SIDEBAR #17- Arias/Alexander forum

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Evening daisy. :seeya:
We finally caught up with each other :floorlaugh:
You know already that he doesn't know if he wants any children.
What's that new avatar? Is that you at your house?

It's what YOU want that matters! :floorlaugh:

Yep, pressure washing the house last summer. :blushing:
BBM She's the same- very sensitive. I rarely yell at her because the look on her face is so pitiful, with her ears back and her head down. It's almost like she saying, "what? but I'm a good girl and didn't do anything wrong- really" :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
She's my baby girl :blushing: (I have 2 sons :facepalm:).

Another quirk of my Schnauzer: he refuses to walk through a door that's open only a few inches, even if he will fit through it. It's a spacial thing I guess, :dunno:.
It's what YOU want that matters! :floorlaugh:

Yep, pressure washing the house last summer. :blushing:

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: I don't think I could make them make a baby :floorlaugh:
I'm lucky I clean the inside of my house- never mind the outside. Are you a cleaning fanatic? :floorlaugh:
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: I don't think I could make them make a baby :floorlaugh:
I'm lucky I clean the inside of my house- never mind the outside. Are you a cleaning fanatic? :floorlaugh:

yes, outside, inside is always under renovation and messy :)

I love water! Swimming, washing stuff, pressure washing, drinking, etc.
Good evening YESorNO :seeya:. Nothing new. How come you're "No longer The Queen"? Who said so, and I'll give them one of these :slap: :floorlaugh:

No longer The Queen because I'm "not perfect" anymore.:tears: I have 10 chin hairs :scared: and Queens never have chin hairs. :blushing:
So, now I'm the hairy squirrel (see avatar). :floorlaugh:
You'll have to take my place as Queen for a while :floorlaugh:
Here's the :goldcrown: Take good care of it 'til I want it back, OK. :floorlaugh:
What are you renovating?

gradually the whole house - at a standstill now because I need someone to caulk a bunch of shoe molding and baseboard, and have a lot of white trim to do. I'm quite fussy and not good trimming or caulking!
gradually the whole house - at a standstill now because I need someone to caulk a bunch of shoe molding and baseboard, and have a lot of white trim to do. I'm quite fussy and not good trimming or caulking!

And who is that in your new avatar?
WHY are you lurking, my princess?

Life is giving me too many lemons these days, and that makes me quiet. :( But I love to come and read your funny jokes, and the funny comments here. It makes me feel better.
And who is that in your new avatar?

That's my boy! He's a large mix of beagle and who knows what, weighs 80 pounds, and loves tootsie roll pops, as you can see. His dad was part lab and rottie, but he looks just like his mother. :floorlaugh:
Life is giving me too many lemons these days, and that makes me quiet. :( But I love to come and read your funny jokes, and the funny comments here. It makes me feel better.

Yes, lemons are bitter. This will pass eventually. :therethere:
Here's some more funnies for you in the meantime:

Understanding A Woman

We need REALLY MEANS I want.
You want REALLY MEANS You need.
It's your decision REALLY MEANS The correct decision should be obvious by now.
We need to talk REALLY MEANS I need to complain.
Do what you want REALLY MEANS You'll pay for this later.
You're so manly REALLY MEANS You need a shave and you sweat a lot.
You're certainly attentive tonight. REALLY MEANS Is sex all you ever think about?
I'm not emotional! And I'm not overreacting! REALLY MEANS I'm on my period.
This kitchen is so inconvenient REALLY MEANS I want a new house.
You have to learn to communicate. REALLY MEANS Just agree with me.
I heard a noise REALLY MEANS I noticed you were almost asleep.
Do you love me? REALLY MEANS I'm going to ask for something expensive.
How much do you love me? REALLY MEANS I did something you're not going to like.
I'll be ready in a minute. REALLY MEANS Be patient I'll be a while.
Am I a little fat? REALLY MEANS Tell me I'm beautiful.
I'm sorry. REALLY MEANS You'll be sorry.
Do you like this recipe? REALLY MEANS It's easy to fix, so get used to it.
Was that the baby? REALLY MEANS Why don't you wake up and deal with the baby.
I'm not yelling! REALLY MEANS Yes I am yelling because I think this is important.
All we're going to buy is a soap dish REALLY MEANS Major shopping trip. Did you bring your checkbook?

Why dogs are better than women

1. The later you are, the more excited they are to see you.
2. Dogs will forgive you for playing with other dogs.
3. If a dog is pretty, other dogs don't hate it.
4. Dogs don't notice if you call them by another dog's name.
5. A dog's disposition stays the same all month long.
6. Dogs like it if you leave a lot of things on the floor.
7. A dog's parents never visit.
8. Dogs do not hate their bodies.
9. Dogs agree that you have to raise your voice to get your point across.
10. Dogs like to do their snooping outside rather than in your wallet or desk.
11. Dogs seldom outlive you.
12. Dogs can't talk.
13. Dogs enjoy petting in public.
14. You never have to wait for a dog; they're ready to go 24-hours a day.
15. Dogs find you amusing when you're drunk.
16. Dogs like to go hunting.
17. Another man will seldom steal your dog.
18. If you bring another dog home, your dog will happily play with both of you.
19. A dog will not wake you up at night to ask, "If I died would you get another dog?"
20. If you pretend to be blind, your dog can stay in your hotel room for free.
21. If a dog has babies, you can put an ad in the paper and give them away.
22. A dog will let you put a studded collar on it without calling you a pervert.
23. A dog won't hold out on you to get a new car.
24. If a dog smells another dog on you, they don't get mad, they just think it's interesting.
25. On a car trip, your dog never insists on running the heater.
26. Dogs don't let magazine articles guide their lives.
27. Dogs like to ride in the back of a pickup truck.
28. Dogs are not allowed in Debenhams or Harvey Nicols.
29. If a dog leaves, it won't take half of your stuff.

Accidental Death

There are two nice bachelor brothers who live with their mother, Jim and Bob. A business trip took Bob out of town for a few days but he promised to call home on a regular basis to find out how things are going.
As good as his word, Bob called home the next day and Jim answered the phone. Bob asked, "So how's everything going?"
Jim replied, "The cat's dead. He fell out the window."
Bob was furious at the way his brother responded to his question and told him the bad news in such a callous manner. He told Jim his feelings in no uncertain terms.
Jim asked, "So how would you have liked me to respond?"Bob went on, "First you could have told me that you accidentally left the window open. Then the cat jumped out of the window and landed on the small roof below. We called the emergency response team, who tried for nearly and hour to coax the cat back into the house all the while trying to reach him by ladder from the outside. In spite of everyone's efforts, the cat lost his footing fell off the roof and died from his injuries."
Jim responded, "Oh. I see..."
Bob then asked Jim, "So how's Mom?"
Jim said, "Well, I accidentally left the window open and the cat got out. Mom went out the window onto the small roof to try to get the cat."

Sex Tips For Seniors

1. Put bifocals on. Double check that you're with the right partner.
2. Set alarm on your clock for 2 minutes... in case you doze off in the middle.
3. Set the mood with lighting. Turn 'em ALL OFF !
4. Make sure you put 911 on your speed dial before you begin... just in case!
5. Write partner's name on your hand in case you can't remember what to scream out at the end.
That's my boy! He's a large mix of beagle and who knows what, weighs 80 pounds, and loves tootsie roll pops, as you can see. His dad was part lab and rottie, but he looks just like his mother. :floorlaugh:

I thought you wrote "he looks just like my mother" :floorlaugh:
My eyes are getting watery and I can't see straight :scared:
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