SIDEBAR #12- Arias/Alexander forum

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More Michael Kiefer using his platform to spew his vitriol at Juan Martinez.

Interesting he makes this remark:

But the information is beginning to leak out. Stephens has released the text of the questions the jurors asked as they came to an impasse on whether Arias should be sentenced to death.
On May 30, Stephens ordered that much of the secret conversations be released to the public as well. Court staff are working on making them available. Stephens, however, is still sitting on perhaps the most controversial material by keeping the seal on sidebars or closed-door hearings where witnesses or jurors were present. Those hearings contain details of the death threats against witnesses and attorneys, and what the judge did or didn’t do about them. They contain details about why three jurors were dismissed.

Yeah well some of us have not forgotten that it was Michael Kiefer who PUBLISHED one of those questions the day it was asked and who identified the foreperson at the same time. Then wittled it down to first removing the foreperson's name from his PUBLISHED ARTICLE, to removing the question all together. If his reporting was on the up and up, why keep up the submarine style editing Kiefer? Huh?

Nothing he reports is to be trusted. I'd like to see those questions just reported verbatim without his editorial spin. But of course he just can't help himself.
Also interesting is the way he writes the sequence of events (shot first):

Arias, 32, was found guilty of first-degree murder on May 8 for the brutal 2008 slaying of her sometime lover, Travis Alexander, 30. Five years ago this week, Arias shot Alexander in the head, stabbed him nearly 30 times, slit his throat and then dumped his body in the shower of his Mesa home. She claimed she killed Alexander in self-defense; the jury thought otherwise.
Where can we read the full transcripts of jury questions that were not asked..I heard some were unsealed today...
Is your opposition purely semantic or grounded in a more subjective objection?

I had a necklace, given to me by my g-parents, within which was a mustard seed. It was a sign of faith. (See below) As a note: They never gave me a necklace holding a grain of salt.

Also note: I am in no way bound by religion. Spiritual? Yes. Born again? I was born once. That's enough.

Here's some Wiki on the mustard seed:
Parable of the Mustard Seed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Also interesting is the way he writes the sequence of events (shot first):

Arias, 32, was found guilty of first-degree murder on May 8 for the brutal 2008 slaying of her sometime lover, Travis Alexander, 30. Five years ago this week, Arias shot Alexander in the head, stabbed him nearly 30 times, slit his throat and then dumped his body in the shower of his Mesa home. She claimed she killed Alexander in self-defense; the jury thought otherwise.

I noticed that the other day as well. He always describes TA's injury sequence as the shot happening first. Frankly I think MK has lost all credibility.
It is so hard to find good objective reporting anymore....I don't trust a lot of media. Beth Karas, though , does it effortlessly. I wish more would report stated facts like her, without throwing in their own personal bias.

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Is it public yet that Beth is resigning

This part?

"But the thing is that if Ms. Wilmott and I were married, I certainly would say I want to F'g kill myself. That doesn't mean I want to kill myself. It means that there is a bad relationship and I'd want you to leave me alone."

:laughcry: My thoughts exactly Mr. Martinez, my thoughts exactly!!!
LOL...I'm laughing because I'm totally confused on this now....which is the Life sentence without parole? Is the "Natural life" option the one that could be pardoned by the Gov in 25 years? Is this the one she's going for? Ok now I'm officially confusing my own dang self. :scared:

Katie, I'm not too sure that info is correct. I believe that because Jodi committed her crime in 2008 she is not subject to the new law that guarantees a LIFE sentence (without any chance of parole) automatically because she was convicted of 1st degree murder. I believe she is subject to the older law that allows the judge to decide LWP after 25 years or LWOP.

However if AZ said otherwise than I trust her knowledge of this jurisdiction since AZ is her area. I could be completely wrong on my recollection.
Ok. Just saw the previews for the lifetime movie.I don't know..something bothers me about them doing a movie so quickly...makes me feel very bad for the families and friends of Travis ...sometimes the media makes me :banghead::banghead::banghead:
What does everyone else think??

Did you notice that Travis' bathroom is different? I did. Makes me mad. Wonder what else they are getting wrong. :stormingmad:
So there is Life without Parole and "Natural Life" ...which is the one which could be pardoned by the Governor?

Hi KCL, our Golden Girl :seeya:. No, natural life is just that. They're there until they die. From what I understand the other option is life with a chance for "release" after 25 years, which only happens if the Governor grants them a pardon. Parole does not apply in M1 cases in AZ anymore.

I can see a judge imposing that if there is some doubt involved with guilt, but it won't happen for her. It's over for Jodi Ann Arias. She has been found guilty, and whether it's life or death she is never walking out of the walls of Perryville prison as a free woman ever again. Once her appeals run their course she'll fade into obscurity. That's what I'm looking forward to.
Is it public yet that Beth is resigning

Yes, on her fb page it talks about yesterday was her final day for In Session/HLN correspondent. I think her being interviewed on NG was a big deal, the two of them collaborated on Court TV a long time.
I wish we still had a dedicated trial thread. The sidebar thread is way too hard to navigate. You have to sort through too many posts to find bits and pieces of updates :(
I sure do miss Juan Martinez!!!!

Glad to read a snippet of his wit at the sidebars. :giggle:
I wish we still had a dedicated trial thread. The sidebar thread is way too hard to navigate. You have to sort through too many posts to find bits and pieces of updates :(

Nothing against music videos or spiritual discussions, I just wanted to get some information myself since stuff is being released.
Yes, on her fb page it talks about yesterday was her final day for In Session/HLN correspondent. I think her being interviewed on NG was a big deal, the two of them collaborated on Court TV a long time.

My SIL will be doing catering for some of the media in Sanford and the HLN guys said yes Nancy and Jane will there but Beth resigned ...
Fellow "Drug of the Month Club" client, I presume?
This is coming from a person who gets the side effects only 5% of the "test subjects" experienced during drug trials.
I experienced Tinnitus with quite a few meds and the blurred vision. It sucked. Wellbutrin was the biggest culprit and it also made me feel like a wide awake drunk. Was on that stupid stuff for 3 years. It kept me ALIVE, but that was about it.
Look up your medication on Wikipedia and read ALL the side effects. Check the standard dosing and what the "on label" use is for. Many docs give you meds that are "off label", which means they were specifically produced for one medical issue, but they found it also "helped" with another. Cymbalta is classic for that. It was developed for arthritis, but they noticed that many of the test subjects were seeing an improvement in their depression. On label is for Arthritis, off label WAS for depression, I don't know if they're still using it for depression. It was rat poison to me. Seriously, a person in chronic pain IS depressed, when the pain is managed or subsides, of course they're not going to be depressed, duh, but that doesn't MEAN it will work for depression.
Be pro-active.
Make sure you EAT!
Make yourself go outside, even if you just sit and do nothing.
Sometimes making a SMALL list of things you should do around the house will help.
If you have side effects within the first week, CALL your doc. You know your body and it's telling you that particular med isn't right.
There is something out there, by itself, or in combination with other meds, that will work. Sometimes it just takes longer for some of us to find it.
Don't give up.:twocents:
Personally, when Arizona allows the use of THC for Chronic Depression, I'm going to be on it. I am sooooo tired of chemicals.

Wellbutrin! That's exactly what he put me on!!! And don't even get me started on Cymbalta. I need to answer the rest tomorrow, I'm heading ni-ni. :eek:fftobed:
Fellow "Drug of the Month Club" client, I presume?
This is coming from a person who gets the side effects only 5% of the "test subjects" experienced during drug trials.
I experienced Tinnitus with quite a few meds and the blurred vision. It sucked. Wellbutrin was the biggest culprit and it also made me feel like a wide awake drunk. Was on that stupid stuff for 3 years. It kept me ALIVE, but that was about it.
Look up your medication on Wikipedia and read ALL the side effects. Check the standard dosing and what the "on label" use is for. Many docs give you meds that are "off label", which means they were specifically produced for one medical issue, but they found it also "helped" with another. Cymbalta is classic for that. It was developed for arthritis, but they noticed that many of the test subjects were seeing an improvement in their depression. On label is for Arthritis, off label WAS for depression, I don't know if they're still using it for depression. It was rat poison to me. Seriously, a person in chronic pain IS depressed, when the pain is managed or subsides, of course they're not going to be depressed, duh, but that doesn't MEAN it will work for depression.
Be pro-active.
Make sure you EAT!
Make yourself go outside, even if you just sit and do nothing.
Sometimes making a SMALL list of things you should do around the house will help.
If you have side effects within the first week, CALL your doc. You know your body and it's telling you that particular med isn't right.
There is something out there, by itself, or in combination with other meds, that will work. Sometimes it just takes longer for some of us to find it.
Don't give up.:twocents:
Personally, when Arizona allows the use of THC for Chronic Depression, I'm going to be on it. I am sooooo tired of chemicals.
Cymbalta is still used and yes, it does work for some people. I do know some it works for who have fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis and depression and it helps with both..they are not pain free but some of it is lessened. Both still have to use actual pain meds from time to time. This does not mean it will work for everyone with these illnesses, or who have depression.
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