Why is it that we know the exact time of BBrennan's 911 call but almost every source, still left on the internet, states that GC was up shaving just before 5:00 AM and he called 911 ABOUT 5:30 AM. There is no specific time for this call.
Shannan made a 23 minute call starting at 4:51 AM and ending at 5:14 AM.
8 minutes later B Brennan calls 911 at 5:22 AM.
Early reports put LE arriving at about 5:55-6:00 AM and GC as saying he called 911 around 5:30 AM. Original reports had LE arriving about 40-50 minutes after SG initiated her call to 911.
One year after the first bodies were found, Newsday began reporting that BB called at 5:22 AM and that LE sources report arriving about ten minutes after the BB call.
Of course we have no idea how long that BB call lasted. Let's go with the minimum, of say one minute, to call in report, give address, phone number, description, etc.
Now, wouldn't that put LE arriving at almost the exact time that GC made his call and then MP, rolls down the street,SG runs off and MP talks to GC and follows SG.
Isn't it possible that SG ran out of JB's, turned right down Anchor, banged on a few doors, got no help and ran to GC's. At that point if GC's 911 call was at 5:30ish, then SG was nearer the OP and the gate. MP could have seen her and followed her out just before the LE arrived. BUT, MP stated he searched the OP and gave up and left the Oak Beach area at 6:00 AM.
It would be very nice to know via which bridge he left and which bridge LE used to come in...