SIDEBAR #24- Arias/Alexander forum

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How about photos of the Mighty Hood, the HMS Hood.




Such beautiful ships. My uncle joined the Navy when he was eighteen and was in Korea and then was a SeeBee during the Vietnam war.

My dh worked on the F 16's for General Dynamics in Ft. Worth and took us to the small air museum outside it's gate next to the runway. It was awe inspiring to see two F 16's coming down that runway and take off, and it made me remember what America should be proud of.

Sadly not many know what we were and what we've become.
Well, it's 2:35 in the morning (Central Time) and I can't sleep. Don't know why because I'm not especially worried or anxious about anything.

Anyhoo, while lying in my bed wide awake and getting more and more frustrated at not being able to fall asleep (which only makes one more wide awake!), I decided to get up and log in to Websleuths to see if any other WSers are also awake.

But, no--sigh. I seem to be the only one here. Not even any lurkers to wave to. Oh well.

Anyway (or anyvay): HELLO to all my friends here on WS! I hope you are all fine and that life is treating you well.

Bless you all!
Well, it's 2:35 in the morning (Central Time) and I can't sleep. Don't know why because I'm not especially worried or anxious about anything.

Anyhoo, while lying in my bed wide awake and getting more and more frustrated at not being able to fall asleep (which only makes one more wide awake!), I decided to get up and log in to Websleuths to see if any other WSers are also awake.

But, no--sigh. I seem to be the only one here. Not even any lurkers to wave to. Oh well.

Anyway (or anyvay): HELLO to all my friends here on WS! I hope you are all fine and that life is treating you well.

Bless you all!

VVell I'm sorry I missed you. I hate being vvide avvake and no one around. I guess it could be vvorse, all VVebsleuthers could be up at the same time. VVhat a time that vvould be.
having problems posting... hope this one goes thru...

Morning everyone! :wave:

ILike - homebody here too!! :seeya:

YESorNO - Love your funnies!! :floorlaugh:

No one here... only 2 guests :wave:

Weather is great here - 87!!
Did you finish your Spring cleaning? :floorlaugh: (I'm almost done- it's taking me sooooooo long to finish :tantrum:)

Hulsey will back in a couple of weeks. What about the Elizabeth Marriott trial- are you following that? is it over?

Hang with us here at the Sidebar and post something..... :loveyou:


What do you do when you spring clean, YorN ? I'm looking for some inspiration.
What do you do when you spring clean, YorN ? I'm looking for some inspiration.

Don't worry about it. We are in Summer now - put it on the Calendar for next Spring. That is what I am going to do!!!!

Hope everyone is having a nice day. Checking in (at work) as I scarf down my sandwich.
Not that busy all the time. This is my first since schools been out, other than that I'm home. I like being at home: I can stay up all night and sleep all day if I want. I can cook and bake anytime I want. We have a big backyard and I can wander around in it when I take the dogs out no matter day or night.

And I don't have to deal with rude people that take their whole family to the store and take up all the aisle, and let you know how put out they are that you're polite enough to wait a few seconds, and then to say excuse me my I get pass you, and I walk off thinking "I'd been smacked on the behind if I was rude growing up".

When Anna was born (remember way back in the old days we were told to stay at home for six weeks before taking a baby out for the first time?), I had a wonderful time taking care of her, no need to go out, whatever I needed or wanted my dh would get. I like being a homebody.

We have several neighbors with the same freedom, and see them out when I'm sitting on the swing on the front porch at three in the morning. About the only thing I can complain about is that everyone has at least one smoker, and seems want to smoke meat all at the same time. Fathers Day weekend was at an all time high. There were four going from three in the morning Saturday till Sunday afternoon. It's makes you wonder what a ham feels like in a smokehouse.

Oh that drives me crazy, these large families just loitering, barely moving and just hanging out in the aisles, like it's some kind of family reunion or something and they are the only people in existence. Completely oblivious to the fact they're blocking the entire aisle. Or, do they do it on purpose, I often wonder. Whatever happened to basic respect and consideration for others. It's :maddening: I've actually thought about just giving my cart a shove and sending it flying into them, then I will say "oh, sorry about that" :rolleyes:
How come the margins are blown way out? Is it because of the pictures? I am clueless but my print is so tiny on the iPad it is not even readable....sorry....I can enlarge the print but cannot get the entire page on...I can just move it around...just was not sure if it is the pics or maybe the ipad going out.
VVell I'm sorry I missed you. I hate being vvide avvake and no one around. I guess it could be vvorse, all VVebsleuthers could be up at the same time. VVhat a time that vvould be.

Hey! Are you making fun of my funny vay of speaking?

(Seriously, ILiketoBend, even though I now have a new computer, I kind of miss my old speech impediment. I rather liked typing messages that sounded like a cheezy Dracula. I can't remember who--or vho--but someone here christened me Count Beckula, vhich I found so funny!)

How come the margins are blown way out? Is it because of the pictures? I am clueless but my print is so tiny on the iPad it is not even readable....sorry....I can enlarge the print but cannot get the entire page on...I can just move it around...just was not sure if it is the pics or maybe the ipad going out.

Yes MsJosie, I believe the too large pictures did it. I am usually on my iPad and having a terrible time reading here now. I keep hoping we will be on the "next page" soon. (but the pictures were fantastic!)
Hey! Are you making fun of my funny vay of speaking?

(Seriously, ILiketoBend, even though I now have a new computer, I kind of miss my old speech impediment. I rather liked typing messages that sounded like a cheezy Dracula. I can't remember who--or vho--but someone here christened me Count Beckula, vhich I found so funny!)


Your v's became a part of the whole experience of the Arias trial! It wouldn't be the same without them! So you can post as normal on other threads, but we need those v's here!
Well, it's 2:35 in the morning (Central Time) and I can't sleep. Don't know why because I'm not especially worried or anxious about anything.

Anyhoo, while lying in my bed wide awake and getting more and more frustrated at not being able to fall asleep (which only makes one more wide awake!), I decided to get up and log in to Websleuths to see if any other WSers are also awake.

But, no--sigh. I seem to be the only one here. Not even any lurkers to wave to. Oh well.

Anyway (or anyvay): HELLO to all my friends here on WS! I hope you are all fine and that life is treating you well.

Bless you all!
Hi Becky! we should make a date to meet about 2 am.. I have insomnia big time. Sometimes I'm up til 8am..needless to say I am caught up on all the comedies during the night, dont watch anything that might keep me awake. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: :seeya:
I don't believe that the retrial will start on Sept. 8.
Something is going to stall it- look how many motions for "whatever" Nurmi/Wilmott have filed already.

Oh- so your wife is a "hater" (just like us)? :floorlaugh:

If it starts as scheduled on Sept.8, we may go into shock!! :lol:
Your v's became a part of the whole experience of the Arias trial! It wouldn't be the same without them! So you can post as normal on other threads, but we need those v's here!

Vill do, G&AMom, vill do. (And by the vay, just for you G&AMom, vay back vhen, vhen ve vere all vatching the live streaming of JA's jury-vatch, you commented that you couldn't vait for me to post "Vov, just vov!" about her inevitable guilty sentence. Ve didn't quite get vhat ve vanted then, but I'm sure I vill still be able to post "Vov, just vov!" some time in the future vhen she is finally sentenced.)

Hi Becky! we should make a date to meet about 2 am.. I have insomnia big time. Sometimes I'm up til 8am..needless to say I am caught up on all the comedies during the night, dont watch anything that might keep me awake. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: :seeya:

Hi Nore!

Thanks for responding. I don't know what my sleep problem is, but it started about a year ago. I'll be reading in bed and, after about twenty to thirty minutes, literally dozing off--my usual routine for the last, oh, five decades or so. BUT! once I turn off my light I'm BOING wide awake. No more drowsiness. And so I lie wide awake in the darkness for a while and then turn on the light, read some more, get again drowsy, turn off the light and again BOING--wide awake! This pattern repeats itself three to four times each night. I don't know the cause of this. As I wrote in a previous post, I'm not worried about much of anything. Also, I'm healthy, have a good diet, get regular exercise, etc. I can only chalk it up to the aging process--I turned 56 two days ago--and so I assume this is what will be "normal" for the next few decades. Sigh! :seeya:
Hi Nore!

Thanks for responding. I don't know what my sleep problem is, but it started about a year ago. I'll be reading in bed and, after about twenty to thirty minutes, literally dozing off--my usual routine for the last, oh, five decades or so. BUT! once I turn off my light I'm BOING wide awake. No more drowsiness. And so I lie wide awake in the darkness for a while and then turn on the light, read some more, get again drowsy, turn off the light and again BOING--wide awake! This pattern repeats itself three to four times each night. I don't know the cause of this. As I wrote in a previous post, I'm not worried about much of anything. Also, I'm healthy, have a good diet, get regular exercise, etc. I can only chalk it up to the aging process--I turned 56 two days ago--and so I assume this is what will be "normal" for the next few decades. Sigh! :seeya:

Don't turn the light off and see what happens!
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