SIDEBAR #40 - Arias/Alexander forum

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Some day when this trial is over, we will actually be watching this testimony. I, for one, will not want to do it alone.
Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 34s34 seconds ago
Nurmi repeatedly asks if having a sexual transgressor perform baptisms affects integrity of church. Doesn't help, Parker says.

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 35s35 seconds ago
We're done. Thank Joseph Smith, I couldn't take another minute. #jodiarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 1m1 minute ago
#JodiArias' beige number looks like hella trash cleaning on the freeway attire

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 43s43 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Tomorrow we are back in recess at 10am MST. It's over for the I drop my laptop lol #jodiarias #3tvarias

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 54s54 seconds ago
"Sure doesn't," Nurmi says. That's it for today. Jury dismissed. Back tomorrow at ten. #jodiarias


Link: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd...._=1432274139_4a95f440b25dd5be63d8d4f1be83001b

Thanks Bernina, Y/N and Imjazzed for the tweets today! Back tomorrow 10 am MT (noon EST)
Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 52s53 seconds ago
#jodiarias always finishes off the water at her desk b4 she exits court. She must be dehydrated from the slander. :shame::gaah:
Laurie ‏@StormDanser 8h8 hours ago
#Jodiarias got what she wanted out of life
She lives in a gated community
She has guards
She has a driver
She can be lazy every day
KINSEY SCHOFIELD ‏@kinseyschofield 13m13 minutes ago
I always try to give DT benefit of the doubt but today was a new low for Kirk Nurmi. #jodiarias

:gaah: Unloading feed became cleaning out the 100 gallon water trough!!! (Had to strain out the fishes first, they were NOT happy) Thanks for picking up the tweets, YorN and I'mjazzed!!!!!! The only yucky thing about that twitter feed is Mr. Keifer is on it and he kinda blows...........................uh, blows things to the defense's side.

Lawrence hit a new low in foulness. Going to go to Beth's site to see how the "killer" was amusing herself today, if Beth happened to notice........Be back!

Beth Karas' site has an area where you can "Ask Beth" about the goings on in court for the day. I put in a question about what CMJA's demeanor was during testimony...........Beth didn't note anything in her notes for today, maybe she'll answer it tonight?

BTW: Beth sure has a pretty smile. Just noticed that. :)
Bernina and Yes or No,
thanks for the tweets today. I love the sidebar. I try to go back and forth between the sidebar, resentencing thread and BK. With tempers flaring and heated discussions, I have learned to love it here at the good ole sidebar. This feels like home. Ah.....

ETA: and Yes or No, I love all the posts of things you find on the Internet. You must have lots of energy! Thank you my friend!
Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 11s11 seconds ago
It appears emails are from Witness 1. #jodiarias

BTW: Australia is part of the Australian Commonwealth, NOT Europe....yeh, I "Googled" it!

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 17s18 seconds agoPhoenix, AZ
Witness #1 asked the Bishop if TA was living with him while Witness #1 was there too....#Jodiarias #3tvarias

Nice that WAT googled Australia when New Zealand is a different country.

Remind me to Google Canada next time I want to know something about the US *sigh*
Thank you YESorNO for taking over Bernina's tweets. Shout out to Imjazzed, for your help too, you should give yourself some credit :hug: You did really good!
And of course to our Bernina, who we couldn't do without!

:loveyou: all!
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