Shannan Gilbert Found, death declared an accident. What do you think?

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Apr 14, 2011
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Here is a look at Newsday's timeline map. Everything they illustrate pretty much confirms that the maps I put up were accurate. The body was found directly in a straight line with SG's belongings and the location where SG was last seen. The circle that this artist placed around where her personal belongings were found is actually ever so slightly to the North of where they were digging last week when they found her items. Move that circle to the left of your screen a tiny bit and you can see that it is indeed a straight line to the body.

Strange isn't it?

Almost too perfect of an open and shut case when everything is exactly where you'd assume it to be.


Here is the link to the Newsday map above;
Concerning water level/depth in the marsharea back in May 2010, here is the answer:

two to three feet

Mari Gilbert said she's waiting for autopsy results but doesn't buy the theory that her daughter ran into the marshy land, which police have said would have been under two to three feet of water at the time.
She said her daughter was afraid of water and did not know how to swim.

"If she would've felt wetness, she would have turned around," Gilbert said.

Note!!! that there is a lot of interesting info by Dr Baden on how they can find out wheter she drowned or not even if the remains are skelton + more.
to all web sleuths

the police kept saying they received a "tip" and hence
went searching ---- way UP where the other bodies were found.

and then - closed off oak beach - and searched and searched and searched
in freezing weather.

did anyone ever hear or catch the news as to WHO or WHAT was this tip?
Shannan has been found. LE says that the death is not connected to the LISK and that Shannan accidently drowned in a swamp area.

What do you think? Discuss it here, please.

I think Dormer is an <mod snip>, and who the hell makes a cause of death statement without a body and without a cause of death? Either dormer dropped the ball and they are trying to sweep it under the rug, or something really crazy is going on in OB, and perhaps the person who lead LE there, also explained what had happened, with all annonimitty.
Giving Shannan a cause of death before she was even found was rude, and extremely disrespectful... It was almost like "Let's throw this out there, and if the public buys it, good. If not, try and try again."
He could not expect people to respect what he had to say without a body. Not a reasonable person anyway. Something isn't right here though, and they should be damn sure happy I am not on the force with them bc I'd be the first one to blow the doors off the injustices dished out by LE in this case!
@Lil Miss
gee DONT HOLD BACK.........(you made me smile)

I think I WISH the Medical Examiner's Report would come thru
like RIGHT NOW!!! This is excrutiating...its been since Dec. 13 THAT IS
@Lil Miss
gee DONT HOLD BACK.........(you made me smile)

I think I WISH the Medical Examiner's Report would come thru
like RIGHT NOW!!! This is excrutiating...its been since Dec. 13 THAT IS

I read that the examiner had contacted Mari and told her she needed more time to look at the bones and such.
It was posted to Mari's FB page. Hopefully this delay is because they have found something, or are onto a lead of some sort. That would be great!
Eerily, right before LISK was shut down, several posters including FY kept repeatedly saying that something big is going to happen in March/April. I know I know, hear say, and normally I wouldn't pay a second thought to a statement like that, but FY has made statements before about things such as were to find Shannans body, and where to find her stuff, that of which BOTH things he called completely correct. THAT is kind of chilling, and makes me wonder what it is that FY knows, that he is not sharing yet...

That's a lot of territory to run. I'm not thinking a messed up girl is going to be running in a straight line either.

I think that things are being kept quiet. This was no accidental death in my opinion.
That's a lot of territory to run. I'm not thinking a messed up girl is going to be running in a straight line either.

I think that things are being kept quiet. This was no accidental death in my opinion.

How would anyone know if she ran in a straight line? A straight line can always be drawn from point A to point B.
Im not sure they will ever release the results to the public.
They have to release the results... And they know the public won't settle for "the she drowned charade"
SG didn't run into the wetlands thru bramble that is nearly inpenatratable, take off her cloths and dispose of her lifeline (cellphone) and then continue 3/4s of a mile east, huddle under a small bush and expire...SCPD should be embarrassed that this is the theory they're putting forward.
SG didn't run into the wetlands thru bramble that is nearly inpenatratable, take off her cloths and dispose of her lifeline (cellphone) and then continue 3/4s of a mile east, huddle under a small bush and expire...SCPD should be embarrassed that this is the theory they're putting forward.

Hi Flukeyou and :welcome4: ITA I know you know allot :detective: about the local goings on and wonder if you read the post about a tall short possible suspect who is not married? I've wanted to pick your brain forever LOL.

I guess there is no new Chief yet and am surprised they didn't get that organized before the Chief was suppose to retire. :what:

Also, have you heard anything about a SCPD officer who was put on a desk job years ago after there was an investigation and that person is now the head of either the Shannan Gilbert case or the LISK investigation?

PS: Gotta luv these new Smilies :please:
SG didn't run into the wetlands thru bramble that is nearly inpenatratable, take off her cloths and dispose of her lifeline (cellphone) and then continue 3/4s of a mile east, huddle under a small bush and expire...SCPD should be embarrassed that this is the theory they're putting forward.

The timing of the announcement was so quick after they found her, that I suspect that it was a tactical decision to claim that they knew the cause of death. What evidence did they have that she died of drowning vs. murder?
Welcome Fluke.

What was "the tip" that the coppers kept saying they received
in early December that got them off their desk jobs and out into
the field to search for Shannan.

Fluke if you do know anything like you have hinted at, what do you know? Please just state it completely without hints, all opinions are welcome here. I just make sure I state imo not a fact.
SG didn't run into the wetlands thru bramble that is nearly inpenatratable, take off her cloths and dispose of her lifeline (cellphone) and then continue 3/4s of a mile east, huddle under a small bush and expire...SCPD should be embarrassed that this is the theory they're putting forward.

The "bramble" is primarily adjacent to the road, made up of bayberry and red cedar trees, and wrapped in ivy and sumac vines.

The majority of the 0.5-0.75 mile area that she ran through appears to be phragmites australis, a tall reed that grows well in salty environments, which wouldn't be impossible to penetrate. And once you did penetrate the area, you would lose all sense of direction almost immediately. And sunrise wasn't until 5:48 AM. She ran into that area sometime around 4:51 AM and 5:15 AM. It was dark.

Her belongings were found in an area that according to satellite photos appears to be the deepest part of marsh given that water pools there. I can understand being hip-deep stuck in the muck and having to leave my pants behind as I "slithered" out (slithering is the suggested method for freeing oneself from being stuck in a mud flat/marsh). In mud flat rescue situations, rescuers will sometimes use compressed air to help free someone.

I don't think that she drowned. I think she got hypothermia. In 50 degree water, hypothermia occurs in under an hour. She would have been fatigued, cold, wet. And "terminal burrowing" is exactly that - its the common occurrence among hypothermia victims whereby they curl up in a closet, under a bed, under a tree - and expire.
The "bramble" is primarily adjacent to the road, made up of bayberry and red cedar trees, and wrapped in ivy and sumac vines.

The majority of the 0.5-0.75 mile area that she ran through appears to be phragmites australis, a tall reed that grows well in salty environments, which wouldn't be impossible to penetrate. And once you did penetrate the area, you would lose all sense of direction almost immediately. And sunrise wasn't until 5:48 AM. She ran into that area sometime around 4:51 AM and 5:15 AM. It was dark.

Her belongings were found in an area that according to satellite photos appears to be the deepest part of marsh given that water pools there. I can understand being hip-deep stuck in the muck and having to leave my pants behind as I "slithered" out (slithering is the suggested method for freeing oneself from being stuck in a mud flat/marsh). In mud flat rescue situations, rescuers will sometimes use compressed air to help free someone.

I don't think that she drowned. I think she got hypothermia. In 50 degree water, hypothermia occurs in under an hour. She would have been fatigued, cold, wet. And "terminal burrowing" is exactly that - its the common occurrence among hypothermia victims whereby they curl up in a closet, under a bed, under a tree - and expire.

Mari has said again and again that her daughter, Shannan, Didn't Know How To Swim and would NOT go in water....even in that marsh. There is NO WAY she ran and HID in REEDS....she could hide behind any one of the 72 (SEVENTY TWO) houses in Oak Beach - having an advantage to SEE what was APPROACHING her.

there is no way she thought she could HIDE in reeds rooted in marshy mucky icky smelly water. NO WAY. ANYONE would hide behind something LARGER than your own body - originally GC said she hid Under or Behind his little row boat - and then scooted out.

She would Hide behind a tree. or a CAR!!!! She didnt need to run into a disgusting sticky icky marsh getting her feet wet. NO WAY!!!!
that's my two cents and i'm sticking to it.

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