Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt8

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Howdy Kimster,

That is why it is so nice to have video, isn't it? So that people can observe from their personal vantage point and form an opinion to discuss. Even so, we have what we have. Tell your friend thanks for sharing their observations and take with us.

Will do! My friend knows about this board and will likely see your post :blowkiss:

It sure would be nice if Illinois allowed cameras in the courtroom!
I don't think CC is a representative of our society at all! I know LOTS of people (mostly men) who cheat on their wives - but they don't murder them - or their babies! Psychopath - or something along those lines - I really don't think any respectable doctor would state that, based on the obvious premeditation and the "other woman."

I truly hope CC will confess before this goes to trial, but I have my doubts. He obviously thinks he is smarter than everyone else. Based on what we know, nothing could be further from the truth! Idiot.

These were terribly personal murders - IMO. All the set up and the spray painting just makes me sick.

Can't remember if its in the link I just posted about sociopaths or another source that I've seen, but they say sociopaths make up about 4% of the population. Scary to think because I believe they are the most likely persons to commit murder!!!:mad:
BTW, if 4% of the population are sociopaths, then that means there are more sociopaths than redheads!!! Redheads make up 3% of the population!!! (I know this - I'm a redhead!)
I only caught Nancy Grace's BOMBSHELL BREAKING NEWS crawler this evening, but if everything reported is accurate, CC would be wise to plead guilty and try to avoid the death penalty.

If the reports from LE that Sheri and her sons (because they're not his anymore) were dead long before he left for the gym, that they were spray-painted with obscenities (nice touch, psychopath), and that he was the source of the threatening letters (why not terrorize your wife and her sons before you choke the life out of them), he should finally man-up and confess. Even Mark Hacking (and his cheesy bandana) had the stones to confess to his family and plead guilty.

Are we becoming a society chock-full of narcisstic sociopaths or do I just need a time-out from this forum?

Yep, lots of these narcissit/sociopaths on the loose, I'm from northern Illinois & we have our own up here, namely: Drew Peterson.

Too many incidents like this happening!
Yep, lots of these narcissit/sociopaths on the loose, I'm from northern Illinois & we have our own up here, namely: Drew Peterson.

Too many incidents like this happening!

As much as I DESPISE Drew Peterson and his arrogant big mouth and slimy smile, I have to hand it to him - at least he didn't murder his children!

Man, I NEVER thought I'd EVER have something nice to say about DP!!! :mad:
I don't think CC is a representative of our society at all! I know LOTS of people (mostly men) who cheat on their wives - but they don't murder them - or their babies! Psychopath - or something along those lines - I really don't think any respectable doctor would state that, based on the obvious premeditation and the "other woman."
I truly hope CC will confess before this goes to trial, but I have my doubts. He obviously thinks he is smarter than everyone else. Based on what we know, nothing could be further from the truth! Idiot.

These were terribly personal murders - IMO. All the set up and the spray painting just makes me sick.

BBM: I'm not suggesting CC is representative of our entire society. I just can't grasp the seemingly growing numbers of men who choose to murder their wives (and sometimes children) to escape their responsibilities. As in, it's easier to kill and hope to get away with it than divorce and face the social ugliness. Obviously, most men choose divorce or else our news would be filled with nothing but stories like this.

I'm not sure how you're taking my use of the word psychopath. I don't mean he's mentally ill or should get a pass because of some type of mental illness. I mean that he has an anti-social personality that doesn't leave room for guilt or consequence. In this case, he is only concerned about himself and his needs. Sheri and her sons are burdens on him that must be eliminated so he can pursue his own life. Somehow he makes his victims the perpetrators, so he can see himself as the real victim. Sick, twisted bullsh!it, but he manipulates events so he can be the one suffering.

I wonder how his family sees this situation. Shades of Jackie Peterson?
I'm glad to hear that - at least they didn't make it any worse than it was.

Just to add to this....before the preliminary started, the Sheriff spoke to the gallery and told them that there was to be no outbursts from anyone or they would automatically be cited for contempt of court!

Part of CC's family, including RC, Connie, his brother, was sitting in the first row which was shared with members of Sheri's family and lawyer Carey, Sheri's cousin, Enrico, her godfather, and her brother. Members of CC's family were also sitting in the second row.

One thing to also note: When CC was brought into the court room and "uncuffed", he made NO eye contact with anyone in the gallery including his family. While in the court room, he only looked mainly between the State's attorney And the witness, Chief Edwards and toward the judge.

CC only sat there with a pen and paper taking notes through the entire proceedings...the pad and pen given to him by his lawyer. There was no emotion displayed by CC at any of the evidence presented--not even at the mention of how the boys were found, the painting on the sheet or the fact that other evidence was found on top of Gavin! Nothing....he just sat taking down notes!!!
Wrinkles, I don't think there were 35 people in CC's family...sounds like many were friends too. The family sat down in the courtroom and then a lot of people sat by them...looked like about 35.

I'm also writing this quickly cuz I have to leave soon for a meeting and trying to get it all in :)

I would have called them "CC supporters". It looked to be about 15 of them. There were several that apparently came from the church. I am not totally familiar with who is who...LOL...but I was told that two who were from the church were a youth pastor and the other was CC's best friend, Derrick. I can't be sure of that though. But all total there were about 15 of them. :)
One of my co-workers spotted the following post and I found it pretty funny. You have me confused with a radio host (who went off on Nancy Grace). It's all over YouTube. However, I did appear on the program a couple times in the days after that episode.

Also, the description of the Coleman family and friends is simply what I observed. I make no judgements about it. The intern who was with me also pointed it out. It wasn't something that happened for a minute or two -- it was the vibe they gave off for about 45 minutes previous. As far as making judgements, I'm not sure there's any way they could have acted that would not attract criticism.

:laugh: I thought you said you didn't post here!! But now I really DO believe you read here!!! :)
Thank you. I couldn't have been given a better mom. She is always thinking and we call ourselfs the R.I.P's, it is the name of our town and investigation patrol.. LOL. Boy you should have seen her today in there i could see the smoke starting to flare into a fire coming out her ears.. that foot kinda shakin a little and all.. :)

My foot wasn't shakin was it?? :doh: I thought it was the "neighbors" foot!!! :floorlaugh:
Your mom is kewl!

Aw....shucks!! Thanks!! :blushing: You're pretty kewl too!!! :)
The sociopath may be defined as one who steals from, lies to, and cheats on those around him while being unaffected by conscience and unhampered by responsibility for his or her egregious acts (Morris, 1988). He is someone we have reason to fear and dread because he can so often be found where he was least expected.


Well, that pretty well sums it up, doesn't it?? That's just about spot on!!!!
Can't remember if its in the link I just posted about sociopaths or another source that I've seen, but they say sociopaths make up about 4% of the population. Scary to think because I believe they are the most likely persons to commit murder!!!:mad:

Oh my -- Lord have mercy!!!!! :shocked2: That is NOT an appealing prospect!!!
How could anyone kill their spouse and 2 children and have no emotions of any kind .It is scary that people like him walk among us.I recently lost my mom and the pain is unbelievable,how can he not feel for the 3 lives he took.As far as MM goes she knew Sheri had no idea her marriage was over.In my book she is as guilty as he is one day she will have to answer to the man upstairs even if she does not go to jail.She is a just like Chris is a .Three innocent lives are lost I wonder if it was worth it to MM.Hopefully they will both rot in h3ll.
How could anyone kill their spouse and 2 children and have no emotions of any kind .It is scary that people like him walk among us.I recently lost my mom and the pain is unbelievable,how can he not feel for the 3 lives he took.As far as MM goes she knew Sheri had no idea her marriage was over.In my book she is as guilty as he is one day she will have to answer to the man upstairs even if she does not go to jail.She is a just like Chris is a .Three innocent lives are lost I wonder if it was worth it to MM.Hopefully they will both rot in h3ll.

I'm so sorry for the loss of your mom. I lost mine almost nine years ago and the sorrow still takes my breath away sometimes. How could this man, guilty or not, just sit there like a stone? How could this woman lie, cheat, steal and destroy this family? For what purpose?

This is as much evil as I have ever witnessed in a crime. That video (of the deer being strangled) was put up in December of 2008 - what if Sheri WAS aware of it? What if it was another form of threatening letter? Sheri would have known that CC (along with with Brad?) had studied the Krav Maga. Was she meant to see how easily (and cruelly) life could be snuffed out? Or was she exposing that cruelty in the only way she could?

We who continue to mourn the loss of a mother, a husband a child - will never truly understand the depravity of these monsters - and that's a good thing. I think CC is like "Old Yeller", a rabid dog, and he should be put to sleep so that he cannot harm anyone else.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your mom. I lost mine almost nine years ago and the sorrow still takes my breath away sometimes. How could this man, guilty or not, just sit there like a stone? How could this woman lie, cheat, steal and destroy this family? For what purpose?

This is as much evil as I have ever witnessed in a crime. That video (of the deer being strangled) was put up in December of 2008 - what if Sheri WAS aware of it? What if it was another form of threatening letter? Sheri would have known that CC (along with with Brad?) had studied the Krav Maga. Was she meant to see how easily (and cruelly) life could be snuffed out? Or was she exposing that cruelty in the only was she could?

We who continue to mourn the loss of a mother, a husband a child - will never truly understand the depravity of these monsters - and that's a good thing. I think CC is like "Old Yeller", a rabid dog, and he should be put to sleep so that he cannot harm anyone else.

BBM. That is a VERY interesting, intuitive point, one that I hadn't considered before. Taken by itself, the video (which I did NOT see) didn't sound all that disturbing. I lived on a farm on and off all my life and death in all its ramifications was quite common, along with hunting, etc. BUT, when you put it in the context of a warning, yeah, that makes a lot of sense, and if that's true, shows a lot more of the convoluted evil seething inside of the perp.

My opinion only
I understand the feeling of being in the presence of pure evil. I attended the preliminary hearing for James Biela, the subhuman garbage that killed Brianna Denison, and I felt the same thing when he was lead into the courtroom.

Brianna Dennison 19yo Reno NV #9 - Page 22 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

BBM. Excuse me, please, I know this is a bit OT, but, I believe it's important. I would not use the term, "subhuman". Rather, I would use the term "part human". There have been studies done that show a large portion of prison populations have brains slightly different than the "norm". There are enough of these people to constitute a slightly different definition of who is entirely "human/child of Adam" and who is not.

Forgive me. Carry on.

My opinion only
I'm going to start a new thread. Get ready to move over.
Continue at the below link. I'm having this thread locked.

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