"She's sleeping. I don't want to take her out of...what's been normal for her lately"

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My gut reaction to CA's initial words, "What have you done" tells me that she knew Caylee was injured or gone due to KC's neglectful habits. I'm not inclined to defend CA's actions but there must be an HUGE amount of guilt burried there. What could she have done differently so that this wouldn't have happened? As a mother with children who constantly amaze me with their stupidy, 'they weren't raised like this' is a frequent thought in my mind.
On a different topic, was it KC that made a statement about her (Caylee's) clothes not being found yet? Who did she say that to? This has always bothered me for day one, among just about everything else we've read about. How I would love to serve on this jury!
Enough blabbing by me, back to lurking :)
Just to add to this discussion, in the same vein, the statement that always troubled me is in the LE interview with Cindy, starting at the 4 min 50 sec mark, where she repeats what KC said to Lee A. "I don't want to disrupt her life, cause from here on out, Caylee's life will never be the same"??:waitasec:


You can move the cursor to that particular statement, if you don't want to listen to the whole tape.

thanks reeseeva, I totally misssed that when I watched these previously. I want to ask after the video ends, the box changes to show a number of other clips... the 7th clip along the bottom (shows CA sitting between LE at the corner of the table) in this one she totally throws Jessie under the bus and LE is holding her hand and attempting to get CA to understand how she is continually changing her story. I've never seen this portion of the interview and wonder if it's a different interview altogether that I've missed? Or even if there is more to that portion of the interview. Does anyone know?

Bold mine

or take her out of the garbage bags? Or take her out of the woods? What a huge waste of space this B^&)# is.

Yes, I think "taking her out" of the bags is exactly what KC's subconscious mind meant. There is a book I read about this very kind of thing. It involved the JonBenet case. I'll have to find the name of the author. He probably has a site online somewhere.

ETA: Found it. The doctor's name is Andrew Hodges and he uses psycholinguistics to analyze speech. He can get pretty far out there, but a lot of what he says makes sense to me.
♣ You can't make me talk to them.
♣ Mom is always telling me what an unfit mother I am.
♣ She's sleeping and I don't want to take her out of what's been normal for her lately.
♣ They haven't even found her clothes yet.
♣ I don't know why Caylee is no longer in Orlando.
♣ She's close, I can feel it.
♣ I scraped a dead squirrel off the frame of my car today.
♣ I can't believe this is happening now!

Central theme in everything that Casey says and does? ME-MY-I-
it's all about HER and never truly about Caylee.

I think the main reason she made the particular statement that is the theme of this thread is perfectly obvious. She is laying dead in garbage bags on the side of the road less than a quarter of a mile away, with all of her airways taped shut with duct tape and a heart sticker stuck on at the mouth. What has been "normal for her lately" was decidedly NOT normal and there was no way that KC could take them to Caylee. They probably would have murdered HER right on the spot if she would have. So she did what she had always done and continues to do-she lied to protect herself.:furious:
Just to add to this discussion, in the same vein, the statement that always troubled me is in the LE interview with Cindy, starting at the 4 min 50 sec mark, where she repeats what KC said to Lee A. "I don't want to disrupt her life, cause from here on out, Caylee's life will never be the same"??:waitasec:


You can move the cursor to that particular statement, if you don't want to listen to the whole tape.

Huh, thank you for the link. That's the first time I recall hearing CA mention there being a "collapsible bin" with hangers and a pair of KC pants in it inside KC's car trunk. Sounds like a collapsible laundry hamper.
In the July 29 interview with LA, he says that when he asked to go to Caylee, KC said, ""She's sleeping. I don't want to take her out of you know, what's been normal for her lately."

I wonder if that is how KC viewed this, that her daughter was asleep. It's sad now, knowing why she said "take her out" instead of "wake her" and "what's been normal for her lately" instead of "her bed".

Is the "you know" from LA's conversational style or is that part of KC's original quotation?

You know, as morbid as it is, I've been trying to play out what kc did in my mind. Just trying to piece together what she was thinking and the process she went through.

I'd say this has been the first time something made sense to me. I could totally picture kc "putting Caylee to sleep". Possibly with chloroform. Rubbing her face and smiling at her as she drifts off to "sleep". I think a lot of her reasoning was to spite CA and to take Caylee out of what kc felt was a horrible life. She put Caylee in an eternal sleep.

FYI - I don't typically go around imagining murders, but I'm just so dumbfounded how a mother could do this
Huh, thank you for the link. That's the first time I recall hearing CA mention there being a "collapsible bin" with hangers and a pair of KC pants in it inside KC's car trunk. Sounds like a collapsible laundry hamper.

I believe in one of the interviews, (George ?) talked about blue collapsible bins that they all keep in their cars. I can't recall, but it seems he said he saw them in there during the gas can incident.
You know, as morbid as it is, I've been trying to play out what kc did in my mind. Just trying to piece together what she was thinking and the process she went through.

I'd say this has been the first time something made sense to me. I could totally picture kc "putting Caylee to sleep". Possibly with chloroform. Rubbing her face and smiling at her as she drifts off to "sleep".
I think a lot of her reasoning was to spite CA and to take Caylee out of what kc felt was a horrible life. She put Caylee in an eternal sleep.

FYI - I don't typically go around imagining murders, but I'm just so dumbfounded how a mother could do this

Very good obsevation! When the term is used "putting to sleep" it is often in reference to a dearly, loved pet that is suffering from something that can't be fixed. And where did KC put Caylee? :furious: In the pet cemetary that KIO said they used to bury their animals! I think KC has turned this into some kind of mercy killing and that's how she dances around it in her twisted mind!:eek:
Just to add to this discussion, in the same vein, the statement that always troubled me is in the LE interview with Cindy, starting at the 4 min 50 sec mark, where she repeats what KC said to Lee A. "I don't want to disrupt her life, cause from here on out, Caylee's life will never be the same"??:waitasec:


You can move the cursor to that particular statement, if you don't want to listen to the whole tape.

" " " " " " " " " "
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

what else can you say....
Makes you furious !
Makes you just speechless ! ! !

Makes you soooooooo Sad You Just wanna C R Y ! ! ! ! ! !

Makes You C R Y !!!!!!!!!!!!

Da___ KC !!!!!!!!!


God Bless !
The statement that stood out to me was played on the NG clips tonight, Casey is talking to her parents about to give her I will lie, steal, whatever it takes speech <gag>

but she starts that sentence with

Regardless of how it happened, then stops, changes course and picks up with the lying, stealing speech

I remember when I first heard Casey stumble with that sentence fragment; I immediately thought 'Uh oh', she's about to get tangled up in her lies. Then (as you mentioned) she changed course and was off and running with some other irrelevant load of . Ugh.

OT: I really wish that during those initial interviews with OCSO, she would have been given the opportunity to talk more. Although, I think I understand the frustration of the officers. They were trying to find an endangered child and had zero tolerance for Casey's conversational acrobatics. But still...
My gut reaction to CA's initial words, "What have you done" tells me that she knew Caylee was injured or gone due to KC's neglectful habits. I'm not inclined to defend CA's actions but there must be an HUGE amount of guilt burried there. What could she have done differently so that this wouldn't have happened? As a mother with children who constantly amaze me with their stupidy, 'they weren't raised like this' is a frequent thought in my mind.
On a different topic, was it KC that made a statement about her (Caylee's) clothes not being found yet? Who did she say that to? This has always bothered me for day one, among just about everything else we've read about. How I would love to serve on this jury!
Enough blabbing by me, back to lurking :)

We got that quote from LP. Who has made up other things. Love the guy, but he's a tale-spinner.
thanks reeseeva, I totally misssed that when I watched these previously. I want to ask after the video ends, the box changes to show a number of other clips... the 7th clip along the bottom (shows CA sitting between LE at the corner of the table) in this one she totally throws Jessie under the bus and LE is holding her hand and attempting to get CA to understand how she is continually changing her story. I've never seen this portion of the interview and wonder if it's a different interview altogether that I've missed? Or even if there is more to that portion of the interview. Does anyone know?


I think there were about nine segments, in all. All were revealing.

I liked the one where KC's "code word" for Amy or JG was "Zenaida."

The one where KC was "sacrificing herself for Caylee" was pretty good. too.
Remember when George and Cindy were visiting Casey in jail and Casey said something about Caylee being close to home? Does anyone remember how she worded that? Did she make a statement saying "Caylee is close to home"?
Or did she say that she thought Caylee was close to home"? I'm trying to remember if she said it like it was a fact or just something that she thought.
Remember when George and Cindy were visiting Casey in jail and Casey said something about Caylee being close to home? Does anyone remember how she worded that? Did she make a statement saying "Caylee is close to home"?
Or did she say that she thought Caylee was close to home"? I'm trying to remember if she said it like it was a fact or just something that she thought.

"She's very close, I can feel it!"
"She's very close, I can feel it!"

If only her parents, brother or LE realized, for once in her life KC was telling the truth. I suppose that's what happens when everything one says is a string of lies, no one is able to recognize the truth on those few occasions when one slips out.

My gut reaction to CA's initial words, "What have you done" tells me that she knew Caylee was injured or gone due to KC's neglectful habits. I'm not inclined to defend CA's actions but there must be an HUGE amount of guilt burried there. What could she have done differently so that this wouldn't have happened? As a mother with children who constantly amaze me with their stupidy, 'they weren't raised like this' is a frequent thought in my mind.
On a different topic, was it KC that made a statement about her (Caylee's) clothes not being found yet? Who did she say that to? This has always bothered me for day one, among just about everything else we've read about. How I would love to serve on this jury!
Enough blabbing by me, back to lurking :)

Cindy's question makes my blood run cold, "What have you done?" every time I hear it, I get a shiver up my spine. I can only imagine the horror Cindy was feeling when she said those words. She sounds like she was fully aware of what KC was capable of. And just for that moment she lets down her guard, letting everyone else in on the truth too.

If KC and Cindy met at TL's place between 7:30 and 8 pm, it was still a good hour or two before Caylee generally went down for the night. KC's claim that Caylee was sleeping and she didn't want her to be disturbed is as lame as all the other lies that pop out of her mouth. It was once again KC making things up on the spur of the moment. Very seldom is there any real thought put into her answers, I'm guessing she is so used to getting away with lies, it isn't worth her trouble to put any effort into them.

The way she worded it sounded like it was almost a little slip of the tongue on KC's part. Or it was possibly just 'A Speak'. I've thought all along they have a very strange way of wording most things.

The comment 'they haven't even found her clothes' was supposedly said by KC to no one in particular and was heard by the female bounty hunter, who was staying with KC 24/7 when LP bonded her out of jail. KC was watching the news about a search for Caylee and was very 'flip' when she made the remark. As if to say, they haven't found her clothes what makes them think they can find her body!? Guess that was another thought gone the way of all good things.

YellowSub I have never bought into the theory KC killed Caylee to prevent her from being harmed by Cindy.

KC had infinite choices in how Caylee could be raised. She could have gotten a real job, that made real money so she could have rented a real apartment. She could have put her up for adoption, even at the advanced age of 3 yrs old. People would have stood in line for hours for the chance to adopt that bright, beautiful little angel. She could have put her into foster care until she got her act together to make a life for both of them away from Cindy's reach. She could have even contacted Caylee's paternal gparents, if Caylee's father is truly dead. They may have jumped at the chance to spend time with the child of their son.

Caylee died by KC's hand because KC is a spiteful beotch. She no longer wanted to be bothered by this child who was a huge inconvenience to her. She was cutting into her party time in a big way, causing Cindy to call her at all hours to care of the "little snot head" (one of the more annoying nic names her momster gave her). The fact that Caylee could now speak her own mind and probably stated a preference to stay at home with her gparents probably annoyed KC too.

NO! NO! NO! There is no way in he!! this was done for any reason except her momster wanted her gone for good and probably thought she herself would be seen as a tragic victim. I hope she rots for a long, long time before being taken out the same way she took her precious child out. Then her remains can be placed in a couple garbage bags and tossed in a trash filled lot. (If only we could.) I hope the stories we heard that KC is having nightmares, haunt her every moment and the next time she gets a good sleep, is the sleep she will get at the end of the needle used for her execution. Even that is too good for her after what she did to her baby girl, unless it is an old, dull needle used several times before it finds its way into KC's vein.

In the July 29 interview with LA, Lee says that when he asked to go to Caylee, KC said, ""She's sleeping. I don't want to take her out of you know, what's been normal for her lately." (Page 4 of interview)

I wonder if that is how KC viewed this, that her daughter was asleep. It's sad now, knowing why she said "take her out" instead of "wake her" and "what's been normal for her lately" instead of "her bed".

Is the "you know" from LA's conversational style or is that part of KC's original quotation?

IMO, I don't think we will ever know if Casey viewed Casey as being "asleep" when Caylee was already gone.

The use of "you know" seems to be Lee's words more so then Casey's words.

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