Sheri Coleman, sons Garett and Gavin murdered 5-5-09, Columbia, IL. Pt9

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06-08-2009, 10:36 AM
Registered User Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Lebanon, IL
Posts: 32

I was camping this weekend & ran into an old highschool friend that is a teacher where the boys went to school. She told me something I hadn't heard & thought I'd share it with my webslueth buds. A lot of the kids at school had put together a very special memorial in tribute to Garrett & Gavin & had it displayed at the funeral in Chester. Can you believe that Chris THREW THAT MEMORIAL AWAY when the funeral was done. Another thing was mentioned that I really don't want to type, but it's eating away at me & I have no understanding (as with everything else with this case) as to why he would wrap his son's in saran wrap. This was just speculation, but I think I remember reading this before in one of the earlier threads.

I found the first mention of the plastic.....
Hi all! Many thoughts are fighting for top spot so I'm spinning with questions and ideas. I do want to say that many to most people in churches, particularly evangelical, seem to trust that if you go to church then you must be good. Too much blind faith goes on that what you see is what you get. I'm sure JM was very close to CC and acted as a second mom to him. In working for a church or religious org. it is very easy to get jaded because you just see/hear things you don't wanna see or think oughta be. One has to turn a blind eye and deaf ear many times. CC hated the whole JMM and in one of the threats the language actually sounded a bit like "prophesying" like JM does and maybe even RC's church. I see that as, not only mocking, but trying to set someone up to blame. I truly think that CC saw himself as never even being scrutinized as the perp. In his own mind he was elevated very high and was just downright blinded by pride. He makes me ill to even look at him. And I will never respect Christians who won't demand truth! Whatever happened to confession, repentance? God still wants those things. This case is so disturbing. I don't have time to follow every crime that comes along - this one grabbed me. And it usually will be a wife/gf murder that grabs me. Throw in nutcase moms who murder their kids!
This is just my mind over thinking things:

Maybe the threats were an excuse to have his family move out to somewhere safe, like her family's home. Maybe this is what he asked SC to do on the 4th. JM would not think they were separated if CC moved his wife and kids to a safe place because of the threats. This would give him more time to figure out how to work the divorce issue with JMM. Living in CC's perfect word this would go over smoothly and SC would agree. Now he would be free to move MM closer, telling her that he and SC are separated but she would need to have her own place until the divorce was final. TL would not be aware that there is no divorce in the works.

SC might not have agreed or at that time confronted him and told him she knows the real reason why he wants her to move out. She then may have told him she wanted a divorce and wanted him to leave immediately.

Knowing a divorce would ruin his perfect little world, he killed her and knowing that the boys heard the argument, they would know he killed their mommy, so he had to kill them too.

I find it hard to believe he planned on killing them. Other than the threats which could have been a motive to get her to move out, I don't see anything that shows he planned on the murder, everything seems to show he tried to cover it up after the fact. If he had planned it, he would have made sure the dvr(camera was not working) and did not record what he did. The fact that he took the whole dvr tells me it was to cover up what he did (what it recorded).

I would be curious to know if the TOD for the kids and SC are different by a couple of hours. Maybe that would show at least he thought hard about what he was going to do to his kids.
Well it doesn't look like he thought over killing them for long, unless he brought them back to their beds... Overhearing the fight(?) and had to be dealt with seems logical, not killing them while they were sleeping which leaves little 'reason' for it.
Something I'm curious about. When looking for a house in St Louis, what kind of house was being looked at? How many bedrooms?
A person with 2 children Imo would be needing something larger, even if the 2 children would only be there on a part time basis.

johnr, with all due respect, I don't understand how you find it hard to believe CC planned on killing them. Whether it was weeks, months, or minutes beforehand, HE DID PLAN IT! Not yelling, just emotional. The only thing that possibly makes me wonder about just how long this was in the premed stages is that no complaining to family/friends was done by SC regarding the marital relationship. However, I can't conceive of CC being that great an actor. When a person is having an affair things just ain't right at home! Either SC thought the bad times were gonna blow over or she, herself, was pondering getting out eventually. It matters not to me just exactly what CC had in mind - in his heart. The Good Book tells me that the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked, and asks who can know it? I love that verse. It's so true!
I think LE, specifically the detective who lived across the street, suspected something was bogus back when he started investigating the threat letters. When he and the other officer entered the house through the basement window, they immediately noticed their footprints in the wet grass and that they tracked grass clippings inside as they entered. He probably immediately put two and two together.
A comment from another site says RC's house is still under surveilance. Says an unmanned truck is in the vicinity of the house and someone comes once a day to do something like maybe change a tape. Is RC getting threats too?
How much life ins. was there on SC? Sorry, I've forgotten.
johnr, with all due respect, I don't understand how you find it hard to believe CC planned on killing them. Whether it was weeks, months, or minutes beforehand, HE DID PLAN IT! Not yelling, just emotional. The only thing that possibly makes me wonder about just how long this was in the premed stages is that no complaining to family/friends was done by SC regarding the marital relationship. However, I can't conceive of CC being that great an actor. When a person is having an affair things just ain't right at home! Either SC thought the bad times were gonna blow over or she, herself, was pondering getting out eventually. It matters not to me just exactly what CC had in mind - in his heart. The Good Book tells me that the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked, and asks who can know it? I love that verse. It's so true!

Sal, narcissists are consummate actors. They have a need to portray their lives as perfect (and better than yours!). My ex-NPD-husband had multiple affairs while telling me how he would never cheat, how much he loved me, how much disdain he had for cheaters, how it was biblically wrong, etc. At the same time he would brag to his friends about his "perfect" family and how happy we were. SC may never have known he was cheating. Especially with his travelling, he would have great opportunity.
johnr, with all due respect, I don't understand how you find it hard to believe CC planned on killing them. Whether it was weeks, months, or minutes beforehand, HE DID PLAN IT! Not yelling, just emotional. The only thing that possibly makes me wonder about just how long this was in the premed stages is that no complaining to family/friends was done by SC regarding the marital relationship. However, I can't conceive of CC being that great an actor. When a person is having an affair things just ain't right at home! Either SC thought the bad times were gonna blow over or she, herself, was pondering getting out eventually. It matters not to me just exactly what CC had in mind - in his heart. The Good Book tells me that the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked, and asks who can know it? I love that verse. It's so true!

Please understand, I am not trying to defend him in any way. I think he is the most evil person alive. The point I am trying to make is that I don't think he contemplated murdering his family even with the threats he sent. I don't think he contemplated the murders when he talked to TL on the 4th. IMO, the threats were a convenience for covering up what he did. Everything LE has on him seems to be involved with covering up what he had already done, not covering up what he was going to do. All this being why it seems he made so many mistakes when planning to kill his family. Because he did not plan it. (Prior to the eve of May 4th) Just MO.
He had to be walking around on his tip toes... with all the possiblities of wrongdoings being 'found out' by either his wife, girlfriend, employer or his family and all the possible ways they could be found out (emails, notes, witnesses, incoming bills, web-sites, etc). Dang, he was living on the edge.
PG, I'm curious when your NPD ex was saying all this, was he acting it out too? You didn't feel anything was wrong? My ex was NPD, too, and said all those things but life just didn't "feel" right. Now, I was one of those dummies who let denial take over and I pushed facts way to the back, which SC may have done. I'm just sayin. And seeing as how they'd had counseling before for a "small" prob, SC may have just thought it was another "small" prob and that it would blow over, or if it continued, they'd seek counseling again. SC may not have ever imagined it was cheating, just that niggling little idea in the back of her mind that somethin jes weren't right! Or, she may have been so caught up in her own world of kids/trips/whatever and have come to not give 2 hoots about what DH was up to. ?????????????????????????
He had to be walking around on his tip toes... with all the possiblities of wrongdoings being 'found out' by either his wife, girlfriend, employer or his family and all the possible ways they could be found out (emails, notes, witnesses, incoming bills, web-sites, etc). Dang, he was living on the edge.

No kidding!!! I'd have a nervous breakdown trying to do all that. He was a train wreck waiting to happen.
And seeing as how they'd had counseling before for a "small" prob, SC may have just thought it was another "small" prob and that it would blow over, or if it continued, they'd seek counseling again. SC may not have ever imagined it was cheating, just that niggling little idea in the back of her mind that somethin jes weren't right! Or, she may have been so caught up in her own world of kids/trips/whatever and have come to not give 2 hoots about what DH was up to. ?????????????????????????

Ya gotta wonder what he considered a "small problem" to be.......... a size 2 other woman??? :eek:
She seemed to be working on things before this, with financial and marrital counciling... but I really do wonder what the spark was that started this hellstorm. Maybe she found out about affair, financial misdoings or maybe she just got sick and tired of the maniac... something happened to throw his plans out of whack imo. It looks to me like he was planning on doing it, but was rushed and panicked in the cover-up.
A comment from another site says RC's house is still under surveilance. Says an unmanned truck is in the vicinity of the house and someone comes once a day to do something like maybe change a tape. Is RC getting threats too?

I hadn't heard this but would love to know if anyone has info..

Sorry - I'm catching up and then will be away from the internet for most of the day which means I'll be catching up again late tonight!
Please understand, I am not trying to defend him in any way. I think he is the most evil person alive. The point I am trying to make is that I don't think he contemplated murdering his family even with the threats he sent. I don't think he contemplated the murders when he talked to TL on the 4th. IMO, the threats were a convenience for covering up what he did. Everything LE has on him seems to be involved with covering up what he had already done, not covering up what he was going to do. All this being why it seems he made so many mistakes when planning to kill his family. Because he did not plan it. (Prior to the eve of May 4th) Just MO.

john, I don't think you're trying to defend him. And I understand how you think what you do. That said, I do believe that murder had at least figured into CC's maybe/what ifs, as his promises and plans lay before him. Maybe it was even a least likely scenario, especially for the boys. But something happened to make the least likely the most likely. Maybe some Xtra special phone pics or chat . . . who knows? ??????????? Wonder if we'll ever know. I sure wish he'd own up to it.
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