Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #2

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It sounds like she was going to take his car because hers didn't have GPS and probably had bald tires. Wasn't this around the time he would have put new tires on his car? (due to her slashing them)

The tire slashing was in December 2007, and Jodi was shopping for new wheels, not tires for the bmw in March when's she's having the bmw "palmed off" on her. Jodi tells det. Flores that was one thing she missed in the rental car was the gps. That she had one in her car and used it all the time. So she had gps.

Okay, thanks- easy. In the first link I pull up they are clear to see at: 5:26:56, 5:27:28, and 5:27:54 the lines are there and they are before he is sitting down at 5:29:12. This does NOT look like what you'd see from Juan pulling the photos off the monitor. They look like arc lines to me, and... they all occur across his shoulder/arm. Who else agrees?
Yep. As if she didn't already do enough to him to make him pay for all of his perceived injustices. Hurricane Jodi all but ruined him financially.

But if hanging around his house all day long was part of her original plan then imo she's just not as smart as she thinks she is. But like a moth to Musco stadium lighting, I guess she had unfinished business and just couldn't leave until she had killed him in every imaginable way -- mentally, physically, emotionally and verbally. I can't even imagine the sick things she may have been saying to him as she was stabbing and kicking him.

And though it saddens me that Travis didn't fight back, the fact that Jodi was uninjured did at least take self-defense off the table as a semi-plausible defense claim for her at trial.

Hmm... I wonder if she considered waiting for one or both of the roommates to come home so it looked like a double or triple homicide to L.E.? [yikes!]

I thought about that too. You know she unloaded on him about his using her and dating other girls, even in her diary she talks about how sad it is Mimi didn't like him as much as he liked her. I would imagine she tortured him with those thoughts. Those journals were nothing but lies and fantasies.
I still can't get over her talking about the killing in terms of the weapons did the killing not her. Just like anti gun activists act like it's the gun that kills not the person holding the gun. On direct and cross she says that is when the gun went off and no matter what JM asked her she kept saying "that was when the gun went off". Never taking ownership of the act. Then at sentencing she said she remembered " the knife going in his throat, and he was conscious." He was still trying to attack me. Once again not taking ownership of literally almost cutting his head off. Like the knife, on it's own, went into his neck. She didn't stick the knife in she practically sawed his head off. Big difference.
I was nosing around and found a site that shows some of the crime scene and shower pics up close and one has a caption "knife in chest"? They are really clear compared to some I have seen.
This was Travis...

Texts with Lisa, 12/10/07.

L: when you look at me now, what do you see? How do you view me?

T: well i'm not sure. I see someone I love and adore and my heart hurts a little, but I see a wonderful person with wisdom beyond her years, someone I love to talk with and spend time with. Why?

L: I don't know. I guess I don't want you to see me just as someone you once dated.....I don't want it to be like that.

T: Lisa, I do understand. You are someone special. I love you and always will.

L: I love you too, Travis. Thank you for always being good to me.

T: its easy to be good to you. I will remember you as the one that got away. I wish you could me mine forever.
Okay, thanks- easy. In the first link I pull up they are clear to see at: 5:26:56, 5:27:28, and 5:27:54 the lines are there and they are before he is sitting down at 5:29:12. This does NOT look like what you'd see from Juan pulling the photos off the monitor. They look like arc lines to me, and... they all occur across his shoulder/arm. Who else agrees?

I think you may be right. I always thought she used that stun gun after I read in the texts about her offering to loan it to Travis when he was waiting for the Slasher.
I was nosing around and found a site that shows some of the crime scene and shower pics up close and one has a caption "knife in chest"? They are really clear compared to some I have seen.

Can you name the site?
This was Travis...

Texts with Lisa, 12/10/07.

L: when you look at me now, what do you see? How do you view me?

T: well i'm not sure. I see someone I love and adore and my heart hurts a little, but I see a wonderful person with wisdom beyond her years, someone I love to talk with and spend time with. Why?

L: I don't know. I guess I don't want you to see me just as someone you once dated.....I don't want it to be like that.

T: Lisa, I do understand. You are someone special. I love you and always will.

L: I love you too, Travis. Thank you for always being good to me.

T: its easy to be good to you. I will remember you as the one that got away. I wish you could me mine forever.

How sad. :(, makes me despise that butchering evil murderess even more!!!
Thanks so much, C.A. !

Oh you're so welcome, some of the posters on the Eyes site talk about seeing ligature marks in some of the shower pics but I am on the :fence: with that. My Lord, it is hard to imagine just what all she put him through that entire day. Too bad he couldn't have overpowered her or whoever "might" have helped her. I know, I know no proof.... but that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
Totally agree! He used her for sex, she offered. So What??? He didn't want to marry her. This isn't the 18th or even 19th century. No shotgun marriages and she wasn't pregnant. She could've said no more and walked away at any time that she felt used and wasn't trapping him with sex into being with her/taking her to Cancun/marrying her. Killing him was not the appropriate punishment, even if he was a player. I don't think he was actually having sex with the other girls, just text sex because Jodi opened up the Pandora's box to his sex drive and he was still looking for a woman to marry while trying to remain chaste until the wedding night.
He quickly figured out that her conversion was phony, her Mormon commitment was shallow, and she had no intellect, only sex -that's all she had to offer, sure not marriage material.

Great post! :cheers:

Like the old saying: "He's not that into you".
She planned her plot for murder once he was onto her crazy imaginary fairytale of "Together Forever", and he just had it. He even discussed her behaviour with some people close to him, including his sister Sam. The deal was done for him when he sent her back to Yreka (mommy).
The she proceeds to break his BMW, steal the ring (which is what I suspect she did), journals, identity.

The reason I think he let her in that night was because:
A. She stayed up on the phone in the wee hours of June 3rd and she she says she is renting a card for "road trip" to SoCal/SLC.
B. She convinces him she can stop by and give a cheque for a car payment.
C. She tells him she is going to see RB in SLC and other people in California (road trip). This is her ploy to make him believe there is another man and he is out of her "marriage" radar. So, no harm no foul, right?
D. Maybe he could have sex, considering, he was a young, healthy male.
Oh you're so welcome, some of the posters on the Eyes site talk about seeing ligature marks in some of the shower pics but I am on the :fence: with that. My Lord, it is hard to imagine just what all she put him through that entire day. Too bad he couldn't have overpowered her or whoever "might" have helped her. I know, I know no proof.... but that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

---GRAPHIC WARNING---Don't read if wound discussion will upset you, please.

The two mirror image pics makes it really clear how swollen his right (on our view) upper lip was in that full face shot. I don't know about ligature marks either, I haven't seen anything definitive in the pics to make me really study for them. I have seen evidence of the other site's chest wound area pic when I was looking to see where the flying blood near the corner of the shower stall could have come from, but since I'm apparently the only one who thinks it's significant I dropped the subject a while ago (although I still believe that's what it is). Thanks again for the sites, will do some more looking through them. And D*** that woman all the way to you-know-where for what she did to Travis.
---GRAPHIC WARNING---Don't read if wound discussion will upset you, please.

The two mirror image pics makes it really clear how swollen his right (on our view) upper lip was in that full face shot. I don't know about ligature marks either, I haven't seen anything definitive in the pics to make me really study for them. I have seen evidence of the other site's chest wound area pic when I was looking to see where the flying blood near the corner of the shower stall could have come from, but since I'm apparently the only one who thinks it's significant I dropped the subject a while ago (although I still believe that's what it is). Thanks again for the sites, will do some more looking through them. And D*** that woman all the way to you-know-where for what she did to Travis.

Thanks for posting that warning. Yes, to some they might seem too graphic. You just may be right about the blood... now you have peaked my interest, let me go look around some more. LOL.
Thanks for posting that warning. Yes, to some they might seem too graphic. You just may be right about the blood... now you have peaked my interest, let me go look around some more. LOL.

In the 5:30:30 pic showing the bottom of the stall, look in the bottom corner where the door meets the stall.
I see it, and I believe it is what you think.

--Wound Discussion Warning Again---

I can't find any wound from chest down (visible in that pic) to account for it, but I'm relatively sure that's what it is. During closing JM showed this pic with better light/clarity and I do not believe it shows him being stabbed, I can see that part of his chest clearly and it's not injured. Whatever caused that spatter must be out of camera range.

I just read a law blog about an Instagram Shower posting, this person writing does a pretty good job of comparing the shower pics for evidence pro or contrary to what the instagram person avers (and JA testified to), but he misses one thing, he is trying to find proof one way or the other whether JA was standing or crouching/kneeling (as she testified) when the last couple pics were taken and found it to be inconclusive. But if he'd noticed in her selfies in the rental on June 3rd she's wearing a red shirt, in the 5:30:30 pic you can see that red reflected at the bottom of the shower stall - she had to be crouching and not standing for it to be reflected there. Not that it makes any big difference what position she was in, she committed mayhem on Travis, and intended to for weeks prior.
Well, she did eventually settle on the camera excuse, but after how many years had gone by? I tend to place more value on her first formal interview with Det. Flores in Yreka. The one where she didn't have ANY excuse for herself.

But, yes, she certainly demonstrated a lot of pre-planning of the murder, just not enough post-planning. I mean she didn't even think that L.E. would connect a stolen .25 Auto from her grandparents' house to the very caliber (and thus, very likely the same gun) that Travis was shot and killed with. Was that arrogance or naivety on her part? And if Nurmi said one right thing in 2+ years in court it was "if she wanted to kill Travis, why not just shoot him and leave?" Why indeed. But no, she was at his Travis' for more than 12 hours which I think pushed her expected arrival time in Utah back by almost 24 hours. Did she WANT to get caught?

Obviously she didn't want to get caught, but she also didn't want to kill him quickly and from a distance. She wanted what she made happen. She wanted him aware, but helpless - and increasingly so, as she killed him step by step, with as close to her bare hands as would be effective.
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