SIDEBAR #15- Arias/Alexander forum

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I'm sitting here bawling my face off. I knew that part of the movie would upset me. I need a hug. :cry:
Not a flattering portrayal of Wilmott. And Det. Flores sounds like Elmer Fudd.

And, as expected, the actor playing Juan is disappointing.
O/T but two very disturbing things:

1). 8 year old Jacksonville Florida girl kidnapped from Walmart last night and murdered. They found her killer, a 56 year old who was convicted in 2009 of aggravated child abuse and willful torture and sentenced to ONE year in jail! Okay, so he and the judge need to be put down. What a load of crap!!! Makes me very angry.

2) and totally unrelated....Jean Casarez is still working for HLN as a legal correspondent. She is covering the Zimmerman case. How is it possible HLN kept JC and let a class act like Beth Karas go?

Insanity everywhere!

#2 I thought HLN wasn't going to cover trials anymore and they released Beth for that reason.

Let me tell you what I think about Kiefer's tweet, as it was directed at me and my friends.

He has minimized the "trial watchers" to categories of "prosecution groupies" and "day gawkers" exclusively. Apparently he doesn't think anyone else comes to watch a trial for other motivations.

He's been slinging this insulting crap since March.

Back when I was speaking to him, before he went off the rails with insults directed at me personally, I confronted him on this. I reminded him that some of us were there to support the family. He shrugged obviously this being meaningless to him.

You see by then he was already sharing with me and anyone who would listen that he thought Travis' family deserved the pain they were in because they refused to accept a second degree plea with the prosecution. He called Travis "disgusting" and a "pig" to my face. He spewed so much vitriol toward Martinez I tuned it out. He called Jennifer Willmott "cute". I'm not even saying some of the worst things he said. The profanity could get me timed out.

He held disdain for anyone supporting this trial, reporting totally false "facts" all pointed toward demeaning Martinez and the family while aggrandizing and portraying defense witnesses as victims. He published leaked info and sneakily redacted it online. Many other journalists I spoke to held and hold the same impressions I have.

So when he tweets that no family is in court (false) and refers to us who've been in contact with the family who asked us to sit on the front row for them, diminishing us to "groupies" I'm gonna call him out on it.

Note he didnt tweet about Jodi's mom being there on the second to last row with a weirdo who got ejected from court, twice. He wasn't referred to at all much less as a "murderer groupie".

He intends to insult and he does. And now we're calling him out on it. He's taken it too far for too long.

I prefer my trial reporters, not editorialists but reporters, served without bias. That's what he's getting paid for.

Just in case you were wondering.

PS none of you or other non registered readers in the hundreds would have been privy to my trial observations had I not taken time out of my busy life to attend the trial and come home exhausted and post my notes. I don't know how that would get minimized to some marginal label but it has been part of my role since day one. I've endured all kinds of insults for my participation, here and elsewhere , including from you which have gotten deleted. When you are putting your heart and soul in to something only to be marginalized for it by strangers or in the case of Kiefer someone I'd called a friend for years, you can hit a limit. Guess my response to his tweet, and this response here, represent mine.

I have read all your posts. You are as tough as nails, yet with a heart so soft it breaks. You have been to hell and back in your own life experiences and you came through as a winner to stand for others when they are breaking. Don't allow this so called journalist (snake) to get to you. Most of us marvel that he keeps his job. That says something about his employer, and it's not good.

From what I read at WS, most folks admire you. Keep on keeping on. And yes, we do appreciate all those posts during the trial from you and Pasa and the others too. Nice to have a view from the inside.

Please let Pasa know we are praying for her and her family.
God bless you KCL.
I saw tonight that sweet Napoleon has his own Facebook page! God bless Deanna :) Is it against TOS to post the link here?
1) Another tragic loss of a precious child. :-(

2) I wonder if it was HLN that let her go, or if Beth chose to leave for something better. IMO HLN is becoming a joke, not much is left worth watching there.

It is a very sick world when child molestors/abusers and child killers get to walk among us and breathe the same air we do. They are the worst of the worst.

(And remember, Nurmi and Wlmott defend those creeps.)

As for Beth Karas, she was let go from In Session/HLN and yes the show is more about sensationalism then journalism and news.
1) Another tragic loss of a precious child. :-(

2) I wonder if it was HLN that let her go, or if Beth chose to leave for something better. IMO HLN is becoming a joke, not much is left worth watching there.

Could be that Beth chose to leave. Does anyone know? I personally think 19 years of traveling all over and staying in motels gets old! She was on the road much more than the time she spent at home.
Could be that Beth chose to leave. Does anyone know? I personally think 19 years of traveling all over and staying in motels gets old! She was on the road much more than the time she spent at home.

Nope. She said she was let go and so was JC. Then HLN kept JC on. You know how she sensationalized things and tells half truths. Guess that is what they want nowadays.
Maybe Beth's salary was too high and they kept Jean because Beth was there so much longer than Jean with a higher pay. Just an opinion.

Companies do that kind of thing. But Beth is so professional. I felt betrayed when they let her go. But it's ok. Cause I fired them. :floorlaugh:
Don't watch anymore.
I enjoyed the movie ... but still shocked how psycho Jodi really is. Very tragic and horrifying Travis couldn't break free.
Companies do that kind of thing. But Beth is so professional. I felt betrayed when they let her go. But it's ok. Cause I fired them. :floorlaugh:
Don't watch anymore.

Beth will be picked up by another network if she hasn't already. :) Would love to see her with her own show. Maybe this fall when schedules and shows change. :)
If you're enthused to LMN's consistent "Base on a True Story", straight out of the rear end of a bull, dramas, this movie will NOT disappoint you!

Filmed entirely in some nameless "burb", no doubt in California, you are suggestively "taken" to such locals as Las Vegas, Desert Palms, and Mesa, but if you don't hear one of the "actors" mention it, you will be lost without a GPS, or should I say, sucked into the GBS, (general bull s***) of this "movie".

LMN treads lightly, obviously doing their best to avoid lawsuits brought on by John Does A-Z, Jane Does A-Z, Corps A-Z, and such trade names as the MGM Grand, "1000 Places to See Before You Die" and Starbucks. CMJA even has an imaginary friend, "Cherry" who does "lunch" and yoga classes with CMJA. OMG. Even "Naps" has a stand in, a pug who's color, in no way, represents Naps' coloring. CYA, LMN, C.Y.A.

There's more "autopsy photos" and an R rated murder scene that goes WAY beyond the pale. Again, more squeeze on the guts of the bull, hot, steamy, and odoriferous. Although, we were guided into the Stock Yard a few mere minutes into this drama, undoubtedly in the men's bathroom of all places, the stench continues throughout.

The 2 actors, who bring ANYTHING into this little diddy, are the actor playing the character of Travis, and that of Det. Flores. I don't have a clue as to who played Travis, but he seems to be fighting the urge to step away from the insanity of what LMN tries to form as a "plot", which is further from the truth than CMJA's blond hair. Det. Flores' part was most likely a "Cameo" appearance by veteran actor David Zayas, of "Dexter" fame, who probably hadn't a clue of how discombobulated this farce would play out. I'm sure it will be considered the low point in his acting career, and be unmentioned in any of his future acting resumes.

The scenery, stages, settings, etc., incredibly conflict with the true to life scenario. We are introduced to such walk ins as "Nick, Kate, Paul, Helen, Angela, and grandma" who bring nothing, nada, zip. CMJA's ex's are referred to as the "vampire hunter" and that guy who was "20 years older". Somehow. MM got lost, or threatened suit.

The most memorable statement in the entire fiasco? "Looks like Martha Stewart jumped on a grenade." No doubt, the whole movie was the aftermath of a mortar thrown into a cow pie........

For all you WS's, your hand will ache from writing quick notes of all the "falsities" seen and uttered through just the first 10 minutes of this massive piece of fiction. Sheriff Joe's pink and black jail uniforms weren't even given their due :facepalm: CMJA actress's "rack" was even sub par, to say nothing of LMN's creative license in putting her in Victoria's Secret lingerie instead of those well known "Granny Panties".

Should we all get a nickel for every inconsistency in this "flick", that deviated from the truth, we could all retire in Cancun, aka "Hawaii" per LMN.

If for some reason you feel the need to watch this mockery, you can play "Where's Kweefer?", as no doubt, our "favorite reporter" ad nauseum, is probably hidden somewhere in all this manure, maybe an "extra" in the court scene or in the car of yelling youngsters who speed off moments before Travis finds his tires slashed.

We are NOT graced by Ms. Grace, as so often LMN does, but we do hear a sound byte from her and Anderson Cooper. Maybe Ms. Grace's barrettes had a malfunction?

I give it 2 cow pies. Not worth your time or effort, re-watch the trial and the 48 Hours/Dateline episodes on You Tube.

Post Script: Just glanced at my 4+ pages of "notes". If you're expecting to watch something ala "The Bad Seed", "The Good Son" or "Fatal Attraction"......not gonna happen. CMJA's pathology isn't really delved into, and you are left with a "I don't get it?" Not even a "What's a girl to do?" Leans it more into the "Insanity" arena rather than the "Psycho B**** from He!!".

And all you Juanettes? Put your pom poms down cause the "Juan" actor and his few lines are so minimal, if you blink, you'll miss them. Yes, I was disappointed too.......
I had a screen shot of it that I cropped out the nasty parts, that also took out what I wanted to see so had to go find a raw version.

I'll stare at it later and see what I see (anyone got any eye bleach handy?). But there's been zero testimony about any tootsie pops being used on the 4th so if one is in play (so to speak) in either hoohaa pic then it couldn't have been taken on the 4th.

The Tootsie Roll Pops and Pop Rocks were mentioned in the sex tape on May 10th, and Travis said that he didn't like the pop rocks. The Tootsie's were mentioned in the candle and rose petals and sex in the the tub.

Don't let MK get to you. He is obviously a bitter little man who is upset that he doesn't get the attention he so badly wants. You and the Alexander family have many wonderful supporters and that has to bother MK. He makes a living in the media and seeks attention for a living so it pizzes him off that so many people worldwide support the Alexanders and completely ignore him.

I would "second" this post/opinion. Please KCL ... don't give him that power over you. He is just NOT worth it. I have been reading your posts for a long time and it really upsets me that this creep is getting to you. I understand what you mean by "standing up to the bullies" ... but the best thing we can all do is just ignore them ... he's a baztard and has to live with himself ... and I bet he doesn't have many (real) friends. You DO!! With all that you have on your plate, you don't need to take on this doofus. He has no value. You DO!!

I hope you can kinda work on letting it go. I think that would serve you well. Don't let him hold you hostage anymore (emotionally). You're the bomb!!

Let me tell you what I think about Kiefer's tweet, as it was directed at me and my friends.

He has minimized the "trial watchers" to categories of "prosecution groupies" and "day gawkers" exclusively. Apparently he doesn't think anyone else comes to watch a trial for other motivations.

He's been slinging this insulting crap since March.

Back when I was speaking to him, before he went off the rails with insults directed at me personally, I confronted him on this. I reminded him that some of us were there to support the family. He shrugged obviously this being meaningless to him.

You see by then he was already sharing with me and anyone who would listen that he thought Travis' family deserved the pain they were in because they refused to accept a second degree plea with the prosecution. He called Travis "disgusting" and a "pig" to my face. He spewed so much vitriol toward Martinez I tuned it out. He called Jennifer Willmott "cute". I'm not even saying some of the worst things he said. The profanity could get me timed out.

He held disdain for anyone supporting this trial, reporting totally false "facts" all pointed toward demeaning Martinez and the family while aggrandizing and portraying defense witnesses as victims. He published leaked info and sneakily redacted it online. Many other journalists I spoke to held and hold the same impressions I have.

So when he tweets that no family is in court (false) and refers to us who've been in contact with the family who asked us to sit on the front row for them, diminishing us to "groupies" I'm gonna call him out on it.

Note he didnt tweet about Jodi's mom being there on the second to last row with a weirdo who got ejected from court, twice. He wasn't referred to at all much less as a "murderer groupie".

He intends to insult and he does. And now we're calling him out on it. He's taken it too far for too long.

I prefer my trial reporters, not editorialists but reporters, served without bias. That's what he's getting paid for.

Just in case you were wondering.

PS none of you or other non registered readers in the hundreds would have been privy to my trial observations had I not taken time out of my busy life to attend the trial and come home exhausted and post my notes. I don't know how that would get minimized to some marginal label but it has been part of my role since day one. I've endured all kinds of insults for my participation, here and elsewhere , including from you which have gotten deleted. When you are putting your heart and soul in to something only to be marginalized for it by strangers or in the case of Kiefer someone I'd called a friend for years, you can hit a limit. Guess my response to his tweet, and this response here, represent mine.

It's okay KCL. Just leave it. Most of us know about "agendas". Most of KNOW. Hugs and xxoo. Thanks for all you did and for who you are. :star1:

From my land shared with the 8 Great Pueblos of northern NM ... Blessings from above.
Had never seen this tribute before, it's a long one but tons of pictures and totally worth watching (or bawling to). RIP Travis Victor; we love you and we're waiting for justice!

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