, and may still be ongoing. The note appears only in her Superior Court docket, not on the COA's, because it isn't related to her appeals.

Last, nope, haven't migrated very far and may well not anytime soon, if at all. My neurological thing has been worsening over the past few months, and has definitely further compromised my ability to concentrate/focus. Old grooves are more forgiving than trying to forge new paths.

Thanks for summarizing this. I knew some pieces, but not how they went together. I especially didn't realize the degree to which the AG's investigation is secret, the degree to which they were allowed to keep it secret, and how it most certainly pertains to the .

That begs the question. Since there is a note in her file at Superior Court, is she now allowed access to that note? Also, how can you add stuff to a case if the case is closed already, via conviction and sentencing? Who looks at it in there? The AZ SC just reviews the COA, correct? What kind of an item is a "note" anyway? A pleading? A police profile?

This little tidbit is interesting as far as a procedure and implications. We're thinking it reflects an AG investigation still underway and not concluded, correct? If so, this is a substantial investigation. If that, it may well involve money. Money trails are hard to unwind and take a long time. Racketeering? Mob? Bribing jurors (this would have to be systemic and more than one jury, methinks, in order for there to be that big an investigation. How about a child sex slave ring, reflected in those two young girls enticed into a relationship? But that would belong more properly with LE, no?

All in all, what kinds of investigations does the AG do that aren't carried through by the prosecutors?

So many questions...
Thanks for summarizing this. I knew some pieces, but not how they went together. I especially didn't realize the degree to which the AG's investigation is secret, the degree to which they were allowed to keep it secret, and how it most certainly pertains to the .

That begs the question. Since there is a note in her file at Superior Court, is she now allowed access to that note? Also, how can you add stuff to a case if the case is closed already, via conviction and sentencing? Who looks at it in there? The AZ SC just reviews the COA, correct? What kind of an item is a "note" anyway? A pleading? A police profile?

This little tidbit is interesting as far as a procedure and implications. We're thinking it reflects an AG investigation still underway and not concluded, correct? If so, this is a substantial investigation. If that, it may well involve money. Money trails are hard to unwind and take a long time. Racketeering? Mob? Bribing jurors (this would have to be systemic and more than one jury, methinks, in order for there to be that big an investigation. How about a child sex slave ring, reflected in those two young girls enticed into a relationship? But that would belong more properly with LE, no?

All in all, what kinds of investigations does the AG do that aren't carried through by the prosecutors?

So many questions...

So many questions, so few answers to supply. :D

Since the AG's investigation was (is?) secret, I doubt the "note" left in her SC docket by the AG reveals much, if anything, relevant, unless (complete speculation) it is about findings of criminality of some sort.

The AG division investigating is one with a speciality in fraud, so it's reasonable to guess the investigation does involve money in some way, but that doesn't narrow down the possibilities much.

It's even possible that the target of investigation is a peripheral figure in her labyrinthine case....say (groundless speculation), Sheriff Joe. LOL about child sex slavery rings...I very much doubt anything quite that exotic is being looked into. ;)
I just noticed a few days ago that the killer appears to have photoshopped her teeth in many of her pre-murder pictures. How vain! Most of her pics with Travis were taken with her mouth closed but some smiley ones are definitely photoshopped. Amazing that she did that.
I look at her trial pics and she creeps me out. She just looks "off kilter" with her dead eyes. So empty. She will not age well in prison, and I bet that bothers her more that the crime she committed.
Can't wait to hear the results of her appeal. I think JSS, while excruciatingly slow at times (many times, actually) ran an appeal proof trial.
I just noticed a few days ago that the killer appears to have photoshopped her teeth in many of her pre-murder pictures. How vain! Most of her pics with Travis were taken with her mouth closed but some smiley ones are definitely photoshopped. Amazing that she did that.
I look at her trial pics and she creeps me out. She just looks "off kilter" with her dead eyes. So empty. She will not age well in prison, and I bet that bothers her more that the crime she committed.
Can't wait to hear the results of her appeal. I think JSS, while excruciatingly slow at times (many times, actually) ran an appeal proof trial.

Yes, she photoshopped most of her photos. Her teeth are hilariously white. Her trial pics seemed to reflect who she really is.

I never understood why she ever got labeled "attractive". She always looked cheap and weirdly proportioned. How she moves gives me the creeps: it's all posed.

You heard about her large commissary orders of hemarrhoid cream, acne meds, toothpaste, and whatever others can add to the gross list...?
I'm looking for a job and seriously considering move to Mesa area. I can be a Super Sleuth! :)

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Yes, she photoshopped most of her photos. Her teeth are hilariously white. Her trial pics seemed to reflect who she really is.

I never understood why she ever got labeled "attractive". She always looked cheap and weirdly proportioned. How she moves gives me the creeps: it's all posed.

You heard about her large commissary orders of hemarrhoid cream, acne meds, toothpaste, and whatever others can add to the gross list...?

Just to make the record correct, there was NO purchase of toothpaste, just lots of toothbrushes.
So many questions, so few answers to supply. :D

Since the AG's investigation was (is?) secret, I doubt the "note" left in her SC docket by the AG reveals much, if anything, relevant, unless (complete speculation) it is about findings of criminality of some sort.

The AG division investigating is one with a speciality in fraud, so it's reasonable to guess the investigation does involve money in some way, but that doesn't narrow down the possibilities much.

It's even possible that the target of investigation is a peripheral figure in her labyrinthine case....say (groundless speculation), Sheriff Joe. LOL about child sex slavery rings...I very much doubt anything quite that exotic is being looked into. ;)

I doubt the investigation could be about Sheriff Joe, 'cos didn't say anything about him except—obliquely—with reference to the size of her cell, and the AG requested transcripts of her trial. Heck, she did most of the talking.

A few questions to add to the mix.

The AG seems to have transcripts of the guilt phase and not the sentencing #2? The court hasn't got around even to producing the sentencing transcripts?

Maybe they're investigating Searcy? PPL? A mob connection and money laundering? Another conspiracy involving several of the witness statements? I thought we'd sleuthed these throughly.

I would love it to be Searcy.....

I tell you, my speculation, was stealing credit card numbers from restaurant customers and/or getting all her customers personal financial info, bank accounts, SS numbers, etc.. IIRC PPL encourages this.

If it's PPl, though, there'd be way more evidence than is available in ' transcripts. All they need to do is subpoena the Hughes.

How would the AG even know what transpired in the stuff that's under seal? Is the AG even allowed access to that?

One option would be to find out if the AG has similar requests for transcripts in other cases/trials. Is this easy to look up? Maybe Devault?

PPL fraud would be a big deal, but it would likely also involve the feds. In fact, all of my possibilities might involve the feds, and the AG might be shielding a fed role, by being the party requesting the transcripts.

Would the AG be the go-to law agency for witness tampering? As in the magazines?
I tell you, was stealing credit card numbers from restaurant customers and/or getting all their customer personal financial info, bank accounts, SS numbers, etc.. IIRC PPL encourages this.
Are you saying that Pre Paid Legal condones identity theft by its sales reps?
Just to make the record correct, there was NO purchase of toothpaste, just lots of toothbrushes.

Thanks for the correction. I guess I didn't register that key detail, key since it has been made known that toothbrushes are immensely useful to female prisoners in the absence of male anatomy.
Are you saying that Pre Paid Legal condones identity theft by its sales reps?

I believe I read a manual about what kind of information to get from customers, and there was bragging about PPLers keeping detailed and intrusive financial data on naive customers. It really shocked me that this is encouraged.

I'll try to find it.

I also believe the went the "extra mile" when it came to taking advantage of other people...
PPL no longer exists. They are Legal Shield now.
The killer is only an Einstein in her own mind. She doesn't appear to be sophisticated enough to perform complex IT hacking IMO. She couldn't even pay her rent.
PPL no longer exists. They are Legal Shield now.
The killer is only an Einstein in her own mind. She doesn't appear to be sophisticated enough to perform complex IT hacking IMO. She couldn't even pay her rent.

It looks like there was a misunderstanding: I wasn't referring to complex hacking. All had to do was capture credit card numbers from her restaurant customers.

It looks like there's a misunderstanding about the business as well. I am very familiar with the history of the firm being discussed. At the time I was referring to, Prepaid Legal was the name of the company in question. That was also the name of the company when it was being investigated for unlawful activities, including the way salespeople were getting compensated. I read pages and pages of the followup report, but don't know where to look for it again.
So many questions, so few answers to supply. :D

Since the AG's investigation was (is?) secret, I doubt the "note" left in her SC docket by the AG reveals much, if anything, relevant, unless (complete speculation) it is about findings of criminality of some sort.

The AG division investigating is one with a speciality in fraud, so it's reasonable to guess the investigation does involve money in some way, but that doesn't narrow down the possibilities much.

It's even possible that the target of investigation is a peripheral figure in her labyrinthine case....say (groundless speculation), Sheriff Joe. LOL about child sex slavery rings...I very much doubt anything quite that exotic is being looked into. ;)

Could it still be to do with her, MDLR, and family transferring funds across state lines to avoid the IRS?
ie. "article/jodi-arias-assets-seized-jodi-land-maria-de-la-rosa-named-on-bank-accounts"
Could it still be to do with her, MDLR, and family transferring funds across state lines to avoid the IRS?
ie. "article/jodi-arias-assets-seized-jodi-land-maria-de-la-rosa-named-on-bank-accounts"

Maybe the AG wanted Sheriff Joe's voluminous report on the . I think seizing ' assets issues might be too small potatoes to use the AG's big guns, and I don't believe it would take very long. Heck, it's all over the internet. But there might be something like money-laundering in there as some part of a bigger conspiracy. MDLR maybe could have been an accessory to all that, but it's possible there's mob stuff? A drug cartel? A fugitive? Someone with a warrant already?

Where's that article, or is it make believe?
It looks like there was a misunderstanding: I wasn't referring to complex hacking. All had to do was capture credit card numbers from her restaurant customers.

It looks like there's a misunderstanding about the business as well. I am very familiar with the history of the firm being discussed. At the time I was referring to, Prepaid Legal was the name of the company in question. That was also the name of the company when it was being investigated for unlawful activities, including the way salespeople were getting compensated. I read pages and pages of the followup report, but don't know where to look for it again.

Alrighty then. I don't know the history of PPL and why it had to restructure itself into Legal Shield, thanks for that info.
As for the killer stealing credit card numbers from her customers, I suppose anything is possible. I don't think she would take that risk but who knows.
She did "scam" Travis, however. I still would love to know what he was referring to. That statement could have been a reference to her wrecking his car to keep ties to him or something entirely more sinister.
As for the killer stealing credit card numbers from her customers, I suppose anything is possible. I don't think she would take that risk but who knows.
She did "scam" Travis, however. I still would love to know what he was referring to. That statement could have been a reference to her wrecking his car to keep ties to him or something entirely more sinister.
By any means within her power, she was determined to take him down in every way possible -- mentally, emotionally, financially, spiritually and -- finally -- physically.

It's not nice to fool with Jodi Arias.

Could it still be to do with her, MDLR, and family transferring funds across state lines to avoid the IRS?
ie. "article/jodi-arias-assets-seized-jodi-land-maria-de-la-rosa-named-on-bank-accounts"

Very interesting about that article. Thanks for PMing it to me.

I find it interesting because I believe some of the narrative is elaborated from speculation on this site. Early in 2015 I was speculating on money laundering, oversight by the feds, investigations of the money trail, the mob, bank account fraud, and a bunch of other stuff in there. "We" were throwing our two cents in on those those topics. It looks like Juanstie turned "us" into credible sources and created a narrative from it all. LMAO.

Of course, the WS speculation may eventually turn into fact, but at the moment of the kristin randle stuff, there was no real evidence grounded in reality. I, for one, was engaged in "stick it in her eye" fantasy.

The other item, which was hallmark Rickshaw Fan, IIRC, was MDLR's spelling Cougarloucious. We all had a good laugh about it. The kristin randle author, I don't think, would have got the info except from here. There would otherwise have been no recognition that the spelling was goofy: MDLR changed the spelling as soon as we discussed it.

Anyway, I wouldn't put any credence in that absurd narrative, since the "evidence" cited on many of the financial topics almost certainly originated in WS forum speculation and fantasy and not from facts. I may be speaking only of my own contribution to that rumor mess, but IIRC I was far from the only perp.
Gosh. I'm the only one here? After all these years?
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