SIDEBAR #12- Arias/Alexander forum

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<respectfully snipped>

What is really disgusting to me is that there are many people living with BPD and PTSD who will never physically harm another human being. For the DT to imply that this is what caused JA to do what she did or played a hand in it is not only disgusting, it will promote misconceptions of mental illness in general and set us back in the effort to educate the public.

Agree. Well said. This may potentially become a significant case about Legal use of Psychiatric labels in a Court of Law with implications for defense & prosecution cases. E. g. The Batman movie theatre mass murderer is able to use legal insanity as his defense. So there must be valid diagnostic major mental illness for that to be accepted to absolve him of full responsibility for his crimes against society IMO. However, the use of Personality Disorders (Character Disorders) is another matter for consideration. PDs are usually able to live freely in society as adults with full capacity to make reasonable decisions. In the murder of Travis the evidence demonstrated premeditation, pre-planning, significant calculation before and after the crime and aggravated cruelty. It was not an impulsive act before or after the fact IMHO. It demonstrated use of sophisticated cognitive skills by the murderer.
I always love your stories too! My parents lived on a Navajo reservation as missionaries the summer before I was born, I can't remember the name... And my grandfather's family were cattlemen and horsemen, so a lot of your stories pull together memories of things I've heard from them! Thanks!:seeya:

Oh, man! I LOVED working up on the rez! 4 Corners, Hopi, Navajo, and Zuni tribes. The people are awesome, their culture and traditions.....Amazing place! I had 5 years of transporting and setting up mobile homes all over that area. I have never felt so comfortable or at home in those surroundings. Many times, when we finished up a set, the Medicine Man would come and bless the house. It was such an honor be allowed there for the ceremony. I was the only "girl" on the crew and eventually I ran my own crew, all men.
We were usually doing what we called "Suicide Runs", basically running the new units from the factories in Chandler and Litchfield Park, up to Tuba City, where the main sales lot was, back to back, drive to the home site, drop the unit and start putting it together. We had 2 transporters (running during daylight w/the loads and dead heading it back to the factories) and 3 crews, each crew at a different site. We'd crash out at the site when we got too tired to do anymore, usually under generator powered halogen lights working til 3:00-4:00 in the morning. (Most of the sites didn't have electricity within 20 miles or more) Longest stretch I did w/o a break to go home was 14 2 kids met me at the door with the hose and told me to come in the laundry room door, :floorlaugh:
I started putting red dots on all the places we set homes on a map: Kayenta, Kykotsmovi (K-Town), Black Mesa, First, 2nd and 3rd Mesa's, Keam's Canyon, Many Farms, Gray Mountain, Ganado, Mexican Hat, Chinle, St. Micheals, Hotevilla, Lukachukai, Ft. dots everywhere!
I had an inkling about "shape shifters" as a teenager, Carlos Casteneda's books were a must read. We had an experience one night about 10 miles outside of Shungopovi, we had stopped work and were making our "dinner" on a propane camping stove. (Loved it that the guys would cook!) Patrick was watching the chicken cook and I had some fresh corn rolled up in tin foil, Steve was out collecting the tools that got scattered a bit when the 2nd crew had come and pillaged our service truck. :facepalm:
Then, there was these eyes, caught by our propane camp lights....fiery gold, just staring down at Steve's backside, not more than 20 feet away. Like, WTF? We're a good 5 miles from any dwelling and there weren't any sheep on the mesa.
Peeps, never go out in the boonies without a firearm, or 2, take a memo if you need to...
In a matter of less than 45 seconds, I'm eating Patrick's dust as he hauled a$$ to the service truck to get his 9mm, and trying to whisper "hey, DUDE" to get Steve's attention, Steve straightens up and out of the darkness slinks the biggest, growling coyote any of us had ever seen, teeth bared, BIG yellow fangs, and it drops down in a could just see it's fur ripple as it was tightening it's haunches to spring forward, it's coat was just weird, like the tips had been dipped in silver highlights and each hair was it's own living, folks, my usage of illicit substances had been over for a good 5 years, this was no flashback........and Patrick took his shot.
There was this scream, not a howl, or yelp, this blood curdling scream, not quite human, definitely NOT coyote, and it was gone. We found a faint blood trail, but nothing that was significant, and NO WAY were we going to follow anything THAT big, in the dark, wounded and pi$$ed off to no end. Needless to say, we did NOT sleep under the stars that night, no, we hunkered down in the double wide with the doors locked and windows latched tight....
Next morning, finished the shingles on the ridge line and we pack up, drive the 10 miles back into Shungopovi, and stop at a little store to grab some Sun Chips and beef jerky (Breakfast of Champions). One of the Rez police was talking to the store owner.........
One of the locals who lived about 5 miles out had to be taken to Tuba City and on into Flagstaff. Somehow he had gotten himself shot in the shoulder the night before and the Flagstaff Medical Center had removed a 9mm slug. The store owner laughed and said something about it could have been the man's wife, but they hadn't ever come in to buy 9mm ammo.
And I will never forget this. The rez police said "He was probably just out stealing chickens again and got caught in someone's crosshairs. Doubt he'll be using all fours for a while" And then he winked at the store owner and they both had a huge belly laugh.
Steve dropped the Sun Chips, my hands were frozen trying to get cash out of my wallet, Patrick could have been knocked over with a feather, all 6'2 of him...and I'll bet we turned into the whitest white folk these 2 had ever seen.
Did I mention that they have the best damn mutton on fry bread up there?

That's the experience of why I have a different respect for coyotes........:eek:fftobed:
Super quick my dad learned how to make the fry bread, and I loved it! Great story! I'll get the name of their reservation and let you know!

I know what you mean about the silver tips of the coyotes fur...

When I first moved into my house a well meaning neighbor told me to keep my cats indoors. We have dens upon dens of fox. They aren't aggressive and are almost tame. I've seen several in the day time. Once I was turning the corner in my car and one was standing in the middle of the street. He looked straight at me and just casually strolled off with a squirrel in its mouth. The neighbor told me that a fox even made off with a neighbors Pomeranian.

For about a month I kept seeing a white/ silver fox pass by at about the same time every night. I decided I was going to wait on my porch to get a better look at it. This was a lot larger than a fox, and was sort of lanky like a large German shepherd puppy. So immediately I started a plan to become friends with the puppy, because hey it must be a stray. I would put food out every night. It suddenly vanished and didn't come by, but the food was gone. I pinned it on the raccoons, and forgot about it... Until I was watching something on the news and they showed some coyotes!! I knew immediately that was no puppy! I never believed a fox would bother with the Pomeranian, and I never said anything to my neighbor to change his mind. He never came back, but he was always very graceful and beautiful to watch.:seeya:
I am exhausted. Who would have thought that two little :angel: :angel: could wear you out like this.
We need a thread for youtube videos! Guilty as charged! :seeya:
does anyone know what time NG behind bars is on tonight??
This was posted on the St vs Jodi Arias page. I sure hope the Alexanders find peace soon. It has been a long time coming.

A message from Tanisha, Travis' sister:

Today it has been 5 years since my sweet brother was taken out of this life and our hearts are crushed and sadden by the horrible reminder of this day. Although the pain is still as fresh as it was 5 years ago , at least we know that Justice is near and we will soon have some closure.

I miss and love Travy so very much! I hope someday not to be haunted with the anger I have inside of me for the one who has caused my family to hurt like this . I know Travis doesn't feel anymore pain and he is with Our Heavenly Father and Our Savior Jesus Christ. I just can't get out of my mind what he was thinking and how scared he must of been on that horrible night.

Travis will never be forgotten and his memories will never fade, and look at all these people who he still touches and inspires today.
Together we will stand united as we seek Justice for Travis!

Our hearts are filled with great gratitude for the out pouring of support we have gotten from around the world. We feel the love in all the cards, donations, gifts, the sweet comments and messages thru this page and other pages. We know you will continue to support us as we endure thru this nightmare and until we have Justice. We will continue to love all of you for brightening up these dark days.

Travis and his Legacy Lives on and I can see it in all of you as you reach out with kindness.
Agree. Well said. This may potentially become a significant case about Legal use of Psychiatric labels in a Court of Law with implications for defense & prosecution cases. E. g. The Batman movie theatre mass murderer is able to use legal insanity as his defense. So there must be valid diagnostic major mental illness for that to be accepted to absolve him of full responsibility for his crimes against society IMO. However, the use of Personality Disorders (Character Disorders) is another matter for consideration. PDs are usually able to live freely in society as adults with full capacity to make reasonable decisions. In the murder of Travis the evidence demonstrated premeditation, pre-planning, significant calculation before and after the crime and aggravated cruelty. It was not an impulsive act before or after the fact IMHO. It demonstrated use of sophisticated cognitive skills by the murderer.

James Holmes might be crazy, probably is, BUT look what he did, and how much planning went into it. Same with Jodi. Normal people don't do what these two did. But, evil does exist. Both wanted to kill someone, or many, that they didn't even know.
The Bible says, the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. Peoples loved ones and peace of mind were stolen, many killed and another part of all our lives destroyed. These murderers need to face their punishment, quickly.
Easy to say, Oh they were sick, or crazy, when the real truth is they are EVIL.
I have been wondering if any news stations have requested the closed hearing/side bar transcripts yet. I am anticipating reading them. I hope we do not have to wait to long. As a matter of fact, I hope we get some by the weekend. They will be a good read for the rainy days ahead that are predicted here later this week and they should start some good discussions and hopefully answer some questions we have.
Hi MM :seeya: Kyle had blood and platelet transfusions yesterday afternoon into the night. He also has been getting a shot every day to bring up his White blood count.
The Dr. came in earlier and said his counts were coming up, but slowly. Today is the only day he hasn't ran a fever, I am grateful for that. They are also going to try carafate for the sores in his mouth and down his throat. He has GOT to start eating and drinking.....I certainly don't want to see him have to get a feeding tube.

This floor is definitely heartbreaking. There is a baby, she looks about 13 months old, and she has cancer and Down's Syndrome. She's the sweetest little thing.

I am glad his counts are heading up. Praying he is able to comfortably eat/drink soon! Kids floors are so heartbreaking... both the kids and the parents look so exhausted. Wishing you peace and love.
BPD. STOP making EXCUSES for murderers. So sick of her.
Exactly! I'm sure there have been many put on Death Row, not for the BPD or psychopathy they exhibited, but for the heinous and brutal nature of their crimes. Arias should be no exception ...
Wow, Bernina, thanks for sharing that experience! Your life is quite an interesting adventure that wakens all the senses.

When I got home from work yesterday, I started searching youtube - I needed to listen to drumming/chanting. I don't know why, other than it reaches me so deep to the core. I didn't want to do anything else, not read nor watch tv, and I had no conversation in me.

Here's a well known song....
Oh, man! I LOVED working up on the rez! 4 Corners, Hopi, Navajo, and Zuni tribes. The people are awesome, their culture and traditions.....Amazing place! I had 5 years of transporting and setting up mobile homes all over that area. I have never felt so comfortable or at home in those surroundings. Many times, when we finished up a set, the Medicine Man would come and bless the house. It was such an honor be allowed there for the ceremony. I was the only "girl" on the crew and eventually I ran my own crew, all men.
We were usually doing what we called "Suicide Runs", basically running the new units from the factories in Chandler and Litchfield Park, up to Tuba City, where the main sales lot was, back to back, drive to the home site, drop the unit and start putting it together. We had 2 transporters (running during daylight w/the loads and dead heading it back to the factories) and 3 crews, each crew at a different site. We'd crash out at the site when we got too tired to do anymore, usually under generator powered halogen lights working til 3:00-4:00 in the morning. (Most of the sites didn't have electricity within 20 miles or more) Longest stretch I did w/o a break to go home was 14 2 kids met me at the door with the hose and told me to come in the laundry room door, :floorlaugh:
I started putting red dots on all the places we set homes on a map: Kayenta, Kykotsmovi (K-Town), Black Mesa, First, 2nd and 3rd Mesa's, Keam's Canyon, Many Farms, Gray Mountain, Ganado, Mexican Hat, Chinle, St. Micheals, Hotevilla, Lukachukai, Ft. dots everywhere!
I had an inkling about "shape shifters" as a teenager, Carlos Casteneda's books were a must read. We had an experience one night about 10 miles outside of Shungopovi, we had stopped work and were making our "dinner" on a propane camping stove. (Loved it that the guys would cook!) Patrick was watching the chicken cook and I had some fresh corn rolled up in tin foil, Steve was out collecting the tools that got scattered a bit when the 2nd crew had come and pillaged our service truck. :facepalm:
Then, there was these eyes, caught by our propane camp lights....fiery gold, just staring down at Steve's backside, not more than 20 feet away. Like, WTF? We're a good 5 miles from any dwelling and there weren't any sheep on the mesa.
Peeps, never go out in the boonies without a firearm, or 2, take a memo if you need to...
In a matter of less than 45 seconds, I'm eating Patrick's dust as he hauled a$$ to the service truck to get his 9mm, and trying to whisper "hey, DUDE" to get Steve's attention, Steve straightens up and out of the darkness slinks the biggest, growling coyote any of us had ever seen, teeth bared, BIG yellow fangs, and it drops down in a could just see it's fur ripple as it was tightening it's haunches to spring forward, it's coat was just weird, like the tips had been dipped in silver highlights and each hair was it's own living, folks, my usage of illicit substances had been over for a good 5 years, this was no flashback........and Patrick took his shot.
There was this scream, not a howl, or yelp, this blood curdling scream, not quite human, definitely NOT coyote, and it was gone. We found a faint blood trail, but nothing that was significant, and NO WAY were we going to follow anything THAT big, in the dark, wounded and pi$$ed off to no end. Needless to say, we did NOT sleep under the stars that night, no, we hunkered down in the double wide with the doors locked and windows latched tight....
Next morning, finished the shingles on the ridge line and we pack up, drive the 10 miles back into Shungopovi, and stop at a little store to grab some Sun Chips and beef jerky (Breakfast of Champions). One of the Rez police was talking to the store owner.........
One of the locals who lived about 5 miles out had to be taken to Tuba City and on into Flagstaff. Somehow he had gotten himself shot in the shoulder the night before and the Flagstaff Medical Center had removed a 9mm slug. The store owner laughed and said something about it could have been the man's wife, but they hadn't ever come in to buy 9mm ammo.
And I will never forget this. The rez police said "He was probably just out stealing chickens again and got caught in someone's crosshairs. Doubt he'll be using all fours for a while" And then he winked at the store owner and they both had a huge belly laugh.
Steve dropped the Sun Chips, my hands were frozen trying to get cash out of my wallet, Patrick could have been knocked over with a feather, all 6'2 of him...and I'll bet we turned into the whitest white folk these 2 had ever seen.
Did I mention that they have the best damn mutton on fry bread up there?

That's the experience of why I have a different respect for coyotes........:eek:fftobed:

Thank you for the wonderful story, Bernina.
Back to talk the other day:


And a link to the Queen's Coronation pic

At the other end of the scale....

Camilla shall never be Queen, Snaffler. The Duchess of Cambridge shall prevail owing to her great photogenicity.
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