She's close to..."home", "hope", "holts"...

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I wasn't the one who found or originally thought that she said "holt"...Someone else, who has Bose speakers found that and posted about it on another thread! (I do wish that I could find and link it but I can't!) What I've added is that I believe that she may have been directing her brother to Holy Oaks Elementary School...That she used "holt(s)" as an acronym to give him the message that Caylee was close to the school.

: )

ETA - I found it! It was Mollie who first pointed out that she thought that KC was saying "holt" and not "home"!
Could it be close to "hold"?
Could it be close to "hold"?
RR - I think that she says "holt" or "holts" and I believe that it may be an acronym (short form) for Hidden Oaks Elementary School which is very close to where Caylee's remains were found. :)
RR - I think that she says "holt" or "holts" and I believe that it may be an acronym (short form) for Hidden Oaks Elementary School which is very close to where Caylee's remains were found. :)

Wow! I've listened to it over and over again! She definately says "holt"! Now, if someone locally can find out if that is what some kids called it, or if any of KC or LA's friends ever heard them refer to it this way, then bingo! Wonder what Kio would say about it? Would she know?
RR - I think that she says "holt" or "holts" and I believe that it may be an acronym (short form) for Hidden Oaks Elementary School which is very close to where Caylee's remains were found. :)

If you were going to do that, it would be HOES, not HOLT. Might as well make it IALC, or NSYL. :rolleyes:
With context, it sounds like home. Without, it could be "hoes" or "hoelt"
If you were going to do that, it would be HOES, not HOLT. Might as well make it IALC, or NSYL. :rolleyes:
How about Hidden Oaks ElemenTary (S)chool? I don't think that it's that far off...I'd be interested to hear about this from locals who may know how/what the students used as a moniker for the school. Is it really that far-fetched?
I think this is VERY interesting actually.

I wanted to chime in on one particular thing which is someone is saying the initials would be HOES, sometimes a school is called something close to the initals, but not the actual initals.

For instance I went to a college in LA whose letters were BPCC; everyone called it "Bipsy" So I still believe it could be "code" for HOES. Just my 2 cents.
How about Hidden Oaks ElemenTary (S)chool? I don't think that it's that far off...I'd be interested to hear about this from locals who may know how/what the students used as a moniker for the school. Is it really that far-fetched?

How about Hidden Oaks Lower _____ School, just can't think what would be the "T" if it was referred to in this manner?

Editing to add, I do think she is clearly saying "holt" or "hoelt", there is a strong "t" at the end, at least in what I'm hearing.
Thanks so much for posting this Poppy! For those who are interested in this discussion - go to 6:04 on the above link to hear KC say "she's close to holt"...

"Holt" is what I heard too....gonna go find the headphones to check again....

ETA: Yep thats what she says! IMO
There's discussion on the other thread (and elsewhere) that HOLT could be "Hidden Oaks Lake Trail." Seems plausible, but I haven't yet been able to establish the existence of "Hidden Oaks Lake Trail."
I also agree. I have listened several times and hear Holt. Your head fills in home for you if you are just listening but if you hear each word she does not say home.
The school property was purchased a vacant land in 1990 but I have not found the date of constrution yet.
Does anyone know the reason why Hidden Oaks. Maybe there was something there prior to the school that LT part of Hidden Oaks would mean.

Hidden Oaks Land Trac? It might have been the original name of that entire area before Orange County bought it for the school.
I wonder what her Hamsters name was? Holt would be cute for one of those little guys:eek:

I was thinking the exact same thing about the Hamster. We have got to find a way to hear what the locals call that school too.

Honestly, I never really believed in the whole 'speaking in code' concept.

My take on everything that CA, GA, and LA said, was that they had been prepped to come at her from different angles to try to get more info out of her. As I watched the different visitations, it seemed to me as different strategic conversations to get info on Caylee only. One venue they used was to build trust, and they had to keep up that front for the public, but I'm not sure they ever believed her. Remember how mad KC was about her mother's initial statements on TV, when she told CA she had seen her cameo? That hurt the trust, and I think all of them had to 'tighten up' their image in an actual attempt to get info out of KC.

Now this 'holt' word, LA was able to build certain trust, maybe she was trying to get some info to him, or maybe she was just talking and thinking too much at the same time and holt was a combo of two words she was trying to spit out. We need the name of that pet and the locals name for that school to really put this to rest.

Also, does anyone know if this find has been reported to LE? They could find out all these answers in 2 seconds, if they haven't already put this one together.
I was thinking the exact same thing about the Hamster. We have got to find a way to hear what the locals call that school too.

Honestly, I never really believed in the whole 'speaking in code' concept.

My take on everything that CA, GA, and LA said, was that they had been prepped to come at her from different angles to try to get more info out of her. As I watched the different visitations, it seemed to me as different strategic conversations to get info on Caylee only. One venue they used was to build trust, and they had to keep up that front for the public, but I'm not sure they ever believed her. Remember how mad KC was about her mother's initial statements on TV, when she told CA she had seen her cameo? That hurt the trust, and I think all of them had to 'tighten up' their image in an actual attempt to get info out of KC.

Now this 'holt' word, LA was able to build certain trust, maybe she was trying to get some info to him, or maybe she was just talking and thinking too much at the same time and holt was a combo of two words she was trying to spit out. We need the name of that pet and the locals name for that school to really put this to rest.

Also, does anyone know if this find has been reported to LE? They could find out all these answers in 2 seconds, if they haven't already put this one together.

TOtally agree, building trust with her. Did you guys hear the pause in LA after KC says, "holt".
I know I'm slow, but, were LA and KC referring to her getting ready to talk to the PI?
Well, I can't agree that it sounds like "Holt". But it does sound like "Hope" to me. It definitely does not sound like "home" to me.

First time I heard holt. The next 3 times I heard hope. But, that sentence doesn't even make sense (no surprise!). She's close to hope??
As a mom of elementary age kids, I can just see them referring to their school as "HOES"...giggle, giggle. I can see the acronym being adjusted due to this. Makes me think of a teacher my kids have at school named Mrs Butts. Had to change how she was referred to. LOL Also, growing up we kids would sometimes take only part of a name and use just that whn referring to a place, for instance Hammer field became just Hammer. We need a local to tell us how this school was referred to, and someone from the neighborhood to tell us how they referred to their hangout spots.

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