SIDEBAR #46 - Arias/Alexander forum

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I just can't stand Annahita on Dr Drew, Wish she would go away. :(
Why do I feel so exhausted and at the same time, in shock tonight? And yet I don't want to go to bed now. :sheesh:
An hour or so after the verdict, I took a very long, hot shower in hopes to relieve my anxiety and escalated BP over the verdict, JSS handling of the case and holdout juror #17. so, In the shower, I turned to face the wall with the water beating down on me and all I could see was that photo that Jodi took of Travis in the shower with his back to her moments before she killed him.

time for me to say good night.
An hour or so after the verdict, I took a very long, hot shower in hopes to relieve my anxiety and escalated BP over the verdict, JSS handling of the case and holdout juror #17. so, In the shower, I turned to face the wall with the water beating down on me and all I could see was that photo that Jodi took of Travis in the shower with his back to her moments before she killed him.

time for me to say good night.

Good night Chelly.

Think I'll say good night also.
see everyone tomorrow, God willing.
I just read the most heartless post on the Verdict discussion thread. OMG. I wish people would reserve their judgement of the Alexander family if they have never walked in their shoes. I am so angry, I am shaking. Yes, I personalized it. I have two words to say to anyone who says "they need to move on".

Zuri, and anyone else who has has a similar experience, I am sorry for the ugliness in the world. I knew who said what without you having to tell me. I was appalled.

I will share one of my family experiences. 45 years ago I was a new Mom with a sleeping baby when I heard a horrendous crrrack. I ran into her room thinking her crib had fallen apart -- and she was soundly sleeping. Seconds later, police cars went flashing by. I poked my head out and they were at my neighbor's, who was my aunt and landlord. Imagine my horror to find my 16 yr. old cousin had shot and killed his mother as she was trimming roses in my backyard! To this day, I cannot visit the back yard of that house (where another relative now lives), and avoid the entire residence as much as possible. The blood spot in the lawn never again grew grass.....

To this day, I can see every moment of that day as if in slow motion. I replay certain visits we shared on sunny days, watching the flowers grow or the hummingbirds flitting about. I detest the few occasions I have been at the same family function and this cousin has the nerve to come, too. I will never forget, will never forgive. Yes, it has receded a morsel. The pain is not as intense. But the inner turmoil, sadness, and vision of that day will last forever and beyond.

:hugs: to all who know the deep agony of these senseless acts.



I don't care what anyone says about Sheriff Joe. He knows criminals and how they should be treated- no country club in his prison.

I love Sheriff Joe. May not "always" agree, but he knows how to treat prisoners. No coddling, for sure

I'm thinking that I don't even want to waste my BW on watching any part of the retrial except for the JM parts. I'm really tired and pretty disgusted about it all. I will probably wait a while tho' and just bookmark them to view later on.

At this point, I don't think I will watch any part of this trial or penalty phase. I feel raw and wounded, and not ready to subject myself to any more.

This is terrible! People shouldn't threaten her.

But is that really happening ? Or is this just another fictitious drama ? I just don't know what to believe anymore.
Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery held a press conference to discuss the outcome of the Jodi Arias re-sentencing trial. Prosecutor Juan Martinez speaks at 21:00.


Omg, the emotion, the sadness in his eyes is so clear to me. God Bless Juan Martinez.
Omg, the emotion, the sadness in his eyes is so clear to me. God Bless Juan Martinez.

I saw a bit with juan~~he looked good. I know he did his best but....
why are they waiting 30 days??
Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery held a press conference to discuss the outcome of the Jodi Arias re-sentencing trial. Prosecutor Juan Martinez speaks at 21:00.


I was a little disappointed in a lot of mr. Martinez's answers but I understand that it might be inappropriate for him to speak personally about the case. At least until after sentencing on April 13th. I do certainly hope that this wasn't just "another case" for him though and that he is disappointed and angry at the verdict on a personal level.
But is that really happening ? Or is this just another fictitious drama ? I just don't know what to believe anymore.

As far as I'm aware her name is being kept quiet~~its the other jurors. I wish people would just let some things go...
Zuri, and anyone else who has has a similar experience, I am sorry for the ugliness in the world. I knew who said what without you having to tell me. I was appalled.j

I will share one of my family experiences. 45 years ago I was a new Mom with a sleeping baby when I heard a horrendous crrrack. I ran into her room thinking her crib had fallen apart -- and she was soundly sleeping. Seconds later, police cars went flashing by. I poked my head out and they were at my neighbor's, who was my aunt and landlord. Imagine my horror to find my 16 yr. old cousin had shot and killed his mother as she was trimming roses in my backyard! To this day, I cannot visit the back yard of that house (where another relative now lives), and avoid the entire residence as much as possible. The blood spot in the lawn never again grew grass.....

To this day, I can see every moment of that day as if in slow motion. I replay certain visits we shared on sunny days, watching the flowers grow or the hummingbirds flitting about. I detest the few occasions I have been at the same family function and this cousin has the nerve to come, too. I will never forget, will never forgive. Yes, it has receded a morsel. The pain is not as intense. But the inner turmoil, sadness, and vision of that day will last forever and beyond.

:hugs: to all who know the deep agony of these senseless acts.

I love Sheriff Joe. May not "always" agree, but he knows how to treat prisoners. No coddling, for sure

At this point, I don't think I will watch any part of this trial or penalty phase. I feel raw and wounded, and not ready to subject myself to any more.

((((Hug)))) I'm sorry for the loss of your aunt.
Lori Drew shares characteristics with Casey Anthony, Betty Broderick, Diane Downs, Wanda Holloway, Pamela Smart, Susan Smith, Jerry Sandusky, Yoselyn Ortega, Gertrude Baniszewski, Elliot Rodger, Adam Lanza, Seung-Hui Cho, Fred Phelps, and Osama bin Laden. The first are borderline narcissistic types with the exception of Sandusky. The rest are injustice collectors/grudge holder and driven by revenge. Not surprisingly, Jodi Arias has a lot in common with them as well.

Part of me wants to say Casey Anthony or Wanda Holloway in regards to Lori Drew, but Jodi Arias is quite compelling in many ways. Even their handwriting is quite similar.

Lori Drew's Handwriting


Bottom right

Jodi Aria's Handwriting


Drew and Aria's handwriting have inconsistent pressure. This suggests they are highly volatile and prone to anger easily. They are also deeply insecure. Both have muddying in their handwriting. This suggest that they are both severely repressed. Both use a mix of print and cursive. In the first handwriting of Arias has print and cursive. I would not read much into it, but I think they have a distorted image of themselves. It is like if the same person wrote those letters.
Photo of CMJA leaving court today-

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I really don't know why they think they won anything! Arias is a convicted murderer.. she's going away for a loooong time. They won nothing!

(Im just saying that though to make myself feel better) = (

This tweet sounds so infantile ; something a 15 year old would tweet... and to think she is employed as a criminal mitigator.. Not very professional in my opinion
Asked before: is she going to be in stripes Aprial 13th?????? I'm hoping....
Who knows, Zoey. If she has her way, she won't. Rules seem to get broken for her....:stormingmad:

since she has not been officially sentenced, probably not.


I don't care what anyone says about Sheriff Joe. He knows criminals and how they should be treated- no country club in his prison.

Well, that's delicious. It also sounds as though—with all the compiling that evidently needs to get done—Jodi has a long list of infractions, and they will be thoroughly detailed. Sheriff Joe doesn't seem too happy, but is rising to the opportunity to stick it to Jodi. Haha!
Does anyone know what/when Juan's next trial is?
Joe Arpaio @RealSheriffJoe · 8m 8 minutes ago
I am denying all interviews with convicted killer #jodiarias while she remains in my custody.

The big advantage of having the sentencing hearing in mid-April and not right away is that, per Sheriff Joe, Jodi will not have any media opportunities during that time. With Joe in charge, no more special attention. By the time she gets to Perryville, her last minute of fame will be up. I hope he keeps her in solitary to get her used to the new rules.
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