Sick Atlanta Teen Kept Off Transplant List

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Apr 7, 2005
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Sick Atlanta Teen Kept Off Transplant List

A mom in Atlanta says her teenaged son isn't being put on the list for a life-saving transplant because of bad grades and past legal troubles.

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I see nothing on that link regarding an organ transplant list nor child who needs one. The website must change it's headlines often or something.
"In a letter to Stokes' family, officials at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston say
they won't put him on the transplant wait list because they said he had a history of non-compliance."

"He didn't have any medical history. He wouldn't, you know, make his doctor's appointments," said Hamilton. "

"Hamilton says her son has only been to clinics for check-ups and immunization shots because, until now, he's never been sick.
She believes money played a role in the hospital's decision."

""I think that they don't think that we can pay for the medicine.
We probably couldn't get to the doctor visits because of transportation.
I don't have a car," said Hamilton."

"Hamilton also believes Anthony's juvenile record played a role in the hospital's decision.
She says he was under a court-ordered house arrest."

But despite his past, Anthony's mother believes he deserves a chance to live so he can fulfill his dreams.
"He wants to go to college so bad. He talks about being an entrepreneur, opening up his own computer store," said Hamilton.

Mom, you're saying ---
College? Dreams? Talk?
Doesn't seem to be corroborated by whatever actions led to his ankle bracelet & house arrest.​

"They speculated that doctors were arguing he wouldn’t follow instructions
because of his grades, run-ins with law enforcement, and
the fact that he was wearing a police ankle bracelet during a medical examination —
something Mosteller said was because of a “youthful indiscretion that had nothing to do with jail.”

“We can’t determine what they mean,” Mosteller told TIME before the hospital reversed its decision.
“They did not say. We only have what they wrote [in a letter].”
Read more:

"An Aug. 7 letter from the hospital, which Bell [family friend] provided to CNN, said that "Anthony is currently not a transplant candidate due to having a history of noncompliance, which is one of our center's contraindications to listing for heart transplant." [CNN sourced]

So the president of this civil rights organization speaking for the family says he can't determine what they mean,
only has what they wrote -- "history of non-compliance history."


Thx to i.b.nora for info a few posts down.
W. linked article's ref to Mosteller as "Reverend" and
the SChristianLC name, I had a brain freeze & wrote "religious organization"
rather than "civil rights organization."
Above, I deleted ref to SCLC as "religious" org.

Just FYI states as first objective
"To promote spiritual principles within our membership and local communities."

ETA2: Deleted some of teen's mom's quote.
Heart transplant eligibility criteria:

• End-stage cardiac disease as a result of poor cardiac function or uncontrollable ventricular arrhythmias that can no longer be treated with medications and/or other surgeries
• Absence of serious systemic illness or other medical conditions that may affect immediate or long-term survival
• Age 68 or less with a high likelihood of becoming healthy, productive, functional individuals with a life expectancy of at least five to 10 years
• Full understanding of transplant procedure, its limitations and long-term compliance to follow-up requirements
• Strong social support network, especially family
• Free from active drug, nicotine or alcohol abuse
• Weight less than 135 percent of IBW


The other linked news article quoted the letter's reference to history of non-compliance.

I'm not saying the teen in question has any active drug, nicotine, or alcohol abuse,
but wonder if the second bolded, underscored criteria may also have been a consideration.
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Nonprofit organization

The Southern Christian Leadership Conference is an African-American civil rights organization. SCLC was closely associated with its first president, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The SCLC had a large role in the American Civil Rights Movement. Wikipedia
<Respectfully snipped by me for space>

Mom, you're saying someone who probably couldn't get to dr. visits deserves a heart?
College? Dreams? Talk?
Doesn't seem to be corroborated by whatever actions led to his ankle bracelet & house arrest.

He is a teenager, after all. :) We all make mistakes, and we humans are certainly more prone to those mistakes in our naive teenage years. I wouldn't necessarily say that his "youthful indiscretions" (although that's an interesting choice of words for something that led to house arrest!) should instantly make the kid ineligible for a heart transplant, though. Sure, the dreams of college and his future job may seem a bit odd when juxtaposed with his past criminal record, but there's plenty of other teenagers who made the same mistakes and successfully went on to graduate college despite their mischievous youth.
He is a teenager, after all. :) We all make mistakes, and we humans are certainly more prone to those mistakes in our naive teenage years. I wouldn't necessarily say that his "youthful indiscretions" (although that's an interesting choice of words for something that led to house arrest!) should instantly make the kid ineligible for a heart transplant, though. Sure, the dreams of college and his future job may seem a bit odd when juxtaposed with his past criminal record, but there's plenty of other teenagers who made the same mistakes and successfully went on to graduate college despite their mischievous youth.

Ballerina, sorry, I should not have referenced not getting to dr's appmts (as predictive of non-compliance) in my above post about "talk about college and dreams of having a computer store." They are separate issues.

Ballerina, thank you for causing me to re-read and clarify my intended point, which did apparently not come across. :seeya:

Yes, agree w. your post - everybody makes mistakes (I made my share and probably more) and despite that, everybody deserves a heart, because we are human.

Not saying he should be ineligible for an organ transplant because of his actions leading to ankle bracelet & house arrest.

Yes, w. a heart transplant and long term medical compliance, this teen could graduate college, could have a computer store, could accomplish great things, conceivably could become POTUS. Who knows, but...

Talk and dreams tug at our heartstrings but are not criteria for organ transplant eligibility that the committee uses to allocate scarce resources to those predicted to have the best outcomes.
If he does get a heart, but doesn't take the meds, or he doesn't go to his appointments, his heart could get rejected and he could die anyway.
Of course all the publicity works, as we know based on Murnaghan case.
""I think that they don't think that we can pay for the medicine.
We probably couldn't get to the doctor visits because of transportation.
I don't have a car," said Hamilton."

Those two obstacles are huge along with the others listed. imo. Without those being guaranteed I do not know how he can get a transplant let alone qualify. jmo and experience having gone through the process with my brother.
Those two obstacles are huge along with the others listed. imo. Without those being guaranteed I do not know how he can get a transplant let alone qualify. jmo and experience having gone through the process with my brother.

Thank you for noting your experience w. organ transplant procedures.

This came from Emory's website list for heart transplant eligility (linked below)
Full understanding of transplant procedure, its limitations and long-term compliance to follow-up requirements
• Strong social support network, especially family

Are these are criteria for nearly any organ transplant, not just heart?

Popsicle or any others w. exp. or health-care prof's?
Can your share about your brother's and family's experience about those 2 points?
Multiple counseling sessions?
Which fam. members were included?

Thanks in advance.
Hoping with his "new parts" your brother is doing well. :seeya:

BTW, link at my post listing critieria, posted upthread yesterday, is broken.
Fresh link
Thank you for noting your experience w. organ transplant procedures.

This came from Emory's website list for heart transplant eligility (linked below)
Full understanding of transplant procedure, its limitations and long-term compliance to follow-up requirements
&#8226; Strong social support network, especially family

Are these are criteria for nearly any organ transplant, not just heart?

Popsicle or any others w. exp. or health-care prof's?
Can your share about your brother's and family's experience about those 2 points?
Multiple counseling sessions?
Which fam. members were included?

Thanks in advance.
Hoping with his "new parts" your brother is doing well. :seeya:

BTW, link at my post listing critieria, posted upthread yesterday, is broken.
Fresh link

You have numerous appts with a social worker, psychologist and a financial counselor, especially with the social worker.

The meetings would have mostly been with my brother and my sis-in-law but because I am a nurse I went through the whole process with them. There were a couple sessions that included my parents as well. He also had many, many medical tests. He had to be cleared of any medical issues. No cancer, no infections, drugs, alcohol....nothing.

My brother found out something was wrong during a visit to donate blood. After many tests he was finally diagnosed with an autoimmune liver disease. His health declined very quickly and was in Georgetown Hospital at the top of the waiting list for MD/DC/VA when a liver finally became available. He was being prepped for surgery while the liver was flown in and we found out it was fatty and no good. He was on the brink of death at that time and all of a sudden the medications started to work and his liver started to regenerate itself enough that now, several years later, he is in remission. Thank you God.

Yes, they work very closely with you because it is very stressful and it is a lifelong commitment you are making to your health and they want to know and be convinced you are going to do this and not waste this chance.

jmo and thanks for the well wishes!

Thanks for explaining what brother & family went through.

Must be excruciating series of apptmts and all that even before the actual transplant.
And then more work to keep up w. the medical side of things.

TY, again.

P.S. anybody else who can relate experience w. this?
I can, my husband is on the heart transplant list now. He is 27. There are multiple classes you have to take. you have to have family support, make your appointments, and a transplant isnt a cure. just an improvement, but organ transplant involves really expensive anti rejection drugs that with our insurance will cost about 300 a month. without insurance your looking at 1500 a month or more!

Transplantation is not a cure!! I have to stress that. Its another disease. There can be many side effects to the drugs. Skin issues, kidney problems, bladder problems etc. I am against people strong arming the transplantation system.
Lack of family support for a child should not be an issue. If his family isn't willing to step up, then he needs a foster family that will.

I'm still upset that foster children, through no fault of their own, are kept off the list!

I'm upset about a few other things too with the list and whose excluded...but I'll save that for another time....
It is not just the support. That can be handled and dealt with as you mentioned Linda. The person does have show he is following his treatment plan though. He will also have to be committed to a lifetime of healthy choices, taking his medications and regular visits to the doctor.
the transplant list isnt geared towards fairness. We have learned that the hard way. It is designed to save lives to those that have the greater chance of success and longevity.
the transplant list isnt geared towards fairness. We have learned that the hard way.
It is designed to save lives to those that have the greater chance of success and longevity.

Could you pls explain a bit more about "not geared towards fairness"?

Thx in adv.
Jmo. People that donate their organs are giving a part of themselves. It would be horrible if this most precious gift was not given to a person who treasured it.
Jmo. People that donate their organs are giving a part of themselves. It would be horrible if this most precious gift was not given to a person who treasured it.
Who is to say he would not treasure life, that's an awful thing to say IMO. I have my donator card, it does not say that none of my organs cannot be given to someone who is not good in their grades, or whether they have taken drugs, or whether they are alcohol dependent, or whether they have been arrested for a crime, I am dead I don't care as long as it keeps someone alive, their worthiness at that point is beyond my control IMO and it should not be in making the decision as to who stays alive and who doesn't.

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