SIDEBAR #39 - Arias/Alexander forum

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I am smack dab in the middle of the storm. Litchfield County. DH just when to fill up car and gas cans for generator.

#2 son works for landscaping company, he has a huge big plow truck and sander.
Shall I send him to you?
He loves this kind of stuff.
Says when he is out during night or early morning , plowing or quiet and he feels
Like the king of the world...

I'm so grateful for the people who plow the roads- they are wonderful, IMO. You go tell your son that for me please.
OMG :scared: just looking at that picture makes my stomach turn (scared of heights :scared:).

Once you get past the fear, it's an adrenaline rush! I was more scared getting up there and the initial climbing exercises they had us doing. I was hugging the trees at the platforms. But they have you securely cabled to a tree or a line at all times and you are wearing a harness. I felt secure because of the harness and I tried not to look down. You are going downhill on all of the runs. We did 5-6. Each tree has a platform and there is staff with you at every tree. You don't need to hold on with your hands to the upper line like this person was doing, and IIRC, you can control your speed. You're also in a beautiful environment. We were in a forest in Alaska.
Wish I knew more about the details of what went wrong with his son's experience.
I am smack dab in the middle of the storm. Litchfield County. DH just when to fill up car and gas cans for generator.

#2 son works for landscaping company, he has a huge big plow truck and sander.
Shall I send him to you?
He loves this kind of stuff.
Says when he is out during night or early morning , plowing or quiet and he feels
Like the king of the world...

You are in CT. Hi neighbor. Wish you could send him down our way. LOL It took 3 days for the city plows to get to us. We always seem to be last on the list. Grrr!!
The 13th Juror MD ‏@The13thJurorMD 36m36 minutes ago
Light a candle for Detective Flores and his family. Our hearts break for him. #DetFlores #jodiarias


Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 2h2 hours ago
So so sad to hear the loss of Det. Flores son in an accident. My prayers are with his whole family. I can't imagine the pain.
Group: Det.F

someone from the Retrial thread started candles at this one. I lit mine here.
Will I said, he loves it..he will be called by Town to help w/roads.
Where are you in Ct?
They are talking about blizzard of 78 and how similar.
I remember that one. I got stuck at a neighbors house 3 doors away.
Could not get home. The snow was so deep that you went all the way down...
No walking ' just sinking.
Neighbors not happy. Stuck with a bunch of kids for 3 days...We ate everything!!
Will I said, he loves it..he will be called by Town to help w/roads.
Where are you in Ct?
They are talking about blizzard of 78 and how similar.
I remember that one. I got stuck at a neighbors house 3 doors away.
Could not get home. The snow was so deep that you went all the way down...
No walking ' just sinking.
Neighbors not happy. Stuck with a bunch of kids for 3 days...We ate everything!!

Fairfield County. I remember that one too. I had a 3 month old. I went to walk down the hill to go get some milk and almost got hit by a plow. They shut the state down for 2 days and would only let emergency personnel on the roads. I am not looking forward to this at all. I love summer and warm breezes.
If Det. Flores' son was on an LDS scout outing, they were probably in the Tonto basin/Christoper Creek area, but that was if it was an overnight. The church has 2 established camps there, one for the girls and another for the boys, with addies (those structures with a roof, 3 walls and the front side open) and a main lodge for both. could have just been a scout outing.
KCL texted me about Detective Flores' son. OMG. How tragic. I swear this trial invites evil and tragedy and negativity and I blame it on Arias. All of it.
If Det. Flores' son was on an LDS scout outing, they were probably in the Tonto basin/Christoper Creek area, but that was if it was an overnight. The church has 2 established camps there, one for the girls and another for the boys, with addies (those structures with a roof, 3 walls and the front side open) and a main lodge for both. could have just been a scout outing.
Now on the main thread they're reporting someone named Jen confirmed it and that it was a rappeling accident, which is not the same thing as zip lining. Rappeling is rock climbing, I believe. Still would like to know where it happened.
KCL texted me about Detective Flores' son. OMG. How tragic. I swear this trial invites evil and tragedy and negativity and I blame it on Arias. All of it.

But she's not in Arizona right now, so where is she getting her info???
The one thing that comforts me at this time is the thought of Travis and Mummum with their arms around Detective Flores' son. I hope they remember that Travis will take care of him, just like Steve and Juan had Travis' back. I feel so sad for the family though. Rest in peace sweet boy x
She knows people and is still close with a lot of them.

I'd still like confirmation beyond Social Media, that this really did happen. I've just been through my own familial heath scare Friday and it was extremely draining, so before I get emotionally invested in someone else's, I'd like to know it's true.
Now on the main thread they're reporting someone named Jen confirmed it and that it was a rappeling accident, which is not the same thing as zip lining. Rappeling is rock climbing, I believe. Still would like to know where it happened.

If it was close to the Mesa area, Echo Canyon on Camelback Mountain, and Pinnacle Peak out near Cave Creek/Carefree. Awesome climbs. Echo has far more dangerous climbs, one is a 5.10 called Suicide Direct. There's also the "Praying Monk" just North of Echo, a free standing HUGE boulder. There wasn't any fixed bolts when I climbed those places back in the 80's, you had to put in your own chocks, or "friends" if you could afford them. Some you could set up a belay system from the top, and someone down below you held the rope i a figure 8 if case you fell.
*Uh, we didn't use helmets....not too smart*
The Gold Patrol, Justice for Travis and Jen from Trial Diaries are all reporting it
I'd still like confirmation beyond Social Media, that this really did happen. I've just been through my own familial heath scare Friday and it was extremely draining, so before I get emotionally invested in someone else's, I'd like to know it's true.

I still can't find anything locally on MSM. If it WAS an LDS Scout outing, the Church likes to keep a low profile.
I'd still like confirmation beyond Social Media, that this really did happen. I've just been through my own familial heath scare Friday and it was extremely draining, so before I get emotionally invested in someone else's, I'd like to know it's true.

Found this on FB. It is a closed group

It's social media, but I think it's real and very sad
I don't think it happened in AZ, or there would be some news on it. MOO
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