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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Anthony party pics ban? 3:43
Anthony's request for aid 2:39
In SESSION VIDEO: Casey Anthony's Finances 3/18/10
In Session's Ryan Smith asks Brad Conway, attorney for George and Cindy Anthony, about their daughter's finances.
Today Show Video: ‘Broke’ Anthony seeks money for lawyers 7:07
March 19: Despite being paid $200,000 by ABC, Casey Anthony, who is awaiting trial in the murder of her daughter, Caylee, is asking a judge to rule she is indigent so that the state of Florida can pitch in on her legal fees. NBC's Kerry Sanders reports and NBC legal correspondent Dan Abrams weighs in.
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Anthony refused to search? 3:49
Bernie Goldberg talks ABC and Anthony 3/24/10
Casey Anthony's secret jailhouse letters 5:02
Today Show Video: Profiler: Letters paint Casey Anthony as a ‘psychopath’
April 15: Former FBI profiler Pat Brown says Casey Anthony’s jailhouse letters are a “wonderful window into how a psychopath thinks” and that the mother accused of murdering her daughter is using her pen pal for her own fun and games.
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Should Casey Anthony judge step down? 6:25
Casey Anthony judge removes himself 5:40
Video: Mystery hair, DNA on Caylee Anthony? 3:17
Video: Casey Anthony still may face death
Judge says Anthony will face the possibility of the death penalty in her murder trial. HLN's Christi Paul has details.

Video: Out-of-town jury to hear Anthony case 2:58
Will Casey Anthony get a fair trial if jurors are chosen from outside Orlando? HLN's Richelle Carey has Your Views.

Video: Why the new Casey Anthony judge?
Casey Anthony's defense team talks to "In Session" about the new judge overseeing her murder trial.

Video: Blogger gets Casey Anthony judge recused
In Session talks to "Marinade Dave," the blogger who led to a new judge being appointed in Casey Anthony's murder trial.


Video: Casey Anthony's secret jail letters
Were Casey Anthony's recently leaked jailhouse letters a 'set-up' for a jury? Profiler Pat Brown thinks so.









Today Show Video: Could Casey Anthony get death penalty? 6:39
May 13: The new judge presiding over the Casey Anthony murder trial has ordered prosecutors to state their case for pursuing the death penalty if she is found guilty. NBC's Kerry Sanders reports and NBC legal analyst Dan Abrams weighs in on the case.

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Video: Lawyer for Casey Anthony’s parents resigns
Attorney Brad Conway tells TODAY that as an officer of the court he knowingly cannot participate in something that is false, saying they misrepresented his role in the case.
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2010.08.30 - Issues with Jane Velez Mitchell:


DIAZ: I`m Carlos Diaz in for Jane Velez-Mitchell.

Tonight, Casey Anthony`s dream team in court. Judge Belvin Perry schools the defense, saying, "You will work 24/7 if you have to. This murder trial will start on time."

Casey`s attorney complained there`s so much to do and so little time. The judge wasn`t having it. He said, "You know what? You`re going to go - - you`re going to be ready to go on May 16."

Plus, the defense gets a stunning new piece of information. Casey`s co-worker says she talked to the accused child killer on July 15, the very day Casey finally admitted her daughter was missing.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Can you tell me a little bit what`s going on?

CASEY ANTHONY: My daughter has been missing for the last 31 days.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And do you know who has her?

CASEY ANTHONY: I know who has her. I tried to contact her. I actually received a phone call today now from a number that is no longer in service. I did get to speak to my daughter for about a moment, about a minute.


DIAZ: Casey`s co-worker says she spoke to Casey that same day, and she says she heard little Caylee`s voice in the background. Will this woman be a star witness?

Straight out to Jean Casarez, correspondent for "In Session" on TruTV.

Jean, what is the very latest?

JEAN CASAREZ, CORRESPONDENT, TRUTV`S "IN SESSION": Well, the very latest is the hearing today. You`re right: the defense said that they thought 50/50 they would meet all the time deadlines, because there are so many in this case.

The defense also said, "Your honor, 60 more witnesses have been added to the prosecution`s witness list."

The judge said, "Look, this trial is going to happen the date it has been set, which is May 9, 2011, for jury selection. I don`t care how you do it, but you`ve got to make these deadlines on depositions and expert witnesses and forensics experts. It`s got to be met."

DIAZ: Yes, I mean -- and let`s bring Mike Brooks into this. I mean, you`re talking about May. I mean, what can they do -- what are they going to do for the next several months that they`re complaining they can`t do by next May?

BROOKS: Well, there`s all these drop-dead dates, all these deadline dates, Carlos, that they have for depositions, for evidence, for a lot of different things that Judge Perry has said, "Hey, these are going to happen.""

But basically, the bottom line with him was, "Look, when May comes around, when May 9 happens, you`re going to select a jury. May 16, you`re going to have opening statements, and it`s going to happen." And he said, "Look, I`ll impose a 24-hour rule if you will."

DIAZ: Yes.

BROOKS: And he said, "If you`re having problems scheduling depositions, I will do it for you, and you don`t want me doing that."

DIAZ: Yes. And, Mike, get this. There is more drama. The Anthony family at the heart of another scandal. New outrage over Cindy Anthony`s alleged plan to give away her dead granddaughter`s clothes and shoes. Cindy reportedly wants to donate Caylee`s belongings to charity, to the charity Children of Love. And now that charity is getting death threats.

Jean, quickly, you`ve got 30 seconds. What can you tell us about that?

CASAREZ: Well, it did not come into court today, but it`s a local charity. Cindy Anthony wanted to donate these things, but it became public, and now it`s a negative aspect on the charity that`s trying to do good for others.

DIAZ: But what`s the charity supposed to do? Say, "No, we don`t want to provide clothing"? I mean, if you`re going to donate clothing. But it`s still, do you want your kids wearing that clothing?

BROOKS: Carlos, you know what`s odd about that? July 15 on the stand, she said that she believes that Caylee is still alive. So why is she giving her clothes away? It doesn`t make sense.

DIAZ: Fantastic guests, thank you so much.
2010.09.10 Issues with Jane Velez Mitchell:

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So Mark Eiglarsh, they also found dirt in the trunk of Casey`s car. If the dirt matches the dirt in the woods where little Caylee`s body was discovered, is that game, set match for the prosecution?

MARK EIGLARSH, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Nothing is game, set, match at all with any team, but certainly with this defense team. But it`s yet another compelling piece of evidence in what is nothing more than a puzzle. Each little piece of evidence serves as a piece of the puzzle.

Going back to what Vinnie say, he`s absolutely right that this witness is key, the lead detective. They`re going to explore a number of things like how many hours did you devote to finding the true killer, this Zenaida Gonzalez? Why didn`t you continue to look for the true culprit? Why did you focus only on innocent, sweet Casey Anthony?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But former prosecutor, Robin Sax, isn`t one of the tricks to get him to deviate from earlier statements? He testified in a pre-trial hearing a long time ago and now he`s doing this deposition. And then he`s going to take the stand and testify again, I mean, everybody who`s a human being eventually is going to have some discrepancy in what they say given that it`s been so long since the crime occurred.

ROBIN SAX, FORMER PROSECUTOR: Well, I`m sure Mark and Vinnie would both agree that, yes, defense strategy 101 is to create inconsistencies and what would appear to be lies even though they will be inconsistencies between one story, one report, one testimony from another.

The defense strategy here is going to be throw anything up. And all they need is one juror to hang the thing up and that`s what they`re going to hope for. And if they can come in and -- and try to make it look like a pre-prejudiced plan on behalf of the detective, that`s the first place where they can attack the case.

But it`s problematic when you have Casey`s own father talking about that smell and the detective confirming it. What do you do with that?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, well let me --

EIGLARSH: Jane -- to further -- to further that point. The law here in Florida that jurors are going to be informed too, is that reasonable doubt can come from a number of different places. And one of them is from the conflicts in the testimony.

So if this detective does conflict with prior testimony including but not limited to this deposition, no question the defense is going to exploit that.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, this brings me to my big issue. Conspiracy theory, all right? I think they`re going to go big time for a conspiracy theory.

Cindy Anthony, the defendant`s mom, made it clear she believes all of the evidence we`ve just discussed was planted by cops. She even went so far as to tell Casey she doesn`t even believe the body found in the woods was that of little Caylee. Cindy says she believes Caylee could still be alive.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And you`re clear about that?

CINDY ANTHONY: Oh, absolutely. I -- I still think Caylee`s alive.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. I`ve got to say, I think that this is going to be a fascinating trial. And on the other side of the break, we`re going to talk to Beth Karas about this conspiracy theory because it does bear a resemblance to the O.J. Simpson case.

The garbage in, the garbage out, where a dream team -- and there`s a dream team here -- managed to convince the jurors that there was evidence planted which would have involved a vast conspiracy. Are they going to do the same thing here?

I want to get everybody`s analysis on the other side of the break, next.



GEORGE ANTHONY, CASEY ANTHONY`S FATHER: Hey, gorgeous, how you doing?


G. ANTHONY: Well, you know something? You really need to keep your spirit high through all this.

CASEY ANTHONY: I have. I haven`t been crying while I`ve been in here.

CINDY ANTHONY, CASEY ANTHONY`S MOTHER: What message do you want me to give to Zanny and to Caylee? What do you want me to tell Zanny?

CASEY ANTHONY: That she needs to return Caylee.

CINDY ANTHONY: What do you think her reasons are?

CASEY ANTHONY: Mom, I don`t know.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight Casey Anthony`s defense dream team grills the cop who led the frantic search for two-year-old Caylee Anthony. Detective Yuri Melich uncovered a slew of incriminating evidence against Casey Anthony.

And the phone lines are lighting up. Nick, New York, your question or thought.

NICK, NEW YORK (via telephone): Hello, Jane. Thank you for taking my call.


NICK: Ok, Jane, I have a problem with this Casey Anthony case. Why should the taxpayers have to foot the bill for this young woman who has lied and totally misled her parents, and her parents are devastated? They didn`t even know for 30 days that their precious granddaughter was missing.

And then all of a sudden now then she`s throwing her father and brother under the bus and, you know, telling them --

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I think you raise a good point. Beth Karas, the taxpayers are paying for the defense. And now there is a new lawyer, a new defense lawyer. Tell us about that.

BETH KARAS, INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER: That`s right. There is a new defense lawyer who has expertise in cross-examining medical experts. There will be a number of doctors of various disciplines in this case, a lot of different areas of forensic science.


KARAS: So this witness will bring that to the table. But taxpayers do pay for the defense. That`s the law when a defendant is indigent. The state is looking to execute her, or at least put her in prison for the rest of her life. And she is entitled to a full defense. So the taxpayers have to pay for it.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I want to get back to this conspiracy theory, ok? Mark Eiglarsh, don`t you see it coming together? It has to involve Roy Cronk, the meter reader and the cops. I mean the way you could see it, the defense possibly crafting this conspiracy theory, and we`ve gotten hints of it from Cindy, well, the body was put there afterwards, and all along they knew where the body was. And they finally let this Roy Cronk discover the body even though he and everybody else denies it.

EIGLARSH: All right, first, Cindy. I wouldn`t put much into what she has to say. She`s not necessarily part of the defense team. And they know better what`s going to resonate with jurors.

Second of all, I don`t know necessarily they`ve locked themselves into a defense. What we do when we take deposition is we decide where the defense is going to go. Which witness says certain things during deposition that we can use at trial?

So there`s certain things you have to say. Number one, she didn`t do it. The body must have been there when she was in jail, placed there while she was in jail, and also somehow Cronk must have been involved. There`s certain things you must say but I don`t think they`ve locked in anything.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Beth Karas, do you think they`re going to do the conspiracy theory?

KARAS: Well, I do think they`re going to try to point the finger elsewhere. I don`t know that it`s any broad conspiracy involving the police. The police go where the evidence leads them. And Detective Melich got involved from day one when the body was discovered missing and Casey was telling all kinds of lies.

SAX: But the police officer from the beginning -- the police officer that Casey Anthony had the relationship with.


Also tonight, breaking news in the Casey Anthony case, moments ago the defense team announced they will hold a 9:00 a.m. news conference tomorrow at the office of -- who else -- Jose Baez. So far, no word on what development could possibly be that urgent to hold a sudden news conference.

Are we going to get a bombshell tomorrow? I think so. This as sparks fly when Casey Anthony`s defense team, the "Dream Team", lashes out at what could become the prosecution`s star witness.

We are just are now finding out what went on behind closed doors during Friday`s deposition where lead detective Yuri Melich was grilled by Casey`s lawyers. They are trying to prove the detective had blinders on; that his sights were set on Casey Anthony as Caylee`s killer from the very start.

Now, this is the same cop who said his two years as a homicide detective made him confident that he smelled death in Casey`s car.


YURI MELICH, LEAD DETECTIVE ON ANTHONY CASE: I actually went to the car to smell what the smell smelled like, briefly just before I came in to the child services (ph), I was a homicide detective for two years at Lawrence County Sheriff`s office.

And in my experience, the smell that I smelled inside that car was the smell of decomposition.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: What do Casey`s lawyers have to say about that? They say if his nose is that good, he should transfer to the K-9 unit. Ouch.

Meantime, brace yourself for another giant document dump coming soon. The defense says it`s chockfull of crucial information it claims prosecutors have held back. The new details? Well, here`s a hint. It`s all about vital cell phone pings and new witnesses. But that`s the defense talking. Maybe that`s something to do with that news conference tomorrow morning.

And wait until you hear what John Walsh, the host of "America`s Most Wanted" is saying about this case.

I am taking your calls, 1-877-586-7297 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting**************1-877-586-7297******end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

Straight out to Florida defense attorney Jayne Weintraub who leads off our expert panel. Jayne let`s talk about -- well, this news conference tomorrow. What could it possibly be about?

JAYNE WEINTRAUB, FLORIDA CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, it`s either something that they discovered in the depositions that they started, of the lead detective or it will be something that came in the discovery, which I understand was from 2008, that they have been holding on to and not releasing until today.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, it could be --

WEINTRAUB: Or this week.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: -- I would think. We were hearing about the defense saying, well, we`re just getting new information about cell phone pings and new witnesses. You`ve been known to chat with those lawyers down there in Florida. What could those new cell phone pings or witnesses be?

WEINTRAUB: Well, what -- what it could reveal is who was being called and on what telephones. And I think that would be very important for the defense. I have not been privy to what -- what the evidence is, but I do know that it was just given to them after having it since 2008.

And that`s a huge violation of discovery rules, and it just begs the question -- everybody always thinks it`s the defense that`s causing the delay, but it`s the prosecution that has been doling this out in drips and drabs instead of letting them thoroughly prepare as they should, both sides, get ready, go to war and then have your trial.

That`s what it`s about.


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