Sexual Assault -Merged-

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
tumble said:
Before you get carried away, read K777Angels post "The Big Question" and give reasonable explainations to all the qeustions.

Also explain why he would choose to kidnap her on Christmas eve instead of just snatching her from or on the way to school. Could he have somehow had easier access to her at home than to/from school? As in he somehow found an "in" with John or Patsy and thus had access to and knowledge of the house.

Why he found it necessary to whipe the flashlight AND batteries even though he was wearing gloves, or if he were not wearing gloves manages to avoid leaving a single fingerprint. Panic? If he's telling the truth and her death was an accident (he "only" meant to sexually assault her and got carried away or enraged), that would throw an unplanned element into an otherwise thought-out crime.

Why he found it necessary to latch the winecellar door. No clue, except maybe panic.

How he was able to give birth four times if he was an underperformer. No clue, unless when faced with the reality of bringing his sick fantasies to life he "froze up".

And finally what catch did he have on the R's to make them start hiering lawers to keep them from being arrested instead of looking for him. This one's a stretch, but what if the Ramseys actually caught him in the act (or in the aftermath) and realized he was someone they knew? If he had somehow found an "in" with the Ramseys specifically to get to JonBenet, they could have panicked at the fact of having literally brought JonBenet's murderer to her.
I'll say that I stay on the fence about who killed JonBenet, so my responses to the above are more "thinking out loud" than defending the parents. I obviously need to do a lot more reading about the case before being able to make any "intelligent guesses", but I always like to try and see the flip side of a coin to keep from missing anything (if that makes sense).

Lisahas2cats said:
I'll say that I stay on the fence about who killed JonBenet, so my responses to the above are more "thinking out loud" than defending the parents. I obviously need to do a lot more reading about the case before being able to make any "intelligent guesses", but I always like to try and see the flip side of a coin to keep from missing anything (if that makes sense).

Appreciate you trying to answer. Although panic does not ring true together with sitting down composing a tree paged ransom note on the scene.
tumble said:
Has the possibility of the intruder just walking in and out of a door been ruled out?

Why do you think Lou Smit climbed in and out of the basement window showing that was possible?
Is that a yes or a no?
JBean said:
Is that a yes or a no?
I say, with the info Lou Smit had he appearantly ruled out that the intruder passed through a door.
that's the part that's even more significant than the dna.
Bev said:
that's the part that's even more significant than the dna.
Right Bev. I have not given up on them placing him in CO yet. But the DNA will never match.
tumble said:
Right Bev. I have not given up on them placing him in CO yet. But the DNA will never match.

Which DNA are we talking about? The DNA found on her underpants or the DNA under her fingernails?
Why would the Ramseys repeatedly lie and cover up and refuse to be interviewed until four months after the murder -- all for an intruder they didn't even know?

There was no intruder. A Ramsey is involved in the death of JonBenet.

No crime scene DNA will match.

No handwriting will match. I suppose you can get some 'expert' somewhere to claim it does. The 'chronic sexual abuse' tabloid experts come to mind.

How anyone can go from that ransom note to 'I loved her' is totally beyond me. 'I loved her' is a very expressive and emotional statement. The RN doesn't have a stitch of any emotional expression or feelings towards JBR whatsoever.

JK wasn't even in Colorado, that according to his ex-wife. IOW he has an airtight alibi whether he likes it or not.

So far, they are persuing JK only because he knows some 'inside' info? I'll bet there's very little 'inside' info left after 10 years.

Its already known he's previously communicated with people who are very knowledgable about the case, right?
Not to get off topic, but if your in the camp that Walter Sickert was JtR, then he certainly was a non-performer with his mangled penis.
tumble said:
Even if there was a bankstatement. Why would the kidnapper choose that amount? Normally kidnappers has some idea about what they want, not just toss a dice or pick a number from a paper lying about.

Well, are assuming a kidnapping and not an faked kidnapping.

Second, if it were really a kidnapping, perhaps he wanted a quick getaway. None of this "we will have to cash out stocks, bonds, etc". Maybe he didn't want it to take a long time and wanted an amount he knew they had on-hand.

If it was Karr, I don't believe it was a standard kidnapping for ransom. I think there is a high likelihood that he intended to take her with him and couldn't get her out the window. I think the ransom note was a red herring to throw investigators off while he ran away with his bride. Perhaps he was going to take her overseas. I think it is highly likely that, not being able to get her out that window (it was above his head and took some maneuvering to get in and out of), he decided to have his way with her there. Perhaps his fettish was bondage and little girls. Perhaps there was more to that ligature setup than we knew...perhaps he tied it as a torture device so that the more she struggled the tighter it got. Maybe he took part of it with him, which would explain why when found, her wrists were tied up but but bound by anything. I dunno.

calus_3 said:
Well, are assuming a kidnapping and not an faked kidnapping.

Second, if it were really a kidnapping, perhaps he wanted a quick getaway. None of this "we will have to cash out stocks, bonds, etc". Maybe he didn't want it to take a long time and wanted an amount he knew they had on-hand.

If it was Karr, I don't believe it was a standard kidnapping for ransom. I think there is a high likelihood that he intended to take her with him and couldn't get her out the window. I think the ransom note was a red herring to throw investigators off while he ran away with his bride. Perhaps he was going to take her overseas. I think it is highly likely that, not being able to get her out that window (it was above his head and took some maneuvering to get in and out of), he decided to have his way with her there. Perhaps his fettish was bondage and little girls. Perhaps there was more to that ligature setup than we knew...perhaps he tied it as a torture device so that the more she struggled the tighter it got. Maybe he took part of it with him, which would explain why when found, her wrists were tied up but but bound by anything. I dunno.

Actually I am trying to argue for a faked RN while not trying just to repeat myself.
Maybe it is that this frigging idiot was just that, an idiot.

Maybe he tried to pull off the crime of century by being some sort of master criminal. What amounted to genius and deception to the mind of a crazed loon, looks like contradictory evidence to us normal people.

There is also the chance that he wrote the note and planned everything exactly the way it happened. Is there anyone out there willing to say that it is impossible to have a ransom note upstairs and a dead child downstairs as a real possibility?

calus_3 said:
Kazzbar on another post about sexual assault posted this but it was so important, I thought it needed its own post. About the sexual assault, we were talking about what constituted it. Kazz wrote this:

"A penis is not needed to rape someone. There are always other items one can use e.g. paint brush handle. I think who ever assualted JBR was possibly a 'non performer".

I don't think I have ever seen this theory:

Karr is clearly two balls worth short of manhood. He looks like a woman and is confused sexually. He watches the Polly Klass murder trial and either feeds or incubates his desire for little girls and their murders. He somehow becomes fixated on JBR....perhaps through his on-line *advertiser censored* searches he hits childs beauty pagents. He sees JBR and becomes fascinated with her and decides she will be his victim. After months of plotting and planning, he sees his chance. He breaks in or gets in, one way or the other, takes JBR to the basement and....whadda you know, he can't perform. Because of stress, gender confusion, or whatever he can't do the deed. He becomes so enraged that he grabs the nearby materials and visciously chokes her to death/near death and is still mad. He takes the flashlight and bashes her over the head in a rage.

I think I am onto something. The autopsy is clear that it was death by stangulation followed closely by or completed by being hit by an object (the flashlight was an exact match for the cracks in the skull). While I could see that someone in the family could bash the skull in in a fit of rage, I don't see that they could do all that to JBR.

One of the hardest things to explain if you believed the IDI theories were the nurturing pieces of the evidence found with JBR. Her favorite nightgown, etc. being placed nearby....almost reeked of a guilt ridden parent trying to console their child in death. But it could also be someone who believed they deeply cared for in "we were in love" and "I loved JBR".

I think this kook fits just perfectly.

Biggest problem I see with him is no other kids coming forward yet who he actually touched. He had opportunity and a setting to sneak away and touch kids but we have no reports of anything actual.

It all seems to be in his imagination.

For him it does sound like it's more about love than torture -- it's a mismatch with the brutality of the crime, IMO

The ransom note is so weird that it might be the work of someone high or drunk and high or some combination - that condition matches with the brutality of the crime, and the stupidity of mentioning the particular sum of ransom money, whether Ramsey or intruder.
Where are the ex-wife's pictures that she was going to procure about 4 days ago? The ones that proved he was at home with her on that day?

Just wondering...I dont keep a hell of a lot of pics of my ex around either but I also don't tell the national media that I have them to show.
BirdieBoo said:
Where are the ex-wife's pictures that she was going to procure about 4 days ago? The ones that proved he was at home with her on that day?

Just wondering...I dont keep a hell of a lot of pics of my ex around either but I also don't tell the national media that I have them to show.

If they had them, they would have brought them out to the media by now. They have ALL disappeared! Kind of telling, I think.

blonde1 said:
Biggest problem I see with him is no other kids coming forward yet who he actually touched. He had opportunity and a setting to sneak away and touch kids but we have no reports of anything actual.

It all seems to be in his imagination.

For him it does sound like it's more about love than torture -- it's a mismatch with the brutality of the crime, IMO

The ransom note is so weird that it might be the work of someone high or drunk and high or some combination - that condition matches with the brutality of the crime, and the stupidity of mentioning the particular sum of ransom money, whether Ramsey or intruder.
maybe HE was the one who inhaled chloroform...if he was even there at all.
tumble said:
Appreciate you trying to answer. Although panic does not ring true together with sitting down composing a tree paged ransom note on the scene.
Totally agree with you :)

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