SIDEBAR #41 - Arias/Alexander forum

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I'm here...nasty outside...not going out. I will stay home and cook. Looks like 4 inches so far.
Hi Everyone:cup:
OT: This is where I come to share so bear with me.

My Hanoverian broodmare, who was in foal to the Hanoverian stallion, Bliss, went into premature labor. She was due March 23rd. The foal was born dead. She was a filly I had planned on naming Bernina, after our own Bernina here. She was dark bay with 3 white socks and a blaze.

I am just so sad. I had researched bloodlines and stallions forever, before choosing the fabulous Bliss. This foal was bred to jump and for athleticism. I am so blessed to have the best vet and trainer, who is also an equine nurse, to care for my mares as I am unable to. The stallion owner is devastated too, as she is really invested in her clients that choose her stallion for their mares and is just the nicest person.

This brings to the forefront, yet again, how precious life is on all levels: Human and animal. You can do everything right and sometimes, God has other plans.

My other broodmare, Amelia (Ceylon Star) is due to foal in late April/early May. I know she is having a colt, so hopefully she will have a healthy foal. I rescued her from the track as she developed a bone chip in her knee as a 2 yo, and could no longer race. In December, she colicked requiring 6K worth of surgery, while pregnant. I could have put her down, but took the chance on her. I just couldn't not have them try to save her, despite the fact I did not have 6K, especially before Christmas.

I am sure there is a lesson in all of this. Thank you for letting me share. I am just so deeply saddened. Xo

I am so sorry Zuri. That is heartbreaking. Please accept my cyber hug.
OT: This is where I come to share so bear with me.

My Hanoverian broodmare, who was in foal to the Hanoverian stallion, Bliss, went into premature labor. She was due March 23rd. The foal was born dead. She was a filly I had planned on naming Bernina, after our own Bernina here. She was dark bay with 3 white socks and a blaze.

I am just so sad. I had researched bloodlines and stallions forever, before choosing the fabulous Bliss. This foal was bred to jump and for athleticism. I am so blessed to have the best vet and trainer, who is also an equine nurse, to care for my mares as I am unable to. The stallion owner is devastated too, as she is really invested in her clients that choose her stallion for their mares and is just the nicest person.

This brings to the forefront, yet again, how precious life is on all levels: Human and animal. You can do everything right and sometimes, God has other plans.

My other broodmare, Amelia (Ceylon Star) is due to foal in late April/early May. I know she is having a colt, so hopefully she will have a healthy foal. I rescued her from the track as she developed a bone chip in her knee as a 2 yo, and could no longer race. In December, she colicked requiring 6K worth of surgery, while pregnant. I could have put her down, but took the chance on her. I just couldn't not have them try to save her, despite the fact I did not have 6K, especially before Christmas.

I am sure there is a lesson in all of this. Thank you for letting me share. I am just so deeply saddened. Xo

Oh Zuri! I am so sorry! This is heartbreaking. :hug:
OT: This is where I come to share so bear with me.

My Hanoverian broodmare, who was in foal to the Hanoverian stallion, Bliss, went into premature labor. She was due March 23rd. The foal was born dead. She was a filly I had planned on naming Bernina, after our own Bernina here. She was dark bay with 3 white socks and a blaze.

I am just so sad. I had researched bloodlines and stallions forever, before choosing the fabulous Bliss. This foal was bred to jump and for athleticism. I am so blessed to have the best vet and trainer, who is also an equine nurse, to care for my mares as I am unable to. The stallion owner is devastated too, as she is really invested in her clients that choose her stallion for their mares and is just the nicest person.

This brings to the forefront, yet again, how precious life is on all levels: Human and animal. You can do everything right and sometimes, God has other plans.

My other broodmare, Amelia (Ceylon Star) is due to foal in late April/early May. I know she is having a colt, so hopefully she will have a healthy foal. I rescued her from the track as she developed a bone chip in her knee as a 2 yo, and could no longer race. In December, she colicked requiring 6K worth of surgery, while pregnant. I could have put her down, but took the chance on her. I just couldn't not have them try to save her, despite the fact I did not have 6K, especially before Christmas.

I am sure there is a lesson in all of this. Thank you for letting me share. I am just so deeply saddened. Xo
So sorry.
I don't know how we could make it financially if we were snowbound a lot. Bless all of you!
Oh Zuri
That is so sad.
I am so sorry...
Here is another cyber hug...:heartbeat:
I have just been taking a second look at Flores' interrogation of Jodi on July 15, 2008.

1) It's astonishing how few questions Flores asks! Instead, Jodi keeps trying to head him off at the pass by anticipating what he's going to wonder about next. She burbles on and on, compulsively hiding her tracks when it isn't even obvious yet from Flores that she needs to! See, for instance, Video #2 (David Lohr), where Flores asks her what she did on her trip in June. She quickly dispenses with the Santa Cruz and LA area stuff, and then launches into a lengthy spiel about interstates and getting lost and the 40 and the 15 and a map with states on it and how many hundreds of miles she still was away from Phoenix....... None of this stuff answers any question on the table. JA just assumes Flores is going to go there, but maybe that wasn't even his plan.....
2) I've assumed all along that there was no "boyfriend/girlfriend" relationship, that most of the detail is fantasy spun from Jodi's mouth. Keeping that in mind, her obsession with Travis during that interview is startlingly obvious. She piles detail on detail (e.g. Video #1 and #2) without any prompting. Just chilling.....

I'm gonna keep watching for a bit, so I can get my jollies all over again when she's required to go to the bathroom with a deputy present. I also love when she eats the sandwich. She picks at it, gags, tosses it around and leave most of it. To think, that was her last non-jail food, and it was just all so beneath her. She'll never get to eat something that nice again, and I'm sure it was very mediocre. Bwahahaha!

Do y'all have other favorite parts?

Well, they do have what are called "food visits" in prison. This is when visitors can bring outside foods for the prisoner. Not sure if death row inmates get them, I think not, but LWOPs do. Just another thing CMJA can enjoy but TA can't....eating fave foods.
I remember that too, Curious. Not sure why that isn't being allowed here. In this phase I thought anything was open game. What's with that ?

I *think* DeMarte was a rebuttal witness? She could only testify about what the previous docs testified about. She was going into areas not opened by the Defense's case in direct

Court at 9:30 today, getting my stuff together for my adventure and just a quick check in!!!!! See you kids later!:loveyou:
Oh Zuri, I'm so sorry - another cyber hug here, and a lot of heart felt sympathy. Yes, life is precious on all levels, you are absolutely right.
Bernina, do you think it will be on youtube? They were talking a while back in the retrial thread that the cost per page will be expensive, since this has lasted as long as the original trial. I was hoping somehow it would be televised, but from what I have read it may not be available anywhere...I hope I misunderstood

It should be. Several of Juan's case are on Youtube that came straight off the court camera, NOT MSM feeds. From what BK said, the court camera is behind a wall with a glass window and only the front of the courtroom is seen, the witness, Judge, etc. Mostly a sea of the back of heads.
OT: This is where I come to share so bear with me.

My Hanoverian broodmare, who was in foal to the Hanoverian stallion, Bliss, went into premature labor. She was due March 23rd. The foal was born dead. She was a filly I had planned on naming Bernina, after our own Bernina here. She was dark bay with 3 white socks and a blaze.

I am just so sad. I had researched bloodlines and stallions forever, before choosing the fabulous Bliss. This foal was bred to jump and for athleticism. I am so blessed to have the best vet and trainer, who is also an equine nurse, to care for my mares as I am unable to. The stallion owner is devastated too, as she is really invested in her clients that choose her stallion for their mares and is just the nicest person.

This brings to the forefront, yet again, how precious life is on all levels: Human and animal. You can do everything right and sometimes, God has other plans.

My other broodmare, Amelia (Ceylon Star) is due to foal in late April/early May. I know she is having a colt, so hopefully she will have a healthy foal. I rescued her from the track as she developed a bone chip in her knee as a 2 yo, and could no longer race. In December, she colicked requiring 6K worth of surgery, while pregnant. I could have put her down, but took the chance on her. I just couldn't not have them try to save her, despite the fact I did not have 6K, especially before Christmas.

I am sure there is a lesson in all of this. Thank you for letting me share. I am just so deeply saddened. Xo

Oh no...............ZURI!!!!!!!!! :grouphug:
(((Zuri))) so very sorry :(

For those in the extreme weather 39 more days till spring :)
:grouphug: Zuri, I am so very sorry. We all were hoping for a little Bernina. I cannot imagine the costs and heartbreak of raising horses, when something goes so wrong. Thank you for sharing here, and know how deeply our hearts hurt for you.
Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 18m18 minutes ago
We have a juror coughing like crazy and she looks like hell. Hope she makes it #jodiarias

Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 17m17 minutes ago
Waiting outside #JodiArias courtroom. Judge kicked everyone out for another case. Let's hope we get another full week of testimony.
Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 2m2 minutes ago
In the courthouse so far, @TrialDiariesJ @KatieJConner @WildAboutTrial @3tvnewsdesk. Jen Willmott walked in wearing grey, suit.
Snowing really hard here and we don't have phone service.
Don't know how long my internet service will continue, so I may not be able to post tweets if Bernina is not back in time to post. :(
If I'm not on WS on/around 11:15 EST or so, here is the link I use for the Tweets- maybe someone else can post:

Jeffrey Evan Gold ‏@jeffgoldesq 57m57 minutes ago
#JodIArias trial resumes today at 9:40aAZT (11:30aET)

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1h1 hour ago
Reminder: no #aaronhernandez or #tsarnaev due to weather. Back at it Tuesday

You aren't here now! batsignal!

We didn't get the 6 to 12 inches of snow, but we sure did get sleet and it is a mix bag of sleet and snow now. No plows came up here, no sand trucks and the driveway is slick. UGH

lol, you guys should come to ATLanta where we get ridiculed for the thin layer of ice which shut down the city for 2 1/2 days last year. That said....ICE is different than snow...but YesOrNo and her 4 feet....egads! (I learned from your stories to perhaps take of storm doors in winter as they open OUT, and you cannot get OUT with 4 feet of snow lol)

OT: This is where I come to share so bear with me.

My Hanoverian broodmare, who was in foal to the Hanoverian stallion, Bliss, went into premature labor. She was due March 23rd. The foal was born dead. She was a filly I had planned on naming Bernina, after our own Bernina here. She was dark bay with 3 white socks and a blaze.

I am just so sad. I had researched bloodlines and stallions forever, before choosing the fabulous Bliss. This foal was bred to jump and for athleticism. I am so blessed to have the best vet and trainer, who is also an equine nurse, to care for my mares as I am unable to. The stallion owner is devastated too, as she is really invested in her clients that choose her stallion for their mares and is just the nicest person.

This brings to the forefront, yet again, how precious life is on all levels: Human and animal. You can do everything right and sometimes, God has other plans.

My other broodmare, Amelia (Ceylon Star) is due to foal in late April/early May. I know she is having a colt, so hopefully she will have a healthy foal. I rescued her from the track as she developed a bone chip in her knee as a 2 yo, and could no longer race. In December, she colicked requiring 6K worth of surgery, while pregnant. I could have put her down, but took the chance on her. I just couldn't not have them try to save her, despite the fact I did not have 6K, especially before Christmas.

I am sure there is a lesson in all of this. Thank you for letting me share. I am just so deeply saddened. Xo

:rose: :rose: :grouphug:

I'm here...nasty outside...not going out. I will stay home and cook. Looks like 4 inches so far.
Hi Everyone:cup:

I got up at 6 am, and have finished grocery shopping, returning items through UPS, purchased new shoes (egads! I am now a WIDE shoe... old feet spread I guess) and now waxing my car in the garage lol.

I *think* DeMarte was a rebuttal witness? She could only testify about what the previous docs testified about. She was going into areas not opened by the Defense's case in direct

Court at 9:30 today, getting my stuff together for my adventure and just a quick check in!!!!! See you kids later!:loveyou:

I thought we started at 9:45...but I'm here anyways!
Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 24s25 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Nurmi and Willmott are here, we are waiting on morning calendar to wrap up #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 24s24 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Juan is here in a light grey suit and navy blue tie #JuanTieReport #jodiarias #3tvarias
Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 44s44 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
Alexander family has a lot of people here. First row is nice and full. Jodi has her mom and a friend #jodiarias #3tvarias
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