Shelly Miscavige - Wife of David Miscavige

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Miscavige sounds like a psychopath, Another Jim Jones or David Koresh. He has to be stopped before he convinces some of his flock that suicide is the only answer or killing people that left and speak out against Scientology like Leah are the antichrist.Or maybe he'll convince Tom Cruise that he is the reincarnation of L.Ron Hubbard. Now wouldn't that be scary.
Can anyone confirm the LAPD actually saw and spoke with Shelley? It was my understanding that they accepted second hand information from members of Scientology and informants.That the police did not see to her welfare themselves in person before the charges were dismissed as unfounded. Being trapped and held captive in any way like that no matter what lead you to it with no hope of rescue seems so horrifying.

The LAPD said that their detective met with her directly, per ABC News:

Now whether the LAPD lied or not, I can't say. But on 8/9/2013 they told ABC that "detectives have met with the alleged missing person within the past two days. We consider this case closed," police said."
I can almost assure you that no one in her family is sick with worry. Members of Scientology are so brainwashed that they believe going against COB (Chairman of the Board, David Miscavige) is a "high crime" and that requires the most severe punishment. They do not have children as they were members of the Sea Org, and members of the Sea Org are not allowed to have children. It has been reported several times (which I'm sure you know, just saying as a reminder) that the CoS "forces" (as legally as they can without crossing the line) women in the Sea Org to get abortions: even women who are impregnated by their own husbands.
He did say in his book that he used to send her gifts throughout the year for various reasons, and much like Leah Remini, became concerned when she stopped replying with thank you notes, since she was so diligent about it in the past. A little while after he left the church, he said that he spoke to someone who was stationed at a base in northern California, and this person told Ron Miscavige that he saw mail from Ron to Shelly in that base, although he never saw Shelly in person. That's the reason why he believes that (if she is still alive) she is in that Northern California base. Forgive me, I can't remember the name of it right this minute.
I'll believe Shelly Miscavage is alive and well when she meets with and talks to someone who can definitively ID her--someone outside of the cult who can verify her. Remember: Remini got in deep trouble at the Cruise wedding in 2005 for daring to ask why Shelly wasn't there. Remini was written up for her behavior and that was apparently the primary catalyst, though not the only transgression.
I'll believe Shelly Miscavage is alive and well when she meets with and talks to someone who can definitively ID her--someone outside of the cult who can verify her. Remember: Remini got in deep trouble at the Cruise wedding in 2005 for daring to ask why Shelly wasn't there. Remini was written up for her behavior and that was apparently the primary catalyst, though not the only transgression.

That Ms. Miscavage was dead is certainly one explanation for the overreaction to Remini's question. However, another explanation is simply that the very question was seen as an implied criticism of the COB .

I think we'll all agree the Co$ is pretty touchy about criticism, real or implied.
I think this Jane Doe resembles Shelly. The location she was found (Sarasota, FL) is close to major Scientology (Churches). I do not know if Shelly had breast implants. Time frame matches.

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Shelly Miscavige is apparently several inches shorter in Height and about 50 lbs less Weight than the Unidentified White Female discovered on February 6, 2007 in Sarasota, Sarasota County, Florida:
Unidentifed White Female
Approximate Height and Weight: 5'5"-5'7" (66" est); 145 - 165 lbs.

According to the 8/5/13 LAPD MISSING PERSONS report initiated by Leah Remini, Shelly Miscavige is listed as:
HEIGHT - 5’3”
WEIGHT - 100 lbs
BUILD - Thin
The LAPD MISSING PERSONS INVESTIGATION 3-page report image is included in Chapter 16 of Remini’s book TROUBLEMAKER. I just finished reading this excellent book.
Full disclosure. I am not nor have I ever been a member of the Church of Scientology or any other church. I am a God fearing person who only has time for one cult on Sundays. One that is vastly superior, wealthier and more powerful and addictive then the C of S or any other religious organization. It's called the NFL. If, during the off season, I feel the need to worship a supreme being, it will be Tricia Griffith. Now I'm not saying Tricia is God, even though I believe God is a woman, it's just that Tricia is more intelligent and has better hair!

L. Ron Hubbard. L. Ron. Sound familiar folks? Compare it to this - Enron! Two morally corrupt organizations cut from the same cloth. Two sects that elevated greed and avarice to God like status. Take the money and Ron. Two entities who's respective collection plates, when combined, were almost as big as the one Oprah uses at an all you can eat buffet. Both L. Ron and Enron are dead, one's burning in Hell and the other is supplying the energy, so let's shine a light on the Chuch of Scientology and see where Leah Remini, the Thread, and Shelly Diane Miscavige, the Post, fit in.

Let's start with the missing and persumed murdered Shelly. Of all the cold cases on Websleuths this one will be frozen longer then Walt Disney's cryogenically preserved head. Trust me folks, there is a better chance of Elvis Presley and Casey Anthony showing up as partners on "Dancing With The Stars" then there is of Shelly Diane Miscavige's mutilated body being found. Is it just me or is "Diane" spelled eerily simliar to "Dianetics"? Stick "tics" on the end of "Diane" and you have the first clue to a murder. Stick "tology" on the end of science and you'll soon have another Jonestown massacre. David Miscavige is just another Scott Peterson with better boat.

Leah Remini. Okay, straight from Wikipedia, "L. Ron Hubbard fled France after being indicted for fraud and moved into an apartment in Queens, New York." Yep, that's right, L. was the original "King of Queens"! And who played Mother Hubbard in the sitcom with that name, yep, that's right, Leah Remini! Don't believe me, look it up. Leah is now back peddling from the C of S faster than a unicyclist about to hit black ice. She's talking more then she ever did on The Talk, another cult, and pointing fingers at people like Tom Cruise, Scientology's top gun. Cruise, Travolta, Kirsty Alley, they are all going to be exposed for their beliefs thanks to Leah's book and A & E show, The Missing Housewife of Beverly Hills.

Leah did the right thing in leaving Scientology before cashing in, had she chosen to be a whistle blower while still a member, well, let's just say there would be 2 unmarked graves in the Florida Everglades, 3 on Monday if you count mine.

I'm going to end with this, first thank you Tlcya for starting this thread. Here is my own internal audit of The Church of Scientology and everyone in it. The problem is that you have to work your way up from the 1st to the 8th Dynamic (steps) before being released to commune with your Universal Source. In all other recovery and self-discovery programs it's 12 steps. These people took the shortcut. They didn't want to work hard enough, they wanted the easy way out, 4 less steps, and found it. Simple old fashioned laziness. Now they are paying the price. Don't take shortcuts folks
First, I am not a scientologist and only have info secondhand mostly from reading Tony Ortega's reports in the Village Voice and the series that a FL newspaper did a couple years back (I think St Petersburg?) But I'll give you what I've gotten from those and a few other sources.

1 Awareness - The CoS retains a ton of lawyers and private investigators and they go after any news source that tries to expose them HARD. Just take a look at journalist Paulette Cooper, they tried to railroad her and almost succeeded by planting evidence that she intended to bomb Kissinger and others! They also sued Time for defamation after they wrote an article in the 90s, they did not succeed but they never intended to do so. They knew that they could cost Time a ton of money in lawyers and court fees. Other magazines and newspapers got the hint and avoided writing about Scientology after that. What they are doing is something called "Fair Game", one of the Leah Remini episodes is about this.

3 Self Controlling - Definitely. Those who escape still hope to have relationships with family and friends on the inside. They think that if they don't rock the boat too much then they won't be declared a "suppressive person" and cut off from everyone they love, this is called "Disconnection". Leah and others talk about this in the show. Also, those on the inside honestly believe they are not only saving the world, but the entire universe. That makes it okay to lie about and destroy outsiders and especially suppressive people, because these people are disrupting that goal. They also are taught that outsiders are the enemy, even if they hear negative things about the church they don't believe it.

4 Money - this goes back to 1. All the lawyers and private detectives paid to harass those who go against Scientology. I've never heard of them paying anyone to be quiet, just harassment and making people's lives miserable if they cross CoS or Miscavige.

5 Celebrities - There have been many who left and some spoken out against the church, but I think Leah has been the biggest and best known, that's made all the difference.

6 Treated Fine - The ones who have been treated the worst are Sea Org members, these are basically the clergy of CoS. The Billion Year Contract people. They work ungodly hours, like 70-80 hrs a week and are paid at most $50 a week, sometimes they get nothing. Live crammed together in cockroach infested rooms sometimes, many sharing a single bathroom etc. And it's the ones at the top that are speaking to Leah, they are leaving because Miscavige is paranoid and thinks they are all trying to topple him. You have to remember that L Ron Hubbard was paranoid too, but of outsiders, he wrote the books and created the religion. No one was going to topple him, on the other hand, Miscavige grabbed the reins. There isn't a particular reason why he should be "pope of the CoS" and he knows it. If I remember correctly there were at least two, and possibly more, that were in line before Miscavige, who were closer and more trusted by Hubbard. So it's these top people who are being imprisoned, and made to sleep on the floor in that makeshift jail, eating from dirty buckets, beaten and tortured because Miscavige doesn't trust them.

Average people aren't fine either though. They are pressured into giving every nickel and all their spare time to the church. They are expected to buy all these books, tapes, coursework, for moving up the bridge. They are pressured to pay in advance for this. If you say you don't have the money, they will bring in people to help you figure out how to mortgage (second, third) your home or have you sign up for credit cards and loans to pay. I wish I could remember which episode, but Leah said she was at the church every day. That is not unusual, it's expected of everyone. Hubbards books are in every library in the country, that's because Scientologists are expected to donate books to libraries, which of course they must pay for. They also have several programs and projects that are CoS based, like the rehab in Oklahoma. You're expected to donate for those things too. They find every way they can to squeeze you for money and time.

8 Church - You really need to look into what they did to the IRS for that church status. They had over 1000 lawsuits against the IRS and it's agents as well as private detectives finding dirt on those agents etc. The IRS basically caved, they agreed to give them church status if they made all the lawsuits go away.
Don't forget Narcanon which most people dont know is an arm of Sci. They give you the purification rundown then put you on the cans. Not at all the same as AA. They also won Cult Awareness Network in a lawsuit, so if you call them for help with your child in a cult, you get a Scientologist!

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