My poor gramma. :therethere:
Pain can be very tiring. I hope it will subside somehow.
I know praying helps me a lot when I have pain- it's, sort of, a distraction from the pain. Even if you don't actually say prayers to God or whoever, concentrating on something "good" or pleasant (say, thinking about your wonderful grandson) will distract you some.
When I was young, maybe 7-8, something happened to my foot and I was on bed rest for a time. I remember that there was a lot of pain. I would "sing" this little song to myself (a real dumb song :floorlaugh
"red... white, and yellow. Yellow, white, and blue". :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Stupid, but it distracted my mind from the pain. (I don't know how I remember that song to this day, but it must have stuck in my mind all these years).
Pray, gramma Nore.
I will pray with you and for you, my dear. :blowkiss: