SIDEBAR #12- Arias/Alexander forum

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It's driving me INSANE!!!!!! :pullhair:
Cubbeegirl...that link doesn't work for me...

Good question...I haven't seen Rose222 or Softail for awhile now...Hope they're okay...

Okay...must vent having horrible day...I bought a small house only six years ago.

My mom (who lives with me) called earlier to tell me there is water on the carpet and water traveling up one wall. O JOY

The plumber has been there for awhile and hasn't found the leak yet. JOY JOY

The last time she called a few minutes ago he was cutting a hole in our walll

Plus, the document I edited this morning was a MESS and gave me a headache...

Whenever I feel guilty for complainging becasue things could be so much worse I think of a line Poirot shay in one of his Agatha Christie mysteries....

"Mon ami, just because your neighbor has a broken leg does not mean the finger you smashed with the hammer does not hurt."

The only thing that will cure my "smashed finger" is a free plumber and some ISLEY BROTHERS...the Plimsouls would work too...

Be glad your Mom was there to catch it! Walls patch easy too!:seeya:
The DT knows BPD is not a mental illness. No doubt their strategy will be to blur the line between personality disorder and mental illness.

Here's my scenario for how they will use BPD as a two-fer: as a weapon against Travis-- his indecisiveness about her and abusive behavior towards her might not have driven a normal person to murder, but her BPD made her far more vulnerable, THEREFORE, jurors, you need to consider her BPD as a mitigating factor.

Did she know right from wrong? Yes, and she will pay for what she did for the rest of her life, in prison. But, given the testimony you have been presented, can you honestly say to yourself that she is normal? Even the State's own expert witness has told you that she is not, that she is in fact extremely troubled.

We are relying upon you to call upon your own basic decency and compassion and to not execute a woman you all know is disturbed. blah blah blah...

ONE juror to be reached, just one. Four of the last 12 believed abuse that didn't exist, abuse that was argued for by a single witness who was throughly shredded on the stand.......
Thank you!!!

Luckily (I guess) I didn't smoke a ton, maybe a pack a week. My problem is that my sister is a big smoker and I drive by her house on the way home from work, so it's veeery convenient to stop and "borrow a cigarette". That's going to be my biggest hurdle.

I'm going cold turkey. Well, at least I'll try it. When I've thought about having one the past two days, I really do just think of my kids and Travis. So far it's worked.

Good luck to you!

All you need to do is commit to not smoking today! Don't worry about tomorrow. Do that one day at a time...
Buy some Big Red chewing gum, the taste is strong cinnamon, and when you get a craving for a cigarette, chewing the gum will cut the craving. Also I carried mouthwash with me everywhere - at the time when I would normally smoke I rinsed my mouth with it and that stopped the craving. Eventually you don't have to use it..
i never smoked ever until about 2 months ago. i tried it because i was outside with my neighbor enjoying a glass of wine when she asked if I wanted one, I figured why not, but it did feel good with the wine (stupid stupid stupid). The kids were sleeping so I figured it would be ok.. I smoke about 3 cigarettes a day and have gone a few days without one, but on those stressful nights after they are sleeping, I sneak outside and have one. My husband is gone for two months with the army (he moonlights as a drill sargeant lol) so it's basically me, a 5 month old, and 20 month old.

My plan was to stop on Travis's birthday, but that's too far away, so my bday present to myself next week is to stop completely. Hopefully it won't be too hard. I think I should be able to go cold turkey. I got a prescription for Klonopin after my son was born and try not to take it (got panic attacks post partum) but I think I'll stick to that when I'm under too much stress!

Goodluck to everyone quitting, you can do it! If you need inspiration, just think of Steven's impact statement when he said that Travis wanted him to come stay with him to help quit his smoking habit, but Steven never got to take that trip :(

It's hard for me to smoke anyway because I try to hide it from my kids. They have caught me a few times and I feel SO horrible and guilty, so I've always tried to do it only when they aren't around. It's hardest on my drive to and from work because that's been my habit for the past couple years.

I used to only smoke when I drank and only started a few years ago. But then it slowly started creeping into everyday life. What dummies we are. We're adults, we know better!
Very True!
I had lots of triggers, the worst was when I was driving. Every day at the same stoplight I would reach for the pack! I finally made my self drive a different way to work. :facepalm: I seriously cannot smoke and walk at the same time, so walking really helped! :seeya:

My new goal is to be completely done by 40! :seeya:

The driving was the worst trigger for me. Same with when i'm bored, on days off.

At work, and coffee drinking i'm ok.

For "my trigger" moments such as driving, I use the e-ciggy.

I know it's not a substitution but it works in the beginning, and I use it less and less. :seeya: Hey TD! :luv:
:seeya: Hello fellow Oregonian. I've smoked for almost 40 years. I've tried the e cigs, but I draw so hard to get the vapor it makes my tongue hurt :floorlaugh: . The only time I've been able to quit was when I had pneumonia in 2004. Course I started right back up as soon as I could :banghead: I honestly have to get sick before I can try to stop. I can find cartons here for $57.00 which just kills me. My friend in Washington pays $10 a pack. I think I'd be smoking lawn clippings at that price. I'd be really happy if we could start a stop smoking thread!

BBM~ How many packs in a carton?

In Canada, it's 10 bucks a pack- nonsense. We can grow and sell marijuana and tax it if that't the case. :banghead:
The DT knows BPD is not a mental illness. No doubt their strategy will be to blur the line between personality disorder and mental illness.

Here's my scenario for how they will use BPD as a two-fer: as a weapon against Travis-- his indecisiveness about her and abusive behavior towards her might not have driven a normal person to murder, but her BPD made her far more vulnerable, THEREFORE, jurors, you need to consider her BPD as a mitigating factor.

Did she know right from wrong? Yes, and she will pay for what she did for the rest of her life, in prison. But, given the testimony you have been presented, can you honestly say to yourself that she is normal? Even the State's own expert witness has told you that she is not, that she is in fact extremely troubled.

We are relying upon you to call upon your own basic decency and compassion and to not execute a woman you all know is disturbed. blah blah blah...

ONE juror to be reached, just one. Four of the last 12 believed abuse that didn't exist, abuse that was argued for by a single witness who was throughly shredded on the stand.......

I think the DT will focus on looking for "holes" in the case. Then proceed on their mistrial motions marathon.
Very True!
I had lots of triggers, the worst was when I was driving. Every day at the same stoplight I would reach for the pack! I finally made my self drive a different way to work. :facepalm: I seriously cannot smoke and walk at the same time, so walking really helped! :seeya:

My new goal is to be completely done by 40! :seeya:

BBM: "I seriously cannot smoke and walk at the same time." :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
I'll check out your links. Thank you! :blowkiss:

I have an app on my iPhone called "My Last Cigarette". It keeps track of how long it's been since your last cigarette and how much money you've saved, but the best part is it tells you all the health benefits you are getting. It even tells you how much longer you will live. (That is IF you don't go all Jodi Arias and kill somebody and get the DP. In that case, all bets are off.) :floorlaugh:

I have to laugh at a commercial for Chantix (a pill to quit smoking). One of the possible side effects is suicidal thoughts! :gasp: I think to myself, "That's great! I could just decide if I want to "OFF" someone else, because I need a cigarette, or if I want to OFF myself. No thanks!

Besides, I don't take pills. It's just a THING with me. When I was young and having babies I had a hard time with severe morning sickness so my doctor prescribed a medication that was supposed to help. Being the good little girl that I was, I had the prescription filled and took it home and put it in the medicine cabinet. Never took a single one.

I was about 8 months along with my daughter when my Dad called me and told me what he just heard on the news. It was about a drug for women with severe morning sickness and they just discovered it caused horrible birth defects. He said it was called Thalidomide and he asked was I taking it. I told him the only thing I took that the doctor prescribed was prenatal vitamins. But I remembered that bottle of pills in the medicine cabinet and I went and looked at it. Sure enough. It was Thalidomide.

That incident got me to reading everything I could get my hands on about prescription medications, which led me to be suspicious of them all. To this day, very few pills, other than an aspirin get consumed by me.:twocents:

My sister tried Chantix and was fine for a couple weeks until she woke up one day SEVERELY depressed and crazy(ier than normal). That scared me so I'm afraid to try it.

And yeah, I'll quit smoking but I'll shoot my own head clear off my neck because I'm so depressed. That helps.
BBM: "I seriously cannot smoke and walk at the same time." :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:


Yes, Elle Elle I know all about your $10.00 packs... On my way to Toronto I was in such a rush I forgot to pack my cigarettes... no biggie on most vacays...

I did not know that all of the cigarettes are hidden like *advertiser censored*, so I was assuming that the gas stations didnt sell them... then under major distress I was like wth do you people by cigarettes, and somemone pointed to a cabinet... then my brand wasnt there... then I had to pay like $12.00...then I smoked each one as if it was gold...:blushing:
I just had an epiphany! As I said, "I'm a widow", so there's no WHOOPEE for me any more. I used to love me some wine, but I hated the headaches in the morning, so I quit drinking. Now, I'm going to quit smoking in about 3 days. Wow! I'll be "CONVENT READY"! :angel: :floorlaugh:

Ugh! :twocents:

P.S. I originally spelled WHOOPEE as WHOOPIE. Auto-correct changed it and I wondered WHY? So I Googled WHOOPIE, which is how I've seen it spelled so many times. Guess what? WHOOPIE means "poopies". (I guess that's why they're called WHOOPIE CUSHIONS.)
Last time I saw Rose222, she wrote a long post about Travis and Jodi's relationship. Hope she comes around soon.:seeya:

Been wondering where Rose is myself. And Softail!

Yes, maybe he can talk about how all 1st degree murderers are obviously going to have some kind of psychological problems? That seems like an obvious thing, but it might be helpful if he points it out.

As far as DeMarte, she needs to be a little more personable on the stand this time. I think the older least 4 of them!...were drawn more towards ALV's style of talking to them. They really seem to have stuck onto the abuse thing...and I'm thinking that there's NO substantial evidence of it, so ALV's testimony must have done something for them!!

Respectfully snipped...

Good morning :seeya:

I know there were many fans of DeMarte out there, so don't shoot me, but I personally wasn't hugely impressed with her as a witness. I didn't dislike her. I just didn't think she was incredible like some people thought.

Certainly no offense to her and her practice at all. I am not questioning her ability in her career. I am looking at it strictly from the perspective of somebody sitting in a jury box, summing up the person sitting in front of me giving testimony.

My initial impression of her was that she seemed a little bit cocky. I did appreciate that she was direct in her answers; a very refreshing difference from the defense witnesses! But at times, her answers felt a little defensive to me. I don't know if this was nerves, or perhaps she is just a straight forward, no warm fuzzies kind of gal. To each his own. But that air of cockiness came off to me like they were one-upping the defense. It felt like... so you say PTSD, well, we know better and we say BPD. That was just how it "felt" to me. (Sorry to get all Nurmi on you there) :giggle:

Mentioning BPD at all is a slippery slope. Any time you introduce any type of mental assessment, you run the risk of the jurors using that for an excuse or for leniency. With that said, of course the prosecution has to present something in regards to her mental state, being that the defense is claiming she has PTSD, not to mention the fact that she walks around with zero emotion and everybody is like, WTH. They had to offer something.

I do think that in his closing, Juan could have wrapped up the point that BPD does not equal clinically insane, and is not to be considered as a mitigating factor. I would not have spent a lot of time on it, because the more time you harp on mental issues, the more the jury thinks about it. Just a simple and direct point, which he is brilliant at, to remind them.

I tend to think that this was part of the reason that we never saw the Sandy Arias interview tape in trial. Her stating that Jodi had mental issues, including a bipolar speculation, can open up a whole can of worms with the jury. Maybe Juan just didn't want to go there, too risky.

All just my opinion, and I welcome your feedback :)
So whatever came of the court records that were unsealed last week? Are they posted anywhere?
Was telling DH hubby about your Manson encounter

He is glad they did not ask you to stay for dinner

and that you & your friend are all right

I had to do the math ... thought I'd share ...

(20 years x 52 weeks) x C$80 = C$83,200 or ~US$80,495 spent on cigarettes!


[Note: Figure does not include all of the other associated costs,
monetary and otherwise, of smoking cigarettes!

I applaud your and anyone's efforts to stop smoking!

Further thought ...

US$80,495 / 20 years = about US$4,025 spent of cigarettes each year!

Think of the wonderful annual vacations one could take with 4K!
Or, spent on whatever your hobby or passion.

Ex: Cancun!

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