Sheriffs & Cadaver dogs out--Tonight! UPDATE Turns Up Nothing

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I know this isn't the facebook page, but I gotta tell you something. Earlier today I had added Casey as a friend on facebook (although she's not a friend! i just wanted to see her page). At 7:10 she accepted my friend request, and when I just checked it again her facebook page is GONE. The only one that exists is the one that someone created for Caylee. The one that was Casey's no longer exists.

I just found this very interesting and maybe important. Maybe Baez told her to take it down when he was there??

I'm still on her friends list, her Facebook is still there. Unless I'm going absolutely nuts, LOL!
Plus Blink, if an "image" was picked up in an area very difficult to get to - or in a spot where recovery would be dicey - wouldn't TM back off and allow the haz mat special recovery / dive teams take care of it?

There are alot of what if's to your question based on equipment, parameters, scene, land ownersip permission if appropriate to name a few.

But, in theory, if what you are asking me is would Tim leave the recovery to OCSO?

Absolutely, they are and "were" one in the same in Caylee's recovery. But he WOULD NEVER leave without seeing it through. It broke his heart to not leave there with her.
I am personally grateful for all the members who are local in the Orlando area that share what they are seeing first hand right from their televisions sets.

We have relied heavily on the local members throughout this case, and then waited patiently until WESH put up their link to the story.

I agree, we need links especially when someone says: I heard this, but I can't remember where". But when we have a member posting right from their TV, we need to give some slack here.

No one complained when FOX was going to give an update and members posted what FOX said, or when NG is on and members don't have cable are listening to members typing what the show is saying.

Thanks Miracles, I really appreciate you sharing this info with all of us. :blowkiss:

Ditto! I'm 3,000 miles away and I really apreciate locals that can give us any updates at all, ASAP! It's a supreme bummer for all of us non-Floridians when breaking news like this happens, that it takes some time to actually get the stories up online.

We depend on folks like Miracles to help us out, it's much appreciated by me and tons of others. Keep up the good work FL ppl! :Justice:
I SOOOO wish I agreed with you swag, but you have to know TM NEVER would have left there if there was an image that needed to be investigated.

O and about the "friend from Ohio", he is shall we say, an industry professional, Chief of Detectives for TCSO to be exact.
Appropriately timed houseguest I would say.. I agree. lol, the media did not follow him, but a few did, kwim?
what county?
I'm just as bad, believe me! I have a 9 yr old golden retriever and she is the light of my life and definitely my 'child.' I couldn't love her more if I had given birth to her...which...come to think of it would put me on the cover of the National Enquirer! heh. Anyway, my dog 'owns' me lock, stock and paws! I am merely her loyal servant.

OMG I so understand!!!:blowkiss:

I have my occupation in my profile listed as "Dog Servant"
There are alot of what if's to your question based on equipment, parameters, scene, land ownersip permission if appropriate to name a few.

But, in theory, if what you are asking me is would Tim leave the recovery to OCSO?

Absolutely, they are and "were" one in the same in Caylee's recovery. But he WOULD NEVER leave without seeing it through. It broke his heart to not leave there with her.

To not leave there with her. He left there without her. He didn't find her.
Yes my kidlets, go to bed and rest up. You never know what the weekend will bring :blowkiss:

Thanks for all you do here!!!!!
You are sooooooo appreciated!!!
Hope we get some good news soon!!!
ITA Blink, however I believe they (LE) already have her. IMO some of TM's equip. "picked her up" in an image on Sunday and LE special recovery team got her Mon or Tues. thus all the strange actions (on both sides) in the past few days.

Got me where GA rushed off to tonight. I thought it was strange that one Fri AM where he left right after 6AM and then came back around 9AMish. That time he left with an unidentifed man - I kinda think that was the "friend of GA's from OH" that was there for a few days - we saw him in one of the videos of KC leaving JB's office early on - and I think that very early trip was taking him to the airport to go back to OH. So, maybe someone else is coming in and he went to get them - dunno. I've always wondered why the media don't follow him.

Google "ground penetrating sonar"
I agree don't feel bad at all. Even if it ends up being a false lead, it's good to know what's going on for all the non orlando people.

Yes she is a German Shepherd .....She is my Royal Furriness!

:wolf: (Smilie now established as a wolf, but also, the smiley that most resembles my doggie...long story:crazy:)

She's a precious puppy!

Maybe ga and the bgs went to pick up a nice pizza for a late snack?

I personally think Tim Miller and the seachers located *something*. Soon we'll find out!
Well as usual I am waaaay behind. LOL.

Just spoke to the WESH news room. Forgive me if this has been posted as I haven't had a chance to read through everything since I jumped back on.

A Privite Investagtor reported a shallow grave near the Anthony home. The Sheriff did take cadaver dogs out there but it turned out to be some kids who had dug a hole.

End of story.

The nice man that I spoke with tonight laughed and said, "We had about a thousand calls about this story when we ran it." LOL.

We know how he feels.

Ok, probably old news but thought I would post it anyway.


Tricia, thanks. You post it, I take it as official. I had read other stuff, but was still waiting for your post. Sadly, it's not what I wanted to hear, but it's not about me. It's all about Caylee. Thanks again.
Can you imagine the chaos that ensued when the phone lines started going off in the Wesh office? LoL Poor guys...

I wish I could go to bed... I'm a whole half a country away, but worrying about the hurricane has me wide awake. :(

(...and Blink is mocking me with her avatar... I know it was a twister of fate that put that house on my sister... but... but... :) )
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