SIDEBAR #38 - Arias/Alexander forum

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BBM I stopped by to read that thread too, but too controversial for me. :bigfight:

How about just The Sidebar- since this is a crime website and the resulting trials always have sidebars. :thinking:

Yes, too controversial for me too, I would probably end up in a big TO. :sheesh:

I think you're right, after mulling it over something simple like The Sidebar makes good sense to me too. I'm always open for suggestions though, whatever.... it's good for me. :)
I'm still reading it, got side track for about an hour and got back into it.

>I'm not the kind of person that does anything productive in those types of situation, Arizona, previous CCW card holder, have a firearm w/me every time I leave the property, and Arizonan's are just a bunch of gun toting lunatics since it's no longer required to have a CCW to carry/conceal. It's a "cultural thing".<

The biggest problem with "Gun Deaths" is every statistic out there in includes one or more of the following: Officer involved shootings, criminal on criminal deaths, suicides, and Mass shootings. How do you find statistics on "unintended victims vs intended victims"? Is suicide classified as murder, accident, or ? Group the criminal shootings in one "pie chart" and law abiding gun owners in another (-Law Enforcement)

It's just going to go around and round in circles because no one, in any agency or association really defines what parameters they are including. And I don't know just how much I want to go out on a limb for the NRA. They have their agenda, just as the Brady people do.

Back to reading.............
Hi Bernina , what always gets me is how often does anyone hear of LE's kids getting hold of a gun. My cousins husband was a cop for many years. The whereabouts of his gun at home were known only to him. Gun in one place , clip in another. How did a child get the gun in Walmart!! she stuck it casually in her purse I suppose. So many ignorant people out there it is sickening. I haven't read , but I have no sympathy for her.
RE: Post #789

I need to put out an apology for anyone who may have been offended to the video I put up yesterday.

The boundaries on "good taste" have gotten incredibly blurred during this case and after thinking about it, I don't think this puts out a good representation of the members who spend time on the Sidebar.

I have asked the mods to delete it, if they can.

I am incredibly sorry if this crossed over the line!:sorry:
Hi Bernina, I haven't seen the video yet but if anyone is offended they should take a gander at J's
gorgeous bottom pictures! talk about a video! Then she prances around like they deserve a medal! :laughcry::hilarious:

Hi again Bernina. I saw the video. I have been having a problem with depression~bad~ I needed that :lol: trust me. That is hysterically funny. :tyou:
Peppermint oil works well - but if you have pets, don't put it anywhere they can get to it. Peppermint oil will chase them but I'm not sure it permanently gets rid of them. I use have a heart trap baited with chocolate. Mice LOVE chocolate.

.........and Peanut Butter!!!!!
I usually don't like to post anything controversial- I feel it doesn't belong on the Sidebar, but I feel offended that some would be OK with the video that was posted yesterday (I'm very glad that Bernina :blowkiss: realized this and decided to have it deleted).

Sure- the words were funny- but to watch such an immoral, infamous person on it was offensive to me and probably to others too, IMO. "To each his own" doesn't cut it for me in this case. He doesn't belong on the Sidebar- at all.

Let me tell everyone a little about him (just in case anyone has forgotten);

He believed that the Jews were the cause Germany’s problems and he also believed that the Jews did not count as human beings. His plans were to eliminate every Jew in Europe and to gain world control. He would kill any Jew, enemy, or anyone that he thought was a problem. He used wounded people that were in hospitals for test experiments for ways of killing, like carbon dioxide gas. These experiments killed so many people. Every Jew in Germany was sent to concentration camps. Jews in other countries were also sent to concentration camps. All were expected to work until they died or they were killed. Millions of Jews had to watch friends and members of their families die. Jews died from gas chambers, crematories, firing squads, lethal injections, force labor, starvation, poison, exposure, disease, execution, death marches and medical experiments. Millions of children died because of him. He betrayed friends and allies in the war. He had a breeding program- if the child fell short of Nazi-defined perfection, the child would be killed. He himself was responsible for the deaths of more than 11 million people ( Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, Freemasons, the mentally ill, Gypsies, Slavs, non-Jewish Poles, Russians and 6 million Jews) but his actions caused the deaths of over 50 million people.

And this is not about religion/Jews; it's about the murder of millions of people and we should never forget what was done to them, IMO- just like I will never forget 9/11.

If I'm out of line in posting this, well, it's what I just had to post or I wouldn't feel good about it. I don't want to see his face, even in jest.


All :moo: of course
Neesaki, last night I was thinking the SAME thing! What happens when this trial is over?!?!?!?! We have to have a "Sidebar"!!!! Kinda freaked me out!

Had a few thoughts for a name but they were kinda distasteful, been watching the twitter feed FAR too much the last few months! Maybe something like "Travis Alexander Appellate Watch"? Don't want to put CMJA in the title.........:gaah:

Still reading the Walmart tragedy thread. Sad, sad, sad.:tears:

I've been rethinking too and I agree, the killer's name shouldn't be in it. I like your suggestion and YesOrNo's as well.

Yes, it is a tragedy, can you imagine being there when that happened ? :( Oh dear Lord, :prayer:

I have to say I've been spared the experience of witnessing a lot of tragedies in my life. Not counting those in my nursing years in the hospital which I would rather not even remember, a couple do come to mind, One in which my 12 - 13 y/o son and I were driving down the highway and saw what appeared to be a very thick sheet or slab of metal wedged between two 18 wheelers. We seriously didn't know what it was at first, it looked bizarre. Then we finally realized what it actually was, a van, which we later learned was a full size van that had held six passengers. It was literally crushed like a deflated accordion and suspended in the air between the two 18 wheelers. It couldn't have been more than 3 feet thick. That was horrifying. Can you imagine? ... those poor, poor people. :(

Then there was the car accident in which we witnessed a human size rag doll flying out the car door . Well, it wasn't a doll. :(

Tragedy is everywhere, just imagine what Travis went through .... :cry:
Hi YESorNO , he was responsible for my Dads death. KIA.

I'm sorry, Nore.

And I do understand where you're coming from, YESorNO.

My sincere apologies if my comments about the vid in question seemed insensitive.
Thanks, YesOrNo, for expressing your thoughts and facts as they are much the same as mine. I hesitated to say anything, but it really disturbed me. Just a reminder my parents were Jewish, I was raised Jewish and my father was at Auschwitz during the liberation. He would never talk about what he saw and only one time he said "bodies were stacked high like firewood". He lost no family during the war years as they were Russian immigrants fleeing from Cossacks and came to America in the early 1900's.


No hard feelings toward anyone who thought the youtube was funny. There is nothing funny about Hitler.
I did not see the video. Bless your dad Daisy.
Hi Jane , that reminded me of SNL.. if my Dad were here he'd be the first one to laugh.
I forget many times a lot were not here yet during the 11 war, many made fun of it and many laughed. Why?
it kept them from losing their minds..guess I am one of them. I still have a record by Spike Jones. Der Furhers Face...:loveyou:
In regards to “the video” my heart goes out to everyone affected by this monster, I am very well aware of what he was allowed to do to so many innocent people. It’s unbelievable that it’s still happening all over the world, different monsters same behavior. I’m not apologizing for thinking “the video” was funny. I saw it as a very cruel evil monster being angry at the behavior of another very cruel evil monster. I hope there will always be books written, stories told, movies made, and yes even jokes about this monster, it’s our world’s history. I for one want my children, my grand-children, and great-grand children to know all of it, the good and the horrible.
Good morning all! :wave:

I "lost" two uncles in WWII; they both had to "join" the SS; didn't watch the video, as my computer goes "crazy" when I try and watch some of the videos posted here.

I've thanked a bunch of posts here, but my name doesn't come up - ?? :waitasec: don't know what is going on here...

Anyway - I see blue skies this morning and it is supposed be 58 today!!

Off to read some other threads!
Oh - I too agree we need another "Sidebar Thread" when this trial is complete! Just let me know "where" everyone is!! LOL!

See ya! :seeya:
Good morning all! :wave:

I "lost" two uncles in WWII; they both had to "join" the SS; didn't watch the video, as my computer goes "crazy" when I try and watch some of the videos posted here.

I've thanked a bunch of posts here, but my name doesn't come up - ?? :waitasec: don't know what is going on here...

Anyway - I see blue skies this morning and it is supposed be 58 today!!

Off to read some other threads!
Oh - I too agree we need another "Sidebar Thread" when this trial is complete! Just let me know "where" everyone is!! LOL!

See ya! :seeya:
Hi Niner , we could call it "The Sidebar Sidebar!!" I felt this way after Scott and KC..
Hi Niner , we could call it "The Sidebar Sidebar!!" I felt this way after Scott and KC..

Casey Anthony thread is still open so this one may stay open awhile, too.
Good morning everyone. I've lost track, IIRC there's no court today is there ? Can you believe the sideshow this DT has made of the courtroom ? And this judge allows it :gaah:. Well, at least she FINALLY denied their mistrial motions. About time wasn't it ? I was watching some clips of the first trial, (yes, I'm a martyr for punishment ) and every time JW objected and it was overruled, JW asked for a sidebar. Every. Time. And every time JSS allowed it. I'll never understand why she indulges the bratty DT so. Appeal issues they say.... bologney, I think this judge just has problems saying "no". I can't even begin to imagine how Travis' poor family feels enduring this day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. I guess it's not enough that they lost their brother, and know the pain, the suffering, the absolute horror he was put through before he took his last breath. :cry:

OT, we have some kind of varmint / varmints in our attic . My DH said it's a mouse, but I could hear it this morning and unfortunately it sounds slightly larger than an itty bitty mouse. I'm still trying to figure out what it was doing, when I woke up and heard the sound my first confused thought was " is that hail I hear ? ". Those glue traps he set out the other day obviously haven't worked. I asked him to set out live traps that are like a cage, but he didn't seem interested :rolleyes: So if anyone has any suggestions on catching these things I'm all ears. I prefer to do it compassionately but the bottom line is I don't want the things living in my house making mincemeat of our electrical wires and such. :notgood: I keep thinking there's got to be some way to just scare it off. :thinking:

ETA: Just saw your post that there's no court until the 20th. Thanks YorN :seeya:

I've had these and they're not pretty! They're HUGE. Get out your biggest shovel!!
I called out an exterminator. He wasn't able to block my attic entrance-for some lame reason. But he set out these little blk boxes w/a round hole cut-out. Enough for the big rat to put his mouth. And in that hole was the poison. The poison makes them really thirsty and they go searching for water. And then die.
Anyways, I found (my dog) one in my garage. The other 2 were out in my backyard. The end.

I now buy D-con and keep that near my house and in my garage by the dog food. I haven't heard them messing around in my attic this winter.
Fingers crossed...

Hope that helps.
I'm disappointed. I just wrote a nice post, but I was told it was short by 5 characters????

Why? Let's see if this posts.
Hi Bernina , what always gets me is how often does anyone hear of LE's kids getting hold of a gun. My cousins husband was a cop for many years. The whereabouts of his gun at home were known only to him. Gun in one place , clip in another. How did a child get the gun in Walmart!! she stuck it casually in her purse I suppose. So many ignorant people out there it is sickening. I haven't read , but I have no sympathy for her.
Yeah she did. It was supposed to be a "special" compartment for the gun, but it was really just a zippered compartment, extremely easy to open, and she left the purse in the cart with the 2-year-old while she was looking at clothes with her nieces. The 2-year-old managed to unzip it, get the gun out, and shot her.
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