SIDEBAR #5- Arias/Alexander forum

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Dr Know , you are good. You caught that right away. Jodi said she would not hurt a spider. Norman Bates said he could not swat a fly. I have always said there is something hidden behind what she says. Example. She told Flores " why would I hurt Travis? He did not rape me." When I heard her say that, I believed she got someone (MM) to help her after the murder by pretending she was raped.
Has anyone noticed that NOT ONCE in her 18 days on the witness stand did Jodi say she had nightmares, but now, in one of her latest interviews she claims she is having nightmares about the murder. Since Steven told about HIS nightmares in his impact statement, Jodi is having them, too.

It's amazing that she has nightmares about the murder, since she was in that FOG and all.:floorlaugh:

Yep! I noticed it a few minutes after she said it. I didn't recall her EVER saying on the stand that she had nightmares. I wish to GOD it wasn't too late for Juan to play that one interview to the jury!!!!! She is still lying her arse off! And she totally lifted that idea from Stephen - almost mocking him!!!! She needs to be put to death! She's never going to stop hurting the Alexander family until she dies!:stormingmad:
As I posted on this mornings thread, PLEASE come up with a verdict before we hear Jodi's next appearance will be on "Dancing With the Stars".:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
I guess "morally" she has a chance to make a difference? Is this the issue?

To me it almost sounded like a job interview, or a speech you would give when running for class president: If you elect me as your prisoner for life I will spread my greatness to those poor women in prison. I will heal the sick, teach the ignorant, and recycle all the cans. I, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, will affect sweeping change in the prison system and fight for the rights of domestic violence victims everywhere through the power of my awesome t-shirt. Vote for Jodi!
To me it almost sounded like a job interview, or a speech you would give when running for class president: If you elect me as your prisoner for life I will spread my greatness to those poor women in prison. I will heal the sick, teach the ignorant, and recycle all the cans. I, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, will affect sweeping change in the prison system and fight for the rights of domestic violence victims everywhere through the power of my awesome t-shirt. Vote for Jodi!
I shouldn't be surprised by anything she does but that t-shirt was wrong, wrong, wrong.
What an idiot.
What about the interview with Ryan Owens: 'No-one believes a word out of your mouth, why do you keep talking?' I could watch this all day it's a 45 min interview he says at the beginning .. I hope we get to see more .. he's fun.

OK interview. (Where is Geraldo Rivera?) Not sure I liked the comment about how JA now has an mousey church/librarian look. I happen to admire librarians. Anway, the librarian comment reminded me of a scene from one of my favorite movies It's a Wonderful Life. Poor Mary..since George Bailey did not exist..Mary did not marry George and Mary never married him and ended up an old maid librarian!! The horror!

My only comment on that is Dr. Samuels saying Jodi was/is an alternate reality™, might be the case. Imagine being with her for prolonged periods?


When Jodi was talking to the female interviewer, and she said even if she gets DP, she will have all these years of appeals. Her eyes lit up and she was so cheerful about that like she pulled one over on the system.

Her logic is so misplaced, it is just incredible. Wake up Jodi. So what if you get years of appeals. It still means you are on Death Row heading for a lethal injection. Good Grief.
Okay, it's been verified LWOP is an option as well as LWP after 25 years.

I listened to the judge reading the juror 'rules' (can't remember what they are called), that didn't seem clear to me. I wonder if the jury understands, too.
When Jodi was talking to the female interviewer, and she said even if she gets DP, she will have all these years of appeals. Her eyes lit up and she was so cheerful about that like she pulled one over on the system.

Her logic is so misplaced, it is just incredible. Wake up Jodi. So what if you get years of appeals. It still means you are on Death Row heading for a lethal injection. Good Grief.

How true. There's a strong sibling and family support. They have plenty of them to go for years and years to those. I admire them.

JA and her defense did almost anything to threaten the Alexander family with appeals if she gets the DP.
To me it almost sounded like a job interview, or a speech you would give when running for class president: If you elect me as your prisoner for life I will spread my greatness to those poor women in prison. I will heal the sick, teach the ignorant, and recycle all the cans. I, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, will affect sweeping change in the prison system and fight for the rights of domestic violence victims everywhere through the power of my awesome t-shirt. Vote for Jodi!

OMG. So True. It was just like she was running for class president.

And the crazy thing to me was the way she talked down to the other prisoners, like she is better than them and they are "indigent" I have a feeling there are quite a few prisoners that took offense to those remarks, and she will be in for quite a surprise when these "indigent" prisoners decide to show her where she sits on the totem pole in their dorm.
Thanks for the great post!

BBM~ What you posted. :rocker:

I have questions regarding The Penalty Phase.

What exactly is the jury deliberating? I know that the jurors are deliberating Arias' sentence (Life / Death). However, what is there to deliberate?

The jury has found Arias Guilty of First Degree Murder.

Is the question (for the jury) now:

The State has proven at least one aggravating circumstance. Therefore, Arias Guilty of First Degree Murder combined with the proven aggravating circumstance(s) requires the jury to sentence Arias to Death.


The State has not proven at least one aggravating circumstance. Therefore, Arias Guilty of First Degree Murder requires the jury to sentence Arias to Life in Prison.


The State has proven aggravating circumstances. However, the mitigating factors of the defendant are greater than the aggravating circumstances. Therefore, the jury is required to sentence Arias to Life in Prison.

I am confused as to what the jury is deliberating. The State of Arizona is not tasking the jury to make case law. In other words - the jury is not deliberating on whether or not the Death Penalty is fair, wrong, barbaric, corrosive, ect. Currently, The Death Penalty is recognized as a viable punishment. The State of Arizona is not asking the jury to use individual ideologies, or, their feelings regarding the sentences.

The State of Arizona is asking the jury to follow instructions to determine a sentence to a defendant found Guilty of First Degree Murder.

Please correct me - however, aren't the instructions straight forward? Isn't it like following a map? For example:

***One or More Aggravating Circumstances Have Been Proven By The State. If Yes, move to Section One. If no, move to Section Two.

Section One: The Defendant Has Mitigating Factors. If Yes, move to Section Three. If No, move to Section Four.

Section Three: The Aggravating Circumstances Are Greater Than The Mitigating Factors. If Yes, move to Section Five. If No, move to Section Six.

And so on. I can understand the jury needing time to deliberate Guilty / Not Guilty. This requires going over the evidence.

The jury has rendered their verdict - now they have to follow The State of Arizona's instructions to decide sentencing.

I have read, and, heard debates regarding the Death Penalty. For example, that the jury may not sentence Arias to Death due to the fact that some jurors may feel as though the Death Penalty is wrong, one or more members of the jury may feel as though that the Death Penalty goes against their individual morals.

How is debating the Death Penalty possible during Sentencing? Again, The State of Arizona is not asking the jurors to make a decision on individual belief systems regarding the sentences. Plus, this jury is "Death Qualified," correct?

I do not know how the jury could debate if the defendant has mitigating factors - or, if the the defendant's mitigating factors are greater than the aggravating circumstances.

The jury has found the defendant Guilty of First Degree Murder - how would being able to copy pictures, donating hair to Locks of Love, creating a book club - be a mitigating factor for a defendant found Guilty of First Degree Murder?

I would not anyone I love having Arias' hair for a wig (Locks of Love). Arias, IMO, is evil. It is more than likely not rational - but having Arias' hair would make me uncomfortable. Arias being able to sell her art - show her art - IMO would continue to cause more pain. Knowing that Arias is selling / working / showing her copied pictures would be a constant reminder that Travis Alexander was slaughtered by Arias' hand, Travis Alexander's life was taken away from him, and Arias continues to pursue her happiness.

Travis Alexander being slaughtered in his own home - walking over to his bathroom mirror and seeing blood flowing out of his body as his murderer is stabbing him in his head so hard that his skull breaks - had to be so painful, scary, horrifying, agonizing. The extreme cruel nature of Travis Alexander's murder does not leave "room" for mitigating factors. Although I do not consider any of Travis Alexander's murderer's listed mitigating factors credible - the unimaginable horror of Travis Alexander's murder does not permit mitigating factors. Due to this, even if Travis Alexander's murderer did have valid mitigating factors - the cruelty of his murder would cancel out even the highest quality mitigating factors.

I do not understand what the jury is deliberating on. Again, it should not be "how do I feel as a juror sentencing Arias to death." The jurors are responsible for answering: "Are there aggravating circumstances proven by The State? Does the defendant have any mitigating factors?" Correct????

These questions seem very straight forward and easy to answer.

Even if a person is against Capital Punishment - being on a jury that is deciding sentencing is not the time to exercise individual ideologies. It is about following the instructions, and, laws that are in place. The possible sentences that are being sought in The State of Arizona vs. Arias include The Death Penalty. Currently, The Death Penalty is a punishment for a crime.

It is not about being for or against the Death Penalty. This is not an issue during the Sentencing Phase of The State of Arizona vs. Arias. Jury members should not be saying, "She is guilty and her crime is horrifying - but I cannot give her the death penalty because of how I feel." If someone in the jury is against the death penalty - then after the trial - after they are not working to render justice for The State of Arizona - they can work to end Capital Punishment.

It seems as though when following the instructions set forth by The State of Arizona - reaching a sentencing agreement would be straight forward.

It seems as though that there could not be much discussion on Arias' mitigating factors - as there are none.

I want Travis Alexander's family and friends to have a chance to have peace. It seems very clear that Travis Alexander's family want Travis Alexander's murderer to be given the Death Penalty. Considering Arias' lack of remorse - the fact that she has not taken advantage to get help over the las five years - the fact that Arias is still so cruel that she was able to hold up the "Survivor" t-shirt - shows how evil she is.

Arias is a survivor - we get it. Arias is alive, and, because of her planning & actions Travis Alexander is dead. Life in Prison will give Arias a lifetime to continue to torture Travis Alexander's family - and it is obvious that she will.

Just looking at the law - the aggravating circumstances - the mitigating factors - what is this jury deliberating on?
Considering Jodi really only had two options ahead of her once she was arrested: LWOP or DP .. becoming a celebrity murderer was probably her best bet .. like becomming a Killer Kardashian.
She believes in the cause. She advocates through others. This is how Jodi morphs herself vicariously through others.

She is the villain - Travis is the hero. End of story.

I shouldn't be surprised by anything she does but that t-shirt was wrong, wrong, wrong.
What an idiot.
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