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Jodi Arias: More lies exposed from mitigation witness #1

"...The following post contradicts what he has now sworn to in the affidavit that Dr. Geffner used to bolster his testimony that Travis Alexander was abusive to Jodi Arias. "



Jodi Arias: Breaking down mitigation witness #1's affidavit
I'm having lots of problems posting today :gaah:
Don't you wish someone could nail Marc McGee for perjury? :jail:



This isn't just a "well, I cheated on my taxes in the amount of $45", this is a "I'm going to lie my azz off for this purdy lil' murderess because I wanna be famous".
This <modsnip> is nothing but a coward, talking all big and bad, "I'm going to be a "key witness", and now it's all "oh, I'm so skeered, my life is gonna be threatened by those big ol' cyber bullies, they might hurt my precious feelings!" And this punk is in New Zealand, FGS............:facepalm:

Yeah, suck it up buttercup. Marc TYPED it, he can OWN it. Hope the Church investigates this moron. If anyone is a pedo, got my money on <modsnip> McGee. <modsnip>? Maybe McGee's the poster boy.

He's as foul as CMJA.

I have no "Thanks" button!!!!!

Yo, PEEPERS!!!! Long time no see!!! Yep, I know who's on my friend's list, LOL!

It must have been very difficult for the Alexander's to hear "the letter" being read in sad.

I'm with LinusK.........anyone got a bead on the JAII site? Like infiltrated into the "inner circle"?:thinking:

..........and I notice their site is just a blank screen now...........

The site still opens for me, but I don't have access to the inner circle.
missy:jail: is definitely in that joinder with other DP defendants- I checked Judge Kreamer's court
schedule and she's there:

CPJ02 Kreamer, Joseph South Court Tower

CR2008-031021 2/6/2015 13:30 Oral Argument - Motion to Strike State Of Arizona Jodi Ann Arias

Maybe the hearing today is closed to the public???

Bessie posted this on another thread:**PLEASE-READ**&p=11420839#post11420839
[h=2]Avatars and Signature Images -- **PLEASE READ**[/h]
As part of the system repair, some avatar, profile, and signature images will be removed permanently. Less than 2% of the images will be affected. However, to be on the safe side, we highly recommend that you backup your avatar, profile, and signature images (including photo albums) between now and tomorrow, Saturday, January 24, 2014, at Noon Eastern.
Have found nothing about the hearing today via tweets.

Bessie posted this on another thread:**PLEASE-READ**&p=11420839#post11420839
Avatars and Signature Images -- **PLEASE READ**

As part of the system repair, some avatar, profile, and signature images will be removed permanently. Less than 2% of the images will be affected. However, to be on the safe side, we highly recommend that you backup your avatar, profile, and signature images (including photo albums) between now and tomorrow, Saturday, January 24, 2014, at Noon Eastern.
i don't have a way to back up anything. What should I do?
I didn't know what to do, either, Curious. I went on my computer, opened a post that I wrote, put it in a Reply box and copy/pasted my avatar and signature into a Windows document. Hoping that helps. If not, I will re-do it later.

I bet you won't be affected, since you don't have a signature line and I believe your avatar was on the WS choices and will still be available if it should disappear. You shouldn't have to do anything. Mostly, I bet it affects the people with large or multiple pictures in their signatures.


Jodi Arias update: Tense, awkward moments in convicted killer's retrial

Testy back-and-forth continues in Jodi Arias retrial

"...Martinez engaged in slashing cross-examination, asking complex questions and demanding yes or no answers, then waiting as the witness rambled and asking pointedly, "Are you done?"

Geffner was put off balance during the first day of cross-examination, but regained his composure Thursday. He returns to the stand Monday...."

She has makeup on.
I didn't know what to do, either, Curious. I went on my computer, opened a post that I wrote, put it in a Reply box and copy/pasted my avatar and signature into a Windows document. Hoping that helps. If not, I will re-do it later.

I bet you won't be affected, since you don't have a signature line and I believe your avatar was on the WS choices and will still be available if it should disappear. You shouldn't have to do anything. Mostly, I bet it affects the people with large or multiple pictures in their signatures.
You. I feel better.
Good afternoon everyone! :wave:
Finally caught up on the reading here! A few comments...



Jodi Arias update: Tense, awkward moments in convicted killer's retrial

Testy back-and-forth continues in Jodi Arias retrial

"...Martinez engaged in slashing cross-examination, asking complex questions and demanding yes or no answers, then waiting as the witness rambled and asking pointedly, "Are you done?"

Geffner was put off balance during the first day of cross-examination, but regained his composure Thursday. He returns to the stand Monday...."

"Are you done?" LOVE it!! :lol: :juanettes:

BBM Are you thinking about this exchange with JSS- with the jury out:

Wild About Trial &#8207;@WildAboutTrial 1m1 minute ago
Nurmi is now arguing that Juan disrespected the court yesterday when saying Witness' name & wants death off the table as result. #jodiarias

Wild About Trial &#8207;@WildAboutTrial 2m2 minutes ago
JSS was like, "LOL, ok. No." #jodiarias

Jen's Trial Diaries &#8207;@TrialDiariesJ 2m2 minutes ago
Judge says this issue is handled and not before the court right now #jodiarias #3tvarias

MaryEllen Resendez &#8207;@maryellenabc15 2m2 minutes ago
#JodiArias atty Nurmi argues #JuanMartinez said anonymous witness name twice in court & shows disregard wants contempt or mistrial #abc15

Michael Kiefer &#8207;@michaelbkiefer 2m2 minutes ago
Nurmi brings up that he asked that Martinez be held in contempt for stating secret witness' name yesterday after being admonished by judge.

MaryEllen Resendez &#8207;@maryellenabc15 1m1 minute ago
#JodiArias Judge denies holding prosecutor #JuanMartinez in contempt for slip ups #abc15


I don't think JSS is giving Lawrence anymore time for anything at this point in the retrial. She's done with him, IMO.:facepalm:

I couldn't find anything else to answer your question.

yes, that's the way I remember that too! I HOPE JSS says :denied:


I have no "Thanks" button!!!!!

Yo, PEEPERS!!!! Long time no see!!! Yep, I know who's on my friend's list, LOL!

It must have been very difficult for the Alexander's to hear "the letter" being read in sad.

I'm with LinusK.........anyone got a bead on the JAII site? Like infiltrated into the "inner circle"?:thinking:

..........and I notice their site is just a blank screen now...........

"the letter" - is it posted anywhere on the net?? Would love to read it - I read parts of it on Paul Sanders Facebook!

I don't like it!
Now I don't know if I read something or not. :facepalm:

Re Thanks button - it's back... Do what I do, I just jot a note of "where"/"post number" I ended reading with!

Gorgeous day here today - 64 - and sunny!! Only in California!! :loveyou: Hope you back East take care - lots of snow coming... :razz: :coldout: :snowball:

Nada on the hearing that was today.:gaah:
Jeffrey Evan Gold &#8207;@jeffgoldesq 5m5 minutes ago

#JodiArias trial may run late into the evening on Monday 1/26/2015. Attorneys, court staff and jurors are preparing to stay until 8pm.
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