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Happy Birthday, Nore. :loveyou:


:loveyou: Hope it is a lovely Bday for you :loveyou:​
A very, Happy Birthday to you Nore.....and many more!!
........and praying for speedy and full recover for Niner.
Happy Birthday Nore!!!

Happy Birthday. Minions - YouTube


Yes or No, thanks for keeping us up on the news of the case. (I think I just wiped it from thought since sentencing is so far off.)

I am sorry to hear about all the pups. I hope all are doing well. Mine got "bitten" by a pitbull once at an apartment complex. Surgery, tubes, meds, she ended up okay though!

I see Zuri popped in but didn't post. I hope she is okay, we miss you Zuri. :heart:

Anyone had any word about Niner yet?
MonaLou is doing better. She still looks terrible ( I would post a pic, but it's pretty upsetting),but has a little more in her step than the last three days. The drains in her side come out today, and the stitches in ten more days. The blood in the white of her eye (it's filled with blood) will take more time.

Animal control did ask the people if they would surrender the dogs, but they said no. In our town, may be yours also, it seems dogs get a freebie in a first bite if it's an animal because their not a human being, but they will take custody on a second bite.

We've drove and walked by taking pictures of the fence falling down, and several gaps in the bottom. The city was to go and check to see how the dogs had been secured and see if they can get out again.

I'd like to see if dogs that bite, (that are just "visiting") be chipped when they bite so they can be tracked. If they've attacked, and the people just move or hide them for awhile and they attack again there would be a record and maybe more action can be taken. They could prove that wasn't it's first free bite, and hopefully put the dogs down.
MonaLou is doing better. She still looks terrible ( I would post a pic, but it's pretty upsetting),but has a little more in her step than the last three days. The drains in her side come out today, and the stitches in ten more days. The blood in the white of her eye (it's filled with blood) will take more time.

Animal control did ask the people if they would surrender the dogs, but they said no. In our town, may be yours also, it seems dogs get a freebie in a first bite if it's an animal because their not a human being, but they will take custody on a second bite.

We've drove and walked by taking pictures of the fence falling down, and several gaps in the bottom. The city was to go and check to see how the dogs had been secured and see if they can get out again.

I'd like to see if dogs that bite, (that are just "visiting") be chipped when they bite so they can be tracked. If they've attacked, and the people just move or hide them for awhile and they attack again there would be a record and maybe more action can be taken. They could prove that wasn't it's first free bite, and hopefully put the dogs down.

I'm so sorry. I was terrified for my baby (50 lbs dog) for so long. She did look bad, and felt bad. The compresses she liked, she was very terrified too. The pain meds made it a bit worse though. I thought she might not be okay, but the vet called a week in and said not to give her 2, that was error. But still, she didn't seem okay until they were over.

Here they take both dogs in if reported. No one did report, although many were involved. Even tried a taser on the pit and it wouldn't let go. :(

I didn't report as it was from accidental apartment contact and timing, and, if no one fights it and pays for lots of school for dogs and Court dates, both dogs get euthanized. (sp?0

If you are in a house though, with a yard, as it seems to be, I would encourage following through. Sounds like there is a lot more involved. It takes time and money, but do it. I moved away with landlord consent as I was too jumpy and afraid to even hear the dog that bit, and so was my pup.
Facebook Fans to Determine World's Favorite ‘House Rules' to Be Included in Future Monopoly Games

"March 25, 2014-Starting today through April 3, the MONOPOLY Facebook page will host the Great MONOPOLY ‘House Rules' Debate, with MR. MONOPOLY as the moderator. Fans are encouraged to debate the pros and cons of 10 ‘House Rules' that were selected as a result of crowdsourcing fans globally on the MONOPOLY Facebook page. As a result of the debate, Hasbro will identify the top ‘House Rules,' and incorporate them into the MONOPOLY: House Rules Edition game available this Fall. The chosen rules will also be included in the classic MONOPOLY game guide in 2015. While the official MONOPOLY rules will not change, fans who love playing with ‘House Rules' will now have the opportunity to play them in their game."

We had an unofficial rule when we played Monopoly when I was young.
-"Free Parking, Fast Cash: All taxes and fees will be collected in the middle of the game board, if you land on Free Parking, it's your lucky day: collect all the money from the middle of the board."

How did you play?

I have the game we bought in 1949 when we were first married. We played Monopoly a lot..:seeya:
Happy Birthday Nore!!!

Happy Birthday. Minions - YouTube


Yes or No, thanks for keeping us up on the news of the case. (I think I just wiped it from thought since sentencing is so far off.)

I am sorry to hear about all the pups. I hope all are doing well. Mine got "bitten" by a pitbull once at an apartment complex. Surgery, tubes, meds, she ended up okay though!

I see Zuri popped in but didn't post. I hope she is okay, we miss you Zuri. :heart:

Anyone had any word about Niner yet?

Hi Merci, thanks for the birthday wishes. I'm glad your Puppy was alright! I also hope we hear something soon on Niner~ :loveyou:
My Thank you button stopped working so thanks to all for the birthday wishes. My brakes went, I'm wheezing, my legs hurt like he((, otherwise a normal day!! LOL
Nore, you share a birthday with my sister. She turned sixty five today.
I'm so sorry. I was terrified for my baby (50 lbs dog) for so long. She did look bad, and felt bad. The compresses she liked, she was very terrified too. The pain meds made it a bit worse though. I thought she might not be okay, but the vet called a week in and said not to give her 2, that was error. But still, she didn't seem okay until they were over.

Here they take both dogs in if reported. No one did report, although many were involved. Even tried a taser on the pit and it wouldn't let go. :(

I didn't report as it was from accidental apartment contact and timing, and, if no one fights it and pays for lots of school for dogs and Court dates, both dogs get euthanized. (sp?0

If you are in a house though, with a yard, as it seems to be, I would encourage following through. Sounds like there is a lot more involved. It takes time and money, but do it. I moved away with landlord consent as I was too jumpy and afraid to even hear the dog that bit, and so was my pup.

I'm lucky. My best friend is an attorney. We always joked that I had her on retainer for us and our kids. She told them that she'd come get them out of jail if they got in trouble, but it wouldn't be that night. They'd have to wait to morning when she got up and moving around.

She's been a very good friend for a long time. I owned a daycare center for twenty five years and had both her sons until they went to school. The oldest took a hostage and hijacked their car one day and went through a neighbor fence when he was three. When he was ten he snuck out one night and went with some friends to write something (I think it was like you stink) in Roundup, the weedkiller, on his yard. He was tracked down pretty quick. He signed his name at the end.

I woke up suddenly at two in the morning on my thirty sixth birthday, and all I could think about was her and that she needed help. Her parents had been hit by a car that didn't have it's lights on, as they crossed a street from a friends birthday party. Her mother was killed instantly, her father had both legs shattered in several places and his pelvis was broken along with broken ribs. The driver was drunk. When she went to trial she asked the judge for mercy because she had two kids at home and wanted to just have jail time on the weekends.

Hope your surgery went well.


Today was a good day so far this week. Animal control asked dh if he'd meet with them before they sent the case to the prosecutor, and that they had issued seven citations, each one at the maximum of two thousand dollars, for a total of fourteen thousand, and we filed a claim against their home owner insurance.

Animal control just came by to take their own photos of MonaLou (she's starting to give me dirty looks when someone is taking her picture) and that the dogs owners had absolutely no remorse that Mona was attacked. They were glad to hear that there were two witnesses to the dogs attacking Mona, and that none of us are shy about being in court.
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