Sheila and Katherine Lyon-sisters missing since 1975 - #1

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Richard said:
From The Gazette:

Police have considered a few suspects over the years, including Fred Howard Coffey, a man convicted in 1987 of murdering a young girl in North Carolina. Police learned that Coffey was living in Silver Spring around the time that Sheila and Katherine disappeared, and they began considering him a suspect in March 1987, according to published reports and the national missing children center. Police were unable to connect him to the case, however, and he has never been charged.Coffey, who is serving a life sentence in a North Carolina prison, did not respond to a request for an interview.In 1982 police also dug up the yard of Raymond Rudolph Mileski, a Suitland man serving a 40-year prison term for killing his wife and teenage son in their home in November 1977. Police were looking for evidence connecting Mileski to the Lyon case but came away empty-handed.

Pesonally I feel Coffey is a much more viable suspect than Mileski. Raymond committed a personal killing. I do not believe the Lyon sisters were kidnapped by someone that they knew. I think the crime was committed by someone relatively new to the area and did not stick around long after the crime. I am sure if it was not Coffey it was someone like him. A serial predator who hunts for victims and can carefully dispose of them.

I also feel the tape recorder man was involved. Strange how he never appeared at the mall again or in the surrounding area.
Usher737 said:
Pesonally I feel Coffey is a much more viable suspect than Mileski. Raymond committed a personal killing. I do not believe the Lyon sisters were kidnapped by someone that they knew. I think the crime was committed by someone relatively new to the area and did not stick around long after the crime. I am sure if it was not Coffey it was someone like him. A serial predator who hunts for victims and can carefully dispose of them.

I also feel the tape recorder man was involved. Strange how he never appeared at the mall again or in the surrounding area.
I agree with you completely. There have been quite a few other "individuals of interest" investigated by police over the years, but of all of them Coffey seems the most likely.

Mileski did kill his son and wife in his own home, but no clear reason for doing so ever emerged from the investigation or trial. He maintained over the years that he "knew" who the person was that kidnapped Sheila and Kate. As recently as 2001, he offered to trade that information for better prison accomodations. He was clearly trying to benefit from the case. He was also still trying to appeal his murder conviction as late as December 2004. He died in prison this past May. Mileski may have actually known something, or he may have just been making things up in his own mind and trying to profit from it - much like the many crank callers who asked for ransom during the early stages of the investigation. To believe the Mileski scenario(s) one would have to accept that a very secretive serial killer in some way took Mileski into his confidence - or that Mileski, through some chance encounter, happened upon evidence. That might not be too far off the mark, if for instance, Mileski had rented a room or place to the killer while he was in town, and then later
ran across some evidence which would lead him to believe that the man had committed the abduction and murder of the girls.

Coffey, however, is clearly a serial abuser and killer of children. It is not certain just when he arrived in the Montgomery county, Maryland area. He had been discharged from the Navy on 17 September 1974, following convictions of sexual abuse of children in Virginia Beach, VA. It is known that he was in the Wheaton/Kensington/Silver Spring area on 1 April 1975 -because he interviewed at Vitro Laboratories (a defense contractor firm) on that day. But how much before 1 April he arrived is not known.

Coffey began working for Vitro on 24 April, but left abruptly when Kathy Lynn Beatty was found on 25 July 1975, still barely alive, after being abducted, raped and beatten. Kathy had received fatal injuries and succombed to them on 5 August, never regaining conciousness. Coffey did not stick around to see how things were going to turn out with Kathy. He lied to his employer, saying that his wife and daughter had been in a bad traffic accident, and quit as of 31 July.

There are a lot of coincidences which tie Coffey to the disappearance of Sheila and Kate, and to the abduction and murder of Kathy. But the solid evidence was not there at the time, and by 1987 when Montgomery County Police first heard of Coffey, he was already being tried in North Carolina for the murder of 10-year-old Amanda Ray.

Aside from the sketch and description of "Tape Recorder Man", no physical evidence was found in the case of Kate and Sheila Lyon. It is another very strong coincidence that Tape Recorder Man disappeared at the same time the girls did - when eyewitness testimony placed him at Wheaton Plaza the previous day, and at two other malls the previous Saturday.

In the case of Kathy Beatty's murder, physical evidence might still exist. I know that a ring of keys was found near her. I do not know what other evidence, if any, was found with her. If there is any way that DNA might have survived for 30 years, perhaps her murder can still be solved.

IF Coffey could be conclusively linked to Kathy's murder, perhaps the threat of a death penalty could convince him to talk about his other activites and crimes.
so the tape recorder man was not seen after the disaperance of sheila and kathrine .? no other sighting of a man and a tape recorder in other states, east west midwest cost,? i think the man saw the papers got scared and knew if he tried the tape recorder schem again he would get cought. no one saw what kind of car he got into? what about the poster on ws who had pictures that were lost and needed to be found. did u find them? and if so are they of any help in the case of sheila and kathrine
Unfortionatly the member who posted about the pictures has not logged on since 5/11. I wonder if it was a hoax.
mere said:
Unfortionatly the member who posted about the pictures has not logged on since 5/11. I wonder if it was a hoax.
I've been wondering the same thing...for anyone not familiar with her posting, please see page 5 of this thread.

I've sent many private messages over the last few months (through this site) to DCNationalsFan, and I was able to track down her photojournalism instructor (could only get an email address though). I've sent him several emails describing the case in the hopes of jogging his memory. I've also emailed the administrator of this site, hoping that someone can contact this person through other channels.

To date, I've received no replies from anyone.

I would like to make another appeal to DCNationalsFan to please contact me directly at my email address, or through this forum!

If anyone knows who DCNationalsFan is, please urge her to come forward with any information she may have.

If it helps, someone using that same name was posting quite extensively at a site called (forums). Maybe there is some info under the public profile...
From Richard

"IF Coffey could be conclusively linked to Kathy's murder, perhaps the threat of a death penalty could convince him to talk about his other activites and crimes."

That would be great!!! I have the feeling that Coffey is responsible for many child homicides in many states.

The police need to test his DNA against other possible cases. They also need to track his whereabouts throughly thru the years. This is a monster who needs to confess then die!

I would bet money that he arrived in town early for his interview. Probably looking for a place to stay and victims.

Where were his victims found in other cases? And what was the proximity to where they were taken from? Maybe this info could help create a likely search area for the Lyons sisters.
shadowangel said:
If it helps, someone using that same name was posting quite extensively at a site called (forums). Maybe there is some info under the public profile...
Thanks for the tip. I registered and sent a message to DCNationalsFan on that forum.
Usher737 said:
From Richard

"IF Coffey could be conclusively linked to Kathy's murder, perhaps the threat of a death penalty could convince him to talk about his other activites and crimes."

That would be great!!! I have the feeling that Coffey is responsible for many child homicides in many states.

The police need to test his DNA against other possible cases. They also need to track his whereabouts throughly thru the years. This is a monster who needs to confess then die!

I would bet money that he arrived in town early for his interview. Probably looking for a place to stay and victims.

Where were his victims found in other cases? And what was the proximity to where they were taken from? Maybe this info could help create a likely search area for the Lyons sisters.
I posted a short description of other homicides Coffey has been suspected of committing:

Check out the Websleuths thread on Neely Smith for more information on Coffey and his possible connection to her murder.

For background's sake: what the Charlotte Observer article doesn't mention is that Coffey spent 12 years in the Navy from 1962 to 1974, and served in the Vietnam theater.

Even though Fred was an 8th grade dropout, he moved up the ranks in the Navy, eventually reaching an E-6 grade (Petty Officer First Class) in a highly technical field, working on Tactical Data Systems in Naval Operations and Intelligence. Clearly, he's an intelligent individual, able to function at a high level.

Despite a successful long-time Naval career, he left the service shortly after being convicted on child molestation charges in Virginia Beach in 1974. He was honorably discharged, but there doesn't seem to be any other reason for him to have left the Navy at that time. He certainly didn't leave for greener pastures.

His movements after leaving the Navy (around the Fall of 1974 up until March 31, 1975) are unclear; it's likely he was scrambling around trying to find work and a place to live. He probably got the April 1st interview with Vitro Labs, a defence contractor, through his naval contacts. He did get the job, and started with them on April 24, 1975 as a Computer Data Systems employee.

I've read that some serial offenders commit their crimes during periods of great stress in their personal lives. If this particular period in Coffey's life was not a stressful one, I don't know what would be.

Fronkensteen said:
Thanks for the tip. I registered and sent a message to DCNationals on that forum.
Thanks! Please keep us posted if you hear anything.
Thanks Fronkensteen!

I have read the whole Neely Smith thread and have little doubt that Coffey is responsible.

It appears that he does not go to great lenghts to hide his victims bodies.

I bet the Lyons sisters could be found in that wooded area near their house.

I would like to know where was Coffey from Aug. 1975-1986
Usher737 said:
Thanks Fronkensteen!

I have read the whole Neely Smith thread and have little doubt that Coffey is responsible.

It appears that he does not go to great lenghts to hide his victims bodies.

I bet the Lyons sisters could be found in that wooded area near their house.

I would like to know where was Coffey from Aug. 1975-1986
My information is sketchy at best. I'm sure the authorities have a more complete picture of Coffey's whereabouts, but here's what I have in a nutshell:

After leaving his job with Vitro Corp. on July 25, 1975, Coffey surfaced in Norfolk Virginia, in October of that year, when he was charged twice with contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Then it appears he eventually ended up in North Carolina sometime towards the end of '75.

Coffey's prison records indicate that he joined the North Carolina National Guard sometime in 1975 (no exact date was given) as a Field Artillery Operations Specialist, serving 3 years until 1978, with a honorable discharge. My feeling is that he was trying to re-integrate himself back into military life, an existance comfortingly familiar to him. Ironically, the Maryland National Guard was involved in the search for Sheila and Katherine Lyon after they vanished.

Based on what we know from the Amanda Ray/Neely Smith cases, Coffey was definitely living in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area between 1979-1981.

He was back in his hometown of Bristol, Virginia by 1986, where he is suspected in the homicide of an 8 year old boy.

By late 1986, he had been brought back to North Carolina, where he pleaded guilty to 9 counts of indecent liberties with a 12 and 13 year old brother and sister, and another girl (he was sentenced to 50 years in prison). I can't ascertain when these crimes were committed, only that he was convicted in 1986.

Based on news articles from that time, the area around the Lyon residence was thoroughly searched for weeks and months after the sisters vanished. County and State Police, hundreds of volunteers, Police helicopters, and tracking dogs scoured the areas around Wheaton Plaza and the girls' Kensington neighborhood. Police even searched culverts and underground drain pipes. Each house in the neighborhood was examined, and all empty homes in the area were searched. At some point, the FBI and the National Guard were involved in the effort. No physical evidence was ever located. Although it's possible that something was missed, to my mind it's highly unlikely that they would have been killed and buried in the immediate area. More likely, they were quickly transported to another location away from potential witnesses and subsequent search efforts.

Because of the unprecedented media coverage, and the considerable efforts of LE, the abductor may have been feeling the heat, and perhaps took greater pains to hide evidence.

Hope this helps.
I know this is a morbid question, but how long under normal climatic conditions can remains be uncovered? Is it still possible if in fact the Lyon sisters are not alive they could be found?
mere said:
I know this is a morbid question, but how long under normal climatic conditions can remains be uncovered? Is it still possible if in fact the Lyon sisters are not alive they could be found?
You ask a very good question, and the answer could cover several books. There simply is not an exact answer, because there are so many unknown variables. Look at the case of the "Ice Man" who was found in the Alps and who had been frozen for over 5,000 years! And then there was a whole Company of officers and men of the 77th division in WWI who were MIA (Missing in Action, but presumed killed) but no trace was ever found of any of them.

Remains left on the surface, tend to be scattered somewhat by various factors, but some could still be found today. I was personally involved in the recovery of Three Naval flight crew members whose airplane had crashed on a Pacific Island in 1944. 44 years later we were able to find enough remains to know at the end of the first day that we had all three men. Two were positively identified through Navy dental records, and the third was identified through general forensic analysis of remains and through official Navy records. (He had gone missing with the two identified men)

Remains buried in the ground are obviously harder to locate, but they are better preserved than those remaining above ground. As to the rate of decay, etc, that depends upon many factors; such as type and acidity of soil, presense or absense of water, ground disturbance, etc. A very interesting historical document about the removal of Soldiers from battlefield graves in Gettysburg to the National Cemetery there in 1863 - is the report by Dr. Samuel Weaver to the Governor of Pennsylvania. It was Dr. Weaver's job to supervize all removals and reburials and he took the job literally. He would watch the remains being removed, attempt to make an identification, catalog all belongings found with the body, and describe the condition of the body. Although all of these soldiers were killed within three days of each other, the condition of the body ran from completely skeletonized to almost perfectly preserved - and everything in between.

Is it possible that remains could be found and positively identified after 30 years? I think so. The fact that no bodies have been located to date would indicate to me very strongly that they were buried in a remote area, where the perpetrator could not be easily observed. And there are plenty of such places throughout the Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia area. If a good area of probability could be identified, there are techniques that could locate graves, such as infrared aerial photography and in-ground radar, as well as a few other techniques.
Fronkensteen said:
My information is sketchy at best. I'm sure the authorities have a more complete picture of Coffey's whereabouts, but here's what I have in a nutshell:

After leaving his job with Vitro on July 25, 1975, it appears he eventually ended up in North Carolina sometime during the latter half of that year.

Coffey's prison records indicate that he joined the North Carolina National Guard sometime in 1975 (no exact date was given, but it would obviously had to have been between August and December) as a Field Artillery Operations Specialist, serving 3 years until 1978, with a honorable discharge. I guess he was trying to re-integrate himself back into military life, an existance comfortingly familiar to him. Ironically, the Maryland National Guard was involved in the search for Sheila and Katherine Lyon after they vanished.

Based on what we know from the Amanda Ray/Neely Smith cases, Coffey was definitely living in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area between 1979-1981.

He was back in his hometown of Bristol, Virginia by 1986, where he is suspected in the homicide of an 8 year old boy.

By late 1986, he had been brought back to North Carolina, where he pleaded guilty to 9 counts of indecent liberties with a 12 and 13 year old brother and sister, and another girl (he was sentenced to 50 years in prison). I can't ascertain when these crimes were committed, only that he was convicted in 1986.

Based on news articles from that time, the area around the Lyon residence was thoroughly searched for weeks and months after the sisters vanished. County and State Police, hundreds of volunteers, Police helicopters, and tracking dogs scoured the areas around Wheaton Plaza and the girls' Kensington neighborhood. Police even searched culverts and underground drain pipes. Each house in the neighborhood was examined, and all empty homes in the area were searched. At some point, the FBI and the National Guard were involved in the effort. No physical evidence was ever located. Although it's possible that something was missed, to my mind it's highly unlikely that they would have been killed and buried in the immediate area. More likely, they were quickly transported to another location away from potential witnesses and subsequent search efforts.

Because of the unprecedented media coverage, and the considerable efforts of LE, the abductor may have been feeling the heat, and perhaps took greater pains to hide evidence.

Hope this helps.
On the subject of Mr. Coffey: He comes up for Parole again this July. Below is a link to a website of concerned citizens in Mecklinberg County, NC which monitors and advises the Parole Board, and which lists all Convicted Criminals up for Parole. Please note that Parole Hearings for July are not yet posted, but that Fred Coffey's case will be before the Board in July, as in all past years since 1995.

It is your right to write to that Parole Board in advance of their hearing to consider whether or not to release Coffey. You can write a letter and mail it or you can send an e-mail with your thoughts on the subject to them.
Assuming the sighting of the Lyon sisters in the station wagon heading towards Manassas was true. That would be the route Coffee would have taken if he drove from Wheaton to his home town in Bristol VA. It is over a 380 mile trip so it is doubtful that he would have gone all the way to Bristol. But there were probably remote areas along I-81 that he would be familiar with. I think this would be more likely of an area to look at vs.. in the Wheaton/ Kennsington area. For those new to this thread Coffee is not a suspect in the Lyon's disappearance.
Usher737 said:
Thanks Fronkensteen!

I have read the whole Neely Smith thread and have little doubt that Coffey is responsible.

It appears that he does not go to great lenghts to hide his victims bodies.

I bet the Lyons sisters could be found in that wooded area near their house.

I would like to know where was Coffey from Aug. 1975-1986
Just FYI, on his Vitro Labs employment application, Coffey listed the "Holiday Motel" in Gaithersburg on MD Route 355 as his home address.

I don't know if the police ever found out where he was living while he was working at Vitro.
Fronkensteen said:
Just FYI, on his Vitro Labs employment application, Coffey listed the "Holiday Motel" in Gaithersburg on MD Route 355 as his home address.

I don't know if the police ever found out where he was living while he was working at Vitro.
How close is that to Wheaton, MD, where the girls lived ?

I am interested in the exact distance.
Usher737 said:
How close is that to Wheaton, MD, where the girls lived ?

I am interested in the exact distance.
MD route 355 is also known as Rockville Pike. At its closest point to the girls house (in Kensington, MD), the distance is two miles. At its closest point to Wheaton Plaza it is Two and one half miles. Measured on an accurate map.

I do not know the exact address of the Holiday Motel, and the hotel is not on my 1976 edition Map of Montgomery County. The maximum distance, however, would not exceed five miles from either place.

There is often some confusion as to the names of the various towns and cities in Maryland. Often the names Wheaton, Kensington, and Silver Spring are used interchangably. That is because many post offices were consolodated in years past, and sometimes general areas are indicated, rather that exact geographic locations. Silver Spring, Maryland is a major Post Office address for that whole area, and so many businesses are listed with that for their address, when in fact, they may be located next to a residential area with a different name.
Thanks so much Richard! I tried to figure this out on my own but had a hard time and now I know why.

IMO, this definetley puts Coffey in the area. I bet he came to town in advance of his interview to get familiar with the area.

He could have even drove the girls to a spot near his hotel.
I wonder how well this are was searched. I can't see him digging a grave, so I wonder how he could have disposed of them?
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