SIDEBAR #24- Arias/Alexander forum

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Anyone ever watch the PBS cooking shows on Saturday?

Oh my, sometimes I just don't know.

Today they had a couple of large guy chefs go to eat some "Hot Fried Chicken." Haha, they were sweating, blowing their noses, you know. Well, get this, I really just don't know. The took chicken skin, scraped it clean, salted, put in between 2 cookie sheets and baked it. Then, they swabbed it with sorghum (sweet stuff I take it), put cayenne something blend on it, AND!!! Pureed Wonder Bread, put in baggie, snipped the end, and put bread dots on spicy chicken skin. :floorlaugh: I have no doubt that it would be a good drinking snack or something, but how unhealthy can you get. Mostly-WHY!!!!

ewwwww..... yuck!:facepalm:
Been watching videos on how to diagnose and repair rear windshield defroster, ugh. Means I have to go outside and test the voltage of the clips. Already looked at the fuse, but it is a big gray square, guess I have to find out how to test that too. Pollen got on my arm and caused itchy bump, put cortisone on it, all good. (Still haven't heard back from the doctor about the face issue, been a month. Is that normal? They took blood and swabs, it is gone for now, but shouldn't I have heard something? Is no call good?)

ETA: It is the defroster clips! NO voltage on one side, random changing but around the correct voltage on the other. Least I think that is all it will be. Easy enough, buy the kit, sand, affix, wait, and it will work again. WooHoo!

Dr. Seuss Horton Hears A Who Full Movie - YouTube

Hooray ---- downright proud that you can fix your own defroster! I love it when we can do our own repairs and save on a mechanic!

Glad the cortisone worked. I hate anything itchy. And yes!! You should have heard back within a day or two. I would be calling every day until I got a response.
For many years I literally struggled with "Well, then, what is normal?" I really did. I got over and realized I can only be who I am, so can others. Huge understanding came. Of course, you could plop me a room of a thousand people (hopefully that will never happen, lol) and the literally crazy person will find me. I guess because I will listen and try to get it. Nothing wrong with viewing the world through others experiences.

Thanks for reminding me. ;)

You are very kind. I'll bet your loved ones can't stand to be away for too long.

I have to chuckle just a bit because you could be my sister, separated before we knew. You sound so much like myself! I don't do a lot of talking, but I sure have listened to a lot of sad stories, drunken tales, and more. As for ex-hubbys.... we always joked we should have lived in separate houses next to each other with an enclosed walkway between the two for when we wanted to be together. We definitely made better friends than husband and wife.

You are a good person, merc! i always enjoy your posts. :loveyou:
I'm sitting here crying about Jeffrey Boucher. His body was found today. I know, I'm such a neurotic.
I'm sorry Neesaki. :tears: :therethere:

Thank you Spellbound. It's amazing how attached we can get attached to the cases that we follow here, isn't it ? They become more than just names, they are real , live people to us. Even if we never meet them in person, they are no less real, so that when they're gone, there is an emptiness left behind.
My mother always said, "don't think so highly of yourself". And she's right, IMO. I'm just an ordinary person.).

I don't see myself as being overly kind, but I thank-you for that. I do see myself as seeking the truth of a person- who they are and what they are trying to say when they post/talk- the underlying "something" that they are, if you know what I mean. When can I be kind? Always.

Here I go- rambling again. :silenced: Too much "I" :eek:


(snipped my own post :facepalm:)

BBM I woke up this AM and thought to myself- my mother didn't say that. :snooty: She said, "don't give yourself so much importance"- which means the same thing, I guess. But I had to "fix" it because I put the statement in "quotes" and it should be exactly what she said. I'm really losing it.
I'm obsessing, I know. :aktion1:

Anyway- Good Sunday morning everyone. :seeya:
I know Zuri was sick, and maybe she worries about yet another with surgery. I don't know. I hope she is okay though. I do worry about her.

Love the Chicken Run movie, oh, should not admit it (again), I love all animated or cartoon family feel movies and t.v. shows.

Get out of your fort. Now I have to google a new hamster!

ETA: The Knight Being Crowned (by himself I think)


I just love that little fellow. He can come in my couch fort and colour with me.:floorlaugh:
Just dropping in this Sunday morning to say hello. I have been working close to 40 hours and finding it hard to get some things done or I am just to tired to get things done, but I am beginning to get use to it. I hope these hours will turn to full time in the near future.
I say Niner has posted. Good to see you back. I was not aware that Zuri is not feeling well. Hope that changes soon. Yes and No I see you are still keeping the group entertained. Good for you.
Hope all is well with everyone.
Anyways nothing seems to be new with the Arias case. WAITING!!
Been on the Malaysia Airline thread, just lurking. What a tragedy. I want to know the truth about what happened with that plane.
MonaLou made it though, surgery and is home. She has three ten inch long incisions and her skin was pulled away from her body? and has two drains from the top of her back to her tummy. Her left eye has blood in the white part and they think it's from blunt force trauma and think it will resolve itself over time.

Neesaki, I was shaking so hard I couldn't get the gun safe open or I would of shot them. I had called DH and he made it from downtown Dallas home under fifteen minutes, called 911 again ( they said they hadn't received any calls. They'd asked my name, address, phone number and said they'd call animal control.) and told them to get the police here are he was going to shoot them. They asked if he had a gun, he said hell yes, get them here or I'll kill them ( told him to stay in the house, and it's illegal to fire a gun in the city limits; he said no you get a police officer now or I'm killing them.) and that they'd notified animal control and we should wait. No police,but animal control showed up and got the dogs as we were leaving for the emergency vet hospital.

The owners will get a citation, and their dogs will be released to them today. Since it was the "first time (that they know of) they'd attacked anyone or thing that is all they can do. We asked about the possibility of them attacking a child or anyone else, and again it was the first time and he'd seen several kids out playing and they didn't attack them. Don't know if anyone was out before they got to us and over the fence by the pasture (it's going to a six foot fence now), but we don't have kids in our neighborhood other than the new family with a two year old and a four month old, and they weren't home.

We have so many pitbulls to the north, south, and west of us; have never been comfortable with that fact, and them telling us that they are good dogs wouldn't hurt a fly, doesn't impress me much.

We're going to call their home owners insurance today and start a lawsuit, and I hope the insurance company tells them to get rid of them or they'll drop their insurance.

Unfortunately, we know the people, not a big fan of them,they let their son terrorize the neighborhood, and their son was a good friend of my nephew thirty years ago.

They live one block over and across the alley, all they had to do was walk five hundred feet, take a left turn and they were two houses down from ours. They went through their fence (a split three rail type) into the pasture and into ours.

When we got to the vet hospital they took Mona back, but told us we'd have to wait and in the mean while they wanted a hundred bucks before they started treatment, and would give us an estimate after the vet checked her over; kinda crappy and crass to us. Every penny of the thousand dollars final bill though. When we gt her home last night she wouldn't go out in the backyard. She took about ten steps looking around and wanted back in. So now my baby has PTSD

I know I'm rambling on, so please forgive me.

Hi Like to Bend,

I have to add my two cents here about bad dog owners.

My next-door neighbour owns a rottweiler, which he never walks because he can't control the dog, so he simply leaves the dog in his very small backyard, where it is steadily going stir crazy from lack of exercise, lack of stimulation, etc. All day long the dog paces back and forth, forth and back, and barks and howls and goes crazy.

This rottweiler twice knocked down the fence between our yards and viciously attacked my dog, each time trying to kill him. After each attack, I called the police, who, after taking photos of my near-dead dog and blood-streaked patio, told me that they couldn't lay any charge because the attack was not on a human.

After each attack the police did go talk to the a-hole owner of the dog and warn him about his dog's crazy-danger. But he obviously doesn't care. I'm certain that if the rottweiler is taken from him he will replace it with another.
Becky, I am so sorry about your dog. Did your dog recover all right each time? (I am crossing my fingers you will say yes, because I know the damage a rottie can cause). I would be afraid to let my dogs outside if one of those lived next door to me, and would also be afraid myself. My one and only experience was not a very pleasant one.

It just disgusts me when I hear about people who are so thoughtless about their pets. We had a nightmare-from-h3ll neighbor, too. Luckily no one was injured, but they had their dogs forcibly removed by animal control twice.
Y'all remember Dr. Karp who analyzed missy:jail: before the other "experts" did , but didn't testify because she bowed out of the trial(it's a good thing for her 'cause JM would have made mincemeat out of her. :floorlaugh: ):

"You may recall from the trial that Dr. Cheryl L. Karp interviewed Jodi Arias at length. Her name was mentioned quite a few times during the trial but she never testified. It’s unclear why she did not testify at that time.

Dr. Karp is the Vice Chairperson for the State of Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners. Dr. DeMarte, when preparing her clinical assessment of Jodi Arias, reviewed the evaluation performed by Dr. Karp. On the stand, Dr. DeMarte said that Jodi indicated, to Dr. Karp, that there were more episodes of alleged abuse than she had alleged to other defense experts.

It’s unclear precisely what role Dr. Karp might have in the resentencing trial."
She was also mentioned in one of the zillion motions this year for the sentencing:

"objection to the motion to preclude the penalty phase rebuttal evidence related to expert witness Dr. Cheryl Karp;"
She is an expert witness in the Marissa Devault trial that is going on right now.
The Trial Divas, who are reporting on the Devault trial, made some comments about the allusive Dr. Karp on their website and I thought they were very interesting and y'all might like to read them for yourself:

"Entering the courtroom in a non-Diva Approved dress that had so much color on it, it would be considered a crime, was none other than Dr. Cheryl Karp. If her name sounds familiar it’s because she was scheduled to testify in the Jodi Arias trial but she had to bow out due to a medical condition…aka mental issue. Dr. Karp isn’t a tall woman, in fact she’s quite small with a blond perm that had brunette bangs. She was quite the sight, and not only were The Trial Divas interested in what she had to say about Marrissa DeVault, it appeared so was Juan Martinez who popped into court for a bit. Right off the bat Dr. Karp got “the what for” from Judge Steinle as he reprimanded her for treating the courtroom like her office, reminding her he was in charge of how her testimony would play out... :floorlaugh:

In a move that not only had the jury and gallery wake up from a Karp coma, Basta asked her if she relied on the letters Jodi Arias wrote for her diagnosis. Karp instantly became offended and began to huff and puff while rolling her eyes and looking over at the jury in shock. Basta continued on asking if she testified in the Jodi Arias trial, to which Karp answered, “No.” He also asked her if she revised her findings on Jodi Arias after she realized it was incorrect, once again Karp answered “No…buy maybe I added an addendum.”

With that Judge Steinle shut the whole Jodi Arias line of questioning down and sent the jury out to give Eric Basta his daily spanking. As the jury shuffled out the door, Dr. Karp repeatedly shook her head at each of them hoping to garner some sympathy for Basta going down the Jodi trail…yet in all honesty it woke everybody up and making us wish we had some popcorn for the show!"
Sounds like a winner to me- another defense yo-yo- like Samuels and LaViolette to me. You really must read The Trial Divas article- they are a funny bunch ("the Jodi Arias theme" :floorlaugh: - too much):

" While the defense had Dr. Karp, the prosecution stayed with the Jodi Arias theme and brought in the popular expert known as Dr. Janeen DeMarte. She is the one who battled against the biased Alyce LaViolette and Dr. Samuels, essentially solidifying a conviction of first degree murder for Jodi. A buzz resonated throughout the courtroom and social media on how similar Jodi’s case and Marissa Devault’s trial were. While some of the names and players were similar, the story was somewhat more layered giving Marissa the edge as far as salaciousness."

Bring Dr. Karp on for the missy:jail: trial and JM will make Karpmeat out of her. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Manik Sethisuwan, has come up with a "logic chart" for jurors in deciding the choices they have in sentencing missy :jail: that I thought some people might like to analyze. At first the chart is somewhat :scared:, but if you really have the time to fully "read" it, it makes a lot of sense.
Anyway, if anyone is interested and wants to tackle it (I did by remembering my logic class in college) (if you click on the chart, it gets larger and easier to read):

"Life or Death: Why all questions lead to justice":
I'm watching CNN Death Row stories right now, 9PM EST, and James Duckett is featured, Josh Duckett's father. Trenton Duckett's grandfather. Might run again later tonight.
I wish foreman William Zervakos used logic (and the other 3 jurors, too) to come to a "better" conclusion than their deadlock verdict in the penalty phase, but not everyone thinks logically. They use their emotions to come up with answers to missy's :jail: obvious premeditated murder of Travis.
The mitigating factors brought up for missy :jail:, have no bearing on her murdering Travis at all, IMO. It's ludicrous to think that because of one text (?), Travis was abusive to missy :jail: and, also, no one validated her alleged abuse by her parents. :aktion1:
What possible use are missy's :jail: "talents" in real life? Artist, hair, recycling, teaching Spanish? Ludicrous- all of them- in saying she has any value anymore and can contribute to society.She needs to be locked away from people so she can no longer be among other people- even other criminals.

I'm really afraid of having people like Zervakos in the retrial of the penalty phase; we don't need another hung jury. He did not follow the jury instruction and used his emotions to form his opinions. I know that people come in to a jury with their life experiences (and I did comment on that many posts ago about the foreman- I don't think anyone liked what I had to say about his life experiences then, but I digress), but they need to follow the jury instructions because it is the law.

"Jury Foreman for Jodi Arias - Crime Writer Inside the Courtroom"

Like most of his fellow jurors, Zervakos resembled a statue most of the time during testimony. But one day I tweeted to my followers that I saw a juror nodding in agreement with a witness. I can now disclose that the juror I watched nod his head positively in concurrence with a witness was number 18, William Zervakis. It came when one of the trial's psychologists was saying that what happens to us as children, especially abuse, shapes who we become as adults.

He did it in a most definite way, not just one vague dip of the chin but a clear series of nods to several statements from the stand. My twittles were instantly panicked, engaging with my tweet, feeling it meant he "bought" the defense theory that Travis was abusive to Jodi...

What were some of the ways in which Jodi lied to, betrayed, or invaded the privacy of Travis to make him so angry? Jodi did all of the following things to Travis:

-stole an engagement ring he had purchased for a girlfriend before he ever met Jodi
-slashed his tires, more than once
-snuck into his home repeatedly, even hiding behind the Christmas tree
-manipulated his social media accounts with his stolen passwords
-sent harassing anonymous emails to his romantic interests
-lied to his best friends about him
-disrupted his relationships with other women and with his friends

Who wouldn't have angry words burning on the tongue after such incidents? By discounting Dr. DeMarte's testimony that Travis's anger was not an abnormal response to the provocation of betrayal and deception, and instead characterizing Travis as "abusive" to Jodi, the jury foreman is telling us that men don't have a right to be angry with women. Or, rather, they don't have a right to be angry with young, slim women with long hair and full lips. And soft voices...

Speaking to Vargas on GMA, Zervakos told us that it was his job as a juror to "divest himself from the personal and emotional" but in the same breath he told us the defendant's looks "just didn't wash" in relation to the crime...

I just wish Mr. Zervakos had based his mistrial-inducing decision on something better than Jodi's well practiced posturing herself into the small and helpless. We know she's not helpless. We know her wispy bangs crown a cunning mind. We know her pretty eyes mask violent anger. I know that Mr. Zervakos carefully considered the testimony and evidence presented to him, I know he wanted to do the right thing. But his comments to Elizabeth Vargas will live forever.

And I know I won't be the only one wishing he had thought less about how Jodi looked and focused more on how Travis looked after she was done with him."

Be afraid- be very afraid of some jurors :scared:
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