Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt6

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Hello Ad and All

OT... , thanks for mentioning Cat Stevens... You got me thinking of one of my faves by him, on the same album with On the Road to Find Out.

Father and son...

If anyone has never heard this song, treat yourself to a listen -- the words are also on that page. Awesome song.
Greetings All,

I hope that the rumor of finding text on CC's computer, that of "threats," is true -- if it is, it will help the prosecutor nail the case with the jury IMO.

I hope that this text was found as in him being the author/creator of that text. In other words, maybe he writes it, then rewrites it another way, working on it to get it to say just what he "thinks" is best for his plan. My guess is that if this is the case, there will be a linguistic pattern that will coincide with that which was sprayed on the walls.

I could imagine someone doing this in planning and making sure that they were using certain "watchwords" that they would later want to connect from "threats" to "walls." I could imagine a certain linquistic pattern -- and my guess is that the same linguistic pattern could be connected to how that person speaks and writes otherwise.

We have heard that the word "punished" was used... How often did CC use that word? We have heard rumors of the "she-devil" -- and if there is any truth in that at all, I wonder if any of Chris' friends have ever heard he, his father, his brothers or family members use that terminology.

IF there are texts on the computer and IF those texts and any other text/spoken word used by CC can be connected to a pattern of the text of the spray painting on the wall, I think that all intelligent jurors will get it.

Patterns... Text patterns, writing patterns, style patterns -- AND I go back to whether Chris was left or right handed, or ambidextrous -- and "when writing" what was he? Was the spray painting on the wall done by someone who was either right or left handed, or someone who was one or the other and trying to use the other hand? I can guarantee you that I am right handed, and any left handed writing that I try to do is very crippled.
I'm thinking that at least one of those messages might have been to Ms Motive. If TL had forced CC's hand by giving him an ultimatum (you tell her or I will) of if TL was the one who "confessed" to SC, that could have easily precipitated the argument, and CC's plan (which may or may not have ever materialized) was accelerated into action by Sc's outrage.

Once they were verbally fighting, CC may have told her in graphic detail about his plans to marry TL and how and why (in his twisted mind) he had screwed her over (ie; what was "wrong" with her etc) As a woman, I can "see" SC drilling him for details, forcing him to acknowlege the depth and breadth of his betrayal.

She threatened to expose him for the monster he is to JMM, his mother, to everyone and verbally ripped him a new one. CC attacked her physically to "shut her up" (anyone who is familiar with physical abuse knows this is an all too plausible scenario) and punched her in the face so hard he broke her jaw. One of his boys, probably the oldest, woke up because of the loud arguing and stayed in his room until he heard his mother screaming in pain.

I think the little one's injuries may have occured when he attacked CC with his fists and was picked up and thrown across the room. CC murdered his family because his disguise had been exposed and the monster revealed.

After the murders were committed, he spray painted "I told you so" as a cover up, but also as a message to TL. He was the "victim" - he warned TL that SC would freak out when she found out, so she, TL was to blame. I think he was truly expressing the hatred of a psychopath who has lost control over his victims. In this scenario, everything that happened after has been the futile attempts of a monster with no remorse to save his own *advertiser censored*.
And as a segue to the above message...

My guess is that if Chris entangled the detective neighbor as we have been told, and if that detective read the notes that were supposed threats and IF that detective entered that house and saw certain text on the walls -- his hinky meter spun out of control.

Edit: If I were the detective neighbor, I am sure that I would feel a huge burden in all of this. I pray for that person.
Hello LindaDanette,

Good to see you. I cannot dismiss your considerations -- there are many that ring as if they could be very true.

The immense anger in the mind of this murderer was striking out in many directions.
And as a segue to the above message...

My guess is that if Chris entangled the detective neighbor as we have been told, and if that detective read the notes that were supposed threats and IF that detective entered that house and saw certain text on the walls -- his hinky meter spun out of control.

Edit: If I were the detective neighbor, I am sure that I would feel a huge burden in all of this. I pray for that person.

I agree, I do think CC was trying to USE the neighbor in his diabolical plan to free himself of his responsibilities.
He thought by involving LE that no one would question him. No one would suspect him. Perfect murder in his eyes. What a bozo.
LE wasn't buying what he was selling to begin with, CC didn't pick-up on that? The detective shouldn't feel any burden (but, he will) the way the laws are now, they can't do a darn thing until after the fact, no matter what they suspect.
Hello LindaDanette,

Good to see you. I cannot dismiss your considerations -- there are many that ring as if they could be very true.

The immense anger in the mind of this murderer was striking out in many directions.

The thought that triggered this scenario was that TL is a poker dealer (she is licensed in the state of Florida - I'll look for the link if someone wants to see it) She KNOWS how to tip someone's hand or call their bluff.
And with her "other" experience, I bet she knows just how to work a weak-minded fool like CC.

It's hard to know if she had any idea that murder would be CC's ticket out, but one thing is for certain - she had a little death skull and the words "excited" on her myspace at the time of the murders. She may have been alluding to the death of a marriage, or she may have even cut off her relationship with CC, knowing that would be the catalyst for him to poo poo or get off the pot, so to speak. Whatever, something is fishy in St Petersburg, and it's not the red tide.
The thought that triggered this scenario was that TL is a poker dealer (she is licensed in the state of Florida - I'll look for the link if someone wants to see it) She KNOWS how to tip someone's hand or call their bluff.
And with her "other" experience, I bet she knows just how to work a weak-minded fool like CC.

It's hard to know if she had any idea that murder would be CC's ticket out, but one thing is for certain - she had a little death skull and the words "excited" on her myspace at the time of the murders. She may have been alluding to the death of a marriage, or she may have even cut off her relationship with CC, knowing that would be the catalyst for him to poo poo or get off the pot, so to speak. Whatever, something is fishy in St Petersburg, and it's not the red tide.

(bbm) :eek:
One thing I was wondering: What do you think Chris Coleman's lawyers' defense is going to be, based on what we know now (assuming it's all true)? How do you think they'll explain the time of death having taken place while Chris admitted he was still in the home? The "threats" which supposedly were printed out on his OWN computer? Chris calling and checking on Sheri and the boys 15 minutes after he left for the gym? The neighbors' reports of screaming in the house around 3 am the morning of the murders? I'm just having a hard time contemplating how on earth a defense will be able to explain all these things away. I'm anxious to hear some of your ideas on how those Margulis brothers plan on explaining all this circumstantial evidence.

And finally, thank you for the wonderful welcome. I'm a full-time graduate student, so I'm not going to be able to post as much as I'd like to, but if I had my way I'd spend at least 12 hours a day on WS!
Miss. Motive.
* She is x-military and she seems to have some major issues. That is as scary a scenario as religious extremists. She is a female, but I have no doubt with her training she is physically able to have done the crime.
* She is/ was a stripper, very easy to discredit. She has contact on a daily basis with people that are just as nutty as she is. Its not going to be difficult to find people to make her look like a monster-- especially because considering the fact that she was sleeping with CC she is, just not the kind that kills.
* I am afraid that they are going to discredit Sheri based on her association with a woman like TL, not sure if that would fly with jurors. But Sheri is an outsider herself. If the Coleman's were aware that a divorce was coming we don't know if there was a smear campaign already going on to avoid tarnishing the family name.
* Her x-husband sounds like an unsavory kind of character.

She is the biggest. I'm hoping that they can find other mistresses because as much as she is the motive she is one hell of a scapegoat.

And I don't know if this is a hole, because from my vantage point it just underscores the fact that CC is a monster, but the fact that he strangled them all. I just didn't want to believe that a husband/father is capable of doing such a thing.

* Haven't heard much in the way of eye witnesses to the crime or people who have witnesses CC's dark side. A lot of people in that town are going to have a really hard time seeing CC as a monster-- especially considering who his family is. If it is overly cliquish community there could be some mistrust of outsiders. Imagine how they felt when they've got this super cop force coming into town staking out the Coleman family at the funeral, following the Coleman's to take the ailing Connie to the hospital. I think they are going to need people that they can relate to and trust to support the science. Even if there are no witnesses to the crime, if they can find people from the community that can talk about CC's dark side I really think its important. I'm afraid that this is going to tear this community apart, and I hope it will be stronger as a result. Oh yah, prosecution needs people that witnessed CC with his mistresses, I can't imagine that no one noticed someone going into their former residence.

* I'm concerned about how the quick the investigation and eventual arrest of CC will appear. It was of course a HUGE plus, and was achieved because they had the best of the best working the case. But again they are outsiders. It could be perceived as a rush to conclusions, that they did not look at other options, that it was a frame job etc.

* I was initially concerned that JM would be very overtly supportive of CC. He resigned though, and if anything I think that JM feels betrayed. Not a good thing to do to a woman who feels vulnerable to attacks and is a survivor of an abusive childhood.

* The swelling of CC's face concerns me. We've heard a rumor that he bashed his head in the squad car when he saw the crowd outside the jail. I believe that is what happened because it falls in line with a man like CC who probably has trouble controlling his impulses. It just doesn't ever look good for LE when a suspect looks beat up. Had MCS left town by this time?

I guess these are more vulnerabilities of the case against CC than holes in the case. I'm also concerned about CC's family not attending the plea hearing. Its almost too good to be true since the flock seems to follow the shepherd in this town, so what are trying to pull here?

What do you think?

Thanks. Interesting thoughts. I probably need to think about this some more, I know some of these points have already been discussed, but, I don't have time to search today.

One point, I don't think there are any eye witnesses to the crime. The killer killed them all. And I think Miss Motive adds to the State's case, but, that is MOO.
But remember, despite all the cases the WS'ers can recite that present a similar scenario ..... I'm not buying that bandwagon.

I do not believe Coleman harmed his family. Another poster that knows him posted the same today. Don't recall their name .... so I'm not in the total minority. :eek:

Hypothetically, what would it take for you to believe he did? Other than a confession.

There is no bandwagon. The reason there are so many cases to recite is because this sort of thing happens and it happens quite often. And in each case there is always a group of people who refuse to believe the suspect guilty even in the face of credible evidence.

I'm curious to know how one could form such a stubbornly strong opinion in light of the fact that not only does the crime fit the same scenario as many others but that there is real and tangible evidence indicating he is the guilty party, or even a conviction based upon strong evidence. I feel like one would just plain have to not want to believe it and therefore no matter what evidence is shown there would still be denial.

Not saying that all applies to you, but it does sort of look that way to me. So you must have some reason to not want to believe it. Can't blame you for that really. We'd all like to believe that someone who appears nice on the outside really is and that they wouldn't ever harm their familiy or anyone else. That way we don't have the thought in our minds that things are not always what they seem. Because that thought would have us wondering who among us is hiding their dark side.
We'd all like to believe that someone who appears nice on the outside really is and that they wouldn't ever harm their familiy or anyone else. That way we don't have the thought in our minds that things are not always what they seem. Because that thought would have us wondering who among us is hiding their dark side.

Excellent post!! And that is so true.
It should all come out in the trial if Sheri found out about Miss Motive. If she was sent a text or email, it will show up. If she received a phone call from MM, it will be on her phone records. If a mutual friend told her, she/he will be called to testify. Miss Motive probably has the answer, too. If Sheri found out, Chris would have told her. My hope is that she never knew, but since Chris and MM were so out in the open with the is quite possible she did find out one way or another.

Very interesting theory about them being placed back in the beds. Anything is possible. There should be signs of a struggle, if that is the case. LE and the ME should be able to discern if the bodies were moved. (I didn't hear anything about possible injuries to the boys outside of the strangulation...did I miss something?!)
Hey SS...I did read somewhere that the oldest boy had bruising/injuries but I don't believe that has actually been confirmed...I think it was in with the rumors about there were some paint sprayed on the oldest boy & Sheri and/or their sheets...
Originally Posted by Jack
We'd all like to believe that someone who appears nice on the outside really is and that they wouldn't ever harm their familiy or anyone else. That way we don't have the thought in our minds that things are not always what they seem. Because that thought would have us wondering who among us is hiding their dark side.
Hi, Jack~ If we could all see the monsters hiding inside, there would be very few cases here. Wouldn't that be great?!

Chris may have been able to hide behind being the Pastor's son, the Marine, and the family man who worked in the community, but when he was with the other woman...his other side could emerge. He was no longer locked into being the respectable, goody two shoes of a man. I have to wonder what else she saw from Chris and if she believes he is capable or is responsible for these murders.
Hi, Jack~ If we could all see the monsters hiding inside, there would be very few cases here. Wouldn't that be great?!

Chris may have been able to hide behind being the Pastor's son, the Marine, and the family man who worked in the community, but when he was with the other woman...his other side could emerge. He was no longer locked into being the respectable, goody two shoes of a man. I have to wonder what else she saw from Chris and if she believes he is capable or is responsible for these murders.

Yes, it would be great. I would gladly give up my WS time due to the lack of cases to discuss.

You're probably right on with CC getting to be who he truly wanted to be when he was with the other woman. In some ways all people who cheat fall back to that statement. Its as if they played no part in creating the life they were living and need to put the blame for their actions on someone other than themselves.
I agree that much will come out at trial. As far as others that have been part of CC's outside of marriage "activities", I have no doubt that we will learn that CC lied to her as well. Two homes. One lived in with SC and sons, the other empty. Is it not possible, for the sake of argument, that CC used this empty home as *his* residence because he was getting separated/divorced? Is it not possible that is why SC name is not on deed? CC has lied and manipulated those close to him for his own needs and wants. I believe will will find out how far he went to hide that part of his life. The affairs with an other and their possible cooperation with LE/MCS (stating possible because of the not public info at this point) may shed much and continuing light on this "man", CC.

Sadly, I do not think that CC is different from many people we have read here due to murdering their family for their own self. This will not be a surprise, but it will be just as distressing as many other cases. People who do not look or behave in a way that is, in comfortable definition, capable of such a horrific crime.

Someone may have already posted this and if they did, I'm sorry...I am still trying to catch up. Here is the link to the memorial website for Sheri, Garrett, & is down right now, but it should be back up shortly according to the website...
I agree that much will come out at trial. As far as others that have been part of CC's outside of marriage "activities", I have no doubt that we will learn that CC lied to her as well. Two homes. One lived in with SC and sons, the other empty. Is it not possible, for the sake of argument, that CC used this empty home as *his* residence because he was getting separated/divorced? Is it not possible that is why SC name is not on deed? CC has lied and manipulated those close to him for his own needs and wants. I believe will will find out how far he went to hide that part of his life. The affairs with an other and their possible cooperation with LE/MCS (stating possible because of the not public info at this point) may shed much and continuing light on this "man", CC.

Sadly, I do not think that CC is different from many people we have read here due to murdering their family for their own self. This will not be a surprise, but it will be just as distressing as many other cases. People who do not look or behave in a way that is, in comfortable definition, capable of such a horrific crime.


It is my understanding the house where Chris hooked up with MM is owned by JMM and his name wouldn't be on it anywhere. I would like to know if the house was furnished or really empty. I can't imagine them "camping out" there without some ammenities. (I would think MM would have made him go to a hotel instead.) I guess it is also possible Chris had been taking things from the house in the event he was getting a separation/divorce from Sheri and maybe picked fights on certain weekends to stay over there without her bothering him. (I would think he would lie and tell he was out of town with JM or something to avoid getting caught.)

It is the house in Columbia that Sheri's name was taken off the deed late last year where the murders took place.

He probably did lie to MM about some things, but I believe we will find he was fairly honest with her. She may turn out to possess a wealth of information which will help to get this executed.
Someone may have already posted this and if they did, I'm sorry...I am still trying to catch up. Here is the link to the memorial website for Sheri, Garrett, & is down right now, but it should be back up shortly according to the website...
Welcome to WS, Justice~ Thanks for reposting this site. It is Memorial Day.
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