SIDEBAR #15- Arias/Alexander forum

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I'm SO tired but I can't sleep and I'm SO bored :( I hate nights like this. I miss the days when the JA trial threads were hopping, but so thankful for those who have stuck around!

Here's a project: I love this song...decipher the meaning of the song for me please :) I have my opinion but a few people have argued with me so now I'm paranoid.

Miranda Lambert - More Like Her - YouTube

I'm thinking that it's a "the other woman" kind of situation. She's in a relationship where she's comparing herself to someone he had a long standing realtionship with before her. That's what I get out of it, but I could be wrong. Nice song though.
I like this old Adam Lambert song:

I like this song by Carrie Underwood. It is another woman kind of situation LOL!

One thing JA won't have is this... Waking up to a nightmare without anyone who cares. She conducted a tragedy where her room mates felt empathy for her nightmares..

She had more family listening to her than most.

Poor Travis. Too kind and taken too soon.
We practically have the same boss. I feel your pain. Good luck on your fishing with the new manager.... maybe she will rescue you!

I hope so!

Sorry you have a difficult boss too. The fact that so many people have difficult bosses lends credence to the notion that there are thousands and thousands of clinical sociopaths walking among us. They may not ever break the law but they are the "bad" bosses, teachers, cops, etc.
You got some out- there dreams night owl! This video is a few years old but it shows a guy choking on a baggie of pot and getting tasered by the cops. I know you hate JA but death is really ugly. Sweet Dreams. Until JA is put to death by the state of AZ maybe the death of this pot head will tide you over.
Man Dies After Choking On Pot Baggie and Being Tasered - YouTube

It's a shame this fellow panicked and attempted to ingest the evidence instead of facing the criminal consequences of his actions. I am sure nobody was pleased with the result. If stupidity was illegal, there would never be a one count indictment.
I really hate to ask this (I mean really) but does anyone remember when the tootsie pop testimony was? Yesterday I was reading Blink and she said there was only one tootsie pop/pop rock episode, and the afternoon pic has JA with a tootsie pop you-know-where. I was thinking of damaging my ears by listening to that testimony again to see if she does actually say it only happened once. Anyone know which day it was offhand?

I know there's been a lot of talk about the tootsie pop picture but I've never seen it. I thought I've unfortunately seen them all, ugh, but none with a tootsie pop. I was under the impression that it happened only once. I could be very wrong.
Kim K. and K. West named their baby girl NORTH WEST.


kinda sad really

geeze....i think north is kinda cute but not with that last name, apparently her nick name is going to be Nori, if thats what they are gonna call her they should have just named her that...and to think, people gave me grief for naming my daughter Molly.
i was just reading the difficult boss posts...i can totally relate!

my old boss (i left after i had my son because I didn't want to work under her), was totally racist. she didn't like white woman. i worked for a federal agency and was very well covered by all the FMLA laws, etc...she put me through hell and back when she found out I was pregnant again (my kids are 15 months apart). I had plenty of sick time, vacation time, etc, but my daughter who was very young and in her first year of day care was catching every virus there was. I used a lot of sick time with that and drs appts. She tried to write me up, cold hearted. She would also have this other supervisor in our office do all of her dirty work. She did this to me and one other white girl who were both pregnant at the same time, but left the black girl alone. The funny thing is, I was one of the few people in that office that actually did all their work everyday, picked up other peoples slack, always had perfect performance reviews, etc...My immediate supervisor told me I should contact personnel, which I didn't want to do because I didn't want to make it into a huge circus but it was such BS i finally contacted the personnel department who were appalled and let's just say she got in deep trouble. She also didn't allow me to take a vacation day the day before my wedding! wtf! evil evil evil.
i was just reading the difficult boss posts...i can totally relate!

my old boss (i left after i had my son because I didn't want to work under her), was totally racist. she didn't like white woman. i worked for a federal agency and was very well covered by all the FMLA laws, etc...she put me through hell and back when she found out I was pregnant again (my kids are 15 months apart). I had plenty of sick time, vacation time, etc, but my daughter who was very young and in her first year of day care was catching every virus there was. I used a lot of sick time with that and drs appts. She tried to write me up, cold hearted. She would also have this other supervisor in our office do all of her dirty work. She did this to me and one other white girl who were both pregnant at the same time, but left the black girl alone. The funny thing is, I was one of the few people in that office that actually did all their work everyday, picked up other peoples slack, always had perfect performance reviews, etc...My immediate supervisor told me I should contact personnel, which I didn't want to do because I didn't want to make it into a huge circus but it was such BS i finally contacted the personnel department who were appalled and let's just say she got in deep trouble. She also didn't allow me to take a vacation day the day before my wedding! wtf! evil evil evil.

Not take a vacation day the day before your wedding? Trying to write you up because your kid is sick?

Awful and just plain Mean...

Glad you did something about it!
I have been thinking about Kiefer's tweet also. The JA trial has attracted trial groupies. I just don't see anything wrong with labeling a person a groupie. There were women that attended the trial that came from other states. I would call them a groupies. Giving presents to attorneys, I think a groupy might do that. Goes beyond trial watcher IMO.

I found this blog entry from 2006 that talks about Trial Observation vs Trial Groupies:

And because I was a teen in the 1970's when I hear "groupies" I think of this line from the movie Almost Famous. So, for peeps that do not want to be labeled "groupies" but love, love, Juan Martinez, how about the name "Juan-Aids"? Own your groupiness. Write a book like Pamela Des Barres did!

Raunchy language ahead:

Almost Famous - Groupies part - YouTube

This was a great article. How do you all find these? :seeya: This article really explained the phenomenon and I can see how it translates to other aspects of life.
I'm dying to know what happened, too. Small concession, but I did fall into a sort of Walter Mitty fugue state & imagined what I WISH had happened. Here's what I imagined should've happened today:

Well, as usual the defense team was holding things up. Everyone was sitting around the conference table, twiddling their thumbs, unable to start the hearing because W hadn't yet returned from her donut run.

Gradually, one by one each member of the group noticed the up-til-now sullen lizard-eyed killer had begun morphing into something almost..well, almost human, right before their eyes. First, she smiled. It was her adorable, twinkly everyone-you-gotta-love-me smile. Then, tears streaming down her pock-marked face, she began to express remorse & suggest her sincere desire to have all of them forgive & forget...just let bygones be spite of their many betrayals against her.

With Dr. Samuels now quietly singing "KumByYa" in the background, the killer tentatively reached out to the group, extending her talon-like hand, the infamous deformed finger twitching and dangling downward.

Suddenly, as if on cue, the mood was broken! A retching, green-faced Nurmi projectile vomited his McDonald's Hot Cakes and Sausage Breakfast all over a breathless W, who had just burst into the room, holding aloft a pastry bag exclaiming, "bear claws for everyone!"

Well, naturally, the now chunk-covered W fainted dead away from the shock and smell and yes, her fall was broken by a startled yet quick thinking ALV. (later, some said her eyes were so wide, it looked as if they'd pop out like champagne corks.)

Anyway, that's when the judge, having witnessed the unfortunate series of events, set in motion by the now giddy killer, began calmly dabbing a tissue to her forehead while reaching under her desk to flip a little switch.

Suddenly, a trap door fell open beneath the killer, who disappeared through the hole that used to be a floor. All in the room fell silent. Several seconds passed; upon hearing the sound of a distant kersplash, the judge released the switch. The trap door slammed shut.

Smiling sweetly at the group, she softly announced, "Court is adjourned."

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That was GREAT! Guess we can all dream :seeya:
ewwww creepy thing, flirty shy smile...blechhh!! Thank you for the footage... the guards' fingers were poised on....? Something. Surely, not a camera...I don't know what. Would any of you know?

That's a panic button, in case she starts attacking them! :scared:
Tonight at 8:00PM (EDT) on Lifetime:

Jodi Arias: Dirty Little Secret

Jodi Arias, an aspiring photographer, stands trial for the brutal 2008 murder of her boyfriend. She claims the killing was done in self-defense, but prosecutors believe otherwise. Based on a true story.

Followed by: Beyond the Headlines: The Jodi Arias Story at 10:00PM and 11:00PM (EDT).

Jodi Arias: Dirty Little Secret repeats at midnight.
I'm watching, even though I know it's going to be cheesy & factually inaccurate. I will miss watching in real time w/y'all because I have to work. But I'll catch up on your thoughts later.

Have a good weekend, peeps! Be good and if you can't be good, be careful. (Wise words my Grandma used to end her phone calls w/me.)
I wonder what was going through their minds while standing there near her. I would've been like "come on, I dare you....freak out so I can push this button."

(Btw...does anyone else find those guards attractive? Yum. Geez, it sucks being single lol)

Why, yes. Yes, I do matter 'o fact!! JKiller's single too. I was wondering how the heck did she STILL manage to get herself a new boyfriend, yesterday...even while wearing shackles & horizontal stripes!!
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