SIDEBAR #14- Arias/Alexander forum

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I am very concerned about the parenting the Kimye baby will have!
On a lighter note... On my way to a day of fun in the sun on Ship
Island !!! Its a great little day trip out of Biloxi Mossissippi!
And in our bag of munchies is a box of......
Chicken in a Bisquit!!!!! Hehe !!!
Good Times!!!!
I am very concerned about the parenting the Kimye baby will have!
On a lighter note... On my way to a day of fun in the sun on Ship
Island !!! Its a great little day trip out of Biloxi Mossissippi!
And in our bag of munchies is a box of......
Chicken in a Bisquit!!!!! Hehe !!!
Good Times!!!!

I am very jealous! I love Biloxi!!! And I bet you even know how to pronounce it correctly, huh?! lol
If you love Biloxi you must check out Ship Island!! Google it!!

I will! Thanks!

ETA: The island was cut in two by Camille, eh? We used to spend lots of time during the summer down on the Gulf. I remember going down there the first time after Camille and my favorite restaurant (out over the water) was just a bunch of pilings sticking out of the water.

After Katrina I had friends go down to help with clean-up, etc. The biggest, burliest, toughest man I know couldn't talk about what he'd seen there without crying, so I knew I'd best not go for awhile. Now I miss the coast so much I can smell the salty air. Sigh.
We were all having a lot of fun before AIDS landed. I had my share of fun that's for sure. ;) (is this tmi?).

Remember Plato's Retreat in New York City?

Or the book/movie "Looking for Mr. Goodbar"?

It was a different time, indeed. Especially when looking back at it from a "more mature" point of view.
Remember Plato's Retreat in New York City?

Or the book/movie "Looking for Mr. Goodbar"?

It was a different time, indeed. Especially when looking back at it from a "more mature" point of view.

'Morning everyone!

Loved Mr. Goodbar, it was like my coming of age movie, think I was 18 when it came out. I was glad Keaton did Woody Allen movies after that, I knew he wouldn't kill her off and break my heart. lol
One other man fact I learnt: If he's really into you he'll state it repeatedly over and over again, there's no mistaking it. There is no such thing as a grey area, if a guy who is right for you pulls back, he's already stated his interest in no uncertain terms and will state his need to pull back in no uncertain terms too. They are not uncomplicated creatures, but all men need space, they also need to be the one directing the speed and flow of the relationship, meaning arranging dates, making calls etc.

OK that's a general rule, but it worked for me.

ITA~ Remember these books? :floorlaugh:

I have found that if a man wants space, they will not say that per se. I have gotten the "clues" over time. I do not attach myself or act needy. I just carry on with what i'm doing and wait to hear back. It's amazing how much faster they come around if you leave them alone!
Haha, you had to go all "Nancy Grace" on me ;) I'll try to keep this short and sweet. I'm having issues with a guy I've been dating for the last few months.

So we met online. We've been out a lot, get along great and have so much fun together. I'm just getting back into dating after a 3 year break from bad and toxic relationships, getting to know myself. J really seems like a great guy....he's divorced with 2 kid, ages 11 and 8. I don't have kids. Anyway, the last 2 weeks he's been a little distant. I confronted him over the phone a few nights ago about it but he swears everything is fine and he's just busy. Last night we went out (NOT his scheduled weekend with the kids), had a great time. Had plans for tonight, but he texted earlier today and bailed, said he unexpectedly has his kids this weekend for Fathers Day. No problem I said, call me later. Haven't heard from him.

Before you say anything, I don't want to be "that girl," and have people think I'm jealous of his children. He's a wonderful, very involved dad. He's been honest with me about the reason for his divorce 5 years ago....he cheated on his wife.

I'm suspicious of everything he says. Where is the line between being suspicious and crazy, and being naïve? I just don't know what to think.

Give him his space. Don't act needy. Let him call YOU!

Carry on as a strong, independent woman. He is fine. My current BF was like that at the beginning also. (we've been together 2.5 years and living together for 1.5).

I asked him later on in our relationship why "he pulled away" so much at the beginning.

His response? He was afraid i'd dump him and thought he was just a "temp" until I found someone better. lol

My advice, let him call you and even if you're not busy "appear" busy. :seeya:
Then you only have to worry about the aliens taking you.

...and groups of young "tweens" living up in the Canyon, off the land and off the Grid with dread locks. Like in the 60's up there with the communes, 'cept these kids have cell phones :facepalm: I thought I'd go "hang" with my niece and nephew up there last summer to quit smoking, climb rocks, be vegan for a week or so, play in the creek but it sounded like another "cult" thing...I'm 30 years too old to be hitch hiking, panhandling, and eating plants with hallucinogenic properties.
Of course it was also Anton Levey's 2nd home, don't know how many Satanist's still make residence up there. :scared: And it's full of New Agers, crystals, the Center of the Universe.........the list goes on :floorlaugh:
My dad had one of his stores up there, it's final location was in Talaquepaque. We had the upper "cabin" above "Todd's Lodge" up there in the canyon, it was very cool. It's called "Garland's" now. We could pick wild asparagus and blackberries, fish for trout down at the creek............
Another trip down memory lane:blushing:

Morning :seeya:

Happy Father's Day to all the dads here....And wow Kim beat Kate :lol:

I'm torn...into "Pillars", page 257,.....Why haven't I ever read Ken Follett's books before?!?!?! LOVE his writing!
Ok.........also doing the deed, "Gone Girl", getting it NOW!!!!

Love KF!!!! Used to read him all the fact now that I think of it I just got his latest series!!!! I get so many books, it's hard to keep them straight!!!
Totally swinging off all topics but I just want to say this. People who write all this stuff like on Facebook about "good karma" and "good things to come to those with a positive attitude--look at me I'm a shining example!" who've never been REALLY tested in life and had things easy (do I sound bitter? lol) , just, I dunno, what I want to say. There is something about that that really really bugs me.

There is something about that that is a slap in the face to people who've been really seriously tested in life and haven't necessarily had an easy time of it and are still is their attitude not positive enough?

I just had to deposit these thoughts somewhere!

I just live off of one principle, "Love and be loved", everything is just random. Enjoy what and who you have. "Challenges" or "Tests" in life make no sense to me, I can be a better person without the struggles, pain, or loss.
"Karma", used VERY loosely, is my way of letting go of bad things that have happened and letting another force correct the injustice. It is what it is. "Good Karma"? Eh, can't say that's ever happened to me. If there was any validity to it, I'd be drowning in good karma right now! :floorlaugh:
I agree that the jury is still out on her maternal instincts. My DD and I were both a bit worried when we thought of this child, being parented by two very narcissistic people. This baby girl will have 'the best' of everything, but might have a lot of emotional baggage as well, imo. How can she ever live up to everyone's expectations. I hope she looks more like her mom than her dad, for example. :angel:

Isn't it sad that 'the best' of everything should include the best therapist money can buy? I can't help thinking of the hot mess Whitney Houston's daughter is.

Oh, yes…PLEASE LORD, don't let this child 'take after' her father in ANY way. (I can't believe I'm hoping she is a Kardashian thru and thru!!!) :gasp:

P.S. A few days ago Kanye West declared he is the next Steve Jobs! I nearly fell off my chair laughing. This guy is the Scarecrow (If I Only Had a Brain) from the Wizard of OZ!!!
I don't think his ex has anything to do with it...he's never said anything negative about her and I know she's great with their custody arrangement.

He was distant a few weeks ago and when I confronted him (yeah, this wasn't the first time), he texted back that "he wasn't sure what he was thinking, some days things seemed great, other days something seemed to be missing." So we agreed to go with the flow. And things were good after that, he said he felt good about things. But now he's doing the same thing. I DO know he's crazy busy at work, but if you care about someone you make time for them (either in person or on the phone).

I can't help but feel he's seeing someone else. I swear I won't go all JA on him and hack into his computer or start stalking him! I don't know if I'm just being paranoid or if there's some validity to my uneasiness.

What concerns me about this is that you say it happened a few weeks ago too

I dated a couple of "go away" " come here" guys and I was miserable and suspicious and insecure.

It sounds like you're sensing him pulling away more than once in a matter of weeks anyway...

I also dated a couple who always made plans at the end of our dates for the first few months, called me a lot, never seemed distant and I never felt insecure or suspicious or miserable.

That doesn't mean there aren't always problems at some point....but I realized that if I was feeling insecure in the first few months...for any just wasn't a good fit for me.

When minor tiffs happened they were months and months into it, and annoyance-based...not insecurity based...if that makes sense.

He may be just fine, everything is just fine....but he might not be quite right for you if he triggers insecurity.

I think you deserve to feel secure.
Good morning everyone and happy Father's Day. :seeya:

Dani, how's the no smoking today?
I don't think his ex has anything to do with it...he's never said anything negative about her and I know she's great with their custody arrangement.

He was distant a few weeks ago and when I confronted him (yeah, this wasn't the first time), he texted back that "he wasn't sure what he was thinking, some days things seemed great, other days something seemed to be missing." So we agreed to go with the flow. And things were good after that, he said he felt good about things. But now he's doing the same thing. I DO know he's crazy busy at work, but if you care about someone you make time for them (either in person or on the phone).

I can't help but feel he's seeing someone else. I swear I won't go all JA on him and hack into his computer or start stalking him! I don't know if I'm just being paranoid or if there's some validity to my uneasiness.

Just jumping on your post. Hope it's okay. Please follow your instinct of "uneasiness". I have raised two sons, have three brothers and been married to my best friend for 28 years. Before him, I dated the guy you are talking about. More than once, in fact.

Let him go. Ever heard the song "When A Man Loves A Woman"? Take it to heart. Never, ever settle. Never.
I have found that if a man wants space, they will not say that per se. I have gotten the "clues" over time. I do not attach myself or act needy. I just carry on with what i'm doing and wait to hear back. It's amazing how much faster they come around if you leave them alone!
And IMO those two words hold the clue: If someone has to wonder how to act in a new relationship...then move on. Because in a good relationship with mutual respect, earned trust, and honest togetherness, people don't have to ...they just naturally do.

My husband and I had known each other since grade school, dated some in early high school (not exclusively) and tried to meet up once a year after I'd moved away. We each had other long-term relationships in that interim period, but we enjoyed that annual meet-up, catch-up. Then one year I was done with a long-term relationship, he was done with a long-term relationship, and at our annual meet-up we just melded together and didn't look back. No "how do I acts" or "what if's" or "I think's." None of that stuff. We just naturally fell in together, and there was no doubt on the part of either of us as to our feelings. That, IMO, is how it is supposed to feel.
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