SIDEBAR #12- Arias/Alexander forum

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What was that juror question again about a tiger and a bear??!?!

Fellow "Drug of the Month Club" client, I presume?
This is coming from a person who gets the side effects only 5% of the "test subjects" experienced during drug trials.
I experienced Tinnitus with quite a few meds and the blurred vision. It sucked. Wellbutrin was the biggest culprit and it also made me feel like a wide awake drunk. Was on that stupid stuff for 3 years. It kept me ALIVE, but that was about it.
Look up your medication on Wikipedia and read ALL the side effects. Check the standard dosing and what the "on label" use is for. Many docs give you meds that are "off label", which means they were specifically produced for one medical issue, but they found it also "helped" with another. Cymbalta is classic for that. It was developed for arthritis, but they noticed that many of the test subjects were seeing an improvement in their depression. On label is for Arthritis, off label WAS for depression, I don't know if they're still using it for depression. It was rat poison to me. Seriously, a person in chronic pain IS depressed, when the pain is managed or subsides, of course they're not going to be depressed, duh, but that doesn't MEAN it will work for depression.
Be pro-active.
Make sure you EAT!
Make yourself go outside, even if you just sit and do nothing.
Sometimes making a SMALL list of things you should do around the house will help.
If you have side effects within the first week, CALL your doc. You know your body and it's telling you that particular med isn't right.
There is something out there, by itself, or in combination with other meds, that will work. Sometimes it just takes longer for some of us to find it.
Don't give up.:twocents:
Personally, when Arizona allows the use of THC for Chronic Depression, I'm going to be on it. I am sooooo tired of chemicals.

zanaprin works really well for anxiety/depression. You can buy online. Dose is 1 tablet a day. Effect is right away rather than waiting weeks to see if something will work or not. Only downside, it's not covered by insurance, costs around $55-$60 for 30 tabs.
And a couple more, because you can't have too much Donovan ;).

Donovan - Hurdy Gurdy Man [1968] - YouTube

Donovan ~ Mellow Yellow - YouTube

Gotta love 60's music. It was so innocent! The stuff my kids listen to now hurts my ears, and it's endless ANGST and violence. Yuck. If I want pain I'll watch Honey Boo Boo, now THAT's painful. :giggle:

I was too young for Woodstock, but I'm a huge fan of the music back then.
I was born in the 60's and LOVE 60's, 70's and 80's music the most. I forgot to bring my case of CD's with me today and while driving I was stuck listening to the radio (and I don't have satellite radio) and I had some rock station on and they were playing very "angry nonsense" type of music. I almost always have my CD's with me, and it had been a long time since I listened to the radio. Don't get me wrong...I am a rock and roll chick all the way and I like some heavy stuff, but dang...I don't like the sound of thrashing guitars and grunting vocals. At one point I was convinced that the CD was skipping at the radio station! Give me 60's and 70's music any day of the week!
What about Forever Young by Alphaville? [video=youtube;t1TcDHrkQYg][/video]
Congrats to the people quitting smoking. It is my last vice, and believe me I had many.

I was wanting to quit and then cancer happened. I have just started buying only 1 pack at a time and using an e-cig, but my nerves get the best of me and I walk outside and smoke 2-3 cigarettes. I have smoked for 21 years and my kid gets cancer.....go figure!

Guarantee this book will help you achieve your goal. It has worked for myself and many others I know, its amazing...
Holy moly.......just call my place "Psychos R Us"! In 18 months, my 2nd ex was diagnosed, I was diagnosed, my son went through pre-kindergarten screening and HE was diagnosed with ADD at the age of 4 :floorlaugh: Unfortunately, my mental illnesses didn't allow for me to go insane, or go psychotic like my 2nd ex so I was lucid, sane, and pulling my hair out! I got everything that my son needed to get a handle on ADD, went the Ritalin route (grrrrrr), the doc put him on a downer at night when the Ritalin kept him up, then jacked up the R......I'm outta here! Changed Docs, NO DRUGS, changed my son's diet, made sure he was in Special Ed, had the phone #'s of all of his teachers, gave him COFFEE w/non dairy creamer and sugar at night and he was out like a light in 15 minutes!!!!
This is my son who tested 140 on the IQ test when he was 8. I got both of us through his childhood by telling myself that where one lack's in one thing, one has an over abundance of another. He grew out of his ADD in his early teens, still went to Special Ed.......and he excelled in elementary/ middle and high school. ALWAYS on either the Principal's List or Honor Roll.
ADD is just a different way that a brain learns things. Kids with ADD need more than 2 senses going at the same time and you got to get those senses on fire! 2 + 2 on a chalk board is boring, 2 apples and 2 more apples on a desk are tangible. Throw them all in a basket, one by one, and you have addition for ADD.

We tried the Ritalin route in the beginning also and my son didn't like it. He had to take the pills 3x a day and that meant going to the nurse at lunchtime and that made him "different" in his classmates eyes. They teased him unrelentlessly and he became more "pickable" to them- called him "spaced-out" and other names. We sent him to Catholic School because the classes were smaller and we felt he needed more attention. These children were together all through school 'til High school and he couldn't get rid of the titles that the children so gleefully attached to him (I almost wonder why he wants to be a psychologist- to deal with people on a day-to-day basis- he's not too social now. But he wants to help people so much.)
We switched him to Concerta (not good) and then to Strattera (once a day pill), which did the trick. He doesn't want to get off the pills yet because when he took a break from them, he couldn't concentrate for college.
It's great your son can do without the pills.
My son says the ADD brain is like having a TV on with the channels switching all the time. :scared:
I LOVE Donovan! I was all of eight years old when this song came out, but I remember it fondly. It was one of my favorites. Here's one for you...

Donovan - Season Of The Witch - YouTube

Thanks VivianVance. You have great taste in music :rockon:.

So do you! I think Donovan is fab. Have you heard of these guys (may be a bit before your time):

[ame=""]Peter & Gordon World Without Love - YouTube[/ame]

I think Arias is very well aware of what she has done and is delighted at the control she possesses. Not only over Travis' destiny but her ability to still control his family's life by refusing to tell them the real truth about what happened to their brother.

ITA OBE, but I also think it might be a blessing that they don't know everything. They know enough....that she killed him....and that he suffered terribly. I can understand if they do have a need to know everything, but I also think that they have been traumatized enough already, and it could do more harm than good for them now. She needs to shut up and go away now, so I hope a resolution comes soon for their sake.

I want her to get the DP, but if the first jury wasn't able to come to consensus on it, I hate for them to have to go through another trial. And we all know that the DT will make absolutely sure it drags out as long as possible. I don't want to hear from her or her despicable attorneys anymore, and the Alexander family doesn't need to hear from them anymore either. Bye, bye Jodi.....despite your spin about your "scramble" and your "fog" nobody bought it. Do us all a big favor now and just STFU.
Did she have pets, did she ever hurt a pet or otherwise?

Sooooo .. were they really following the admonition?
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