Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt4

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My bold. That's a VERY good question!!!

What has haunted me is the video from the day Sheri, Gavin & Garrett were buried. Chris & his dad were leaning on the car, and his mother was standing to his left some feet away. Chris peers over his shoulder, notices the camera then grabs his mom to "comfort" her or himself - who knows. It was as if she didn't want to be near him.

My question, did she know he way lying? Did she know he was guilty?

As a mother of five, I KNOW when my children are lying to me. You can tell by the expressions on their face, and you can see it in their eyes. And this is about little things!!! Yes I took the last ice cream bar, yes I did take $5 out of your purse.

Can you imagine looking your child in his face and asking him if he did this? I can't even fathom it!

A friend and I noticed this too. We both know the family. Just today I said (not on here) that if there was any sense of reason or rightness in that family it would come from his mother. I really wondered if she would convince him to confess, in time.
Has anybody else read or heard a rumor about him calling the g/f after he "called police" to go to his house?

I've seen that on 2 different news sites so far tonite in the comments or chat.
I may be really naive -- or just unable to think with a criminal mind....

But, why on earth the boys? I can almost grasp an adult killing another adult -- but why the innocence of a child? I don't get it, I'll never get it.

If he did this because of the shame he would face being caused because of divorce, how can he live with this shame now???? I don't get it.

I don't have any comprehension of a mind that can see taking this kind of action being the only way out of whatever he wanted out of.

As far as praying goes, that's the only hope he has for anything now. While I have a forgiving God, I hope the one he has chosen to believe in is not so forgiving. As then it will be his fear of his own end that will be the only punishment which will be fitting for him.

It might not be joy... but certainly RELIEF!!! Good Lord the alternative is there's a crazed spraypainting psychokiller still roaming FREE! As for understanding what possesses someone to snuff out everyone who ever loved him... there is a part of me that wants to demand to know WHY??????? WTH were you THINKING!??!!!

Until I realize that truthfully there is NOTHING that this person can say that could be an even REMOTELY acceptable answer NADA ZILCH ZIPPO... SAVE IT :hand:

Because as hard as I try, as much as I've wanted to I don't think I can ever comprehend this barrenness of soul, so bereft of a conscience, who is capable of this.

He's evil, and will spend eternity cooking steaks on the giant grill with Satan, Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gayce, and Adolph Hitler.

Many people say if he asks for forgiveness he can go to heaven. But I don't buy that. Pour all the holy water on him, place healing hands and all that. But no way do I ever see him with his wife and sons again - ever.

Even more evil, is not giving Sheri's family a single momento for the family to grieve.

Evil -- pure evil. A blackness, I wouldn't ever want to be near.

Sorry to ramble...


I totally agree.
Has anybody else read or heard a rumor about him calling the g/f after he "called police" to go to his house?

I've seen that on 2 different news sites so far tonite in the comments or chat.

I saw that in comments about a week ago.
He's one twisted, sick, hideous, evil person...that' for sure! And you know...that's so sad though because you really want to believe in your kids and that they are decent people and wouldn't even think about doing something like this...I can't imagine what a total blow this one is to all the family members (his and Sheri's who trusted him with taking care of their daughter). :(

And can you imagine the terror and confusion those two little guys must have felt as they were looking at the one person that they should have felt the safest with while he was choking the life out of them thinking "Why, Daddy"??? :furious:

I cannot even imagine that; but I hope what he saw that morning haunts his sorry butt for the rest of his days. The new Governor of IL needs to get the DP back in place.
I know its horrible that they can not be stopped before they kill.What did he get 2 weeks with out them.Dont they see that most get caught.Even ones that did not get caught are now getting caught because of new forensics.When will they learn to just get a divorce if you want to be single.

Yah, and I bet he didn't even get to see his girlfriend either - what a waste! I told my hubby if he ever wanted a girlfriend, just have at it, but don't kill me and our son. Of course it was in jest, but he got my drift (and he's a good guy I've been with for 12 years).

Why can't these killers (men and women) just walk out the door. To kill for lust and worldy treasures is incomprehensible.

As a parent the number one 1 rule is 'DO NO HARM" the 2nd is 'BREAK NO SPIRIT". Dam-it if he didn't do both.

Me too. Crying now that these little boys died at the hands of their father.

The only comfort is that he will get what's coming to him in prison. I hope it hurts real bad.

It most likely will in more ways than one...especially if he's stuck in general population and they find out that he killed his own children. Even criminals have some morals and they don't like child killers! He'll be watching his back 24/7 as he well ought to! And I hope he sees those little boys and Sheri's faces every time he closes his eyes and doesn't get one minutes peace!!
Sorry should have watched it first it was him being taken to police station.
Can you imagine the restraint these LE men must be having right now not to beat the ever-loving crap out of him? This man truly makes me want to vomit.
He wasn't looking so 'not guilty' tonite tho, was he.

Let's see - if he's really guilty & he's going to plead otherwise, that's ummm - like another LIE!!

Wonder which level of he!! he's headed for.

The very deepest part I would think.
How are the parents of their classmates going to explain that the monster who struck in the middle of the night killing their friends was their own father?

How is this going to affect them for the rest of their lives? Will they wonder if it could happen to them? Will they spend restless nights with nightmares of monsters sleeping in the next room? (Wasn't he their coach, too?)

I hope the school is preparing tonight to have counselors onhand tomorrow. This is almost as traumatic for those children as the deaths.
It really hit me. I have grandsons about the ages of these precious angels. Why? I was telling my husband about this crime and he said he could see (not to justify it, or say it was right) a spouse losing it and killing, but children? That's pure EVIL.

I pray the tox results show they were drugged and didn't have to know it was their own father; a man who should have been the one to love and protect them.

No words.
Feeling the same way happy then sad then happy he is not getting away with it.
Now Sheri,Garett,and Gavin can Rest In Peace and hopefully Sheri's family might at least find some comfort that he is where he belongs tonight.There is such a deep pain when the perp gets a way with murder,hopefully this family will have Justice.

I know how you feel. It's beyond horrific. I cannot for the life of me imagine what it is to awaken to your own husband strangling you with a ligature. What a deeply evil, diabolical person. And then to walk down the hall and methodically do the same to one's own little children? How is it at all possible? How? How can you see you own child born, feed them, bathe them, change their diapers, see their first smile and hear their first laugh , their first words, watch them take their first steps, say "I love you Daddy", play, hug you , make a joke, sleep like angels, be cuddled by you when they cry or are scared, and then....snuff out their life? It is the absolute worst kind of evil. I will NEVER understand this. NEVER.
I'm going to start a new thread and have this one locked. Get ready to move on over.
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