SIDEBAR #14- Arias/Alexander forum

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I never said I belived her. I said it was possible TA had popsicle sticks in his house due to his cookie parties. I don't belive in golden plates buried deep in a mountain side either. I don't know if TA kicked her or not because I did not know him. It appears that you did and you know he would never kick anybody. I am just saying that I did not know him. Don't forget, the jury never got to know and love TA like you and many others did through Tanisha, Dave Hall, Chris and Sky Hughes..and all the others..they never saw the wonderful memorials on YouTube. :moo:

I never said you believed her either. Please don't take my post personal, not meant to be. There was a post about Travis possibly having popsicle sticks. I simply commented that one would have to believe her lie about Travis kicking her, breaking her finger, and then taping it back together. I don't believe her at all.

I have no clue why Tanisha and the family keeps getting brought up here tonight. We can't assume how the family feels by looking at their Facebook pictures, nor do we know the financial impact to the family. I'm sure this has taken quite the toll on them, on every level.
IMO, Joran VanderSloot had absolutely nothing to do with the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

.well...evidence says otherwise. Wayy too many odd coincidences.

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I am turning off Dr. D forever!! Him and his panel have lost it. They "assume" the "threats" are credible, and Patti is now credible! Didn't Dr. D trash her before. Isn't he an addiction specialist? This morning, he was on another "show" spewing how the family should take DP off the table. Who cares what you, as a talking head think or want? Goodbye Dr. D...didn't like you in the first place, but you are the very reason cases like this end up being so messed up. Get your facts straight! Stop allowing the DT to play you like a fiddle. :furious:

Not watching him (ugh) and his wishy-washy ratings-driven drivel, but when I have, he always reminded of DTM's father.

I never said you believed her either. Please don't take my post personal, not meant to be. There was a post about Travis possibly having popsicle sticks. I simply commented that one would have to believe her lie about Travis kicking her, breaking her finger, and then taping it back together. I don't believe her at all.

I have no clue why Tanisha and the family keeps getting brought up here tonight. We can't assume how the family feels by looking at their Facebook pictures, nor do we know the financial impact to the family. I'm sure this has taken quite the toll on them, on every level.

It has. This I know for sure.
I never said you believed her either. Please don't take my post personal, not meant to be. There was a post about Travis possibly having popsicle sticks. I simply commented that one would have to believe her lie about Travis kicking her, breaking her finger, and then taping it back together. I don't believe her at all.

I have no clue why Tanisha and the family keeps getting brought up here tonight. We can't assume how the family feels by looking at their Facebook pictures, nor do we know the financial impact to the family. I'm sure this has taken quite the toll on them, on every level.

BBM I brought up Tanisha (she is pretty much out there on social media) and the rest of the family because of your post #324. I snipped this part out:

"Wouldn't it be nice if the convicted killer had to use her "tracing" money to put up the Alexander family. Maybe that would make her get this over with. The victim's family shouldn't have to continue losing everything waiting for justice to come. She has been convicted. Time for the killer to put her big girl panties on and get on with it." You wrote that the victim's family shouldn't continue losing everything.

All I know is what I read about the financial circumstances of the family. There have been quite a few fundraisers, bracelet sales, rubber bracelet sales, Legacy Funds. Have no idea how legit any of them are. I fear that some are capitalizing on TA's death. But IDK. I don't know that they are losing everything. Anyway, JA ain't goin' anywhere. Even if the penalty trial is delayed it will the the Alexanders time to raise funds.

I did not take your post personally. :seeya:

I screwed up the snippy part of the to bed I go.
BBM I brought up Tanisha (she is pretty much out there on social media) and the rest of the family because of your post #324. I snipped this part out:

"Wouldn't it be nice if the convicted killer had to use her "tracing" money to put up the Alexander family. Maybe that would make her get this over with. The victim's family shouldn't have to continue losing everything waiting for justice to come. She has been convicted. Time for the killer to put her big girl panties on and get on with it." You wrote that the victim's family shouldn't continue losing everything.

All I know is what I read about the financial circumstances of the family. There have been quite a few fundraisers, bracelet sales, rubber bracelet sales, Legacy Funds. Have no idea how legit any of them are. I fear that some are capitalizing on TA's death. But IDK. I don't know that they are losing everything. Anyway, JA ain't goin' anywhere. Even if the penalty trial is delayed it will the the Alexanders time to raise funds.

I did not take your post personally. :seeya:

I screwed up the snippy part of the to bed I go.

The most important part of this post, to me, is the "I don't know" part.

I've been involved in quite a bit of fund raising for the Alexanders and I am still in contact with them during this hiatus. I've not heard one complaint from them about anyone capitalizing from fund raising, I know that what I've been involved in, 100% has gone to them with the exception of PayPal fees.

This is something I do know and can speak with full confidence on and if anyone has concerns or questions about donating to the Alexanders (there is now the one website where Sam is directing me to direct people please feel free to,contact me. Also the email up on my profile still goes directly to the family.

I'm speaking of things I have first hand knowledge of. No one has to do anything that makes them feel fear of course. But the donation avenues that I promote are totally legit and I'm in regular direct contact with the siblings.

Hope this clarifies any confusion for anyone else reading.
The most important part of this post, to me, is the "I don't know" part.

I've been involved in quite a bit of fund raising for the Alexanders and I am still in contact with them during this hiatus. I've not heard one complaint from them about anyone capitalizing from fund raising, I know that what I've been involved in, 100% has gone to them with the exception of PayPal fees.

This is something I do know and can speak with full confidence on and if anyone has concerns or questions about donating to the Alexanders (there is now the one website where Sam is directing me to direct people please feel free to,contact me. Also the email up on my profile still goes directly to the family.

I'm speaking of things I have first hand knowledge of. No one has to do anything that makes them feel fear of course. But the donation avenues that I promote are totally legit and I'm in regular direct contact with the siblings.

Hope this clarifies any confusion for anyone else reading.

It's about time you showed up. :floorlaugh: You said it so much better than I could have.
Sorry all. I am on the West Coast waxing floors for unexpected family relatives showing up tomorrow night, And I have to work all day tomorrow - so I am trying to clean at midnight tonight. Betwixt evening Board meetings, tomorrow lunch meetings, and
emergency "can you babysit the grandkids (aka Wrecking Crew) for 2 or 3 hours.

don't have a lot of input - except to say KCL - I trust your judgment completely in this case.
Unless it just happened to already be wonky on June 4th, my opinion is that it was caused by the knife slipping. She definitely injured that finger that day (severed ligament?) given that her blood was mixed with his on that wall and she showed up bandaged at Ryan's.

When Jodi was on the stand, at one point she held up her right hand and the ring finger was the same as the ring finger on her left hand, bent or whatever. Am I the only one to notice this? moo
When Jodi was on the stand, at one point she held up her right hand and the ring finger was the same as the ring finger on her left hand, bent or whatever. Am I the only one to notice this? moo

Lilly12 - oh, I TOTALLY noticed that.... I actually had a friend (all the way back in the 70's.) Her Mom's finger did that (what Jody's does)... she explained she had a roller-coaster accident as a teen where she only cut the tendon in her one finger - and that's why she couldn't straighten it out like the rest of her fingers.

Also, I have noticed Jody can do that with fingers on both of her hands. In any case, I call b.s.. Not buying what she's selling....
Must. Go. To. Sleep.

Have 120 Boy Scouts coming tomorrow morning at 10 am to shoot off rockets.

For reals.
I'm watching JVM and have a few thoughts....

Adam Swickle is a slimeball and just wants to be on tv. (he's on her panel for the defense) Yuck.

Jon Lieberman's passion is very attractive to me :blushing: I really like how sensible he is.

They just did a phone interview with Patti and she explained why she didn't testify for JA. I'm not sure what to think of this girl. A part of me almost felt kind of sorry for her. Maybe I'm naïve like that.

And she didn't answer JVM's question regarding drugs. JVM played a clip from the trial with Juan saying something to the effect of "when asked about her and the defendants drug use...she (Patty) refused to answer the question (or any more questions)". I mean who cares if her and Arias smoked pot as kids. Who in their youth (and beyond) hasn't? (OK I am sure some haven't). All Patty said on JVM was that she has never been arrested or in jail for drugs. So if that is true, why di she refuse to answer questions from Juan?
Patti also said on JVM that she did not, nor did she want to, support JA.

IMO the "threats" are bs, the real reason is she just didn't want to get up on the stand and say anything good about JA.
Nhic thanks for the updates.

Patti may not have wanted to speak of drug use for fear of arrest. Even if not at the moment arrest, fear of being targeted later on. Cops following you until they catch you. Not that it would happen, but most fear that. Pot can make you paranoid, anything stronger and you will find most drug users are very paranoid.

I fully believed she did not want to support JA on the stand, but she did do those t.v. shows in support of her, so she created her own rock and hard place.
Jodi Arias' attorneys have asked a judge to delay until next year a second penalty phase to allow the convicted murderer time to gather witnesses.

They've had 5 years to gather witnesses. Clearly there are none to be found. Or is it they need time for JA to threaten potential witnesses (men) by blackmailing them with tapes of them they didn't know she recorded?
Thanks :) Beth certainly fought like heck for her daughter and I admire her for that as well. While that was going on, I was glued to Greta's show every night for like a year. A co-worker of mine went to Aruba on vacation and I gave her a list of places to photograph, lol. My sleuthing obsession and the details of the case were both lost on her, she thought I was nuts. But sure enough, she did bring back some good shots of Carlos n Charlies and the beach area.

I have always believed that they took her body out on a boat that night and dumped her way out in the water. I agree that there is a ton of circumstantial evidence in the case, but just too many holes to hope for a conviction. I wonder what the Kalpoe brothers are up to these days. Those guys definitely know what happened. I don't know how they can live with themselves. And Joran's Dad surely knew his son's involvement too and helped him.

The fact that their story changed numerous times is obviously a problem, Joran was making calls from 2am-on that night she disappeared saying he needed a ride... either he or his dad withdrew money twice in the middle of the night - who were they paying off or hiring? Very strange activity that night and every day after. Joran is the ultimate sleezeball. I was not at all surprised when he was busted in Peru for yet another murder of a young girl. He is a very dangerous monster who should never ever see the light of day again.

It was absolutely inhumane the way sloot toyed with BT's emotions. He did it alright, remember his dad's comment, "..if there's no body.." . His dad was instrumental in the cover up of evidence, if not main orchestrator. I got the feeling he'd done it before.

For a while the family held out hope that she'd been sold to the sex trade, from sloots acquaintances that certainly seemed a possibility. I agree with you, the body most likely will never be found. I think he slipped her a date rape drug to get her to leave with him. She had a solid reputation as a very responsible girl, was very bright and beautiful. Poor Beth, my heart still breaks for her.
According to her testimony she supposedly had cut her hand at the restaurant/bar she worked at before her trip to AZ/UT. At first she said she cut it on a glass, and then she said she cut it on some metal at the bar. She even took pictures of the bloody finger which they showed during trial. How convenient that she documented that injury :facepalm: and none of the other horsesh#t that she claimed happened to her.

So supposedly the bandages that were on her hand when she went to see Ryan on June 5 were left over from that work injury.

I do recall that she also talked about cutting herself on a glass at Travis' house but I can't remember the specifics of that story, as far as the timeframe, etc.

And then of course she told ALV that she cut her hand while slicing apples.

And she told Flores during her interrogation that the ninjas cut her hand...

Oh and also, her cat scratches her a lot... and then Flores basically tells her "enough about the cat"... in other words, shut up you crazy b....:doh:

Lol..Saint Jodi of Arias defending Travis from Ninjas :banghead:

IIRC she only and always has claimed any cuts/injuries/margarita accidents were to her right hand (except when she shows left hand to Flores with "cat scratches")?

After her story changes to "self defense" the only possible way her left finger could have ever been hurt was by the "sex crazed, abusive, pedophile perpetrator" Travis.

So crazy to think a glass cut injury to a right hand reopens and gets enough blood on her left hand to leave a bloody palm print on the wall. :banghead:
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