Should Adam be allowed to return to Australia?

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Should Adam Baker be allowed to leave the United States?

  • Yes, AB should be allowed to return to Australia.

    Votes: 25 15.7%
  • No, AB should not be allowed to leave the USA.

    Votes: 125 78.6%
  • I am unsure.

    Votes: 9 5.7%

  • Total voters
Well if he ever gets to return once he's done time in the US for whatever they can get on him, I hope Australia is lining up a surprise of their own for his part in taking Zahra out of the country illegally in the first place.

Well if he ever gets to return once he's done time in the US for whatever they can get on him, I hope Australia is lining up a surprise of their own for his part in taking Zahra out of the country illegally in the first place.


I have to assume, and trust, that this would be the case. There is lots of co-operation legally between Australia and the US in legal matters, and I would imagine they've been in constant discussion over this.
Adam Baker is an arrogant,ignorant jerk; he has had more criminal charges placed on him than a few accrue in a lifetime and most people never do. He is first and foremost an illegal in this country. In his short time in this country he has [IMHO] neglected his daughter, who is now murdered and her body horribly desecrated, and he has broken the law . Adam may have gotten a free pass into this country put he does not deserve a 'get out of jail free' card and the ability to leave without justice for Zahra being served.
Pretty much everyone will break the law multiple times in their lifetimes. They just are not charged/convicted. If LE went over your life with a finetooth comb and they wanted to charge you with something, chances are that they would find something to charge you with.

But anyway, if LE don't have evidence of his involvement with anything criminal relating to ZB, and if he is in the US illegally, then just waive these minor charges and send him home.

What I find amusing is the presumption that this will somehow allow him to avoid justice. Has it escaped everyones notice that he might well be facing serious charges back in Australia relating to the circumstances by which ZB left in the first place?
Pretty much everyone will break the law multiple times in their lifetimes. They just are not charged/convicted. If LE went over your life with a finetooth comb and they wanted to charge you with something, chances are that they would find something to charge you with.

But anyway, if LE don't have evidence of his involvement with anything criminal relating to ZB, and if he is in the US illegally, then just waive these minor charges and send him home.

What I find amusing is the presumption that this will somehow allow him to avoid justice. Has it escaped everyones notice that he might well be facing serious charges back in Australia relating to the circumstances by which ZB left in the first place?

Well, I see it this way,Aus. (home) is his comfort zone.
So, no, leave him here where he feels like crawling out of his skin.
If hes here illegally and you say "minor" charges, what would make those "serious" charges 2000 miles away.
AB needs to be held accountable for every wrong move he made, here,in Hickory..
Lets stop treating him with kid gloves, Mamas doing a good enough job with that.
She needs to be sent back "home", her time is up, she can look after him when he gets back after he pays his time here.
He let his only child down in a most serious way, here, I dont mind my tax $ being used the way it should be.
simlyme, I presume Tugela is alluding to the charges that AB might face for taking Zahra out of the country illegally. The thing is, I'm not certain if he did so illegally, so it's a risky assumption for any of us to make that he will face charges on these. We'd need to see the passport application documents to know if he'd forged ED's signature as many here assumed. I don't even think he'd require her signature (as discussed in other threads previously there is a form for single parent applications). Although it hasn't appeared in Aust newspapers to my knowledge, there have been posts on here that confirm that the Aust govt was investigating the passport and removal of Zahra from Australia - I think that would be a Federal Police investigation, but maybe other organisation.

Personally, I think he should face the charges against him in the US first, then be returned to Australia where he should face any charges applicable there. I believe the Australian and US governments will be working together on this to ensure the most favourable and advantageous outcome from a legal perspective. As I've also mentioned, I suspect they see it as more efficient & cheaper to detain him now than to exercise an extradition treaty to get him back from Aust for the Zahra - EB trial if he refuses to return. Makes perfect sense to me.
Just a reminder that AB has not been charged with anything. You all have been well-behaved so far, and I appreciate that, but I wanted to make sure this thread doesn't de-rail.

This post falls at random.

I think he should be allowed to go to Australia.

If LE were considering him a suspect he would not be on the street. He is not allowed to work so unless the US Government are offering him support they may as well let him go and make an agreement that he must return when called for without the need for any further extradition order, so they can just pick him up from anywhere.

How hard could it be unless he was detained in Australia, to pick him up and send him back to court if he agrees to do it? And it would be unlikely that he would hide and never return to seek Justice for his Daughter, if he couldn't agree to something like that then LE would have no problems keeping him in the US.
I think he should be allowed to go to Australia.

If LE were considering him a suspect he would not be on the street. He is not allowed to work so unless the US Government are offering him support they may as well let him go and make an agreement that he must return when called for without the need for any further extradition order, so they can just pick him up from anywhere.

How hard could it be unless he was detained in Australia, to pick him up and send him back to court if he agrees to do it? And it would be unlikely that he would hide and never return to seek Justice for his Daughter, if he couldn't agree to something like that then LE would have no problems keeping him in the US.

As a US citizen, I think he should stay right there in Caldwell County until he faces a court.

If he were allowed to return to Australia then that would set a precedence for ALL the illegal aliens in the US, who commit a crime and want to return to their homeland. NO WAY is Adam any better than other illegal aliens.

You are so right, Adam might be detained in Australia and put in jail there. But first he has charges to answer to in the US.

If you are worried about him being homeless, there are many, many homeless people in the US, even some that have NOT committed crimes. Maybe KB could get a green card and go to work, if she plans on staying here.
I think he should be allowed to go to Australia.

If LE were considering him a suspect he would not be on the street. He is not allowed to work so unless the US Government are offering him support they may as well let him go and make an agreement that he must return when called for without the need for any further extradition order, so they can just pick him up from anywhere.

How hard could it be unless he was detained in Australia, to pick him up and send him back to court if he agrees to do it? And it would be unlikely that he would hide and never return to seek Justice for his Daughter, if he couldn't agree to something like that then LE would have no problems keeping him in the US.


He has not been the model 'guest' in this country; his 'word' is to be taken with much skepticism. He has exhibited [alleged at this time] criminal activity since he first came to the US; granted they are charges and will be adjudicated in our court system, still he is in debt to the courts through his actions. IF he were to be, in any way, culpable for his daughter's demise, then he would be lucky that the death penalty would be off the table for him.

I am certain that most people don't want him here but he must answer to the charges placed against him at this time and ANY that MIGHT come up in the future. After that many will be happy to see him get out of here.

The way I see it is that LE is trying to accomodate AB. After all, he essentially seemed to think that he was only facing a few piddly misdemeanor charges and forced LE's hand by revealing that he planned to go back to Australia ASAP. In other words, I think he and his lawyer did this to try to find out exactly what else he was going to be charged with.
I believe LE has not charged him with more felonies because the DA's office is still sifting through the evidence that we are privy to and probably a lot more that we are not.
It would be ridiculous to allow him to return to Australia at this point. What reason would he have to return to the US if he knew it was possible that he would be facing more charges?
I live in Queensland, Australia the state in which Zahra lived prior to her ill-fated trip to the US. I've been following this case in the Australian media since it broke as I live in the same state and have a daughter only 6mths older than Zahra and the thought of this happening to my little girl is heartbreaking!

I came across this article today in the Brisbane Times.

In it Emily, Zahra's biological mother (and I've read this comment from her before) says she hadn't seen Zahra since she was 8mths old and every time she caught up with them and contacted them that AB would disappear with Zahra again. I, too wonder how he obtained a passport for Zahra as he would have needed Emily's signature OR a court order for it to occur. I know the process for the court order is to prove you've done everything possible to serve the other party.....I wonder if he fabricated this in order to get a court to give him that? Just a theory.

I firmly believe he has to stay in the US to await whatever charges are laid against as I believe there is NO way he didn't know what was occurring to this beautiful young girl. He needs to be held accountable and I can assure you that all that would be awaiting him here is a slap on the wrist. He needs to stay in the US in order for Zahra to get true justice!
No, AB should be behind bars in the U.S. I haven't been following this case as closely to understand why AB is still walking around. Truthfully, it makes me furious.
I just noticed that AB and KB became friends today on FB
I just noticed that AB and KB became friends today on FB

That is weird. They are probably using the same computer. I doubt very seriously if she brought one over here with her and they certainly don't have the money to buy 2 computers. hmmmmm.
I think after seeing what was posted in a media site that Adam Baker will not be charged.

Police: Dad too 'dumb' to kill Zahra

I respectfully disagree. I think that article was one person's opinion. I do not think ANY law enforcement officer would refer to Zahra as "one legged." They have too much concern and respect to do that to anyone. I don't recall the article stating one person's name, only "sources." IMO, that is poor journalism. What is this site? Is it a well known newspaper or what? Where is it based?

I dont think Adam is dumb at all. IMO, he is the smarter criminal. But don't worry FBI will get him.
It has come from a South Australian Newspaper and is a reputable newspaper to my knowledge. They have other articles there as it is a daily newspaper.
I saw that it stated 'sources ' too but did state the reporters name.
I respectfully disagree. I think that article was one person's opinion. I do not think ANY law enforcement officer would refer to Zahra as "one legged." They have too much concern and respect to do that to anyone. I don't recall the article stating one person's name, only "sources." IMO, that is poor journalism. What is this site? Is it a well known newspaper or what? Where is it based?

I dont think Adam is dumb at all. IMO, he is the smarter criminal. But don't worry FBI will get him.

This article almost feels like some sort of sick joke. Adam appears at the least to be of average intelligence to me. After all, he navigated his IMVU account well enough to get to know EB, he raised Zahra, with his mothers help and according to her on his own for sometime, nursed her through all her medical issues, worked in OZ, worked for the tree service from dawn to dusk well here, evaded authorities, the law, fooled CPS, can operate a motor vehicle from point A to point B, relocate with his new love to another country, etc etc etc. His supporters have said he was a responsible loving dad and Zahra was his world. Please, just when did he get so dumb? My guess is around the time he realized he might just have a chance to pin all of the blame on EB.

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