I wish I could get to see what Jodi Arias is like when she's in a full-blown state of RAGE! (I don't mean the rage when she murdered Travis, I'm tired of every bloody photo, let Travis rest in peace and Jodi, when her time comes, can rot in hell-) I mean the anger from minor frustrations that causes some people to overreact/explode/snap, etc. Just think of all the references to JA's 'anger issues' and 'violent behavior' brought up during the trial... such as kicking her mother, kicking a dog, hitting her brother with a bat...both parents reports of a verbally abusive Jodi, screaming on the phone for hours. Even in her own words (journals, texts) she admitted having problems with anger, to throwing and smashing objects against walls. Plus the violent stuff she denies but we all know to be true- slashing not just one but TWO sets of Travis's tires... On Dr. Drew last night he spoke about what JA did to get written up in jail, and one report referred to JA "kicking her cellmate." I wish Mr. Martinez could've gotten her to yell or throw something in front of the cameras, lol! She may have used sarcasm instead of screaming when JM angered her, but her eyes were often laser beams of rage and hatred. JA is such a liar and a hypocrite- I hope one day she is caught on tape hitting or screaming at someone, or throwing things... I just wish that the real evil in Jodi- what drove her to be able to so completely and violently destroy Travis- will be exposed so that she can not deny or cover up the violent killer, the dangerous psychopath, the REAL Jodi Arias. Who kicks dogs, grrrr!