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I'd like to know who the PI is also. Not that I know any from there. But as with any profession, some are very good and some not so good. And some that are really sleazy.

Casey Anthony had a few Pi's trying to fool everyone with their BS

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It would be helpful & maybe interesting to know where Nurmi and Willmott and those others under contract with the Office of Public Defense Services diverge. It's a puzzle because the 1st & 2d chair were together in seeking a mistrial when Patti Womack bowed out as witness for Arias. From the convict's own mouth we know there is a conflict that she won't accept. Willmott may not see this the same way.

These experts that a defendant or convict calls are always brought in to humanize the criminal through some sympathetic narrative and to put her conduct into context. Maybe this woman behind the green baize door will evaluate Arias and conclude she has a difficult personal history that led to her criminal acts. She could say that there is an emotional and mental condition that requires consideration in determining what to do with her. Any of that strays perilously close to the testimony of Alyce LaViolette, which failed to impress the first jury. An analysis of why the convicted killer did her criminal acts fails to meet the case when you are dealing with a crime of intent as we are here. She stealthily planned every little move in Travis's murder, was armed with a weapon she stole & another she took from his residence and waited for the moment when he was particularly vulnerable. In advance, she curried his trust with intimacy. No one, even she remembering, disputes her premeditation consummated in the most extreme cruelty and viciousness. All the whys and wherefores are sure to be seen as self-serving, because they are. Maybe she does and did have the capacity to abide by the law but she chose not to and it could not have been more deliberate. No victimization in her past or present, whatever the nature and degree, impelled her to commit this monstrous violence on another human life and travel a thousand miles to do it.

Yes, her plotting and planning so well in advance is what did her in on a claim of self defense. That's what it was called at first--self defense, as in he attacked her and she had no choice but to defend herself, etc., blah blah blah...

But self defense is a joke given they lived a thousand miles apart, he was hardly a threat to her from that distance and she was the one who made the a rented vehicle with dyed hair and gas cans in the trunk no less.

So the claim had to morph into a ongoing abuse resulting in a mental hold he had on her that left her almost robotic in her actions, and she is hoping she has a witness willing to state that she was under such hold mentally by TA. (I do not think it will even be touted as physical abuse during retrial because that does not excuse overkill the way mental issues can.)

All of it a lie. Yet all of it believable by people who are never able to accept that the male did not force the female's hand somehow. This is precisely where women like this score their points in court and defense attorneys know this.

But...I still fail to see how any of this necessitates JSS ordering JA's PI be given access to the crime scene (if she did so order).

Does anyone think the mystery witness and the PI are one and the same?
Ebola Patient Dr. Kent Brantly Says 'God Saved My Life'

"..Brantly is the first-ever Ebola patient to be treated in the U.S. and the first human to receive the experimental serum known as ZMapp.

According to reports, Brantly’s condition deteriorated so quickly that doctors in Africa decided to give him the drug in a last-ditch effort to save him.

Brantly’s condition started to improve dramatically within an hour after getting the serum, according to Samaritan’s Purse, but it’s unclear if the improvement was directly related to the medication. After his health stabilized, Brantly was evacuated on a specially outfitted plane to Atlanta in early August to the hospital isolation ward....

Writebol, 59, also survived after getting the serum.

But Ribner said today that it is unclear what role ZMapp played in their recovery.

"Frankly we do not know if it helped them, made any difference, or even delayed their recovery," Ribner said.

He emphasized that both Writebol and Brantly were not a danger to others and there was no danger that the Ebola virus could flare up again in them.

"There is no evidence that once a patient has cleared the virus from their blood that they will relapse," Ribner said.

He also said that having survived Ebola, the patients were now immune to that particular strain of Ebola, although there are five strains of the virus.

Hope that is the vaccine that will help everyone. I'm really scared of ebola. :scared::scared:
I'm hoping someone can give me some clarity. According to DH, HLN and now Nancy Grace (he watches her) have mentioned something about CMJA hiring a private investigator. He is wanting to know if that is accurate and how is she paying for this, and what is she hoping to gain from doing this? I told him I thought he was hearing things because I didn't see a mention of that in the last couple of pages here.

The State pays for a capital defendant to have an investigator, but I suppose she could have hired her own as well with all her donations.
I also posted this on the new Resentencing Trial thread created by Geevee. Am curious in comments from you watching this thread also. Thanks!

My GUESS is that it may have something to do with the closet shelving which still may be there. Det. Flores spoke at the trial about weight-bearing specs., etc. which is why she may want his personal notes??? I also don't understand why this would be part of the resentencing/mitigation issue. But I also think that the court and especially JM would stop this dead in its tracks unless it wasn't related. This is really far fetched but maybe she hid something in some nook or cranny and wants to see if it's still here. Sure hope someone accompanies this investigator from the prosecution team so we don't have "evidence" planted
Boy this thread has been moving FAST lately... so I just wanted to comment on a few posts, before another page turns up!! LOL!

First - :laughing: at YESorNO's jokes! :drumroll: :gthanks:

snipped for space
A sad day for Autumn and us on August 20, the 231 day of the year, we have 134 days left.
1977 - Voyager 2 was launched by the United States. The spacecraft was carrying a 12 inch copper phonograph record containing greetings in dozens of languages, samples of music and sounds of nature.

I LOVE the movie Starman with Jeff Bridges regarding this recording!! Also, anyone remember the first Star Trek movie where they come upon Vee-ger??

:goodpost: And I totally agree !

BBM: JMO and MOO: I sure hope this upcoming jury for the Penalty Phase votes unanimously for the Death Penalty for JA ...

I do NOT trust JSS to make any decision -- at all -- regarding how JA should be sentenced !

I know, there is a lot of confusion as to LWOP and the 25 years ... But JSS's record regarding HOW she handled this case speaks for itself ... Oh, I know, appeal issues -- I get it ...

JA is extremely dangerous and she should NEVER be allowed out on the streets again ... she will haunt and taunt and kill again.

This is just so unfair to Travis and to his Family as well !

:moo: :moo: and :moo:

:goodpost: dog.gone.cute!! Totally agree! :thumb:

I have no idea how a PI can appeal her guilty verdict unless he comes up with the ninja
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thunderstorm, need to go watch!

You sound just like my Huz - he runs outside too - to watch!! One time the lightning came VERYCLOSE to where he was standing - he felt his hair stand on end, and hit the pavement.... :naughty: it hit a tree about 5 feet where he lay... :what:

okay - back to reading!

Hope all is well with everyone! :seeya:
If this phase of the trial is governed by the same laws as the guilt phase, it will be difficult to impossible for them to find any witnesses to TA abuse. IMO it never happened for anyone to witness. JM said he would prosecute anyone who lied under oath about this during the guilt phase and I believe he will do that during this phase as well.

As he should! Trials are supposed to get to the truth and you can't do that very well when you turn a blind eye to perjury.
Hopefully AZLawyer will weigh in on this, but per ARS, the normal rules of evidence don't apply to the penalty phase:
C. At the penalty phase of the sentencing proceeding that is held pursuant to section 13-752, the prosecution or the defendant may present any information that is relevant to any of the mitigating circumstances included in subsection G of this section, regardless of its admissibility under the rules governing admission of evidence at criminal trials.
And since one of the mitigators is "The defendant was under unusual and substantial duress, although not such as to constitute a defense to prosecution" that means whatever she claims resulted in duress at the time of the crime is relevant (abuse or he attacked first stories)? Hopefully I'm not reading this right - there have to be some restrictions to what she can do here, surely!
Quote Originally Posted by krkrjx View Post

If this phase of the trial is governed by the same laws as the guilt phase, it will be difficult to impossible for them to find any witnesses to TA abuse. IMO it never happened for anyone to witness. JM said he would prosecute anyone who lied under oath about this during the guilt phase and I believe he will do that during this phase as well.

As he should! Trials are supposed to get to the truth and you can't do that very well when you turn a blind eye to perjury.
Hopefully AZLawyer will weigh in on this, but per ARS, the normal rules of evidence don't apply to the penalty phase:
C. At the penalty phase of the sentencing proceeding that is held pursuant to section 13-752, the prosecution or the defendant may present any information that is relevant to any of the mitigating circumstances included in subsection G of this section, regardless of its admissibility under the rules governing admission of evidence at criminal trials.
And since one of the mitigators is "The defendant was under unusual and substantial duress, although not such as to constitute a defense to prosecution" that means whatever she claims resulted in duress at the time of the crime is relevant (abuse or he attacked first stories)? Hopefully I'm not reading this right - there have to be some restrictions to what she can do here, surely!


Not really, no. :) I thought it was that way everywhere.

Perjury is still not OK, of course, because perjury is a crime, not a rule of evidence. I know you know that...just making sure no one misunderstands.

Not really, no. :) I thought it was that way everywhere.

Perjury is still not OK, of course, because perjury is a crime, not a rule of evidence. I know you know that...just making sure no one misunderstands.

My question about the laws governing this phase being the same as the guilt phase was for purposes of witnesses being sworn under oath to tell the truth...and JM being allowed to warn them in advance that he will prosecute anyone who lies.

I know they can present different types of evidence/testimony, etc. And the mitigators can be strong suggestions with no proof and it is up to the jury to accept them or not. I just want to make sure this is not such a casual affair that people would feel they could testify falsely in this phase where then might have been afraid to do so in the prior phase.

Hope that is not too confusing, I am running on very little sleep these days.
My question about the laws governing this phase being the same as the guilt phase was for purposes of witnesses being sworn under oath to tell the truth...and JM being allowed to warn them in advance that he will prosecute anyone who lies.

I know they can present different types of evidence/testimony, etc. And the mitigators can be strong suggestions with no proof and it is up to the jury to accept them or not. I just want to make sure this is not such a casual affair that people would feel they could testify falsely in this phase where then might have been afraid to do so in the prior phase.

Hope that is not too confusing, I am running on very little sleep these days.

Yeah, definitely the witnesses will be under oath and subject to prosecution for perjury.
"...It was another loss for the Greenville Zoo, which has already mourned the deaths of elderly elephants Joy and Ladybird earlier this year.

Joy, who died June 14 while being moved to her new home at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado, had been in Greenville for 37 years. Ladybird was euthanized in March after she was found lying down in the

barn, unable to stand.

The Association of Zoos and Aquariums has been looking into their deaths, Bullock said.

The zoo is in the midst of re-accreditation, he said, and will face questions about the circumstances surrounding Joy’s move during a Sept. 12 hearing held in Orlando.

Bullock said he doesn’t think the stillborn calf will affect the outcome, “but you never know what they’re going to ask.”

Keepers are for now focusing on Autumn, taking her off exhibit in order to keep a close eye on her during the afterbirth. She will be separated from mate Walter for another month so her body can recover.

She will also keep being trained to submit to an ultrasound, which Miller said could be used as a tool with her next pregnancy. Some zoos use them routinely; others not at all, she said."

Is a way to see these where they can actually be read? I cant blow them up large enough to read a word. Thanks.

Click on the attachment.

Hold CONTROL key while hitting the PLUS sign key. Hit it again, and again, until it is big enough to read.

If you are on a tablet it might be different procedure.
Well here's the catch22 with that at this stage. Since she was EVER up for the death penalty gives her more likelihood of getting people working for her appeals process than if she'd never been considered for that at all, in my opinion. In our case, even though one of the killers was released from Death Row on a 7 year 10 million dollar mental retardation argument (yeah the one who had served 5 years in a German prison already for a brutal gang rape and who was able to assist with planning/coverup/speaking at Cindy's funeral is deemed "retarded"), he's still getting people to appeal for him from his L WITH parole sentences.

Can I make this a little more absurd for you? He was released from his First degree murder death sentence but his Life with parole stands for the CONSPIRACY. So, legally, he's deemed mentally retarded yet a co conspirator in a first degree murder. Yep. Make sense of that one.

On another sickening note, Jodi will have people lining up to represent her/support her/ assist her for no remuneration. That's one of many celebrity perks the death row murderers get. Along with the websites reading as singles ads, requests for money, pen pals, etc etc etc.

I support the Alexanders and always have/will in their wishes...but I know what's coming. And I also know there was a part of me that wished the legal proceedings would never end as it just helps in an albeit unhealthy way, put the big black hole in your life and your deep dive in to it, on hold. It's hard when the world is saying to you "aren't you so glad it's all over?" and the worst part, for you (me) has just begun. It's a very mixed cornucopia of blackness, all of it.

It seems to me that nothing good can come of this trial.

If the Alexander family gets the DP for Jodi, they will be under extreme duress for the remainder of her life. If she gets LWOP, there is always that slim chance she will get parole anyway and she will continue to make a mockery of the system from inside her cell in Perryville.

There was something in Stephen Alexander's plea during the last penalty phase that clearly broke my heart, moreso for him than the others. It seemed to be that he carried a huge amount of guilt for being the brother who survived and it wrecked his life. He clearly wants to hear her sentence be the death penalty and while rational minds agree, it sounds as if it will never be over for them and that Jodi will enjoy making them suffer. She is like a vicious animal.
"What life is like in the Jodi Arias murder house

"."... What's happened to the bathroom where Travis Alexander was found?

A: The master bedroom and bathroom and closet upstairs have all been repainted. They have new carpeting, baseboards and new shower doors.

We did keep the shelving in his closet. I have added a lot of floral patterns in the bathroom, splashes of reds and creams, as well as paisley fabric..."

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias · 19h
Maria De La Rosa has nothing to do with this twitter account, people.

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias · 19h
Just because I am friends with Jodi and can type, doesn't make me an attractive Mexican woman.

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias · 18h
The start of the penalty phase retrial delayed until Sept. 29th

"JODI ARIAS IS NOT TWEETING. Check here for the latest on Jodi and her status. These tweets do not reflect her opinions (unless she's directly quoted)."


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