SIDEBAR #40 - Arias/Alexander forum

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WOW #40. Thanks for the new thread LambChop!!!

Bracing for another day of the killer circus!!!
Regarding that horrible letter sent to the Alexander family:

That text that TA sent JA when he figured out how evil she was ~ You have hurt me more than the death of my father. She had the NERVE to twist it around to be about him being jealous because SHE was dating other men

And I don't believe for a minute that TA would tell JA about how much he cared for Mimi. No way. She found out about Mimi from hacking into his FB, reading private messages and listening to his phone messages. And don't forget that she was at his house and read his JOURNAL about his feelings about Mimi. Yet she goes on and on in that letter about how TA had met Mimi and he wanted to possibly marry her, BUT Travis didn't want HER to date anyone else because that would hurt him worse than the death of his own father.
Bringing this over as I'm so slow when writing in english:

Exactly, about your son. I feel the same way. He's going on 13, and our one and only. I literally cannot imagine living without him. Thankfully Flores and his family seem to have large and loving support network.

How lucky you are, Kensie and Hope4More!!! I would have so much loved to have children (a SON :)) ...
Sure, I know, I could have had as much as I wished but I wanted my child(ren) to have an extraordinary father and me to have an extraordinary lover. -
I didn't meet "this combination". How did you manage ??? ;)
But still: I find it wonderful when I hear parents talking about their children like you do.
And: Inimaginable the pain Det. Flores has to go through. Too sad.
((((((Nore)))))) Just read your last post in the just closed sidebar. I am so sorry. The few times I have even tried to imagine what it would be like to lose my precious son caused pain and panic. I can't imagine what it is like to live everyday with the reality of your loss.
I am home already. Snow started a few hours earlier than I expected. Roads just have a coating so far. There is a 9pm driving ban.
I know it is awful for me to think this way but with all the BS the defense has pulled and how they have slandered Travis I really hope they don't think nor try to take advantage of Det Flores's tragic loss to put him back on the stand :gaah: however they are this low sadly IMO
I am home already. Snow started a few hours earlier than I expected. Roads just have a coating so far. There is a 9pm driving ban.

I keep wondering if the weather may hinder patriots flight to Arizona? But I'm a 12 ~~go seahawks!!! They are already in Arizona and according to news beautiful sunrise
William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 4m4 minutes ago
Welp...Seahawks must be in town. #azwx


Just thought I'd throw that pic up....Downtown Phoenix. Morning Sleuthers, and fellow heathens!
You kids out there in "Blizzardsville" KEEP WARM!!!!!

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