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I'll check out your links. Thank you! :blowkiss:

I have an app on my iPhone called "My Last Cigarette". It keeps track of how long it's been since your last cigarette and how much money you've saved, but the best part is it tells you all the health benefits you are getting. It even tells you how much longer you will live. (That is IF you don't go all Jodi Arias and kill somebody and get the DP. In that case, all bets are off.) :floorlaugh:

I have to laugh at a commercial for Chantix (a pill to quit smoking). One of the possible side effects is suicidal thoughts! :gasp: I think to myself, "That's great! I could just decide if I want to "OFF" someone else, because I need a cigarette, or if I want to OFF myself. No thanks!

Besides, I don't take pills. It's just a THING with me. When I was young and having babies I had a hard time with severe morning sickness so my doctor prescribed a medication that was supposed to help. Being the good little girl that I was, I had the prescription filled and took it home and put it in the medicine cabinet. Never took a single one.

I was about 8 months along with my daughter when my Dad called me and told me what he just heard on the news. It was about a drug for women with severe morning sickness and they just discovered it caused horrible birth defects. He said it was called Thalidomide and he asked was I taking it. I told him the only thing I took that the doctor prescribed was prenatal vitamins. But I remembered that bottle of pills in the medicine cabinet and I went and looked at it. Sure enough. It was Thalidomide.

That incident got me to reading everything I could get my hands on about prescription medications, which led me to be suspicious of them. To this day, very few pills, other than an aspirin get consumed by me.:twocents:

BBM...Yikes...very scary stuff! Thank heavens you didn't take it...
Wishing posters luck on their quit smoking journey. You can do it. I have done it twice. Back smoking presently :blushing: Never quit quitting. I did figure out my trigger than prompted me to start up again both times. Pain. Had a kidney stone and a knee problem requiring surgery. So now I know my trigger and will give er another go when ready. If anyone is entertaining Chantix please be aware of the side effects. I was one of the percentage that had every side effect. It was horrific for my Family. I have no memory of that time. I would be fine then every few days I would zone out for hours. I have never hit a person in my life. I would start repeating a word and hubby knew here we go. I was violent toward him. Thankfully I am tiny and didn't hurt him. I would smash my head against walls. Tried to smother myself with a blanket. Again no memory of any of it. I don't know how many trips were made taking me to hospital and Crisis Nurses at my house. Finally I was sedated basically for a month. It was before all the side effect warnings were out. I know I did other things my Husband never told me about. It was hugely embarrassing and humiliating and still is to this day. It helps to talk about it and get the word out. It is a drug that crosses the brain. My brain didn't like it. I'm known to be a calm quiet person so it was tough for Family and friends see me acting like a complete lunatic:blushing:
I'll check out your links. Thank you! :blowkiss:

I have an app on my iPhone called "My Last Cigarette". It keeps track of how long it's been since your last cigarette and how much money you've saved, but the best part is it tells you all the health benefits you are getting. It even tells you how much longer you will live. (That is IF you don't go all Jodi Arias and kill somebody and get the DP. In that case, all bets are off.) :floorlaugh:

I have to laugh at a commercial for Chantix (a pill to quit smoking). One of the possible side effects is suicidal thoughts! :gasp: I think to myself, "That's great! I could just decide if I want to "OFF" someone else, because I need a cigarette, or if I want to OFF myself. No thanks!

Besides, I don't take pills. It's just a THING with me. When I was young and having babies I had a hard time with severe morning sickness so my doctor prescribed a medication that was supposed to help. Being the good little girl that I was, I had the prescription filled and took it home and put it in the medicine cabinet. Never took a single one.

I was about 8 months along with my daughter when my Dad called me and told me what he just heard on the news. It was about a drug for women with severe morning sickness and they just discovered it caused horrible birth defects. He said it was called Thalidomide and he asked was I taking it. I told him the only thing I took that the doctor prescribed was prenatal vitamins. But I remembered that bottle of pills in the medicine cabinet and I went and looked at it. Sure enough. It was Thalidomide.

That incident got me to reading everything I could get my hands on about prescription medications, which led me to be suspicious of them all. To this day, very few pills, other than an aspirin get consumed by me.:twocents:

You seriously have the best stories! I don't know if this has been brought forward, but I just saw it from last night, and thought others would be amazed (hope you don't mind :fence:):

Go Ducks! Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Oregon Coast
Posts: 3,656

Originally Posted by SyraKelly
I want to hear it-TIA

I was afraid of that:

I was living in Simi Valley, California and had 4 year old twin boys. I was a member of the Simi Valley Mother's of Twins Club which was a philanthropic organization. I also worked as a grocery checker in Chatsworth, which was just "over the hill" from Simi Valley. One of my regular customers was Mr. Spahn and what I assumed was his wife and red-headed daughter. They were always together as Mr. Spahn was blind. Mr. Spahn owned the "Spahn Ranch" which was used for many western movie sets.

Simi Valley was about to get a 4 lane highway to connect to the San Fernando Valley. The current road at the time was a deadly 2 lane mountainous road, so this was a BIG DEAL. There was going to be a big celebration including a parade. The Twins Club decided to enter a float and elected me head of the committee to design and build the float. (Yeah, I know, ask the divorced gal that has 4 kids under 4 years of age, a 40 hour a week job and goes to real estate school at night to take on the biggest fund raising project of the year. ) Anyway, my idea for the float was to portray Simi Valley coming of age from the wagon trail era. For this we needed a buckboard. I knew Spahn Ranch had buckboards. The next week when Mr. Spahn and family came in I asked if we could borrow one and he said yes and we agreed upon a time for me to come out and make the arrangements.

It was early summer and didn't get dark until 8:00 or 9:00 pm. But Mr. Spahn asked me to come out about 7:30. I took my friend, Eunice (also a mother of twins, misery loves company) and off we went to the ranch. When we got there they were eating dinner at a very long "table" made from rough building studs. The house looked like it had never been cleaned, EVER! It was a wooden structure made from old barn wood, just like in the old movies. There were about 10 people at the table. They made the introductions. We met Tex Watson, a girl named Squeaky, a few others and…a Mr. Charlie Manson! This whole bunch were the dirtiest motley crew I'd ever seen in my life. The "serving dishes" were dinged up pots that the food had been cooked in. Tex asked for someone to pass him a certain pot just as the dog came to his side. He lowered the pot for the dog to take a few bites then he spooned some onto his own metal plate and passed it along. At about this point, Eunice grabbed my hand and she never let go. I'm sure our eyes were big as saucers and I was hoping the "family" couldn't see the hair standing up on the back of our necks. We wanted to leave but we were told Charlie would take us out to select which size buckboard we needed when they finished eating. (Thank God they didn't offer us a plate!) The sun was starting to go down by now.

As I said in my original post, it's not a riveting story. We got our buckboard but when they offered to deliver it we gave the address of the school. (We didn't want them knowing where we lived.) And we did win 1st place with our float. Also, Eunice and I learned to imbibe alcoholic beverages. But we actually cried like babies when we learned what happened to the Tate/La Bianca families. We felt the EVIL just being in the same room with them, watching them eat a meal. I can't imagine the terror those poor people felt when that bunch began murdering them.

So you ask me if I know Charlie Manson? Yeah, I "had dinner" with Charlie Manson.

Here's a link for you KIDS who don't know who Charlie is:
Hi, HO! :floorlaugh:

Proud of you! I would have joined you yesterday, but I have 3 1/2 packs left out of my last carton. I will have to finish them off before I can quit. There's no way I can quit knowing they are in the cupboard. That would be like trying to start a diet with 1/2 a pizza sitting in the fridge. :gasp: And at $6 a pack, I'm too cheap to toss them or give them away.:blushing:

When I finally quit (over 10 years now) I surprised myself by throwing away a partial pack in the middle of the day. All the previous times I would smoke up all the cigs before bedtime (I rarely bought cartons) so I could "quit" in the morning. I'd usually last til 10 or 11 pm, maybe til the next day.

So if the urge does hit you to throw them away and just quit, act on it! You never know. It's worth a $12 or $18 risk if you do get the feeling "it's time."

(years ago, after Katrina I was going through my 72 hour kit (I live in earthquake country.) Being the prepared person I was, there were three packs of marlboros in there, along with books I always meant to read. and all the regular stuff. I went to toss the cigs, it never occurred to me to smoke them, when I quit it was because I really didn't want to smoke anymore. I didn't even think of wanting them. But then I thought, "hey if we have the "big one" and it's a Katrina-type situation these cigarettes will be worth their weight in gold. So they're still in the box (desperate smokers won't care they're 10 years old, I wouldn't have)
BBM...Yikes...very scary stuff! Thank heavens you didn't take it...

I meant to tell you, CONGRATULATIONS to you for being A QUITTER! You are an inspiration. :seeya:
I'll be joining the quit club tommorow! Can you believe a pack of smokes is 10.00?!? I'm in Ontario and they soak you in taxes on cigarettes. I'm sooo ready to quit after 20+ years of smoking. I've only ever quit while pregnant with my kids (but lit up as soon as they were born, dumb!) I'll use the money I save to reward myself and maybe take a trip down the road. Congrats on your decision to quit! Are you going to go cold turkey ? Me, I prefer the patch. It worked for me before so I'll give it a go again - for the last time I hope!

I'm going to throw out all my lighters and ashtrays and stock up on gum, sunflower seeds etc. ready to do this!! My kids are a great motivator too, they keep asking me when I'm going to quit so I'll be happy to finally do it and set a good example for them. It really hit home when my son said "Mommy smoking is dangerous, you could die!!" he's only 4 years old :( I felt like crap. He shouldn't need to worry about me dying. Just hope I can handle the stress of quitting while dealing with 3 kids under, this should be interesting! ;) good luck to you and Hopeful One. Let's get r done!!

I'm almost embarrassed to say that one of my first thoughts after delivering my son was "ahh, I can smoke now"

Ten years clean I wish you luck. It will happen
I've smoked for 35 years. I quit several times. Once for 2 years but started up again when I got THAT CALL that no parent wants to get in the middle of the night. (He survived, thank God!)

I've used the patch before, but I've got an E-cig now. That and some snacks and determination will do it.

One thing I've learned is that, FOR ME, I can't quit smoking for SOMEONE ELSE. I have to quit because it's what I really want to do. I've tried quitting because the doctor says I should, or because my kids think I should, or for Travis. I just wind up deciding I hate that person and I need a cigarette. So it's all in the mind set. (But I think $10 a pack could do it for me!!!)

I am a widow so I have no one to support me. Maybe, if we could have a WS thread for those of us that are quitting/want to quit where we can go and talk it out and share tips without posting on trial threads, it would be a big help towards our success. What do you think? :what:

I'm wondering if the big difference for me was a mindset change from all the other times I tried.

I was at the grocery store and there was a woman pulling the oxygen tank. I thought "I do not want that to be me." Then I started thinking of it as "I don't want to be a smoker" as compared to "I want to quit smoking." Subtle but big difference. I didn't want to be defined as a "smoker" by myself or anyone else anymore. I threw the pack away within a few days of this and never looked back, never even really craved a cigarette.
I've smoked for 35 years. I quit several times. Once for 2 years but started up again when I got THAT CALL that no parent wants to get in the middle of the night. (He survived, thank God!)

I've used the patch before, but I've got an E-cig now. That and some snacks and determination will do it.

One thing I've learned is that, FOR ME, I can't quit smoking for SOMEONE ELSE. I have to quit because it's what I really want to do. I've tried quitting because the doctor says I should, or because my kids think I should, or for Travis. I just wind up deciding I hate that person and I need a cigarette. So it's all in the mind set. (But I think $10 a pack could do it for me!!!)

I am a widow so I have no one to support me. Maybe, if we could have a WS thread for those of us that are quitting/want to quit where we can go and talk it out and share tips without posting on trial threads, it would be a big help towards our success. What do you think? :what:

First, I'm very relieved to hear that your son survived! I can't imagine enduring something like that with my kids. I think your idea of a thread for us quitting smoking is an excellent idea!! I am not a widow but my hubby isnt very supportive. He smokes and isn't interested in quitting right now so it would be great to have some support. Maybe a mod can consider our request?

I have reccently lost a good friend who was only 43 from cancer that was caused from smoking. He had a little 5 yr old girl born the same day as my daughter. She's now growing up without a daddy and his widow is having a very bad time with depression. Looking at my own three kids I can't imagine them having to grow up without a mom because of my smoking. So let's be quit buddies here and encourage and support each other. We CAN and WILL do this!
Hi, weirdos!!

Day Two of no smoking in honor of Travis!!! :woot:

Good for you! The hardest part for me was the first 24 hours. My BF went from a pack/day smoker to cold turkey over a month ago.

I quit too! So liberating knowing that stuff is gone! I have the Thrive gum and use e-ciggys.

Hang in there, it will just get easier. :D
Hi, HO! :floorlaugh:

Proud of you! I would have joined you yesterday, but I have 3 1/2 packs left out of my last carton. I will have to finish them off before I can quit. There's no way I can quit knowing they are in the cupboard. That would be like trying to start a diet with 1/2 a pizza sitting in the fridge. :gasp: And at $6 a pack, I'm too cheap to toss them or give them away.:blushing:

Oh I know what you mean!! Every time I've tried to quit, it's been "after this pack." Then of course I'd buy another one. :D
Anyone who quits smoking deserves praises. It is not easy, but worthwhile.
Me and 4 friends from work, used to go to lunch together daily. Two of which smoke. I always drove, so they weren't allowed to smoke in my car. They had their cigarette and lighter in their hand when they opened the car door, carried them into the restaurant and continued smoking till the food arrived, finished that cigarette, then ate. When they put the last bite into their mouth, they took out the cig and lighter, and lit it up. 4 to 5 cigs in the lunch period. THEN-no smoking in restaurants went into effect in our city. Now they eat as fast as they can and run outside to smoke.
The other non-smoking friend and I have discussed how obsessed with it they were. I have never been a smoker, so I really don't understand it, but glad I didn't go down that path. (by the way, cigs are $5 a pkg here)
Good luck to everyone trying to quit, for your health and your budget!
Anyone have a link to Jodi's voicemail to Travis she left him knowingly what she did to him.

Fognesia™ my butt.

Cubbeegirl...that link doesn't work for me...

Hi Hopeful, great job keep it up.:rockon::rockon:

I've been gone for almost a week trying to catch up. Has any important info come out? BTW before I took off on my 1300 mile road trip I hadn't seen Rose222, has she been around?

Good question...I haven't seen Rose222 or Softail for awhile now...Hope they're okay...

Okay...must vent having horrible day...I bought a small house only six years ago.

My mom (who lives with me) called earlier to tell me there is water on the carpet and water traveling up one wall. O JOY

The plumber has been there for awhile and hasn't found the leak yet. JOY JOY

The last time she called a few minutes ago he was cutting a hole in our walll

Plus, the document I edited this morning was a MESS and gave me a headache...

Whenever I feel guilty for complainging becasue things could be so much worse I think of a line Poirot shay in one of his Agatha Christie mysteries....

"Mon ami, just because your neighbor has a broken leg does not mean the finger you smashed with the hammer does not hurt."

The only thing that will cure my "smashed finger" is a free plumber and some ISLEY BROTHERS...the Plimsouls would work too...
Remember that first cigarette? It made me cough, hack and light headed. I had to teach myself HOW to smoke.

I taught myself NOT to smoke. Tough, but it can be done. I became aware of when i would smoke. Picking up a cigarette was more of a ritual than wanting to smoke.

Light a cigarette in preparation to cook.

---- To make a phone call.

---- To sit down and watch a tv show.

---- To put on make up.

---- Because a meal was over

---- Because I woke up

Different rituals for people. Becoming aware of it.

Very True!
I had lots of triggers, the worst was when I was driving. Every day at the same stoplight I would reach for the pack! I finally made my self drive a different way to work. :facepalm: I seriously cannot smoke and walk at the same time, so walking really helped! :seeya:

My new goal is to be completely done by 40! :seeya:
I've smoked for 35 years. I quit several times. Once for 2 years but started up again when I got THAT CALL that no parent wants to get in the middle of the night. (He survived, thank God!)

I've used the patch before, but I've got an E-cig now. That and some snacks and determination will do it.

One thing I've learned is that, FOR ME, I can't quit smoking for SOMEONE ELSE. I have to quit because it's what I really want to do. I've tried quitting because the doctor says I should, or because my kids think I should, or for Travis. I just wind up deciding I hate that person and I need a cigarette. So it's all in the mind set. (But I think $10 a pack could do it for me!!!)

I am a widow so I have no one to support me. Maybe, if we could have a WS thread for those of us that are quitting/want to quit where we can go and talk it out and share tips without posting on trial threads, it would be a big help towards our success. What do you think? :what:

:seeya: Hello fellow Oregonian. I've smoked for almost 40 years. I've tried the e cigs, but I draw so hard to get the vapor it makes my tongue hurt :floorlaugh: . The only time I've been able to quit was when I had pneumonia in 2004. Course I started right back up as soon as I could :banghead: I honestly have to get sick before I can try to stop. I can find cartons here for $57.00 which just kills me. My friend in Washington pays $10 a pack. I think I'd be smoking lawn clippings at that price. I'd be really happy if we could start a stop smoking thread!
Congratulations!! I had to reply because I just bought the patch last week and was determined to start this past Monday. Well my 14 month old fell and needed stitches and I ended up having my 2 older kids home from school sick..but never too sick to fight!! My nerves were shot by 12 o'clock and I thought if I try to start today I'm going to jump off the roof lol.

So I've picked tommorow to start when things will be back to normal--well as normal as it ever gets around here!

Did you go cold turkey or are you using the patch? I decided to try the patch because it worked each time I had to quit while pregnant. (if only I'd stayed quit when the baby was born!!) just wanted to send you lots of positive vibes and if you've done this before you know that after the first week it gets lots better. Remember to reward yourself! I plan on spending the money I usually spend on smokes (70-80 bucks a week!! Argh!) on something for myself. Clothes, a manicure and much needed pedicure, hair done (I look like cousin IT, I think that'll be my first reward)

Stay strong and again Congrats!! Only a fellow smoker knows how long 2 days is to not smoke, it's huge!! :) Btw, there's a really cool site that tracks how much you've saved by quitting and shows the health benefits after the first hours, days weeks etc. of not smoking. I'll try and find it for you. I'm going tonight to stock up on (mostly) healthy snacks to keep busy. Sunflower seeds were my thing last time. My tongue went numb from all the salt tho! Lol.

Thank you!!!

Luckily (I guess) I didn't smoke a ton, maybe a pack a week. My problem is that my sister is a big smoker and I drive by her house on the way home from work, so it's veeery convenient to stop and "borrow a cigarette". That's going to be my biggest hurdle.

I'm going cold turkey. Well, at least I'll try it. When I've thought about having one the past two days, I really do just think of my kids and Travis. So far it's worked.

Good luck to you!
Would the defense not need a psychiatric eval on Jodi, and MD who is a psychiatrist to determine any diagnosis that might be evident? I wouldn't think a psychologist alone would fly. I am not knocking the psychologist, but asking this from my viewpoint as an RN. Thanks
Hi Hopeful, great job keep it up.:rockon::rockon:

I've been gone for almost a week trying to catch up. Has any important info come out? BTW before I took off on my 1300 mile road trip I hadn't seen Rose222, has she been around?

Last time I saw Rose222, she wrote a long post about Travis and Jodi's relationship. Hope she comes around soon.:seeya:
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