SIDEBAR #5- Arias/Alexander forum

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He was chosen out of the pool correct? Because 2-3 dropped off?

Juror 18 was known as the Artist. Male who had a sort of sketchbook type binder underneath his notebook. Observed to have his hand on his chin a lot and hardly took notes.
Dear Jury,
Please don't scare the crap out of me again tomorrow and ask another question or beep some buzzer. Or come to court in flip flops so I am certain we won't have a verdict.

Come in tomorrow in your Sunday best, take a deep breath, sentence her to Death unanimously and there will be gift baskets for everyone!

StephanieHartPI . . . I love this post!!!! :floorlaugh:
snipped by me:

Jury: Your honor we have reached a verdict. The defendant is to be given the death penalty.

JA: Whaaaa? You just said yesterday you couldn't agree!

Jury: Yeah, well, you see... we REALLY meant it when we said it but we've had "a change of perspective" since then...



Brilliant .. I'd love for them to mess with her like that :)
And squared tipped. Travis' are not. Again, moo. Oh I miss Dr. Horn. :luv:

Im glad I never saw that particular photo, but from the ones you had in the minage, I agree that the fingertips with the nails look just like the other photo. The short fingertips very similar and if you notice there is a shining near the knuckle that seems unique to those hands.
That's just what I need, someone organized to guide me. I become overwhelmed very easily. I am going to put this and some other practices gleaned here from my fellow websleuths, to use.

Oh, and something else you mentioned that I really like, is that you used plurals rather than singulars when you referenced shoes and handbags. That means more than one, right? Yes, now I am tremendously relieved. :giggle:

So happy I could assist! Oh, I forgot the pile of what to sleep in - for me it's nightshirts and a thin robe. Have a great trip and get me a tee shirt!
Yeah. Jodi has to lose control one of these days. When she is on a chain-gang making her way to death row...


Brilliant .. I'd love for them to mess with her like that :)
Yeah. Jodi has to lose control one of these days. When she is on a chain-gang making her way to death row...

Well I am loving the idea of her back at the jail telling everyone the jury was hung when they weren't .. I think she'll def lose it now if they come back with recommendation DEATH which I think they will :)
Come on jurors in the case of prisoner #2013 you can do this after all she is a Kill Her: After what she did to Travis she deserves the ultimate punishment.

OMG have you seen the video of that? They had video of it for about 2 minutes, it was after JSS read to them some jury instructions she had missed earlier (NOT the heart-attack inducing time when camera were on during the jury "question" or note or whatever it was)....CMJA and the officer were laughing and carrying was mostly CMJA doing the talking, but the officer seemed to be very receptive to what she was saying and also laughing. CMJA was doing a lot of motions with her hand, and you could tell even just from the video that she was flirting with him, and he is after all human, he was falling for it.

Jodi was still on a high from "seducing and charming" all the reporters from last night . . . she thinks she's on a roll. :floorlaugh:

(if only she knew what people were saying today!)
Didn't mean to offend anyone.
It is satirical based on JA's "change of perspective" on whether she wanted the DP or not.
Obviously I don't expect (or want) the jury to actually do this) it was a joke.

My apology to you. But you'll see by some previous and subsequent posts that some believe it is, or would be, hilarious that the jury has or would eff around with the defendant for chits and giggles. In fact, I think juror 8 pretty much said that he did as much -- although maybe more directed at a witness than at the defendant.

Imo, that would be really offensive and scary behavior. Sentence her to life or death, but don't make a freaking joke out of it. jmo
Ok (((sleuthers))) don't worry, I've done enough for all of us today! :scared:


I made this today shortly after I had to give a timeout to myself... I left the office and it was a beautiful spring day... At the end of this we will still have beautiful days to appreciate!

Uh Oh look who's figured out how to add pictures...:seeya:

Sleep well!
OMG have you seen the video of that? They had video of it for about 2 minutes, it was after JSS read to them some jury instructions she had missed earlier (NOT the heart-attack inducing time when camera were on during the jury "question" or note or whatever it was)....CMJA and the officer were laughing and carrying was mostly CMJA doing the talking, but the officer seemed to be very receptive to what she was saying and also laughing. CMJA was doing a lot of motions with her hand, and you could tell even just from the video that she was flirting with him, and he is after all human, he was falling for it.

I keep trying to catch it ... I swear it seemed like she is saying .." well why doesn't the jury use aOrigami Fortune Teller like I do when I have to make big decisions .."
I think the kids call them
Cootie Catcher;,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


  • done.JPG
    3.5 KB · Views: 6
Ok (((sleuthers))) don't worry, I've done enough for all of us today! :scared:


I made this today shortly after I had to give a timeout to myself... I left the office and it was a beautiful spring day... At the end of this we will still have beautiful days to appreciate!

Uh Oh look who's figured out how to add pictures...:seeya:

Sleep well!

Ha! Look who doesn't preview... Son of a... Oh well:blushing:
If I remember now; Juror #18 is a good-looking blonde woman. :what:

I think some jurors are getting ancy.

I think Juror 18 is the bald, artsy guy.

I'm worried about the upcoming holiday far, this jury has not been rushed, but do you think they would maybe wanna just get finished before this weekend? They don't seem like they're in a big hurry though, judging from their deliberation schedule, so I'm guessing this won't be a big deal. But still I just hope they don't make a quick decision just because of that.

That's right. And guess what Ms. Jodi Ann Arias?


Well I am loving the idea of her back at the jail telling everyone the jury was hung when they weren't .. I think she'll def lose it now if they come back with recommendation DEATH which I think they will :)
The jury was sent back to deliberate after the question. They didn't come out. That's a very good sign so far. I'm just glad they didn't come back today. I hope it goes on as long as they need it to but think we might have an answer tomorrow. I sure hope so. Claifying the death penalty needs questions asked so it's good for now to me.

This jury has given up so much, been so invested in this trial for so long, remained so dedicated. They came to the right verdict. I just can't possibly imagine how they are not claiming this case as their own.

If so, then they own it, and consider it their responsibility to see it through to the very end, imo.

I just can't see how they would not find a way to come to a unanimous verdict. I can't see how they will settle for a hung jury. I just can't.

Btw, though I believe she deserves the death penalty, I will actually be surprised if the verdict is death. I will not be surprised if the verdict is LWOP. I don't know why. That's just how I've always felt.
OOh.. she oozed seductress with Troy Braden last night. I could feel it through my MacBook.

Jodi was still on a high from "seducing and charming" all the reporters from last night . . . she thinks she's on a roll. :floorlaugh:

(if only she knew what people were saying today!)
And squared tipped. Travis' are not. Again, moo. Oh I miss Dr. Horn. :luv:

Agreed! Square tipped and the bones in the fingers are "nubby" and protrude -unlike Travis' fingers. Travis' hands looked young and smooth while the ones in the "dirty" photo look much older. Look at the bones in fingers in the dirty photo and then look at the picture DB's when he was on the stand.
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