SIDEBAR #15- Arias/Alexander forum

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I assume you're referring to the young lady's next vacation destination *Perryville... :desert:

Where can I find info re: LWop/gen pop? btw :seeya:

Found this article, scroll down to Marson talking about Perryville. There was a better one with more detail, I'll keep looking:

ETA: I swear there was a better one. Maybe it was a video. Can't help on that, at work, no speakers and will not be able to tell if this Marson guy is talking about how long it takes to move ranks to other parts of the jail.
Hi, I'll be watching tomorrow. AZ. time at 8:30 would be 11:30 EDT..Just sickening that we have to hear all her ch*t again. I hope she doesnt speak at the trial, or they put a bag on it. I just want her put away!! At least we know she wont be harming anyone else. nore
I can't imagine why you would be interested in a show about a serial killer who is also a blood spatter analyst for Miami Homicide... that sounds crazy :giggle:

Dexter is one of my favorite shows!! So sad that this is the last season. Michael C. Hall has been brilliant in that role.

dont start me on dexter,i cant wrap my head around that i find a serial killer albeit in a tv show so incredibly hot :scared:
i went back and watched from season one again because i was bored,hopefully the newest episode will be available to watch for me tonight.

i am so sad its finishing too,i hate speculating what will happen to him but ive got an idea in my head of how i think he will meet his demise.

i cant wait to see JA in stripes and shackles again tomorrow and im not even sorry for it :floorlaugh: i hope she looks terrible,and the last month or so in 23hour lock down have taken their toll on her.

if this was anyone else,all that time being alone they would probably reflect on their actions that put them there and possibly start to feel remorse for what they done but nah not jodi. she will never be sorry and thats what pizzes me off
Haha, I'm reading some really funny articles about the sealed sidebars that occurred during the JA trial.

Is it OK to post the links?
Haha, I'm reading some really funny articles about the sealed sidebars that occurred during the JA trial.

Is it OK to post the links?

As long as it's main stream media I think you kinda have to. :)
I had heard about the cat abuse, also about the cat she was taking care of for someone that she locked in a room for over a week and ignored. That is animal abuse, IMO.
I'm crossing my fingers for the Alexander family that tomorrow Judge Stephens puts an end to the nonsense of attempts to delay the retrial of the penalty phase.

According to the court calendar, Stephens will be hearing arguments tomorrow. My understanding is that motions and corresponding objections have been put forth to take the death penalty off the table and to delay the trial until 2014.

Meanwhile, the convicted killer has now been in isolation for 67 days. She still manages to tweet on occasion through a third person, so her thirst for the attention is still alive and served. She alluded to the possibility of a plea deal in one tweet, but given what KCL said, if Martinez thinks that the retrial will begin in the fall this seems to indicate the prosecution is not interested in a plea deal at this point in time.

Being the eternal optimist, it is my hope that Stephens pushes things along so that jury selection is not included in the prosecution's anticipated early fall trial date. In other words, let jury selection start sometime next month so that a jury is in place for the retrial to begin in late September.
I'm crossing my fingers for the Alexander family that tomorrow Judge Stephens puts an end to the nonsense of attempts to delay the retrial of the penalty phase.

According to the court calendar, Stephens will be hearing arguments tomorrow. My understanding is that motions and corresponding objections have been put forth to take the death penalty off the table and to delay the trial until 2014.

Meanwhile, the convicted killer has now been in isolation for 67 days. She still manages to tweet on occasion through a third person, so her thirst for the attention is still alive and served. She alluded to the possibility of a plea deal in one tweet, but given what KCL said, if Martinez thinks that the retrial will begin in the fall this seems to indicate the prosecution is not interested in a plea deal at this point in time.

Being the eternal optimist, it is my hope that Stephens pushes things along so that jury selection is not included in the prosecution's anticipated early fall trial date. In other words, let jury selection start sometime next month so that a jury is in place for the retrial to begin in late September.

I don't think the prosecutors are interested in any kind of plea deal from the convicted murderer. I truly think she deserves the death penalty, but LWOP would work-as long as the creature is never released from prison.
Found this article, scroll down to Marson talking about Perryville. There was a better one with more detail, I'll keep looking:

ETA: I swear there was a better one. Maybe it was a video. Can't help on that, at work, no speakers and will not be able to tell if this Marson guy is talking about how long it takes to move ranks to other parts of the jail.
Thank you :heartbeat:
My apologies if this is a repeat.

MC Superior Court ‏@courtpio 1m State v Jodi Arias: Due to a scheduling conflict, towmorrow's hearing has been moved to 10:30am.
My apologies if this is a repeat.

MC Superior Court ‏@courtpio 1m State v Jodi Arias: Due to a scheduling conflict, towmorrow's hearing has been moved to 10:30am.

I haven't seen that so thanks much. :)
Does anyone know if tomorrow's hearing will be televised or livestreamed?
I'll be stuck in the office during tomorrow's hearing, so would someone pretty please take lots of screen shots? :please:
I'm headed to pick up my brother from the hospital right now! He's discharged today after a 2 week stint. fingers crossed...

Prayers coming your way KCL. Your brother is so lucky to have you for his sister. Your dedication is an inspiration to me.

I visited your blog for the first time today, and bookmarked it as it will be one of my "favorites".


Hi guys,

I'm curious to get your take on something.
How do you feel about jurors writing books?

Here's my own personal thought.. I think if somebody feels that they have compelling subject matter that they want to talk about, they should be able to do that without people assuming that they are only doing it for the money. They may have a very legitimate reason for why they want that story told.

I just read that one of the jurors from the case that ended this weekend (I will not break rules and say the name here) is going to write a book.

So this is more of a general discussion that I'm throwing out there, it's not geared toward this one specific juror. We see it happen in many cases.

I think that anybody who has experienced something in life whether it be tragedy, triumph, amusement, struggles... generally wants to talk about it.

When our beloved Arias juror, Tara, began to talk via interviews and Twitter, most of us embraced it. We couldn't wait to hear what she had to say. And speaking for myself, I really enjoyed her commentary. I wish her well, appreciate her service, and hope that it helped her heal from the experience.

But when the dirty word "book" is mentioned, it seems that people automatically assume that the person writing is disingenous because they will get paid for it. Shouldn't we give them the benefit of the doubt first and see if perhaps they really just want to share their experience?

All of us write on this board, many write blogs, many post on social media. Is it really all that different?

I'm sure some will say yes it is different because there's money involved. But we all get paid for various contributions throughout life... whether it be work, hobbies, writing or whatever. Why is getting paid for something instantly a bad thing? Not trying to be critical, really just trying to understand this judgement.

Thanks for your input.

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