SF cop versus skateboarder

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Mr. E, I heard the "kick in the ear" comment too, and the first thing I thought of is when you see the officers on COPS trying to get someone in the car and they trip and the officer lifts his leg up trying to break the fall (do you know what I mean?) I didn't get the distinct impression the officer put the boots to the kid (I could be wrong, I'm sure we'll see further video if that was the case?)

I was really astonished when the bystander talked about the officer having a gun... God help the officer who's on the street without one!
I think it's time we expected that youth act with more manners and respect. If their parents cant' teach it to them, and the school can't then maybe LE can.

I agree, the "threat" was to back this kid off from trying anything to be a hero in front of his friends.

The bystander comments, well...IT'S SAN FRANCISCO people and I can't trust that they are even from earth (I lived there too). Could be they were just anti-cop, anti-gun and pro anarchy for all we know.

God if my mom were this kid's mom - mmmmmm,mmmm, he would wish he had never, and he'd stay in jail and she'd read him the riot act in front of the officer, make him apoligize and probably make him bake the officer cookies or something. Some kids just need a dose of humility.
ziggy, that's funny... bake the officer cookies... love the humor. If me or my siblings had done anything like this, my dad would have told them to lock us up and keep us there. It could have been safer than going home and facing the consequences. While our parents weren't that strict or huge disciplinarians, we just knew when to shut our mouths... :waitasec:
I think it's time we expected that youth act with more manners and respect. If their parents cant' teach it to them, and the school can't then maybe LE can.

I agree, the "threat" was to back this kid off from trying anything to be a hero in front of his friends.

The bystander comments, well...IT'S SAN FRANCISCO people and I can't trust that they are even from earth (I lived there too). Could be they were just anti-cop, anti-gun and pro anarchy for all we know.

God if my mom were this kid's mom - mmmmmm,mmmm, he would wish he had never, and he'd stay in jail and she'd read him the riot act in front of the officer, make him apoligize and probably make him bake the officer cookies or something. Some kids just need a dose of humility.

I totally agree. He broke the law and was rude, and he needed to be held accountable. So many parents enable their kids to get away with this stuff. Cops don't have to, and for that I'm glad.

I heard a kid call his mom a horrible, nasty thing last week as she was picking him up from school (high school). What did she do? SHE apologized to people around them, saying he wouldn't do that if it weren't for his ADHD. The kid did not apologize, not to his mother or the others who had to hear what he said. I can't even write what he said, or I'd be suspended/banned from this board! My anecdote has nothing to do with the incident, except to say that I think kids get away with too much these days.
so basically it's ok to act like and a$$hole if you're a cop, but not if your some skateboarder. i don't understand that logic. i would love to see what happened before the tape started rolling. it was obvious to me the cop was antagonizing him with the whole 'anybody got any excedrin, i think he's got a headache" comments because the kid was sitting on the ground with his head in his hands. the cop was being a smart a$$.
I think it's time we expected that youth act with more manners and respect. If their parents cant' teach it to them, and the school can't then maybe LE can.

I agree, the "threat" was to back this kid off from trying anything to be a hero in front of his friends.

The bystander comments, well...IT'S SAN FRANCISCO people and I can't trust that they are even from earth (I lived there too). Could be they were just anti-cop, anti-gun and pro anarchy for all we know.

God if my mom were this kid's mom - mmmmmm,mmmm, he would wish he had never, and he'd stay in jail and she'd read him the riot act in front of the officer, make him apoligize and probably make him bake the officer cookies or something. Some kids just need a dose of humility.

or the bystanders comments could have come from the fact that they felt the cop was being heavy handed....IMO. i am not disagreeing with people that the kid should have been more respectful, but i feel like it went both ways on this one.
The Cop was in the wrong and should not only have a desk job where he does not have to deal with the public he should also have to go for more training .
I'm surprised officer schwab threatened to break his arm.. and wondering why he didn't threaten to tase him. I thought those tasers cops are toting are the new in thing.

As for him being arrested, for not carrying id? that BS. It is not the law to have your drivers license or something like that on you 24/7. I think the real reason chris was arrested was because the cop had a stick up his *advertiser censored*.
In my Town it is the law..... However they won't arrest someone for it and you won't even get a ticket for it unless your a *advertiser censored*.
I'm sorry but we expect robot behavior and not human behavior of cops. I get what you mean that they should be professional, but expecting that 100% of the time is just asking for the impossible, in my opinion - I don't know how they do it as well as they do. The amount of disrespect cops have to put up with, the daily decent into human ugliness, their lives in danger literally every second on the job. Hey, it's pretty easy to sit back and expect so much. I couldn't do it. I guess I cut them some slack because of that. Was it really that bad? Did he hurt that nice young man's feelings? That kid gets hurt worse from skateboarding mishaps.

No one is expecting him to be a robot. He is expecting him to act in a professional manor.

As most know my Dh is a LE officer. He has been spit on, kicked, called every name in the book, his family has been threatened . You name it it has happened but yet over the almost 10 years he has remained calm and professional. he has never threatened to break someones arm bc they called him a name.

What is that cop 2 years old? Yes I expect him to set his emoctions aside. HE IS A COP. This is what they are trained to do. This is what they are paid to do. THIS IS WHAT HE DOES FOR A LIVING.

If he threatens to break a kids arm over him calling him names then he needs more training and anger management.

The teens needs to learn to respect others . Both are in the wrong but the cop more so as he is trained to deal with things like this ( and worse things) everyday so he should never of got so upset over someone calling him a name.
I'm surprised officer schwab threatened to break his arm.. and wondering why he didn't threaten to tase him. I thought those tasers cops are toting are the new in thing.

As for him being arrested, for not carrying id? that BS. It is not the law to have your drivers license or something like that on you 24/7. I think the real reason chris was arrested was because the cop had a stick up his *advertiser censored*.

You should check your laws. It is against the law in many places to not be carrying your I.D. when you are out. Seriously.

I think "threatening" to break his arm was much less harmful than tasing.

My high school art teacher used to threaten to break my arm all the time. Everyone is such a baby anymore, geez. I'm a chick and I've got tougher skin than these so called dudes. As my brother used to say, "quit being such a baby."
No one is expecting him to be a robot. He is expecting him to act in a professional manor.

As most know my Dh is a LE officer. He has been spit on, kicked, called every name in the book, his family has been threatened . You name it it has happened but yet over the almost 10 years he has remained calm and professional. he has never threatened to break someones arm bc they called him a name.

What is that cop 2 years old? Yes I expect him to set his emoctions aside. HE IS A COP. This is what they are trained to do. This is what they are paid to do. THIS IS WHAT HE DOES FOR A LIVING.

If he threatens to break a kids arm over him calling him names then he needs more training and anger management.

The teens needs to learn to respect others . Both are in the wrong but the cop more so as he is trained to deal with things like this ( and worse things) everyday so he should never of got so upset over someone calling him a name.

God Bless your DH. That is a tough job and cops are treated so badly that's why I give them a pass every now and then because it's NOT normal to take that crap day in and day out without having a human "moment".

Even in the law we make excuses for the weakness of human behavior with "heat of passion" mitigation - clearly recognzing our human weaknesses. If you are telling me there are cops that don't turn around behind closed doors and wish, WISH, for just one day they could beat the crap out of these disprespectful punks I think your're fibbin.

Now the fact that they don't act on that is professional behavior and training and a huge dose of self restraint. But when one slips up occassionally, I'm on their side.
This situation has two problems. One being a teenager who obviously knew nothing about or could have cared less about respect for law enforcement. The second being a police officer who couldn't keep his anger under control and use the tools given to him to properly deal with an out of control citizen.

Unfortunately, these two mixed and now we have a divide of who's right and who's wrong. Truthfully, imo, they were both wrong.
God Bless your DH. That is a tough job and cops are treated so badly that's why I give them a pass every now and then because it's NOT normal to take that crap day in and day out without having a human "moment".

Even in the law we make excuses for the weakness of human behavior with "heat of passion" mitigation - clearly recognzing our human weaknesses. If you are telling me there are cops that don't turn around behind closed doors and wish, WISH, for just one day they could beat the crap out of these disprespectful punks I think your're fibbin.

Now the fact that they don't act on that is professional behavior and training and a huge dose of self restraint. But when one slips up occassionally, I'm on their side.
Who said they didnt WISH to beat the guys azz that spits on them? cusses at them? throws their POOP ( yes poopy!) at them? I never said that I said your to act professional as your trained to. if your going to have a melt down you need to have it when your not dealing with the public. Take a health day it's allowed and acceptable to take one when needed.

Yes they are humans , Humans that are trained in how to deal with stress in ways I'll never understand. You deal with your human emoctions when your not dealing with the public. He could of called for back up if he felt he was going to go out of control.

wishing and saying out loud is not the same thing.
Who said they didnt WISH to beat the guys azz that spits on them? cusses at them? throws their POOP ( yes poopy!) at them? I never said that I said your to act professional as your trained to. if your going to have a melt down you need to have it when your not dealing with the public. Take a health day it's allowed and acceptable to take one when needed.

Yes they are humans , Humans that are trained in how to deal with stress in ways I'll never understand. You deal with your human emoctions when your not dealing with the public. He could of called for back up if he felt he was going to go out of control.

wishing and saying out loud is not the same thing.

I realize what you are saying and I agree - my point is because these emotions do exist and cops are after all, human and not machines, they are not perfect. If they fail to call for back up, or take a health day and make a comment they should not - I give them a break because of their human make- up. REQUIRING them to be perfect 100% of the time on a very stressful and thankless job is fine, but it's not a reasonable expectation in my opinion.

I am amazed and appreciative that MANY officers do seem to have an extraordinary amount of self control and I admire that.

Y'all know I would never, in a million years, be able to keep my cool. Well, maybe a Dirty Harry kind of "cool". ;)
No one is expecting him to be a robot. He is expecting him to act in a professional manor.

As most know my Dh is a LE officer. He has been spit on, kicked, called every name in the book, his family has been threatened . You name it it has happened but yet over the almost 10 years he has remained calm and professional. he has never threatened to break someones arm bc they called him a name.

What is that cop 2 years old? Yes I expect him to set his emoctions aside. HE IS A COP. This is what they are trained to do. This is what they are paid to do. THIS IS WHAT HE DOES FOR A LIVING.

If he threatens to break a kids arm over him calling him names then he needs more training and anger management.

The teens needs to learn to respect others . Both are in the wrong but the cop more so as he is trained to deal with things like this ( and worse things) everyday so he should never of got so upset over someone calling him a name.

I totally agree. Blessings to you and your husband!

I realize what you are saying and I agree - my point is because these emotions do exist and cops are after all, human and not machines, they are not perfect. If they fail to call for back up, or take a health day and make a comment they should not - I give them a break because of their human make- up. REQUIRING them to be perfect 100% of the time on a very stressful and thankless job is fine, but it's not a reasonable expectation in my opinion.

I am amazed and appreciative that MANY officers do seem to have an extraordinary amount of self control and I admire that.

Y'all know I would never, in a million years, be able to keep my cool. Well, maybe a Dirty Harry kind of "cool". ;)

Ziggy, This cop didn't fail to call for backup, he didn't take a health day and he did not just make a comment that he shouldn't have. He assaulted a kid.

Let's suppose that kid had been skateboarding in front of my house and I went out there and threatened to snap his arm like a twig and then kicked him in the head. I would be arrested for making threats of bodily harm and assault. I've raised five kids, and if I'd threatened to break their arms and started kicking them around, society would call me a child abuser. And rightly so. Neither society nor the law would care that the kid might have called me a beotch and I was just having a "human reaction." Two wrongs NEVER make a right!

While everyone understands that cops are human, if the cop cannot handle the situation without assaulting someone who is only passively resisting, that's more than a cop having a bad day. It is a cop making threats of bodily harm and committing assault....acting on the level of an abuser or irate abusive citizen. If a cop is willing to commit assault by using his boot to kick a kid in the head one day, just cuz the kid called him a dic%, what do you think he'll do when someone REALLY aggravates him? He might just pull out that gun.

These men and women who put their lives on the line have a super-high standard to meet. Staying in control and not reacting with violence is one of them. Not everybody is cut out for it, and I'm afraid this guy might not be.
This is HUGE topic in Arlington, Texas. Its gone on for years. Trying to get a safe place for the "skaters" to go. A bond election went through a couple of years ago. Still no skate park.
Then...the phone call came. Cody Rocamontes , who is pretty much known all over the city & parks state wide was hit by a car and killed while he & his girlfriend was WALKING to an "out of the way" place to skate.

Because of the outcry by parents & others over the past few weeks, we are now all of the sudden getting 2 parks.....mostly all done by donations !

This is HUGE topic in Arlington, Texas. Its gone on for years. Trying to get a safe place for the "skaters" to go. A bond election went through a couple of years ago. Still no skate park.
Then...the phone call came. Cody Rocamontes , who is pretty much known all over the city & parks state wide was hit by a car and killed while he & his girlfriend was WALKING to an "out of the way" place to skate.

Because of the outcry by parents & others over the past few weeks, we are now all of the sudden getting 2 parks.....mostly all done by donations !


How sad that a young man had to die to get the city to honor the bond election.

We do have skate parks in my town. I understand why merchants don't want the liability of a skater being hurt on their property, but I have to say I've never understood why kids can't skate on neighborhood sidewalks, etc. in some cities.

Thank you so much for sharing this story and the link!

God's blessings....

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