Sheila and Katherine Lyon-sisters missing since 1975 - #2

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NBC4 said they found bone fragments on Taylor's Mountain.
Hmmm..... I wonder WHERE on Taylor's Mountain that would be?? Are there more indictments coming down the pike?

Now I have a million questions that I'm not even going to bother asking at this point because we have so little information. Gotta wonder tho if there are some other individuals who are very, very nervous right now.........

Lloyd Welch had been named a person of interest along with his uncle, 70-year-old Richard Welch. Richard Welch's wife, Patricia, was charged with perjury after testifying before the grand jury in December.

Sounds like more have been involved. I think that Patricia should be in jail as well.

Those poor parents !! My condolences to John and Mary Lyon for the loss of their two precious girls.
When Welch's stepmother wrote to him in prison and asked him if he did this, she got the following response: “I could not hurt anyone like that,” he wrote. “I cannot believe you would think like that.”

Classic choice of words of the guilty. He does not deny killing the girls.
WSET seems to have the details in advance of everyone else.

Search warrant details, gruesome testimony from other relatives.

From the link, this horrid bit makes me wonder if somebody was making money from this travesty, and perhaps why, several people, including females associated with these characters, stayed quiet imo.

"The indictments say Welch's alleged crimes happened sometime between March 25th and April 15th, 1975.

That suggests 10-year-old Katherine and 12-year-old Sheila Lyon could have been held alive and captive for up to three weeks before they were killed."
Congrats are, I think, in order for those who have followed this case for years -- some since its sad inception those many years ago; those who have cared, and researched, and hoped, and prayed for resolution and, especially, to those among them who have posted here, and who have thus kept those
who read here informed via thoughts and opinions, discussion and links.
From the link, this horrid bit makes me wonder if somebody was making money from this travesty, and perhaps why, several people, including females associated with these characters, stayed quiet imo.

"The indictments say Welch's alleged crimes happened sometime between March 25th and April 15th, 1975.

That suggests 10-year-old Katherine and 12-year-old Sheila Lyon could have been held alive and captive for up to three weeks before they were killed."

If Lloyd showed up with two duffel bags smelling of decomposed flesh, it's nearly certain in my opinion that they were dead days before they made it to Taylor's Mountain. Not all of the information has been released, but I have seen no information that the girls were alive anytime in Virginia. Only the legal presumption that the murder happened in the state where the bodies were found is the only reason I can see for VA bringing charges more than unlawful disposal of a corpse (whose statute of limitations likely expired).

If other relatives only helped Lloyd dispose of bodies, I can easily see people doing this; It was even a subplot of one Seinfeld Show where Kramer would turn Jerry in while George would help dispose of the body.
Any photos of the Uncle Richard Welch? Any idea where he lives?

"Now police suspect that his uncle, Richard Welch, said to be in his 70s, was working as a security guard in or near the mall when the girls disappeared.

“We encourage people with any information regarding Mr. Welch’s employment at that time to contact law enforcement as soon as possible,” said Russ Hamill, assistant chief of Montgomery County Police."
I'm just glad to see the truth finally come out after all this time. I just wonder what else will be said at the meeting tomorrow in Bedford. I wonder if the uncle Richard Welch is guilty in any part of this as well.
I'm just glad to see the truth finally come out after all this time. I just wonder what else will be said at the meeting tomorrow in Bedford. I wonder if the uncle Richard Welch is guilty in any part of this as well.

I really hope some DNA evidence comes out at the Bedford press conference. I am not sure one gets the truth from Lloyd (who may or many not have implicated his uncle), a jail house snitch (who said the body was buried not burned) and people who helped burning a body (or looked the other way as bloody, smelling of death duffel bags are burned).

Because Lloyd was a carless, nearly homeless person in 1975, it's my opinion that he had help, either knowingly or unknowingly, to even get himself to Taylor's mountain. Lloyd likely did not have enough money in is pocket to buy two duffel bags or gasoline to get to Taylor's mountain.

There has been speculation, but no credible evidence in my opinion, that Lloyd as part of a large child-abduction group.
No DNA or remains have been announced as found. I think this press conference was sending a message to those who are still involved and holding back secrets or have lied. That these police are not letting up.

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