Sentencing and beyond- Jodi Arias General Discussion #3

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We have a new monster on the horizon, from Toronto, a step mother accused of aiding her husband in the murder of his teenage daughter. She is claiming domestic abuse.....:gaah: (this is getting to be a ridiculous defense for these women) She is arrogant and shows her temper while being cross examined by husbands attorney.

Check it out. It is a bad one.
Maybe JA had T's calls forwarded to her number during that time Lisa's calls/texts weren't getting though? Whatever voice message and text Lisa left Travis maybe p'ed her off so much that she used that date as the pedo lie? I don't get why JM didn't show this whole day's texts and calls as proof that JA was never there when she said she was.

I wonder also if the genetic testing was to try to find out if there was a chance he could have a predisposition towards addiction like his parents.
Maybe JA had T's calls forwarded to her number during that time Lisa's calls/texts weren't getting though? Whatever voice message and text Lisa left Travis maybe p'ed her off so much that she used that date as the pedo lie? I don't get why JM didn't show this whole day's texts and calls as proof that JA was never there when she said she was.

I wonder also if the genetic testing was to try to find out if there was a chance he could have a predisposition towards addiction like his parents.

I'm not sure they can figure out addiction predisposition with a gene test. The relevant gene might also be a gene that everyone has, but has an on/off switch that factors into addiction. There could just be a genetic trait in Lisa's family that she's concerned about if she and Travis are going to spend their lives together, and that she wants him to be tested to see if he also is a carrier.

I'm betting this text exchange wasn't permitted to be used for some reason or other.
Originally Posted by RickshawFan

"I'm banking on MDLR being the focus of the investigation, along with Juror 17, and the affidavit witnesses, since MDLR probably persuaded them to lie"

BAM.... my exact thoughts, but I am thinking the leak of jurors names also. When did she pass along something to Mommy Dearest? :thinking:
Phone history and Text also contradict JA's story. TA was NOT frantic to talk to JA & JA was not avoiding him.

JA's testimony:
-Left an item, called him 2 x's before returning to get
-Walked in on TA masturbating
-He was frantic to talk and called her lots of times.

Thought it might be interesting to put more info in your post to show further how much she lied. Inserts are all in BOLDED CAPS. (This information is courtesy of Jodi Arias Trial Truth and can be found at the following link:

January 21, 2008. The day the killer will later refer to in vomiting out her most despicable and odious lie, that Travis was a pedophile (thanks goes to you too on this one, Nurmi).

In the early morning, Lisa says to Travis --goodnight honey. I love you baby. Travis says- I love you too. Good night.

at 9:35 a.m. Deanna text Travis and says- there's a mummy on my computer desk. Thanks for coming over. Love you.

At 2:03 p.m. Lisa says- hey did you call me and Travis replies yes. she says - do you need me to call you back right away?

Travis says- I just got some information about the genetic disorder.

Lisa says - ok I'll call you in a few minutes.

Over 20 minutes later Travis texts - when you say in a few what do you mean?

She says what do you mean? I just called your cell and left a message and I called your house phone.

2:29. Travis - my cell didn't ring and it doesn't show a voicemail.

2:35 Lisa says- did you get that last text?

2:35 Travis says no

2:36 p.m. Lisa said- I called again. Is it still not showing up? how strange. Try calling me again please?

2;37 pm Travis replied- we can just talk at FHE. Don't worry about it.

2:38 p.m. Lisa says- are you sure? I'd ike to know what's up.
Did you get tested or is it just more info? Travis says- just info.

Lisa says- okay I suppose I can wait.



438 pm lisa says -hey baby. I just tried calling you back again. Is it still not ringing for me?


5:11, 5:20, 5:48 TA CALLS JA 3 TIMES (JODI HAD HIS CAR)


5:38 p.m. the killer texts- I can't remember . am I supposed to pick you up on Wednesday at 10:30?

5:52 p.m. Leslie U texts T. -- just realized I never called Jodi back. CRAP!!

6:41 pm. killer: can we trade cars before fhe?

7:14 p.m. Deanna: you should go on American Gladiator. For real

Travis: why?

715 Deanna to T-- you would totally win!

7:17 p.m.Travis to Deanna- what makes you think that?

7:19 p.m. the killer says- " nevermind. One of the stores I need to go to tomorrow closes at 8. I'll just go tomorrow. "

7:20 p.m. Deanna to T--oh come on, you know you could if you train for it! you would get all crazy... it would be awesome!

7:24pm. T to killer: I got a ride from some peeps in the ward now you can just go get it. Let me know when you make the exchange.

7:25 p.m. to Deanna: I'll look into it.

7:25 p.m. killer: I'm almost asleep. We'll see. Zzzzz.

7:27 p.m. Deanna to T: yay! Have you really not thought about it till now?

7:27 p.m. T to the killer: you obviously don't need it that bad. I got a ride so you can go get the car. Now you're going to sleep?

7:27 p.m. T to Deanna --I haven't.

7:30 p.m. Killer: I fell asleep and a phone call woke me up. that's when I sent you the text.

7:30 Deanna to T: it could be fun . let me know

7:36 pm. Killer to T: I have a really bad headache. I can barely move.

9:11 p.m. Travis to killer. All right. Get it tomorrow then.

9:16 p.m. killer: can you talk right now?

9:17 p.m. T to killer-- Not right now.

That was the last text sent by Travis to anyone that night. It's interesting, among other things , that Travis asked the killer the next day if she had used his phone. I'm thinking she messed with it somehow, as in, blocked incoming calls from Lisa.

Notice there is no time in the afternoon when it was possible for her to stop by. Curious about the genetic disorder. Not genealogy, then? Included the exchange with Deanna because I think it demonstrates how the killer literally imposed herself into the middle of his full and loving life.
Maybe JA had T's calls forwarded to her number during that time Lisa's calls/texts weren't getting though? Whatever voice message and text Lisa left Travis maybe p'ed her off so much that she used that date as the pedo lie? I don't get why JM didn't show this whole day's texts and calls as proof that JA was never there when she said she was.

I wonder also if the genetic testing was to try to find out if there was a chance he could have a predisposition towards addiction like his parents.

Im thinking the same thing. I think it was more or less proven she had Travis passwords to his phone and if he had a phone system that allowed "call forwarding" then it would be very simple for JA to have his calls forwarded and ring her phone so she could track who was calling him.

Then she would quickly switch it back before the night was over so that he would not get suspicious.

I think JA was pulling lots of stunts with his phone and voicemail and texts like that.

As far as the testing it could have been like was mentioned that something she wanted him to test for to be sure he wasn't a carrier OR maybe it was some other rumor JA told Travis that he had better test himself because she has aids or Hepititis or some other lie like that. To get his other girlfriends scared to be with him.
Im thinking the same thing. I think it was more or less proven she had Travis passwords to his phone and if he had a phone system that allowed "call forwarding" then it would be very simple for JA to have his calls forwarded and ring her phone so she could track who was calling him.

Then she would quickly switch it back before the night was over so that he would not get suspicious.

I think JA was pulling lots of stunts with his phone and voicemail and texts like that.

As far as the testing it could have been like was mentioned that something she wanted him to test for to be sure he wasn't a carrier OR maybe it was some other rumor JA told Travis that he had better test himself because she has aids or Hepititis or some other lie like that. To get his other girlfriends scared to be with him.

One way to check that theory would be to look at the killer's phone records for that day , entered into evidence.

Those records came up on the first and perhaps the second day of JM's cross examination of her. I'm not sure if the entire call record for that day was shown, but I remember at least part of it was, and even without knowing Lisa's phone number it is theoretically possible to see whether or not the killer received phone calls , very brief phone calls, from any number, at the times Lisa indicated she was trying to reach Travis.

ETA. Will skim through Jan and Feb texts (way) later today to see if there's an observable pattern of the killer texting Travis while he's in the middle of texting Lisa especially, but other GF's as well.
I think she intended to shoot him first, but the gun jammed, so she went with the knife and left the gun in the bathroom. When that didn't work entirely, she brought Travis back to the bathroom so she could get the gun and then used it again. This time it worked.
All she's ever had to do is stick to the story of her plan, not the real sequence.
Why did she drag Travis back to the bathroom otherwise? He was still moving, she had to keep tabs on him, and she had to get the other weapon (i.e. the gun).

I agree Rickshaw, remember during one of her many stories where she said the ninja man put a gun to her head and pulled the trigger but nothing happened? That may have happened with Travis and she had to use the knife sooner than she planned. And she did bring the knife or knives, because none were missing from TA's.
Despite the shell casing lying on top of a pool of drying blood on the bathroom floor near the base cabinet, I was also one of the many who always thought that the gunshot came first. Until this very moment as I began typing my reply and visualized what I was typing.

Because by her shooting him above his right temple (which she did) as he sat in the shower, the path of the bullet would have travelled towards the back of his head -- whereas the bullet did, in fact, become lodged in his left cheek. To my way of thinking, A + B just doesn't equal C.

The gunshot being last does make sense to me now (after only 2+ years, lol), but I sure would like to know for sure where they both were in the bathroom or hallway when she fired the gun. Nothing about that makes sense to me. Oh! Maybe it'll be in Nurmi's e-book!

She could of fired twice, and the gun jammed the second time and left 1 casing behind. She could of taken the other casing, just to cover herself from stealing grandpa's gun, and it not matching up to anything if the gun was ever located.

I don't think when she left the house, she had any idea what she was going to with the gun; until maybe after she came out of her "fog" ...
I think she intended to shoot him first, but the gun jammed, so she went with the knife and left the gun in the bathroom. When that didn't work entirely, she brought Travis back to the bathroom so she could get the gun and then used it again. This time it worked.
All she's ever had to do is stick to the story of her plan, not the real sequence.
Why did she drag Travis back to the bathroom otherwise? He was still moving, she had to keep tabs on him, and she had to get the other weapon (i.e. the gun).

BBM ~ I think she dragged him back to the bathroom after she slit his throat, as shown by the blood pool on the carpet near the bedroom entrance. He was dead at that point. Hence, why she said "he was still alive when I slit his throat". This is ultimately what killed him, IMO.
Even between TA and JA, evidently a far bigger chunk are from her than him because he often doesn't respond.

ALV said Travis kept Jodi wasn't able to sleep because Travis kept waking her up. I see Jodi texting Travis all during the night many nights, and he doesn't respond to her, but it texting with others. That was one thing ALV said on the stand, that Travis needed constant praise from Jodi. I see Jodi gushing and over the tops texts of her undying love, how wonderful he was, etc, Travis doesn't always respond, and if he does, it's a thank you or you're nerd, and that about it. It's always unasked for and it was Jodi that heaped the praise on Travis.

She knew she'd be gone in a few days, and the life she'd led would be over. No more trips or conventions. She writes that she had invested a year and half in trying to cultivate a relationship with Travis and it wasn't working.

I think she stood over him with the gun in her left hand, threatening him and the gun did go off. That loud noise that Jodi said made her ears ring. Travis did get out of the shower and to the sink, his right hand left fingermarks in blood on the sink counter. He may have told her to go get help, get the neighbors, but Jodi couldn't let that happen, she had to kill him to shut him up. She couldn't let him out of that room. So she grabbed the knife and started slicing and stabbing him, and she slitting his throat in the very place that the male ninja was standing, right where the carpet and tile meet.
Im thinking the same thing. I think it was more or less proven she had Travis passwords to his phone and if he had a phone system that allowed "call forwarding" then it would be very simple for JA to have his calls forwarded and ring her phone so she could track who was calling him.

Then she would quickly switch it back before the night was over so that he would not get suspicious.

I think JA was pulling lots of stunts with his phone and voicemail and texts like that.

As far as the testing it could have been like was mentioned that something she wanted him to test for to be sure he wasn't a carrier OR maybe it was some other rumor JA told Travis that he had better test himself because she has aids or Hepititis or some other lie like that. To get his other girlfriends scared to be with him.

I agree with the call/text forwarding. She was stalking him more than I ever imagined!

As far as the "genetic testing" goes, could it have to do with something about being Mormon?
Does anyone remember who was the woman friend that took Jodi to Las Vegas, the first time.

I did look it up at one time. That convention was September 9 - 13? 2006.

Jodi may of drove to Mesa for Christmas 2006. Daryl left her and the house that month, and in her journal for the the last of July first of August 2008 she drops by her old house to spend the night and hopes friends will come over and swim, then she's in Mesa for the next nine months. But where was she living and working when she and Travis were meeting up at the Hughes?
Question: Is BK still posting on her Paypal site?

Is there where these new texts are coming from?

Does anyone remember who was the woman friend that took Jodi to Las Vegas, the first time.

I did look it up at one time. That convention was September 9 - 13? 2006.

Jodi may of drove to Mesa for Christmas 2006. Daryl left her and the house that month, and in her journal for the the last of July first of August 2008 she drops by her old house to spend the night and hopes friends will come over and swim, then she's in Mesa for the next nine months. But where was she living and working when she and Travis were meeting up at the Hughes?

I think she was still out the house her and DB shared, but I think he moved out. Gotta remember, the relationship between TA and JA happened so quickly, so it was not that long before she packed up and moved to Mesa.
Jodi write about she and Travis doing a road trip and a convention on March 13. Travis is getting a lot of teasing about Jodi. He texts Sky that he just walked in the door with her and that was all. Chris H. tells him to dump her and come up to their room to hangout. He tells Travis to tell Jodi he had to go to the bathroom, but then says no she'll want to come wipe. Travis texts Chris that Jodi had stepped away and could they come up there now.

In this Jodi is texting Travis trying to get with him, and he's putting her off. Chris H. also tells Travis to hand her over to Gus Scercy and come up.

At one point he asked her to use her "good" camera to take pictures, and she tells him he needs to have pictures taken of him a a suit.

What date was the convention where Travis told the story of a gun to his head and Jodi "sleeping" on his lap? It wasn't this one. This is the convention that she met Ryan Burns, and she was a blonde. She writes in her journal, during this trip, that she is going back to brunette, that she's tried of keeping it up. In the May photo's of her and the dog, her hair was the chucking thing that was the fad then.
There are a couple of pics I had never seen.... they are the killers family album

Question: Is BK still posting on her Paypal site?

Is there where these new texts are coming from?


Yes, and April - June will be posted soon. I've been lining up her journal and texts and she's definitely put a spin on things.
There are a couple of pics I had never seen.... they are the killers family album


You can see that she had a lazy eye very young. I guess no one got her any help.
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