Shannan Gilbert Found, death declared an accident. #2

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I'm friends with a few myself, and most would suck it up and keep their mouth shut. Some won't take a jab like JR gave and be quiet.
There's nothing "fishy" about this letter. It looks like this Det. reads what is said about he and his colleagues and took a little offence. He didn't come out and try to change anyone's opinion by insisting this or that is what happened. He said JR is wrong and that they were and are giving it their all and shared what he could on some of the things are are being most wildly speculated on.
To me it seems that MG and others do not like the results of the investigation so far and will not be satisfied until something shows what they want to believe. JR appears to have no qualms about getting the advertisement that comes with being involved.
Here's a link to the letter so it can be read again, and it's content looked at.

Thank you for posting that link so that I can finally understand who and what you all are talking about. :)
There was also a finger bone missing. But then, I wouldn't call it coincidence, rather anatomy 101 ... the hyoid bone is not directly connected to other bones, it hangs only on cartilage, which, in the process of decomposition is gone at some point. Small bones are often carried away by wildlife. In fact, in case of skeletal remains that are found unprotected (as in not in sacks, bags, foil, whatever holds bone together and decomposes slower), ****** it is not that unusual that the hyoid is missing.****

indeed, it's actually the most common bone lost in transport of dead bodies, followed by the phalanges(phalanx bones)--so it's not surprising that it was missing----just so much was immediately made of it because that's the strangulation bone, and that idea has never been let go--not to say that isn't what happened, just trying to add another perspective on the missing hyoid
I may be mistaken and I have never been to Oak Beach, but when I am looking at the Google satellite map, The Fairway turns into Anchor Way, which comes into a relatively large T-intersection. To the left is the entrance-exit to Oak Beach, to the right Anchor Way continues south.

You are implying if MP turned right onto Anchor Way, got SG into his vehicle after BB's house, he could not turn around fast enough and exit the gate before GC would have reached the gate on foot from his house. GC is a 75 year old man, so his walking speed would be age appropriate.

I have a hunch that MP made it out of Oak Beach before GC got to the Gate house to let LE in.

Anybody know what time GC arrived at the gate house? LE supposedly arrived at 6:07AM.

MP was speaking to GC about 6:30, 8 minutes after GC called 911. MP says he left Oak Beach at around 6:00AM. He had about 20 to 30 minutes to get SG, and leave Oak Beach. If MP left at 5:50 AM, there is a good chance GC would not have seen MP leave.

If MP left Oak Beach right after speaking to GC, that was about 5:35 AM or 5:40 AM. Not 6:00AM like MP stated.

I think it is quite possible MP left with SG, and GC did not see him leave.

these times were provided by The Foreigner at Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community


You forgot, SG was seen by BB. Which reduces MP's possible time window by about 25 minutes. So if MP would have been at that time still in OB, GC would have seen him leave. He didn't. Which makes clear, MP left before SG was seen by BB.
There was also a finger bone missing. But then, I wouldn't call it coincidence, rather anatomy 101 ... the hyoid bone is not directly connected to other bones, it hangs only on cartilage, which, in the process of decomposition is gone at some point. Small bones are often carried away by wildlife. In fact, in case of skeletal remains that are found unprotected (as in not in sacks, bags, foil, whatever holds bone together and decomposes slower), it is not that unusual that the hyoid is missing.

I wonder if her jaw bone was gone also. There was a hurricane. The waters from the bay and ocean met. Look at the damage on OP at GB. Tore up. Pics on Youtube. I really have to learn how to brings the links here.
You forgot, SG was seen by BB. Which reduces MP's possible time window by about 25 minutes. So if MP would have been at that time still in OB, GC would have seen him leave. He didn't. Which makes clear, MP left before SG was seen by BB.

MP said he looked for SG for one hour. One report stated the police interviewed Mp and JB when they arrived at OB. Another report states he left before police arrived. Does anyone know which is true?
There are now at least 5 members on timeout from the LISK forum. If I missed anyone, my apologies as this clean-up process is ongoing. Timeouts were given not only to members who were rude and condescending to each other, but also to those who provoked others into some of those rude and condescending posts.

If someone attacks you, DO NOT RESPOND on this forum. It's rude, it's distracting and it accomplishes nothing. Please alert the post and let the moderators handle it. We have over 8 million posts on Websleuths and we can't be everywhere at once, so please give our moderators time to respond to your alert.
Why is it that we know the exact time of BBrennan's 911 call but almost every source, still left on the internet, states that GC was up shaving just before 5:00 AM and he called 911 ABOUT 5:30 AM. There is no specific time for this call.

Shannan made a 23 minute call starting at 4:51 AM and ending at 5:14 AM.
8 minutes later B Brennan calls 911 at 5:22 AM.

Early reports put LE arriving at about 5:55-6:00 AM and GC as saying he called 911 around 5:30 AM. Original reports had LE arriving about 40-50 minutes after SG initiated her call to 911.

One year after the first bodies were found, Newsday began reporting that BB called at 5:22 AM and that LE sources report arriving about ten minutes after the BB call.

Of course we have no idea how long that BB call lasted. Let's go with the minimum, of say one minute, to call in report, give address, phone number, description, etc.

Now, wouldn't that put LE arriving at almost the exact time that GC made his call and then MP, rolls down the street,SG runs off and MP talks to GC and follows SG.

Isn't it possible that SG ran out of JB's, turned right down Anchor, banged on a few doors, got no help and ran to GC's. At that point if GC's 911 call was at 5:30ish, then SG was nearer the OP and the gate. MP could have seen her and followed her out just before the LE arrived. BUT, MP stated he searched the OP and gave up and left the Oak Beach area at 6:00 AM.

It would be very nice to know via which bridge he left and which bridge LE used to come in...
CPH probably spent the day fishing.

It's been adjourned again. This time until 3/26/13.



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To see JR traverse the marsh, go to youtube 48hours preview the long island srial killer.

"hello, suffolk county police department."
Gilbert’s skeletal muscle, skull material and hair all tested negative for drugs, according to the report.

Wait, that's interesting. Anyone know off the top of their head (or have a link to that info stashed somewhere) how long it takes different drugs to completely break down and disappear in a decomposing body? Because on the face of it those original findings don't gel with the prevalent theory that she was drugged up and having a psychotic reaction when she called the police and ran out of the house in a panic.
What puzzles me is why did it take so long for Baden to get involved. I have been saying for a very long time that there would be a number of reputable forensic examiners that would have jumped on the case and do it for free. Not that he won't make a lot of money from it.....

In any case this will sure make things interesting.
Kind of interesting in the above post we have the police commissioner/chief of detectives saying SG tape says she was 'hysterical' and the detective that wrote the letter to Newsday says she was not. What do you think that is all about?

When Hollywood made the movie "The Ghostbusters" they might have had the detective in mind. He was the same detective that 'investigated' the murder of a police witness that was giving information to the DA ( or thought he was ) about the DA's chief investigator's neighbor. That murder happened in 2003 and it still hasn't been solved.
Kind of interesting in the above post we have the police commissioner/chief of detectives saying SG tape says she was 'hysterical' and the detective that wrote the letter to Newsday says she was not. What do you think that is all about?

When Hollywood made the movie "The Ghostbusters" they might have had the detective in mind. He was the same detective that 'investigated' the murder of a police witness that was giving information to the DA ( or thought he was ) about the DA's chief investigator's neighbor. That murder happened in 2003 and it still hasn't been solved.

I'm planning to write more on Shannan Gilbert this time putting the crosshair on my second fav detective Mr. Varrone who happens to be Amber's neighbor down the corner.

Just for warming up.

Does Michael Pak report to Alex Diaz telling him about Shannan calling 911? No.
The next day Brewer and Diaz go to the PD to report her missing. Does Brewer tell Shannan Gilbert called 911? No.

According to Mr. Varrone these are not suspicious.

So, how does Det. Varrone know about the 911 call? Does he look at Shannan's phone records (since he claims they have taken the incident seriously) and sees the last activity as the 911 call? No. They discover it by chance. I'll get to that.
I'm planning to write more on Shannan Gilbert this time putting the crosshair on my second fav detective Mr. Varrone who happens to be Amber's neighbor down the corner.

Just for warming up.

Does Michael Pak report to Alex Diaz telling him about Shannan calling 911? No.
The next day Brewer and Diaz go to the PD to report her missing. Does Brewer tell Shannan Gilbert called 911? No.

According to Mr. Varrone these are not suspicious.

So, how does Det. Varrone know about the 911 call? Does he look at Shannan's phone records (since he claims they have taken the incident seriously) and sees the last activity as the 911 call? No. They discover it by chance. I'll get to that.

I'm fairly sure Brewer and Diaz never went anywhere together. Maybe you meant Pak?
I'm planning to write more on Shannan Gilbert this time putting the crosshair on my second fav detective Mr. Varrone who happens to be Amber's neighbor down the corner.

Just for warming up.

Does Michael Pak report to Alex Diaz telling him about Shannan calling 911? No.
The next day Brewer and Diaz go to the PD to report her missing. Does Brewer tell Shannan Gilbert called 911? No.

According to Mr. Varrone these are not suspicious.

So, how does Det. Varrone know about the 911 call? Does he look at Shannan's phone records (since he claims they have taken the incident seriously) and sees the last activity as the 911 call? No. They discover it by chance. I'll get to that.

Amber's neighbor was Varrone!! What!? That's something. Reading up on Amber I couldn't help but think the SK was a neighbor of hers.
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